Daurian Pika ( Ochotona dauurica) are steppe-dwelling burrowing mammals with the potential to have large effects on central Asian grasslands due to their extensive range, propensity to occur at extremely high density, and roles as ecosystem engineers and important prey species. The few studies that have been done are mostly from northern China and Russia, while little research has been done in the majority of their range in Mongolia. We studied a population of Daurian Pika in the Darhad Valley of northern Mongolia, near the southern edge of the permafrost, where climate change is progressing rapidly. We evaluated pika populations at 87 random plots across a large 40 x 125 km area and assessed the impact of factors related to vegetation cover, grazing, and soils that predicted their occupancy and an index of their density (number of active burrows). We found that pikas were more likely to occur in areas with taller grass and higher forb cover, and burrow densities were higher in areas with low or moderate grazing and lower soil moisture. In summer, pikas mainly foraged on grass compared with forbs-while in fall, forbs appeared to be selected for in haypiles. Dense pika burrow systems had taller grasses and forbs in their immediate vicinity, suggesting that in some cases, pika could help promote plant growth for other grazers. Long-tailed Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus undulatus) was the second most abundant small mammal in our study sight and selected for areas with high cover of overgrazing indicator species and for short forbs, providing little evidence for competition with Daurian Pika. Our results suggest that shorter grass (similar to 1 cm) can decrease pika occupancy by 75%, while heavy grazing may decrease burrow density by 66% in dry soils. With grazing pressure in Mongolia increasing dramatically since the 1990s, future research is strongly needed to assess the impacts of grazing on this keystone species.
2024-11-15 Web of Science1. Factors shaping arthropod and plant community structure at fine spatial scales are poorly understood. This includes microclimate, which likely plays a large role in shaping local community patterns, especially in heterogeneous landscapes characterised by high microclimatic variability in space and in time.2. We explored differences in local microclimatic conditions and regional species pools in two subarctic regions: Kilpisj & auml;rvi in north-west Finland and Varanger in north-east Norway. We then investigated the relationship between fine-scale climatic variation and local community characteristics (species richness and abundance) among plants and arthropods, differentiating the latter into two groups: flying and ground-dwelling arthropods collected by Malaise and pitfall traps, respectively. Arthropod taxa were identified through DNA metabarcoding. Finally, we examined if plant richness can be used to predict patterns in arthropod communities.3. Variation in soil temperature, moisture and snow depth proved similar between regions, despite differences in absolute elevation. For each group of organisms, we found that about half of the species were shared between Kilpisj & auml;rvi and Varanger, with a quarter unique to each region.4. Plants and arthropods responded largely to the same drivers. The richness and abun-dance of both groups decreased as elevation increased and were positively correlated with higher soil moisture and temperature values. Plant species richness was a poor predictor of local arthropod richness, in particular for ground-dwelling arthropods.5. Our results reveal how microclimatic variation within each region carves pro-nounced, yet consistent patterns in local community richness and abundance out of a joint species pool.
2023-09-01 Web of ScienceChanges in soil CO2 and N2O emissions due to climate change and nitrogen input will result in increased levels of atmospheric CO2 and N2O, thereby feeding back into Earth's climate. Understanding the responses of soil carbon and nitrogen emissions mediated by microbe from permafrost peatland to temperature rising is important for modeling the regional carbon and nitrogen balance. This study conducted a laboratory incubation experiment at 15 and 20 degrees C to observe the impact of increasing temperature on soil CO2 and N2O emissions and soil microbial abundances in permafrost peatland. An NH4NO3 solution was added to soil at a concentration of 50 mg N kg(-1) to investigate the effect of nitrogen addition. The results indicated that elevated temperature, available nitrogen, and their combined effects significantly increased CO2 and N2O emissions in permafrost peatland. However, the temperature sensitivities of soil CO2 and N2O emissions were not affected by nitrogen addition. Warming significantly increased the abundances of methanogens, methanotrophs, and nirK-type denitrifiers, and the contents of soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ammonia nitrogen, whereas nirS-type denitrifiers, beta-1,4-glucosidase (beta G), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), and acid phosphatase (AP) activities significantly decreased. Nitrogen addition significantly increased soil nirS-type denitrifiers abundances, beta-1,4-N- acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) activities, and ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen contents, but significantly reduced bacterial, methanogen abundances, CBH, and AP activities. A rising temperature and nitrogen addition had synergistic effects on soil fungal and methanotroph abundances, NAG activities, and DOC and DON contents. Soil CO2 emissions showed a significantly positive correlation with soil fungal abundances, NAG activities, and ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen contents. Soil N2O emissions showed positive correlations with soil fungal, methanotroph, and nirK-type denitrifiers abundances, and DOC, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate contents. These results demonstrate the importance of soil microbes, labile carbon, and nitrogen for regulating soil carbon and nitrogen emissions. The results of this study can assist simulating the effects of global climate change on carbon and nitrogen cycling in permafrost peatlands.
2022-12-13 Web of ScienceSubstantial amounts of topsoil organic matter (OM) in Arctic Cryosols have been translocated by the process of cryoturbation into deeper soil horizons (cryoOM), reducing its decomposition. Recent Arctic warming deepens the Cryosols' active layer, making more topsoil and cryoOM carbon accessible for microbial transformation. To quantify bacteria, archaea and selected microbial groups (methanogens - mcrA gene and diazotrophs - nifH gene) and to investigate bacterial and archaeal diversity, we collected 83 soil samples from four different soil horizons of three distinct tundra types located in Qikiqtaruk (Hershel Island, Western Canada). In general, the abundance of bacteria and diazotrophs decreased from topsoil to permafrost, but not for cryoOM. No such difference was observed for archaea and methanogens. CryoOM was enriched with oligotrophic (slow-growing microorganism) taxa capable of recalcitrant OM degradation. We found distinct microbial patterns in each tundra type: topsoil from wet-polygonal tundra had the lowest abundance of bacteria and diazotrophs, but the highest abundance of methanogens. Wet-polygonal tundra, therefore, represented a hotspot for methanogenesis. Oligotrophic and copiotrophic (fast-growing microorganism) genera of methanogens and diazotrophs were distinctly distributed in topsoil and cryoOM, resulting in different rates of nitrogen flux into these horizons affecting OM vulnerability and potential CO2 and CH4 release.
2021-03-01 Web of ScienceBackground: Permafrost degradation may develop thermokarst landforms, which substantially change physicochemical characteristics in the soil as well as the soil carbon stock. However, little is known about changes of bacterial community among the microfeatures within thermokarst area. Results: We investigated bacterial communities using the Illumina sequencing method and examined their relationships with soil parameters in a thermokarst feature on the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We categorized the ground surface into three different micro-relief patches based on the type and extent of permafrost collapse (control, collapsing and subsided areas). Permafrost collapse significantly decreased the soil carbon density and moisture content in the upper 10 cm samples in the collapsing areas. The highest loading factors for the first principal component (PC) extracted from the soil parameters were soil carbon and nitrogen contents, while soil moisture content and C:N ratios were the highest loading factors for the second PC. The relative abundance of Acidobacteria decreased with depth. Bacterial diversity in subsided areas was higher than that in control areas. Conclusions: Bacterial community structure was significantly affected by pH and depth. The relative abundance of Gemmatimonadetes and Firmicutes were significantly correlated with the first and second PCs extracted from multiple soil parameters, suggesting these phyla could be used as indicators for the soil parameters in the thermokarst terrain.
2018-08-22 Web of SciencePerennially frozen soil in high latitude ecosystems (permafrost) currently stores 1330-1580 Pg of carbon (C). As these ecosystems warm, the thaw and decomposition of permafrost is expected to release large amounts of C to the atmosphere. Fortunately, losses from the permafrost C pool will be partially offset by increased plant productivity. The degree to which plants are able to sequester C, however, will be determined by changing nitrogen (N) availability in these thawing soil profiles. N availability currently limits plant productivity in tundra ecosystems but plant access to N is expected improve as decomposition increases in speed and extends to deeper soil horizons. To evaluate the relationship between permafrost thaw and N availability, we monitored N cycling during 5years of experimentally induced permafrost thaw at the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) project. Inorganic N availability increased significantly in response to deeper thaw and greater soil moisture induced by Soil warming. This treatment also prompted a 23% increase in aboveground biomass and a 49% increase in foliar N pools. The sedge Eriophorum vaginatum responded most strongly to warming: this species explained 91% of the change in aboveground biomass during the 5year period. Air warming had little impact when applied alone, but when applied in combination with Soil warming, growing season soil inorganic N availability was significantly reduced. These results demonstrate that there is a strong positive relationship between the depth of permafrost thaw and N availability in tundra ecosystems but that this relationship can be diminished by interactions between increased thaw, warmer air temperatures, and higher levels of soil moisture. Within 5years of permafrost thaw, plants actively incorporate newly available N into biomass but C storage in live vascular plant biomass is unlikely to be greater than losses from deep soil C pools.
2016-05-01 Web of ScienceEcosystem responses to current global climate change can be predicted through experimental climate simulations. One such simulation method is the open-top chamber (OTC). The effects of OTCs on environmental factors are potentially complex, and recognizing the numerous interactions among these factors is crucial for the proper use of chambers. We studied the effects of OTCs on microclimatic factors including ambient temperature, relative humidity, soil temperature, and soil moisture. Plant abundance responses were also assessed. Our study involved the construction of 20 OTCs (1 m in diameter and 0.75 m in height; made of clear acrylic plastic) and 20 control plots on substrates with and without Sphagnum moss, at post-fire and logging sites of the transitional mixedwood-boreal forest in the southern part of James Bay region, Quebec. Experimental trials were also conducted to test the effects of OTCs on snowmelt in the Montreal region. Our results suggest that OTC treatment is most evident in terms of increased daytime maximum temperatures (2A degrees C to 3A degrees C), and cooler (up to similar to 2.4A degrees C), drier (up to 10% volumetric moisture content) soils. Advanced thawing of the insulating snow cover and exposure of soil in the OTCs to low spring temperatures appeared to prolong soil freeze and result in cooler soils. Earlier snowmelt probably also led to earlier onset and overall increased evaporation of meltwater in the OTCs, leading to drier soils. Plant abundance responses to OTC treatment differed depending on plant species. Overall, open-top chambers provide an effective and simple method of climate change simulation, but it is highly advisable that the complex interactive effects, both desired and undesired, are well understood and appreciated before using OTCs for experimental climate simulation.
2010-08-01 Web of ScienceAerated forest soils are a significant sink for atmospheric methane (CH4). Soil properties, local climate and tree species can affect the soil CH4 sink. A two-year field study was conducted in a deciduous mixed forest in the Hainich National Park in Germany to quantify the sink strength of this forest for atmospheric CH4 and to determine the key factors that control the seasonal, annual and spatial variability of CH4 uptake by soils in this forest. Net exchange of CH4 was measured using closed chambers on 18 plots in three stands exhibiting different beech (Fagus sylvatica L) abundance and which differed in soil acidity, soil texture, and organic layer thickness. The annual CH4 uptake ranged from 2.0 to 3.4 kg CH4-C ha(-1). The variation of CH4 uptake over time could be explained to a large extent (R-2 = 0.71, P < 0.001) by changes in soil moisture in the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil. Differences of the annual CH4 uptake between sites were primarily caused by the spatial variability of the soil clay content at a depth of 0-5 cm (R-2 = 0.5, P < 0.01). The CH4 uptake during the main growing period (May-September) increased considerably with decreasing precipitation rate. Low CH4 uptake activity during winter was further reduced by periods with soil frost and snow cover. There was no evidence of a significant effect of soil acidity, soil nutrient availability, thickness of the humus layer or abundance of beech on net-CH4 uptake in soils in this deciduous forest. The results show that detailed information on the spatial distribution of the clay content in the upper mineral soil is necessary for a reliable larger scale estimate of the CH4 sink strength in this mixed deciduous forest. The results suggest that climate change will result in increasing CH4 uptake rates in this region because of the trend to drier summers and warmer winters. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2009-08-01 Web of Science