Seasonal distinctiveness in the microphysical and optical properties of columnar and near-surface (in the well mixed region) aerosols, associated with changes in the prevailing synoptic conditions, were delineated based on extensive (spread over 4 years) and collocated measurements at the tropical coastal location, Trivandrum (8.55 degrees N; 76.97 degrees E, 3 m a.m.s.l.), and the results were summarized in Part 1 of this two-part paper. In Part 2, we use these properties to develop empirical seasonal aerosol models, which represent the observed features fairly accurately, separately for winter monsoon season (WMS, December through March), inter-monsoon season (IMS, April and May), summer monsoon season (SMS, June through September) and post monsoon season (PMS, October and November). The models indicate a significant transformation in the aerosol environment from an anthropogenic-dominance in WMS to a natural-dominance in SMS. The modeled aerosol properties are used for estimating the direct, short wave aerosol radiative forcing, under clear-sky conditions. Our estimates show large seasonal changes. Under clear sky conditions, the daily averaged short-wave TOA forcing changes from its highest values during WMS, to the lowest values in SMS; this seasonal change being brought-in mainly by the reduction in the abundance and the mass fraction (to the composite) of black carbon aerosols and of accumulation mode aerosols. The resulting atmospheric forcing varies from the highest, (47 to 53 W m(-2)) in WMS to the lowest (22 to 26 W m(-2)) in SMS.
2007-01-01 Web of ScienceIn Part 1 of this two-part paper, we present the results of extensive and collocated measurements of the columnar and near-surface (in the well mixed region) properties of atmospheric aerosol particles at a tropical coastal location, Trivandrum (8.55 degrees N; 76.97 degrees E), located close to the southwest tip of Indian peninsula. These are used to evolve average, climatological pictures of the optical and microphysical properties and to delineate the distinct changes associated with the contrasting monsoon seasons as well as the transition from one season to the other. Our observations show a dramatic change in the columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD) spectra, being steep during winter monsoon season (WMS, months of December through March) and becoming quite flat during summer monsoon season (SMS, June through September). The derived angstrom angstrom exponent (alpha) decreases from a mean value of 1.1 +/- 0.03 in WMS to 0.32 +/- 0.02 in SMS, signifying a change in columnar aerosol size spectrum from an accumulation mode dominance in WMS to a coarse mode dominance in SMS. The composite aerosols near the surface follow suit with the share of the accumulation mode to the total mass concentration decreasing from similar to 70% to 34% from WMS to SMS. The overall mass burden also decreases in tandem. The changes in alpha are well correlated to those in the accumulation fraction of the mass concentration. Long-term measurements of the concentration of aerosol black carbon (BC), show prominent annual variations, with its mean value decreasing from as high as 6 mu gm(-3) in WMS to 2 mu gm(-3) in SMS. Correspondingly, its mass mixing ratio to the composite aerosols comes down from 11% to 4%. The changes in AOD and alpha are significantly positively correlated to those of BC concentration. The columnar properties are, in general well associated with the features near the surface. The implications of these changes to the optical properties and single scattering albedo and the resulting impact on direct radiative forcing are examined in the companion paper (Part 2).
2007-01-01 Web of Science