The greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of boreal peatlands in permafrost regions will be affected by climate change through disturbances such as permafrost thaw and wildfire. Although the future GHG balance of boreal peatlands including ponds is dominated by the exchange of both carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), disturbance impacts on fluxes of the potent GHG nitrous oxide (N2O) could contribute to shifts in the net radiative balance. Here, we measured monthly (April to October) fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from three sites located across the sporadic and discontinuous permafrost zones of western Canada. Undisturbed permafrost peat plateaus acted as N2O sinks (-0.025 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1)), but N2O uptake was lower from burned plateaus (-0.003 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1)) and higher following permafrost thaw in the thermokarst bogs (-0.054 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1)). The thermokarst bogs had below-ambient N2O soil gas concentrations, suggesting that denitrification consumed atmospheric N2O during reduction to dinitrogen. Atmospheric uptake of N2O in peat plateaus and thermokarst bogs increased with soil temperature and soil moisture, suggesting sensitivity of N2O consumption to further climate change. Four of five peatland ponds acted as N2O sinks (-0.018 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1)), with no influence of thermokarst expansion. One pond with high nitrate concentrations had high N2O emissions (0.30 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1)). Overall, our study suggests that the future net radiative balance of boreal peatlands will be dominated by impacts of wildfire and permafrost thaw on CH4 and CO2 fluxes, while the influence from N2O is minor.
Changes in soil CO2 and N2O emissions due to climate change and nitrogen input will result in increased levels of atmospheric CO2 and N2O, thereby feeding back into Earth's climate. Understanding the responses of soil carbon and nitrogen emissions mediated by microbe from permafrost peatland to temperature rising is important for modeling the regional carbon and nitrogen balance. This study conducted a laboratory incubation experiment at 15 and 20 degrees C to observe the impact of increasing temperature on soil CO2 and N2O emissions and soil microbial abundances in permafrost peatland. An NH4NO3 solution was added to soil at a concentration of 50 mg N kg(-1) to investigate the effect of nitrogen addition. The results indicated that elevated temperature, available nitrogen, and their combined effects significantly increased CO2 and N2O emissions in permafrost peatland. However, the temperature sensitivities of soil CO2 and N2O emissions were not affected by nitrogen addition. Warming significantly increased the abundances of methanogens, methanotrophs, and nirK-type denitrifiers, and the contents of soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ammonia nitrogen, whereas nirS-type denitrifiers, beta-1,4-glucosidase (beta G), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), and acid phosphatase (AP) activities significantly decreased. Nitrogen addition significantly increased soil nirS-type denitrifiers abundances, beta-1,4-N- acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) activities, and ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen contents, but significantly reduced bacterial, methanogen abundances, CBH, and AP activities. A rising temperature and nitrogen addition had synergistic effects on soil fungal and methanotroph abundances, NAG activities, and DOC and DON contents. Soil CO2 emissions showed a significantly positive correlation with soil fungal abundances, NAG activities, and ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen contents. Soil N2O emissions showed positive correlations with soil fungal, methanotroph, and nirK-type denitrifiers abundances, and DOC, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate contents. These results demonstrate the importance of soil microbes, labile carbon, and nitrogen for regulating soil carbon and nitrogen emissions. The results of this study can assist simulating the effects of global climate change on carbon and nitrogen cycling in permafrost peatlands.
Northern peatlands sequester carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) over millennia, at variable rates that depend on climate, environmental variables and anthropogenic activity. The ombrotrophic peatlands of central and northern Alberta (Canada) have developed under variable climate conditions during the last hundreds to thousands of years, while in the course of the twentieth century, some regions were also likely subjected to anthropogenic disturbance. We aimed to quantify peat C and N accumulation rates for the last millennium from seven peatlands to estimate the relative influence of climate and anthropogenic disturbance on C accumulation dynamics. Peatlands have accumulated C at an average rate of 25.3 g C m(-2) year(-1) over the last millennium. Overall, climate was likely a major factor as, on average, highest apparent rates of C accumulation were found around 1100 CE, during the warmer Medieval Climate Anomaly, with lowest rates during the Little Ice Age, around 1750 CE. Local factors, such as disturbance, played a role in C sequestration at the site scale. The average N accumulation rate was 0.55 g N m(-2) year(-1), with high inter- and intra-site variability. In general, N accumulation mirrored patterns in C sequestration for peat deposited pre-1850 CE. However, higher N accumulation rates observed after 1850 CE, averaging 0.94 g N m(-2) year(-1), were not correlated with C accumulation. Moreover, some of the historically strongly accumulating sites may have become less efficient in sequestering C, and vice versa. All seven sites showed a marked decrease in delta N-15 when comparing pre- and post-1850 timeframes, consistent with increasing post-1850 N additions from an atmospheric source, likely biological N fixation. Overall, N was not a driving factor for C accumulation.