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Alpine vegetation, cold deserts, and glacial landscapes significantly impact runoff generation and convergence in cold and alpine regions. The presence of existing mountain permafrost complicates these impacts further. To better understand the specific regulation of runoff by alpine landscapes, we analyzed the spatiotemporal capacity for runoff generation and the contributions of water from different landscape types within a typical alpine permafrost watershed: the upper reaches of the Shule River (USR) basin in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The analysis was informed by both field observations and simulations using the VIC model, which incorporated a new glacier module. We identified that glaciers, alpine meadows, cold deserts, and barren landscape zones as the four major runoff generation regions, collectively accounting for approximately 95 % of the USR runoff. The runoff depth in each landscape zone was calculated to express its runoff generation capacity, with an order of: glacier > cold desert > barren > alpine grassland > alpine meadow > shrub > swamp meadow. The alpine regions above 4000 m in altitude are the primary runoff generation areas, and the runoff generation capacity gradually decreases from high to low altitudes in the alpine basin. Due to seasonal variations in rainfall distribution, glacier melting, and permafrost thawing-freezing, the dominant landscape types contributing to runoff varied monthly. The simulated results indicate that permafrost plays an important role in runoff generation. Although permafrost degradation had a slight impact on the annual total runoff generated from each landscape zone (not taking into account of ground ice), seasonal runoff generated in each landscape exhibited significant changes in response to permafrost thawing. After permafrost completely thawed in each landscape zone, generated flood flow decreased, while low flow conversely increased, implying an enhanced water retention capacity of alpine landscapes following permafrost degradation. Additionally, the responses of runoff to permafrost changes varied across different alpine landscapes. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying runoff generation and convergence in cold and alpine watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere.

期刊论文 2025-02-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108643 ISSN: 0341-8162

Increasing greenhouse gas levels drive extensive changes in Arctic and cold-dominated environments, leading to a warmer, more humid, and variable climate. Associated permafrost thaw creates new groundwater flow paths in cold regions that are causing unprecedented environmental changes. This review of recent advances in groundwater research in cold environments has revealed that a new paradigm is emerging where groundwater is at the center of these changes. Groundwater flow and associated heat and solute transport are now used as a basis to understand hydrological changes, permafrost dynamics, water quality, integrity of infrastructure along with ecological impacts. Although major advances have been achieved in cold regions' cryohydrogeological research, the remaining knowledge gaps are numerous. For example, groundwater as a drinking water source is poorly documented despite its social importance. Lateral transport processes for carbon and contaminants are still inadequately understood. Numerical models are improving, but the highly complex physical-ecological changes occurring in the arctic involve coupled thermal, hydrological, hydrogeological, mechanical, and geochemical processes that are difficult to represent and hamper quantitative analysis and limit predictive capacity. Systematic long-term observatories where measurements involving groundwater are considered central are needed to help resolve these research gaps. Innovative transdisciplinary research will be critical to comprehend and predict these complex transformations.

期刊论文 2025-01-01 DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2255 ISSN: 1045-6740

There is 78 % permafrost and seasonal frozen soil in the Yangtze River's Source Region (SRYR), which is situated in the middle of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Three distinct scenarios were developed in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model the effects of land cover change (LCC) on various water balance components. Discharge and percolation of groundwater have decreased by mid-December. This demonstrates the seasonal contributions of subsurface water, which diminish when soil freezes. During winter, when surface water inputs are low, groundwater storage becomes even more critical to ensure water supply due to this periodic trend. An impermeable layer underneath the active layer thickness decreases GWQ and PERC in LCC + permafrost scenario. The water transport and storage phase reached a critical point in August when precipitation, permafrost thawing, and snowmelt caused LATQ to surge. To prevent waterlogging and save water for dry periods, it is necessary to control this peak flow phase. Hydrological processes, permafrost dynamics, and land cover changes in the SRYR are difficult, according to the data. These interactions enhance water circulation throughout the year, recharge of groundwater supplies, surface runoff, and lateral flow. For the region's water resource management to be effective in sustaining ecohydrology, ensuring appropriate water storage, and alleviating freshwater scarcity, these dynamics must be considered.

期刊论文 2024-12-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.geosus.2024.06.004 ISSN: 2096-7438

Accurately quantifying the impact of permafrost degradation and soil freeze-thaw cycles on hydrological processes while minimizing the reliance on observational data are challenging issues in hydrological modeling in cold regions. In this study, we developed a modular distributed hydro-thermal coupled hydrological model for cold regions (DHTC) that features a flexible structure. The DHTC model couples heat-water transport processes by employing the conduction-advection heat transport equation and Richard equation considering ice-water phase change. Additionally, the DHTC model integrates the influence of organic matter into the hydrothermal parameterization scheme and includes a subpermafrost module based on the flow duration curve analysis to estimate cold-season streamflow sustained by subpermafrost groundwater. Moreover, we incorporated energy consumption due to ice phase changes to the available energy, enhancing the accuracy of evaporation estimation in cold regions. A comprehensive evaluation of the DHTC model was conducted. At the point scale, the DHTC model accurately replicates daily soil temperature and moisture dynamics at various depths, achieving average R-2 of 0.98 and 0.87, and average RMSE of 0.61degree celsius and 0.03 m(3)m(-3), respectively. At the basin scale, DHTC outperformed (Daily: R-2 = 0.66, RMSE = 0.75 mm; Monthly: R-2 = 0.90, RMSE = 15.7 mm) the GLDAS/FLDAS Noah, GLDAS/VIC, and PML-V2 models in evapotranspiration simulation. The DHTC model also demonstrated reasonable performance in simulating daily (NSE = 0.70, KGE = 0.84), monthly (NSE = 0.86, KGE = 0.90), and multi-year monthly (NSE = 0.97, KGE = 0.93) streamflow in the Source Regions of Yangtze River. DHTC also successfully reproduced the snow depth in basin-averaged time series and spatial distributions (RMSE = 0.86 cm). The DHTC model provides a robust tool for exploring the interactions between permafrost and hydrological processes, and their responses to climate change.

期刊论文 2024-11-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132099 ISSN: 0022-1694

Deformation and failure of the talus slope in the cold region significantly threaten engineered structures. Its driving mechanism of the deformation process is the most challenging issue. In this study, we try to explore these issues using tree ring characteristics. Fifty samples from 21 trees of Pinus densiflora growing on the talus slope in the Huanren area of Northeast China are tested to investigate the characteristics of tree rings and their relation to climate change. The deformation and its driving mechanism of this talus slope are then studied by combining the analysis of tree-ring width and mutation identification with the local meteorological data. The results present that the studied talus slope in Huanren has deformed to varying degrees at least 60 times since 1900. It is reasonable to speculate that the deformation mode of this slope is probably of a long-term and slow type. The local precipitation and seasonal temperature difference are the vital inducing factors of the mutation of tree-ring width and slope deformation. Repeated freezing and thawing are believed to be the driving factors of this talus slope in the cold region. A theoretical model is proposed to capture and predict the deformation of the talus slope. This work presents a new perspective and insight to reveal the deformation and its driving mechanism of similar talus slopes in the cold region. It is of great significance to practical engineering treatment and disaster prevention for this kind of cold region environment.

期刊论文 2024-07-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10346-024-02240-w ISSN: 1612-510X

Climate warming is causing significant changes in the Arctic, leading to increased temperatures and permafrost instability. The active layer has been shown to be affected by climate change, where warmer ground surface temperatures result in progressive permafrost thaw and a deepening active layer. This study assessed the effects of thermal modeling parameters on permafrost ground response to climate warming using the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and TEMP/W software. We analyzed how variations in depth, water content, and soil type affect predictions of future active layer depths and settlement under various climate scenarios using the soil characteristics along Hudson Bay Railway corridor. The results indicate that, for finegrained soils, the depth of the model is a more significant parameter than for coarse-grained soils. The water content of all soil types is a critical factor in determining the time at which permafrost thaws and the depth at which the active layer is located, as higher water content leads to larger active layer changes and more settlement in most cases. Our findings have important implications for infrastructure and land use management in the Arctic region.

期刊论文 2024-05-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2024.104155 ISSN: 0165-232X

Pigments are an essential part of everyday life on Earth with rapidly growing industrial and biomedical applications. Synthetic pigments account for a major portion of these pigments that in turn have deleterious effects on public health and environment. Such drawbacks of synthetic pigments have shifted the trend to use natural pigments that are considered as the best alternative to synthetic pigments due to their significant properties. Natural pigments from microorganisms are of great interest due to their broader applications in the pharmaceutical, food, and textile industry with increasing demand among the consumers opting for natural pigments. To fulfill the market demand of natural pigments new sources should be explored. Cold-adapted bacteria and fungi in the cryosphere produce a variety of pigments as a protective strategy against ecological stresses such as low temperature, oxidative stresses, and ultraviolet radiation making them a potential source for natural pigment production. This review highlights the protective strategies and pigment production by cold-adapted bacteria and fungi, their industrial and biomedical applications, condition optimization for maximum pigment extraction as well as the challenges facing in the exploitation of cryospheric microorganisms for pigment extraction that hopefully will provide valuable information, direction, and progress in forthcoming studies.

期刊论文 2024-04-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00792-020-01180-2 ISSN: 1431-0651

Humidity is a basic and crucial meteorological indicator commonly measured in several forms, including specific humidity, relative humidity, and absolute humidity. These different forms can be inter-derived based on the saturation vapor pressure (SVP). In past decades, dozens of formulae have been developed to calculate the SVP with respect to, and in equilibrium with, liquid water and solid ice surfaces, but many prior studies use a single function for all temperature ranges, without considering the distinction between over the liquid water and ice surfaces. These different approaches can result in humidity estimates that may impact our understanding of surface-subsurface thermal-hydrological dynamics in cold regions. In this study, we compared the relative humidity (RH) downloaded and calculated from four data sources in Alaska based on five commonly used SVP formulas. These RHs, along with other meteorological indicators, were then used to drive physics-rich land surface models at a permafrost-affected site. We found that higher values of RH (up to 40 %) were obtained if the SVP was calculated with the over-ice formulation when air temperatures were below freezing, which could lead to a 30 % maximum difference in snow depths. The choice of whether to separately calculate the SVP over an ice surface in winter also produced a significant range (up to 0.2 m) in simulated annual maximum thaw depths. The sensitivity of seasonal thaw depth to the formulation of SVP increases with the rainfall rate and the height of above-ground ponded water, while it diminishes with warmer air temperatures. These results show that RH variations based on the calculation of SVP with or without over-ice calculation meaningfully impact physicallybased predictions of snow depth, sublimation, soil temperature, and active layer thickness. Under particular conditions, when severe flooding (inundation) and cool air temperatures are present, care should be taken to evaluate how humidity data is estimated for land surface and earth system modeling

期刊论文 2024-02-20 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168697 ISSN: 0048-9697

China's Northwest Arid Region (NAR), with dry and cold climate conditions and glaciers widely developed in the high mountains, provides vital water resources for Asia. The consecutive cold, warm, dry and wet days have much higher impacts on the water cycle process in this region than extreme temperature and precipitation events with short durations but high intensities. Parametric and nonparametric trend analysis methods widely used in climatology and hydrology are employed to identify the temporal and spatial features of the changes in the consecutive cold, warm, dry and wet days in the NAR based on China's 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees meteorological grid datasets of daily temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 2018. This study found that (1) the consecutive cold days (Cold Spell Duration Indicator, CSDI), and the consecutive dry days (CDD) decreased, while the consecutive warm days (Warm Spell Duration Indicator, WSDI), and the consecutive wet days (CWD) increased from 1961 to 2018, (2) and the eastern Kunlun Mountains were the hot spots where all of these consecutive climate indices changed significantly, (3) and the changes in these consecutive climate indices were highly correlated with the rise in the Global Mean Land/Ocean Temperature Index. The results indicated that winters tended to warmer and dryer and summer became hotter and wetter during 1961-2018 in the NAR under the global warming, which can lead to the sustained glacier retreat and the increase in summer runoff in this region, and the eastern Kunlun Mountains are the area where could face high risks of water scarcity and floods if the changes in these climate indices continue in the future. Given the vulnerability of the socio-economic systems in the NAR to a water shortage and floods, it is most crucial to improve the strategies of water resources management, disaster prevention and risk management for this region under climate change.

期刊论文 2023-11-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rcar.2023.02.004 ISSN: 2097-1583

Global warming effects in temperate and polar regions include higher average temperatures and a decrease in snow cover, which together lead to an increase in the number of freeze-thaw cycles (FTC). These changes could affect the fitness of both terrestrial and aquatic species. In this study, we tested how tardigrades, ubiquitous microscopic invertebrates, face FTC. Tardigrades are amongst the most resistant animals to unfavorable conditions, including long and deep freezing periods, and are an emerging model group for invertebrate ecology and evolution. We used 12 populations of tardigrades, representing different families within order Parachela, inhabiting different ecosystems (glaciers, snow, terrestrial, aquatic), found in various substrates (mosses, sediments in lakes, cryoconite on glaciers, and snow), and originating from different latitudes and altitudes. We estimated the number of cycles required to kill 50% of individuals and tested for its association with ecological characteristics of the natural habitat (e.g., number of months with predicted FTC), while accounting for phylogeny. The most resistant tardigrades to FTC were the ones from mountain areas and glaciers. The estimated number of cycles required to kill 50% of individuals was the highest for mountainous species inhabiting rock pools and cryoconite holes on glaciers (30 and 14 FTC, respectively). Tardigrades from lowlands were the most sensitive to changes, with 50% of individuals dying after three FTC, while lacustrine and subtropical tardigrades required only one FTC to reach 50% mortality. Our study shows that the response to recurrent freezing stress is taxon dependent and related to the local environmental conditions. The predicted increase of FTC cycles will negatively impact tardigrade populations. Considering the abundance and various trophic roles of tardigrades, reduction in population sizes or the disappearance of some fragile species could affect the functioning of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Tardigrades are candidate indicators of how freeze-thaw cycles impact ubiquitous microscopic metazoans with similar physiological capabilities.

期刊论文 2023-10-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110460 ISSN: 1470-160X
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