Boreal peatlands are critical ecosystems globally because they house 30%-40% of terrestrial carbon (C), much of which is stored in permafrost soil vulnerable to climate warming-induced thaw. Permafrost thaw leads to thickening of the active (seasonally thawed) layer and alters nutrient and light availability. These physical changes may influence community-level plant functional traits through intraspecific trait variation and/or species turnover. As permafrost thaw is expected to cause an efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from the soil to the atmosphere, it is important to understand thaw-induced changes in plant community productivity to evaluate whether these changes may offset some of the anticipated increases in C emissions. To this end, we collected vascular plant community composition and foliar functional trait data along gradients in aboveground tree biomass and active layer thickness (ALT) in a rapidly thawing boreal peatland, with the expectation that changes in above- and belowground conditions are indicative of altered resource availability. We aimed to determine whether community-level traits vary across these gradients, and whether these changes are dominated by intraspecific trait variation, species turnover, or both. Our results highlight that variability in community-level traits was largely attributable to species turnover and that both community composition and traits were predominantly driven by ALT. Specifically, thicker active layers associated with permafrost-free peatlands (i.e., bogs and fens) shifted community composition from slower-growing evergreen shrubs to faster-growing graminoids and forbs with a corresponding shift toward more productive trait values. The results from this rapidly thawing peatland suggest that continued warming-induced permafrost thaw and thermokarst development alter plant community composition and community-level traits and thus ecosystem productivity. Increased productivity may help to mitigate anticipated CO2 efflux from thawing permafrost, at least in the short term, though this response may be swamped by increase CH4 release.
Palsa peatlands, permafrost-affected peatlands characteristic of the outer margin of the discontinuous permafrost zone, form unique ecosystems in northern-boreal and arctic regions, but are now degrading throughout their distributional range due to climate warming. Permafrost thaw and the degradation of palsa mounds are likely to affect the biogeochemical stability of soil organic matter (that is, SOM resistance to microbial decomposition), which may change the net C source/sink character of palsa peatland ecosystems. In this study, we have assessed both biological and chemical proxies for SOM stability, and we have investigated SOM bulk chemistry with mid-infrared spectroscopy, in surface peat of three distinct peatland features in a palsa peatland in northern Norway. Our results show that the stability of SOM in surface peat as determined by both biological and chemical proxies is consistently higher in the permafrost-associated palsa mounds than in the surrounding internal lawns and bog hummocks. Our results also suggest that differences in SOM bulk chemistry is a main factor explaining the present SOM stability in surface peat of palsa peatlands, with selective preservation of recalcitrant and highly oxidized SOM components in the active layer of palsa mounds during intense aerobic decomposition over time, whereas SOM in the wetter areas of the peatland remains stabilized mainly by anaerobic conditions. The continued degradation of palsa mounds and the expansion of wetter peat areas are likely to modify the bulk SOM chemistry of palsa peatlands, but the effect on the future net C source/sink character of palsa peatlands will largely depend on moisture conditions and oxygen availability in peat.