Long-term, high-resolution soil moisture (SM) is a vital variable for understanding the water-energy cycle and the impacts of climate change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). However, most existing satellite SM data are only available at coarse scale (+/- 25 km) and suffer a lot from data gaps due to satellite orbit coverage and snow cover, especially on the QTP. Although substantial efforts have been devoted to downscale SM utilizing multiple soil moisture indices (SMIs) or diverse machine learning (ML) methods, the potentials of different SMIs and ML approaches in SM downscaling on the complex plateau remain unclear, and there is still a necessity to obtain an accurate, long-term, high-resolution and seamless SM data over the QTP. To address this issue, this study generated the long-term, high-accuracy and seamless soil moisture dataset (LHS-SM) over the QTP during 2001-2020 using a two-step downscaling method (first downscaling then merging). Firstly, the daily SM data from the Climate Change Initiative program of the European Space Agency (ESA CCI) was downscaled to 1 km utilizing five ML approaches. Then, a dynamic data merging method that considers spatiotemporal nonstationary error was applied to derive the final LHS-SM data. The performance of fifteen SMIs was also assessed and the optimal indexes for downscaling were identified. Results indicated that the shortwave infrared band-based indices had better performance than the near infrared band-based and energy-based indices. The generated LHS-SM data exhibited satisfying accuracy (mean R = 0.52, ubRMSE = 0.047 m(3)/m(3)) and certain improvement to the ESA CCI SM data both at station and network scales. Compared with existing 1 km SM datasets, the LHS-SM data also showed the best performance (mean R = 0.62, ubRMSE = 0.047 m(3)/m(3)), while existing datasets either failed to fully characterize the spatial details or had some data gaps and unreasonable distributions. Strong spatial heterogeneity was observed in the SM dynamics during 2001-2020 with the southwest and northeast showing a dry gets wetter scheme and the southeast presenting a wet gets drier trend. Overall, the LHS-SM dataset gained its added values by compensating the drawbacks of existing 1 km SM products over the QTP and was much valuable for many regional applications.
2024-12-31 Web of ScienceThe high-resolution permafrost distribution maps have a closer relationship with engineering applications in cold regions because they are more relative to the real situation compared with the traditional permafrost zoning mapping. A particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to obtain the index eta with 30 m resolution and to characterize the distribution probability of permafrost at the field scale. The index consists of five environmental variables: slope position, slope, deviation from mean elevation, topographic diversity, and soil bulk density. The downscaling process of the surface frost number from a resolution of 1000 m to 30 m is achieved by using the spatial weight decomposition method and index eta. We established the regression statistical relationship between the surface frost number after downscaling and the temperature at the freezing layer that is below the permafrost active layer base. We simulated permafrost temperature distribution maps with 30 m resolution in the four periods of 2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2017, and 2018-2021, and the permafrost area is, respectively, 28.35 x 10(4) km(2), 35.14 x 10(4) km(2), 28.96 x 10(4) km(2), and 25.21 x 10(4) km(2). The proportion of extremely stable permafrost (< -5.0 degrees C), stable permafrost (-3.0 similar to -5.0 degrees C), sub-stable permafrost (-1.5 similar to -3.0 degrees C), transitional permafrost (-0.5 similar to -1.5 degrees C), and unstable permafrost (0 similar to -0.5 degrees C) is 0.50-1.27%, 6.77-12.45%, 29.08-33.94%, 34.52-39.50%, and 19.87-26.79%, respectively, with sub-stable, transitional, and unstable permafrost mainly distributed. Direct and indirect verification shows that the permafrost temperature distribution maps after downscaling still have high reliability, with 83.2% of the residual controlled within the range of +/- 1 degrees C and the consistency ranges from 83.17% to 96.47%, with the identification of permafrost sections in the highway engineering geological investigation reports of six highway projects. The maps are of fundamental importance for engineering planning and design, ecosystem management, and evaluation of the permafrost change in the future in Northeast China.
2023-10-01 Web of ScienceSoil moisture (SM), as a crucial variable in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum, plays an important role in the terrestrial water cycle. Analyzing SM's variation and driver factors is crucial to maintaining ecosystem diversity on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and ensuring food security as well as water supply balance in developing countries. Gradual wetting of the soil has been detected and attributed to precipitation in this area. However, there is still a gap in understanding the potential mechanisms. It is unclear whether the greening, glacier melting, and different vegetation degradation caused by asymmetrical climate change and intensified human activities have significantly affected the balance of SM. Here, to test the hypothesis that heterogeneous SM caused by precipitation was subject to temperatures and anthropogenic constraints, GLDAS-2.1 (Global Land Data Assimilation System-2.1) SM products combined with the statistical downscaling and Geographic detectors were applied. The results revealed that: (1) Seasonal SM gradually increased (p < 0.05), while SM deficit frequently appeared with exposure to extreme climates, such as in the summer of 2010 and 2013, and changed into a pattern of precipitation transport to western dry lands in autumn. (2) There was a synergistic reaction between greening and local moisture in autumn. SM was dominated by low temperature (TMN) in winter, warming indirectly regulated SM by exacerbating the thawing of glaciers and permafrost. The spatial coupling between the faster rising rate of TMN and the frozen soil might further aggravate the imbalance of SM. (3) The land cover's mutual transformation principally affected SM in spring and autumn, and degradation accelerated the loss of SM replenished by precipitation. (4) Land cover responses were different; SM in grassland was less affected by external disturbance, while degraded woodland and shrub performed adaptive feedback under dry environments, SM increased by 0.05 and 0.04 m(3)/(m(3) 10a), respectively. Our research provides a scientific basis for improving hydrological models and developing vegetation restoration strategies for long-term adaptation to TP-changing environments.
2022-10-01 Web of Science