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Research in geocryology is currently principally concerned with the effects of climate change on permafrost terrain. The motivations for most of the research are (1) quantification of the anticipated net emissions of CO2 and CH4 from warming and thaw of near-surface permafrost and (2) mitigation of effects on infrastructure of such warming and thaw. Some of the effects, such as increases in ground temperature or active-layer thickness, have been observed for several decades. Landforms that are sensitive to creep deformation are moving more quickly as a result, and Rock Glacier Velocity is now part of the Essential Climate Variable Permafrost of the Global Climate Observing System. Other effects, for example, the occurrence of physical disturbances associated with thawing permafrost, particularly the development of thaw slumps, have noticeably increased since 2010. Still, others, such as erosion of sedimentary permafrost coasts, have accelerated. Geochemical effects in groundwater from trace elements, including contaminants, and those that issue from the release of sediment particles during mass wasting have become evident since 2020. Net release of CO2 and CH4 from thawing permafrost is anticipated within two decades and, worldwide, may reach emissions that are equivalent to a large industrial economy. The most immediate local concerns are for waste disposal pits that were constructed on the premise that permafrost would be an effective and permanent containment medium. This assumption is no longer valid at many contaminated sites. The role of ground ice in conditioning responses to changes in the thermal or hydrological regimes of permafrost has re-emphasized the importance of regional conditions, particularly landscape history, when applying research results to practical problems.

期刊论文 2024-12-10 DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2261 ISSN: 1045-6740

Aviation emissions contribute to climate change and local air pollution, with important contributions from non-CO2 emissions. These exhibit diverse impacts on atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing (RF), varying with location, altitude, and time. Assessments of local mitigation strategies with global emission metrics may overlook this variability, but detailed studies of aviation emissions in areas smaller than continents are scarce. Integrating the AviTeam emission model and OsloCTM3, we quantify CO2, NOx, BC, OC, and SOx emissions, tropospheric concentration changes, RF, region-specific metrics, and assess alternative fuels for Norwegian domestic aviation. Mitigation potentials fora fuel switch to LH2 differ by up to 3.1 x 108 kgCO2-equivalents (GWP20) when using region-specific compared to global metrics. These differences result from a lower, region- specific contribution of non-CO2 emissions, particularly related to NOx. This study underscores the importance of accounting for non-CO2 variability in regional assessments, whether through region-specific metrics or advanced atmospheric modelling techniques.

期刊论文 2024-12-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2024.100301

Climate change poses a serious threat to permafrost integrity, with expected warmer winters and increased precipitation, both raising permafrost temperatures and active layer thickness. Under ice-rich conditions, this can lead to increased thermokarst activity and a consequential transfer of soil organic matter to tundra ponds. Although these ponds are known as hotspots for CO2 and CH4 emissions, the dominant carbon sources for the production of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are still poorly studied, leading to uncertainty about their positive feedback to climate warming. This study investigates the potential for lateral thermo-erosion to cause increased GHG emissions from small and shallow tundra ponds found in Arctic ice-wedge polygonal landscapes. Detailed mapping of fine-scale erosive features revealed their strong impact on pond limnological characteristics. In addition to increasing organic matter inputs, providing carbon to heterotrophic microorganisms responsible for GHG production, thermokarst soil erosion also increases shore instability and water turbidity, limiting the establishment of aquatic vegetation-conditions that greatly increase GHG emissions from these aquatic systems. Ponds with more than 40% of the shoreline affected by lateral erosion experienced significantly higher rates of GHG emissions (similar to 1200 mmol CO2 m-2 yr-1 and similar to 250 mmol CH4 m-2 yr-1) compared to ponds with no active shore erosion (similar to 30 mmol m-2 yr-1 for both GHG). Although most GHGs emitted as CO2 and CH4 had a modern radiocarbon signature, source apportionment models implied an increased importance of terrestrial carbon being emitted from ponds with erosive shorelines. If primary producers are unable to overcome the limitations associated with permafrost disturbances, this contribution of older carbon stocks may become more significant with rising permafrost temperatures.

期刊论文 2024-01-01 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad1433 ISSN: 1748-9326

Permafrost degradation in peatlands is altering vegetation and soil properties and impacting net carbon storage. We studied four adjacent sites in Alaska with varied permafrost regimes, including a black spruce forest on a peat plateau with permafrost, two collapse scar bogs of different ages formed following thermokarst, and a rich fen without permafrost. Measurements included year-round eddy covariance estimates of net carbon dioxide (CO2), mid-April to October methane (CH4) emissions, and environmental variables. From 2011 to 2022, annual rainfall was above the historical average, snow water equivalent increased, and snow-season duration shortened due to later snow return. Seasonally thawed active layer depths also increased. During this period, all ecosystems acted as slight annual sources of CO2 (13-59 g C m(-2) year(-1)) and stronger sources of CH4 (11-14 g CH4 m(-2) from similar to April to October). The interannual variability of net ecosystem exchange was high, approximately +/- 100 g C m(-2) year(-1), or twice what has been previously reported across other boreal sites. Net CO2 release was positively related to increased summer rainfall and winter snow water equivalent and later snow return. Controls over CH4 emissions were related to increased soil moisture and inundation status. The dominant emitter of carbon was the rich fen, which, in addition to being a source of CO2, was also the largest CH4 emitter. These results suggest that the future carbon-source strength of boreal lowlands in Interior Alaska may be determined by the area occupied by minerotrophic fens, which are expected to become more abundant as permafrost thaw increases hydrologic connectivity. Since our measurements occur within close proximity of each other (<= 1 km(2)), this study also has implications for the spatial scale and data used in benchmarking carbon cycle models and emphasizes the necessity of long-term measurements to identify carbon cycle process changes in a warming climate.

期刊论文 2024-01-01 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17139 ISSN: 1354-1013

Black carbon (BC) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), both in the air and deposited on the surface of snow and ice, has been shown to accelerate the retreat of mountain glaciers. Previous study indicated that South Asian anthropogenic emissions primarily contributed to atmospheric loading of BC over the TP, it is essential to further identify the major sector in South Asia and provide guidance for potential mitigation strategies. In this study, the regional atmospheric chemistry model WRF-Chem was run for an entire year. The results suggested that residential BC emissions from South Asia contributed the largest (25.8% in summer and 44.8% in winter) to BC concentrations over the TP compared to other anthropogenic emission sectors in the region. Furthermore, significant seasonal variability existed in the transport process of residential BC from South Asia to the TP. The South Asia monsoon during summer and the mountain-valley wind system during spring could transport South Asian residential BC across the Himalayas to the TP. However, the higher transportation flux along 30 degrees N indicated that the transport was mainly influenced by westerly winds, implying that residential emissions from northern India were the critical source of BC aerosols over the TP. A further assessment of emission control strategies suggested that reducing emissions from South Asian residential sources can effectively reduce BC concentrations over the TP, which may potentially alleviate the TP's accelerating glacier melting. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2023-01-10 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135923 ISSN: 0048-9697

Purpose Warming-induced permafrost degradation is anticipated to change the global carbon cycle. We attempted to determine the effect of permafrost degradation on carbon emissions and carbon sequestration of seven wetlands in three zones of Northeast China, aiming to investigate the responses of carbon sources/sinks to permafrost degradation. Methods Three zones (permafrost zone, PZ; discontinuous permafrost zone, DPZ; and permafrost degradation zone, PDZ) were selected to represent permafrost degradation stages. In each zone, we selected seven wetlands along the moisture gradient, namely, marsh (M), thicket swamp (TS), forested swamps (alder swamp, FAS; birch swamp, FBS; and larch swamp, FLS), forested fen (larch fen, FLF), and forested bog (larch bog, FLB). We determined the annual carbon emissions of soil heterotrophic respiration from seven wetlands and the annual net carbon sequestration of vegetation, evaluated the net carbon balance by calculating the difference between annual net carbon sequestration and annual carbon emissions, and then determined the magnitude and direction of carbon-climate feedback. Results and discussion With permafrost degradation, most forested wetlands (excluding FAS in PDZ) still acted as carbon sinks in DPZ (0.30 - 1.88 t ha(-1) year(-1)) and PDZ (0.31 - 1.76 t ha(-1) year(-1)) in comparison to PZ (0.46 - 2.43 t ha(-1) year(-1)). In contrast, M and TS acted as carbon sources in DPZ (-1.72 and -0.82 t ha(-1) year(-1)) and PDZ (-2.66 and -0.98 t ha(-1) year(-1)) in comparison to PZ (-0.86 and 0.03 t ha(-1) year(-1)), this result could be attributed to the increased CO2 emissions (promoted by warmer soil temperatures) and CH4 emissions (promoted by warmer soil temperatures, higher water tables and greater thaw depths), the two significantly increased the annual carbon emissions (increased by 8.8 - 14.4% in DPZ and by 35.0 - 46.0% in PDZ), and the annual carbon emissions > the annual net carbon sequestration. Furthermore, in terms of net radiative forcing, five forested wetlands still showed negative net radiative forcing in DPZ (-6.90 to -1.10 t CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1)) in comparison to PZ (-8.91 to -1.62 t CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1)). In contrast, in PDZ, only FLB showed negative net radiative forcing (-6.29 t CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1)) and significantly increased by 288.3% compared to PZ (P < 0.05), indicating an ever-increasing net cooling impact, while the other four forested wetlands all turned into positive net radiative forcing (0.84 - 53.56 t CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1)) because of higher CH4 (CO2-eq) emissions, indicating net warming impacts. Conclusions Our results indicated that permafrost degradation affected the carbon sources/sinks of seven wetlands via different mechanisms. M and TS acted as carbon sources in both DPZ and PDZ, while permafrost degradation did not change the overall direction of the net carbon balance of five forested wetlands. Most forested wetlands (excluding FAS in PDZ) still acted as carbon sinks in both DPZ and PDZ, although there were fluctuations in carbon sink values. Moreover, despite being carbon sinks, most forested wetlands (excluding FLB) in PDZ showed positive net radiative forcing compared to DPZ and PZ (negative net radiative forcing) when using the methodology of CO2 equivalent, indicating climatic warming impacts, while FLB showed negative net radiative forcing, indicating a climatic cooling impact. Therefore, FLB should be protected as a priority in the subsequent carbon sink management practices in permafrost zones.

期刊论文 2023-01-01 DOI: 10.1007/s11368-022-03271-3 ISSN: 1439-0108

Permafrost peatlands, as large soil carbon pools, are sensitive to global warming. However, the effects of temperature, moisture, and their interactions on carbon emissions in the permafrost peatlands remain unclear, when considering the availability of soil matrixes. The permafrost peatland (0-50 cm soil) in the Great Xing'an Mountains was selected to explore the deficiency. The cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from soil were measured under different temperatures (5 C, 10 C, and 15 C) and moisture content (130%, 100%, and 70%) treatments by the indoor incubation. The results showed that the soil carbon and nitrogen matrix determined soil carbon emissions. Warming affected the availability of soil carbon and nitrogen substrates, thus stimulating microbial activity and increasing soil carbon emissions. With soil temperature increasing by 10 C, soil CO2 and CH4 emission rates increased by 5.1-9.4 and 3.8-6.4 times respectively. Warming promoted soil carbon emissions, and the decrease of moisture content promoted CO2 emissions but inhibited CH4 emissions in the permafrost peatland. Soil moisture and the carbon and nitrogen matrix determined the intensity of CO2 and CH4 emissions. The results were important to assess soil carbon emissions from permafrost peatlands under the impact of future climate warming and to formulate carbon emission reduction policies.

期刊论文 2022-07-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154725 ISSN: 0048-9697

Opposite anthropogenic aerosol emission trends in Asia can lead to different responses of the climate. Here, we examined the responses of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) to changes in Asian anthropogenic aerosol emissions during 2006-2014 using a global aerosol/atmospheric chemistry-climate coupled model (BCC_AGCM2.0_CUACE/Aero) with two sets of emission inventories: the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) inventory adopted by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) and the inventory developed at Peking University (PKU). The changes in Asian anthropogenic aerosol emissions during 2006-2014 between the two inventories were remarkably different, particularly in eastern China where completely opposite trends were observed (i.e., increase in the CEDS inventory, but significant reduction in the PKU inventory). The perturbation simulations with the Asian anthropogenic aerosol forcing from the two inventories showed opposite changes in aerosol optical depth, aerosol effective radiative forcing, cloud liquid water path, and total cloud cover in eastern China. The simulated 'dipole-type' changes (i.e., increase in India but decrease in China) in Asian aerosols and the resulting changes in local radiation budget under the PKU inventory were consistent with the corresponding observations. The summer surface temperatures over eastern China decreased by 0-0.4 K because of the Asian anthropogenic aerosol forcing under the CEDS inventory, while they increased by 0.1-0.8 K under the PKU inventory. The weakening of the EASM index caused by the Asian aerosol forcing under the PKU inventory was twofold greater than that under the CEDS inventory (-0.4 vs. -0.2). The Asian 'dipole-type' aerosol forcing contributed to the observed summer 'southern drought and northern flood' phenomenon in eastern China during 2006-2014. The slow ocean-mediated response to the regional 'dipole-type' aerosol forcing dominated the weakening of the EASM circulation and the precipitation changes in eastern China in the total response. This study further confirms that the biases in anthropogenic aerosol emissions over Asia can affect the CMIP6-based regional climate attribution.

期刊论文 2022-06-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2022.02.008 ISSN: 1674-9278

Carbonaceous matter, including organic carbon (OC) and black carbon (BC), is an important climate forcing agent and contributes to glacier retreat in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The HTP - the so-called Third Pole - contains the most extensive glacial area outside of the polar regions. Considerable research on carbonaceous matter in the HTP has been conducted, although this research has been challenging due to the complex terrain and strong spatiotemporal heterogeneity of carbonaceous matter in the HTP. A comprehensive investigation of published atmospheric and snow data for HTP carbonaceous matter concentration, deposition and light absorption is presented, including how these factors vary with time and other parameters. Carbonaceous matter concentrations in the atmosphere and glaciers of the HTP are found to be low. Analysis of water-insoluable organic carbon and BC from snowpits reveals that concentrations of OC and BC in the atmosphere and glacier samples in arid regions of the HTP may be overestimated due to contributions from inorganic carbon in mineral dust. Due to the remote nature of the HTP, carbonaceous matter found in the HTP has generally been transported from outside the HTP (e.g., South Asia), although local HTP emissions may also be important at some sites. This review provides essential data and a synthesis of current thinking for studies on atmospheric transport modeling and radiative forcing of carbonaceous matter in the HTP.

期刊论文 2022-05-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2020.106281 ISSN: 0160-4120

Vegetation fires become the concern worldwide due to their substantial impacts on climate and environment, and in particular in the circum-Arctic. Assessing vegetation fires and associated emissions and causes can improve understanding of fire regime and provide helpful information for vegetation fires solution. In this study, satellitebased vegetation fires and emissions during 2001-2020 were investigated and contributions of different types of fires were analyzed. Furthermore, climate anomalies related to extreme vegetation fires were explored. The main results showed that the region south of the Arctic circle (50 degrees N-67 degrees N) experienced a greater number of vegetation fires compared to the Arctic (north of 67 degrees N). During 2001-2020, interannual variability of vegetation fires between 50 degrees N and 67 degrees N appeared to be decreasing while emissions (including carbon, dry matter, PM2.5, and BC) appeared to be increasing overall, which were contributed by the increasing summer boreal forest fires in this region largely. In the Arctic, vegetation fires and emissions increased in recent years distinctly, and those were dominated by the summer forest fires. Spatially, large increases of vegetation fires were located in the eastern Siberia and northern North America while large decreases were located in the northwestern Eurasia mainly. Additionally, in the Arctic, the unprecedented vegetation fires were observed in the eastern Siberia and Alaska in 2019 and in the eastern Siberia in 2020, which could be attributed to high pressure, high near-surface temperature, and low air moisture anomalies. Meanwhile, obvious anticyclonic anomalies in Alaska in 2019 and in the eastern Siberia in 2020 and cyclonic anomalies in the western Siberia in 2019, also played an important role on fire occurrences making drier conditions.

期刊论文 2022-04-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rcar.2023.03.002 ISSN: 2097-1583
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