This study analyzes the forest flammability hazard in the south of Tyumen Oblast (Western Siberia, Russia) and identifies variation patterns in fire areas depending on weather and climate characteristics in 2008-2023. Using correlation analysis, we proved that the area of forest fires is primarily affected by maximum temperature, relative air humidity, and the amount of precipitation, as well as by global climate change associated with an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the maximum height of snow cover. As a rule, a year before the period of severe forest fires in the south of Tyumen Oblast, the height of snow cover is insignificant, which leads to insufficient soil moisture in the following spring, less or no time for the vegetation to enter the vegetative phase, and the forest leaf floor remaining dry and easily flammable, which contributes to an increase in the fire area. According to the estimates of the CMIP6 project climate models under the SSP2-4.5 scenario, by the end of the 21st century, a gradual increase in the number of summer temperatures above 35 degrees C is expected, whereas the extreme SSP5-8.5 scenario forecasts the tripling in the number of such hot days. The forecast shows an increase of fire hazardous conditions in the south of Tyumen Oblast by the late 21st century, which should be taken into account in the territory's economic development.
From the beginning of May 2023 to the end of August 2023, the Northern Hemisphere experienced significant wildfire activity with the most widespread fires occurring in Canada. Forest fires in Canada destroyed more than 15.6 million hectares of forests. These wildfires worsened air quality across the region and other parts of the world. The smoke reached southern Europe by the end of June 2023. To better understand the consequences of such forest fires far from the site of origin, aerosol optical, microphysical and radiative properties were analyzed during this event for southern Europe using data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), and Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). TROPOMI aerosol index (AI) and the carbon monoxide (CO) product confirm that the smoke originated directly from these forest fires. AERONET data from the El Arenosillo site in southern Spain showed maximum aerosol optical depth (AOD) values on June 27 reached 2.36. Data on Angstrom Exponent (AE), aerosol volume size distribution (VSD), single scattering albedo (SSA), fine mode fraction (FMF), volume particle concentration, effective radius (R Eff ), absorption AOD (AAOD), extinction AE (EAE) and absorption AE (AAE) showed that fine-mode particles with carbonaceous aerosols contribution predominated in the atmosphere above the El Arenosillo site. Direct aerosol radiative forcing (DARF) at the top (DARF TOA ) and bottom of atmosphere (DARF BOA ) were-103.1 and-198.93 Wm-2 , respectively. The atmospheric aerosol radiative forcing (DARF ATM ) was found to be 95.83 Wm-2 and with a heating rate 2.69 K day-1 , which indicates the resulting warming of the atmosphere.
Current permafrost models in Canadian boreal forests are generally of low spatial resolution as they cover regional or continental scales. This study aims to understand the viability of creating a temperature at the top of permafrost (TTOP) model on a local scale in the boreal wetland environment of What & igrave;, Northwest Territories from short-term field-collected temperature data. The model utilizes independent variables of vegetation, topographic position index, and elevation, with the dependent variables being ground surface temperature collected from 60 ground temperature nodes and 1.5 m air temperature collected from 10 temperature stations. In doing this, the study investigates the relationship vegetation and disturbance have on ground temperature and permafrost distribution. The model predicts that 31% of the ground is underlain by permafrost, based on a mean annual temperature at TTOP of <0 degrees C. This model shows an accuracy of 62.5% when compared to cryotic assessment sites (CAS). Most inaccuracies, showing the limitations of the TTOP model, came from peat plateaus that had been burned in the most recent forest fire in 2014. These resulted in out-of-equilibrium permafrost and climatic conditions that TTOP cannot handle well. Commonly, permafrost mapping places What & igrave; in the extensive discontinuous zone, estimating that between 50% and 90% of the ground is underlain by permafrost. The study shows that a climatically driven TTOP model calibrated with CAS can be used to illustrate ground temperature heterogeneity from short-term data in boreal forest wetland environments. However, this approach likely underestimates permafrost extent and is perhaps not the best-suited modelling choice for nearsurface permafrost, which is currently out of equilibrium with the current climate.
Wildfire strongly influences permafrost environment and soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. In this study, we reviewed the effects of fire severity, time after a fire, and frequency on SOC in boreal permafrost regions. This review highlighted several key points: the effect of wildfires on SOC increased with an increase of fire severity, and the amount of vegetation returned and surface organic matter replenished was less in a short term, which resulted in a significantly lower SOC content compared to that of before the fire. Within a short period after fire, the SOC in near-surface permafrost and the active layer decreased significantly due to the loss of above ground biomass, permafrost thaw, and increased microbial decomposition; as the years pass after a fire, the SOC gradually accumulates due to the contributions of litter layer accumulation and rooting systems from different stages of succession. The increase in fire frequency accelerated permafrost thawing and the formation of thermokarst, resulting in the rapid release of a large amount of soil carbon and reduced SOC storage. Therefore, the study on the effects of wildfires on SOC in the boreal permafrost region is of great significance to understanding and quantifying the carbon balance of the ecosystem.
Recently, as global climate change and local disturbances such as wildfires continue, long- and short-term changes in the high-latitude vegetation systems have been observed in various studies. Although remote sensing technology using optical satellites has been widely used in understanding vegetation dynamics in high-latitude areas, there has been limited understanding of various landscape changes at different spatiotemporal scales, their mutual relationships, and overall long-term landscape changes. The objective of this study is to devise a change monitoring strategy that can effectively observe landscape changes at different spatiotemporal scales in the boreal ecosystems from temporally sparse time series remote sensing data. We presented a new post-classification-based change analysis scheme and applied it to time series Landsat data for the central Yakutian study area. Spectral variability between time series data has been a major problem in the analysis of changes that make it difficult to distinguish long- and short-term land cover changes from seasonal growth activities. To address this issue effectively, two ideas in the time series classification, such as the stepwise classification and the lateral stacking strategies were implemented in the classification process. The proposed classification results showed consistently higher overall accuracies of more than 90% obtained in all classes throughout the study period. The temporal classification results revealed the distinct spatial and temporal patterns of the land cover changes in central Yakutia. The spatiotemporal distribution of the short-term class illustrated that the ecosystem disturbance caused by fire could be affected by local thermal and hydrological conditions of the active layer as well as climatic conditions. On the other hand, the long-term class changes revealed land cover trajectories that could not be explained by monotonic increase or decrease. To characterize the long-term land cover change patterns, we applied a piecewise linear model with two line segments to areal class changes. During the former half of the study period, which corresponds to the 2000s, the areal expansion of lakes on the eastern Lena River terrace was the dominant feature of the land cover change. On the other hand, the land cover changes in the latter half of the study period, which corresponds to the 2010s, exhibited that lake area decreased, particularly in the thermokarst lowlands close to the Lena and Aldan rivers. In this area, significant forest decline can also be identified during the 2010s.
Permafrost regions play an important role in global carbon and nitrogen cycling, storing enormous amounts of organic carbon and preserving a delicate balance of nutrient dynamics. However, the increasing frequency and severity of wildfires in these regions pose significant challenges to the stability of these ecosystems. This review examines the effects of fire on chemical, biological, and physical properties of permafrost regions. The physical, chemical, and pedological properties of frozen soil are impacted by fires, leading to changes in soil structure, porosity, and hydrological functioning. The combustion of organic matter during fires releases carbon and nitrogen, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient loss. Understanding the interactions between fire severity, ecosystem processes, and the implications for permafrost regions is crucial for predicting the impacts of wildfires and developing effective strategies for ecosystem protection and agricultural productivity in frozen soils. By synthesizing available knowledge and research findings, this review enhances our understanding of fire severity's implications for permafrost ecosystems and offers insights into effective fire management strategies.
Biomass burning (BB) greatly impacts the Maritime Continent through various mechanisms including agricultural burning, land clearing and natural response to drought. The dynamic characteristics of BB in terms of its spatiotemporal distribution, seasonality, transport mechanism, and aerosol properties have prompted numerous research efforts including field campaigns, in -situ measurements, remote sensing, and modelling. Although the differing perspectives of these studies have offered insights on understanding the regional BB issues, it is challenging to compare and resolve the wider picture because of the diversity of approaches. Human -induced global warming has certainly caused multiple observed changes in the regional meteorological characteristics. In this study, we review BB events in the Maritime Continent from 2012 to 2021, focusing on the meteorological influence and knowledge evolution in cloud -aerosol -radiation (CAR). Unlike other reviews, our review examines the occurrence of BB events using synergistic application of ground -based measurement, global reanalysis model and satellite product, which allows us to examine the anomalies for comparison with other studies and identify the unique features of the event. We identified four dominant modes of variability responsible for the occurrence of large-scale BB in the Maritime Continent: (1) El Nin similar to o Southern Oscillations (ENSO), (2) extreme positiveIndian Ocean Dipole (pIOD), (3) tropical cyclone (TC) activity, and (4) Madden -Julian Oscillations (MJO). We reconcile the past CAR studies and summarize their findings based on the four key CAR mechanisms: (1) instantanous radiative forcing from aerosol -radiation interactions, IRFari (2) and its subsequent adjustments, SAari, (3) instantanous radiative forcing from aerosol -cloud interactions, IRFaci, and (4) and its subsequent adjustments, SAaci. We urge future CAR studies in the Maritime Continent should focus on accurate characterization of the composition of biomass burning plume which is a mixture of peatland, agricultural burning and anthropogenic sources.
The frequency of forest fires has increased dramatically due to climate change. The occurrence of forest fires affects the carbon and nitrogen cycles and react to climate change to form a positive feedback mechanism. These effects further impact the distribution of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) and the soil microbial community structure. In addition, permafrost degradation can significantly affect the microorganisms in the soil. Based on these findings, this review examines the effects of fire intensity and post-fire recovery time on permafrost, the soil microbial community, MBC, MBN, and their interrelationships. This review demonstrated that (1) fires alter the condition of surface vegetation, reduce the organic layer thickness, redistribute snow, accelerate permafrost degradation, and even lead to permanent changes, where the restoration of the pre-fire state would require several decades or even centuries; (2) soil microbial community structure, soil MBC, and MBN negatively correlate with fire intensity, and the effects become more pronounced with increasing fire intensity; and (3) the structural diversity and stability of the soil microbial community were improved with time, and the amount of MBC and MBN increases as the years after a fire go by; it would still take more than ten years to recover to the pre-fire level. However, the relationship between permafrost degradation and soil microbes after forest fires is still unclear due to a lack of quantitative research on the mechanisms underlying the changes in soil microorganisms resulting from fire-induced permafrost degradation. Therefore, expanding quantitative studies and analyses of the mechanisms of interactions between forest fires, permafrost, and soil microorganisms can provide a scientific basis for understanding ecosystem carbon pools and dual-carbon targets in Arctic-boreal permafrost regions.
Background and Aims Seed persistence in soil depends on environmental factors that affect seed dormancy and germination, such as temperature and water availability. In high-elevation ecosystems, rapid changes in these environmental factors because of climate change can impact future plant recruitment. To date, our knowledge on how soil seed banks from high-elevation environments will respond to climate change and extreme climate-related events is limited. Here, using the seedling emergence method, we investigated the effects of reduced snow cover, fire and drought on the density and diversity of germinants from soil seed banks of two high-elevation plant communities: a tall alpine herbfield and a treeline ecotone.Methods In Autumn 2020, we collected soil samples and characterized the standing vegetation of both communities at Kosciuszko National Park, Australia. Subsequently, we carried out a factorial experiment and subjected the soil samples to a series of manipulative treatments using greenhouse studies.Key Results The treeline had a larger and more diverse soil seed bank than the herbfield. A reduction in snow had a negative effect on the number of germinants in the herbfield and increased the dissimilarity with the standing vegetation, whereas the treeline responses were mainly neutral. Fire did not significantly affect the number of germinants but decreased the evenness values in both communities. The drought treatment reduced the number and richness of germinants and increased the dissimilarity with the standing vegetation in both communities. Plant functional forms explained some of the detected effects, but seed functional traits did not.Conclusions Our study suggests that simulated climate change will affect plant recruitment from soil seed banks in a variety of ways. Changes in snow cover and incidences of fire and drought might be key drivers of germination from the soil seed bank and therefore the future composition of alpine plant communities.
Northern high-latitude permafrost holds the largest soil carbon pool in the world. Understanding the responses of permafrost to wildfire is crucial for improving our ability to predict permafrost degradation and further carbon emissions. Recently, studies have demonstrated that wildfires in the pan-Arctic region induced the thickening of the active layer based on site or fire event observations. However, how this induced thickening is influenced by vegetation and permafrost types remains not fully understood due to the lack of wall-to-wall analysis. Therefore, this study employed remotely sensed fire data and modelled active layer thickness (ALT) to identify the fireinduced ALT change (& UDelta;ALT) for the pan-Arctic region, and the contributions of vegetation and permafrost were quantified using the random forest (RF) model. Our results showed that the average & UDelta;ALT and the sensitivity of & UDelta;ALT to burn severity both increased with decreasing ground ice content in permafrost. The largest values were detected in thick permafrost with low ground ice content. Regarding vegetation, the average and sensitivity of & UDelta;ALT in tundra were highest, followed by those in forest and shrub. When the individual environmental factors were all taken into account, the results showed that the contribution of vegetation types was much higher than that of permafrost types (20.2 % vs. 3.5 %). Our findings highlighted the importance of environmental factors in regulating the responses of permafrost to fire.