Insights into the impacts of freeze-thaw processes on soil microorganisms and their related functions in permafrost regions are crucial for assessing ecological consequences imposed by the shifts in freeze-thaw patterns. Through in-situ investigations on seasonal freeze-thaw processes in the active layer of permafrost in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we found that microbial richness was higher and positively correlated with soil multifunctionality during the freeze-thaw stage (freezing and thawing periods) compared to the non-freeze-thaw stage (completely frozen and thawed periods). This relationship resulted from the higher microbial stability, which was highly consistent with the lower complexity, more keystone taxa, and greater robustness of networks. Although freeze-thaw strength exacerbated the greenhouse effect on climate, it was alleviated by the enhancement of diversity-soil multifunctionality relationship. These findings have substantial implications for exploring the responses of microbial-mediated soil multifunctionality and greenhouse effect in alpine permafrost to more drastic variations of freeze-thaw processes under future warming.
2024-10-10In the context of global warming, increasingly widespread and frequent freezing and thawing cycles (FTCs) will have profound effects on the biogeochemical cycling of soil carbon and nitrogen. FTCs can increase soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing the stability of soil aggregates, promoting the release of dissolved organic carbon, decreasing the number of microorganisms, inducing cell rupture, and releasing carbon and nitrogen nutrients for use by surviving microorganisms. However, the similarity and disparity of the mechanisms potentially contributing to changes in GHGs have not been systematically evaluated. The present study consolidates the most recent findings on the dynamics of soil carbon and nitrogen, as well as GHGs, in relation to FTCs. Additionally, it analyzes the impact of FTCs on soil GHGs in a systematic manner. In this study, particular emphasis is given to the following: (i) the reaction mechanism involved; (ii) variations in soil composition in different types of land (e.g., forest, peatland, farmland, and grassland); (iii) changes in soil structure in response to cycles of freezing temperatures; (iv) alterations in microbial biomass and community structure that may provide further insight into the fluctuations in GHGs after FTCs. The challenges identified included the extension of laboratory-scale research to ecosystem scales, the performance of in-depth investigation of the coupled effects of carbon, nitrogen, and water in the freeze-thaw process, and analysis of the effects of FTCs through the use of integrated research tools. The results of this study can provide a valuable point of reference for future experimental designs and scientific investigations and can also assist in the analysis of the attributes of GHG emissions from soil and the ecological consequences of the factors that influence these emissions in the context of global permafrost warming.
2024-05-01 Web of ScienceGlacial sediments as an important end member of the global dust system, could indicate changes in global climate, aerosols sources, ocean elements, and productivity. With global warming, ice caps shrinking and glaciers retreat at high latitudes have attracted concern. To understand the response of glacier to environment and climate in modern high latitude ice-marginal environments, this paper investigated glacial sediments in the Ny-angstrom lesund region of the Arctic and clarified the response of polar environmental to global changes through geochemical characteristics of glacial sediments. The results showed that: 1) main factors affecting the elements distribution of the Ny-angstrom lesund glacial sediments were thought as soil formation, bedrock and weathering, and biological activity; 2) variations of SiO2/Al2O3 and SiO2/Al2O3 + Fe2O3, indicating low weathering of the soil. The ratio of Na2O/K2O indicating a weak chemical weathering, was negatively correlated to the CIA. With the average CIA of Ny-angstrom lesund glacial sediments for main minerals of quartz, feldspar, and muscovite as well as dolomite and calcite 50.13, which implied glacial sediments at the early stage of chemical weathering and depletion of Ca and Na; 3) the separating effect of stones and soils by stone circle formation due to thermal conductivity and frost heave makes sediments in stone circle have lower chemical weathering with only two main minerals, albite and quartz; 4) changes of carbonate content in sediments with glacier front retreating in different period implied that weathering rate of calcite averagely reached an estimate of 0.0792% wt/year in glacier A. The succession of vegetation made biological weathering become an important driving force for carbonate leaching from glacial sediments. These results and data provide scientifically significant archive for future global change studies.
2023-07-01 Web of ScienceArctic wetlands are a globally significant store of soil organic carbon. They are often characterized by ice-wedge polygons, which are diagnostic of lowland permafrost, and which greatly influence wetland hydrology and biogeochemistry during summer. The degradation of ice-wedge polygons, which can occur in response to climate change or local disturbance, has poorly understood consequences for biogeochemical processes. We therefore used geochemical analyses from the active layer and top permafrost to identify and compare the dominant biogeochemical processes in high-centered (degraded) and low-centered (pristine) polygons situated in the raised beach sediments and valley-infill sediments of Adventdalen, Central Svalbard. We found similar organic-rich sediments in both cases (up to 38 dry wt.%), but while low-centered polygons were water-saturated, their high-centered counterparts had a relatively dry active layer. Consequently, low-centered polygons showed evidence of iron and sulfate reduction leading to the precipitation of pyrite and siderite, whilst the high-centered polygons demonstrated more oxidizing conditions, with decreased iron oxidation and low preservation of iron and sulfate reduction products in the sediments. This study thus demonstrates the profound effect of ice-wedge polygon degradation on the redox chemistry of the host sediment and porewater, namely more oxidizing conditions, a decrease in iron reduction, and a decrease in the preservation of iron and sulfate reduction products.
2023-07-01 Web of ScienceArctic permafrost is degrading and is thus releasing nutrients, solutes, sediment and water into soils and freshwater ecosystems. The impacts of this degradation depends on the geochemical characteristics and in large part on the spatial distribution of ground ice and solutes, which is not well-known in the High Arctic polar desert ecosystems. This research links ground ice and solute concentrations, to establish a framework for identifying locations vulnerable to permafrost degradation. It builds on landscape classifications and cryostratigraphic interpretations of permafrost history. Well-vegetated wetland sites with syngenetic permafrost aggradation show a different geochemical signature from polar desert and epigenetic sites. In wetlands, where ground ice contents were high (<97% volume), total dissolved solute concentrations were relatively low (mean 283.0 +/- 327.8 ppm), reflecting a carbonate terrestrial/freshwater setting. In drier sites with epigenetic origin, such as polar deserts, ice contents are low (<47% volume), solute concentrations were high (mean 3248.5 +/- 1907.0 ppm, max 12055 ppm) and dominated by Na+ and Cl- ions, reflecting a post-glacial marine inundation during permafrost formation. Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen concentrations usually increased at the top of permafrost and could not be as clearly associated with permafrost history. The research shows that the geochemistry of polar desert permafrost is highly dependent on permafrost history, and it can be estimated using hydrogeomorphological terrain classifications. The lower ice content of polar desert sites indicates that these areas are more vulnerable to thaw relative to the ice-rich wetland sites, and the elevated solute concentrations indicate that these areas could mobilise substantial solutes to downstream environments, should they become hydrologically connected with future warming.
2023-06-01 Web of ScienceSoil supports life by serving as a living, breathing fabric that connects the atmosphere to the Earth's crust. The study of soil science and pedology, or the study of soil in the natural environment, spans scales, disciplines, and societies worldwide. Soil science continues to grow and evolve as a field given advancements in analytical tools, capabilities, and a growing emphasis on integrating research across disciplines. A pressing need exists to more strongly incorporate the study of soil, and soil scientists, into research networks, initiatives, and collaborations. This review presents three research areas focused on questions of central interest to scientists, students, and government agencies alike: 1) How do the properties of soil influence the selection of habitat and survival by organisms, especially threatened and endangered species struggling in the face of climate change and habitat loss during the Anthropocene? 2) How do we disentangle the heterogeneity of abiotic and biotic processes that transform minerals and release life-supporting nutrients to soil, especially at the nano-to microscale where mineral-water-microbe interactions occur? and 3) How can soil science advance the search for life and habitable environments on Mars and beyond-from distinguishing biosignatures to better utilizing terrestrial analogs on Earth for planetary exploration? This review also highlights the tools, resources, and expertise that soil scientists bring to interdisciplinary teams focused on questions centered belowground, whether the research areas involve conservation organizations, industry, the classroom, or government agencies working to resolve global chal-lenges and sustain a future for all.
2023-02-01 Web of ScienceArctic permafrost soils store substantial reserves of organic matter (OM) from which microbial transformation contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions of CH4 and CO2. However, many younger sediments exposed by glacier retreat and sea level change in fjord landscapes lack significant organic carbon resources, so their capacity to promote greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. We therefore studied the effects of increased temperatures (4 degrees C and 21 degrees C) and OM on rates of Fe(III) reduction, CO2 production, and methanogenesis in three different Holocene sedimentary units from a single site within the former marine limit of Adventdalen, Svalbard. Higher temperature and OM addition generally stimulated CH4 production and CO2 production and an increase in Bacteria and Archaea abundance in all units, whereas an equal stimulation of Fe(II) production by OM amendment and an increase in temperature to 21 degrees C was only observed in a diamicton. We observed an accumulation of Fe(II) in beach and delta deposits as well but saw no stimulating effect of additional OM or increased temperature. Interestingly, we observed a small but significant production of CH4 in all units despite the presence of large reservoirs of Fe(III), sulfate, and nitrate, indicating either the availability of substrates that are primarily used by methanogens or a tight physical coupling between fermentation and methanogenesis by direct electron transfer. Our study clearly illustrates a significant challenge that comes with the large heterogeneity on a narrow spatial scale that one encounters when studying soils that have complex histories.
2022-12-31 Web of ScienceFreshwater chemistry across the circumpolar region was characterised using a pan-Arctic data set from 1,032 lake and 482 river stations. Temporal trends were estimated for Early (1970-1985), Middle (1986-2000), and Late (2001-2015) periods. Spatial patterns were assessed using data collected since 2001. Alkalinity, pH, conductivity, sulfate, chloride, sodium, calcium, and magnesium (major ions) were generally higher in the northern-most Arctic regions than in the Near Arctic (southern-most) region. In particular, spatial patterns in pH, alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium appeared to reflect underlying geology, with more alkaline waters in the High Arctic and Sub Arctic, where sedimentary bedrock dominated. Carbon and nutrients displayed latitudinal trends, with lower levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen, and (to a lesser extent) total phosphorus (TP) in the High and Low Arctic than at lower latitudes. Significantly higher nutrient levels were observed in systems impacted by permafrost thaw slumps. Bulk temporal trends indicated that TP was higher during the Late period in the High Arctic, whereas it was lower in the Near Arctic. In contrast, DOC and total nitrogen were both lower during the Late period in the High Arctic sites. Major ion concentrations were higher in the Near, Sub, and Low Arctic during the Late period, but the opposite bulk trend was found in the High Arctic. Significant pan-Arctic temporal trends were detected for all variables, with the most prevalent being negative TP trends in the Near and Sub Arctic, and positive trends in the High and Low Arctic (mean trends ranged from +0.57%/year in the High/Low Arctic to -2.2%/year in the Near Arctic), indicating widespread nutrient enrichment at higher latitudes and oligotrophication at lower latitudes. The divergent P trends across regions may be explained by changes in deposition and climate, causing decreased catchment transport of P in the south (e.g. increased soil binding and trapping in terrestrial vegetation) and increased P availability in the north (deepening of the active layer of the permafrost and soil/sediment sloughing). Other changes in concentrations of major ions and DOC were consistent with projected effects of ongoing climate change. Given the ongoing warming across the Arctic, these region-specific changes are likely to have even greater effects on Arctic water quality, biota, ecosystem function and services, and human well-being in the future.
2022-01-01 Web of ScienceKnowledge of the amount of unfrozen water and its migration in permafrost soils is important for understanding physico-chemical and biological processes. Here, we developed sub-routines in FREZCHEM and embedded them in the WATEREGO2 soil environmental model to: (a) estimate unfrozen water content under changing soil temperatures and water-ice phase changes; and (b) determine the effects of Van der Waals (VdW) and rheological forces driven by seasonal temperature variations on the transport of residual water and the long-term evolution of ground ice content over depths of 30 m. Together, the seasonal thermal regime and associated VdW and rheological forces on the transport of residual water lead to the evolution of distinct zones of ice-enrichment: near the surface of permafrost, at 3-5 m, 11-13 m and 17-19 m depth. The depths of ice enrichment are a function of soil thermal diffusivity, and the time needed to evolve the ground ice content is dependent on soil type, soil water chemistry and permafrost temperature. The model can explain observed variations with depth in ground ice content of icy permafrost soils and indicate that these conditions evolve over time. The findings can be used to assess the stability of permafrost to climate change under different temperature scenarios.
2020-01-01 Web of ScienceThe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is experiencing severe permafrost degradation, which can affect the hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Yet how the permafrost change affects riverine carbon export remains uncertain. Here, we investigated the seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon (DIC and DOC) during flow seasons in a watershed located in the central QTP permafrost region. The results showed that riverine DIC concentrations (27.81 +/- 9.75 mg L-1) were much higher than DOC concentrations (6.57 +/- 2.24 mg L-1). DIC and DOC fluxes were 3.95 and 0.94 g C m(-2) year(-1), respectively. DIC concentrations increased from initial thaw (May) to freeze period (October), while DOC concentrations remained relatively steady. Daily dissolved carbon concentrations were more closely correlated with baseflow than that with total runoff. Spatially, average DIC and DOC concentrations were positively correlated with vegetation coverage but negatively correlated with bare land coverage. DIC concentrations increased with the thawed and frozen depths due to increased soil interflow, more thaw-released carbon, more groundwater contribution, and possibly more carbonate weathering by soil CO2 formed carbonic acid. The DIC and DOC fluxes increased with thawed depth and decreased with frozen layer thickness. The seasonality of riverine dissolved carbon export was highly dependent on active layer thawing and freezing processes, which highlights the importance of changing permafrost for riverine carbon export. Future warming in the QTP permafrost region may alter the quantity and mechanisms of riverine carbon export.
2019-06-17 Web of Science