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Mega retrogressive thaw slumps (MRTS, >10(6) m(3)) are a major threat to Arctic infrastructure, alter regional biogeochemistry, and impact Arctic carbon budgets. However, processes initiating and reactivating MRTS are insufficiently understood. We hypothesize that MRTS preferentially develop a polycyclic behavior because the material is thermally and mechanically prepared for subsequent generation failure. In contrast to remote sensing, geophysical reconnaissance reveals the inner structure and relative thermal state of MRTS decameters beneath slump surfaces, potentially controlling polycyclicity. Based on their life cycle development, five (M)RTS were studied on Herschel Island, an MRTS hotspot on the Canadian Beaufort coast. We combine >2 km of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), 500 m of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and annual monitoring of headwall retreat from 2004 to 2013 to reveal the thermal state, internal structure, and volume loss of slumps. ERT data were calibrated with unfrozen-frozen transitions from frost probing of active layer thickness and shallow boreholes. In initial stage MRTS, ERT displays surficial thermal perturbations a few meters deep, coincident with recent mud pool and mud flow development. In early stage polycyclic MRTS, ERT shows decameter deep-reaching thermal perturbations persisting even 300 years after the last activation. In peak-stage polycyclic MRTS, 3D-ERT highlights actively extending deep-reaching thermal perturbations caused by gully incisions, mud slides and mud flows. GPR and headwall monitoring reveal structural disturbance by historical mud flows, ice-rich permafrost, and a decadal quantification of headwall retreat and slump floor erosion. We show that geophysical signatures identify long-lasting thermal and mechanical disturbances in MRTS predefining their susceptibility to polycyclic reactivation.

2024-10-01 Web of Science

Characterizing permafrost is crucial for understanding the fate of arctic and subarctic archaeological archives under climate change. The loss of bio-physical integrity of archaeological sites in northern regions is still poorly documented, even though discontinuous permafrost is particularly vulnerable to global warming. In this study, we documented the spatial distribution of the permafrost-supported Inuit archaeological site Oakes Bay 1 on Dog Island (Labrador, Canada) while employing a novel approach in northern geoarchaeology based on non-invasive geophysical methods. ERT and GPR were successfully used to estimate active layer thickness and image permafrost spatial variability and characteristics. The results made it possible to reconstruct a conceptual model of the current geocryological context of the subsurface in relation to the site topography, hydrology, and geomorphology. The peripherical walls of Inuit semi-subterranean sod houses were found to contain ice-rich permafrost, whereas their central depressions were identified as sources of vertical permafrost degradation. The geophysical investigations were used to classify the permafrost at Oakes Bay 1 as climate-driven, ecosystem-protected permafrost that cannot regenerate under current climate conditions. This work highlights how the permafrost at Oakes Bay 1 is currently affected by multi-point thermal degradation by both conduction and advection, which makes it highly sensitive to climate warming.

2024-04-01 Web of Science

Landscape-scalechanges in the Arctic as a result of climate changeaffect the soil thermal regime and impact the depth to permafrostin vulnerable tundra watersheds. When top-down thaw of permafrostoccurs, oxygen and porewaters infiltrate deeper in the soil columnexposing fresh, previously frozen material and altering redox conditionsthat govern the mobility of geochemical constituents. Redox conditionsplay a critical role in the carbon cycle processes that link permafrostcarbon stocks with potential feedbacks to climate warming. As such,there remains a gap in knowledge understanding how redox stratificationsin thawing permafrost impact the geochemistry of watersheds in responseto climate change and how investigations into redox may be scaledby coupling extensive geophysical mapping techniques. In this study,we collected soils and soil porewaters from three soil pits and surfacewater samples from an Arctic watershed on the North Slope of Alaskaand analyzed for trace metals iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) and Feoxidation state using bulk and microscale techniques, including X-raysynchrotron spectroscopy. We also used geophysical mapping and soilthermistors to measure active layer depths across the watershed torelate accelerating permafrost thaw to watershed geochemistry. Wefound that Fe(II) and Fe(III) co-occur in the soils, porewaters, andsurface waters of Imnavait Creek watershed with Fe(II) comprisingup to 37% of the total Fe concentrations in the 40-60 cm soildepth and up to 17% in the 60-80 cm soil depth. In comparisonto the surface (0-20 cm) and deeper in the permafrost (80-100cm), Fe(II) was found to be enriched in the soils at the permafrost-activelayer transition zone in two of the three soil pits and that translatedto mobilization of Fe(II) to porewaters upon thaw at 40-60cm, contributing up to 72% of the total Fe. Further, Fe(II) was foundto be mobilized in all porewater samples from 60 to 100 cm depth andcomprised 56-70% of the total Fe. In the surface water, Feand Mn concentrations were linked to seasonality with higher concentrationscoinciding with the deepest yearly extent of the active layer thawprogression. Overall, we found evidence that Fe and Mn could be usefulas geochemical indicators of permafrost thaw and release of Fe(II)from thawing permafrost and further oxidation to Fe(III) could translateto a higher degree of seasonal rusting coinciding with the warmingand thawing of near surface-permafrost.

2023-07-21 Web of Science

Arctic regions are highly impacted by the global temperature rising and its consequences and influences on the thermo-hydro processes and their feedbacks. Theses processes are especially not very well understood in the context of river-permafrost interactions and permafrost degradation. This paper focuses on the thermal characterization of a river-valley system in a continuous permafrost area (Syrdakh, Yakutia, Eastern Siberia) that is subject to intense thawing, with major consequences on water resources and quality. We investigated this Yakutian area through two transects crossing the river using classical tools such as in-situ temperature measurements, direct active layer thickness estimations, unscrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery, heat transfer numerical experiments, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR), and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). Of these two transects, one was closely investigated with a long-term temperature time series from 2012 to 2018, while both of them were surveyed by geophysical and UAV data acquisition in 2017 and 2018. Thermodynamical numerical simulations were run based on the long-term temperature series and are in agreement with river thermal influence on permafrost and active layer extensions retrieved from GPR and ERT profiles. An electrical resistivity-temperature relationship highlights the predominant role of water in such a complicated system and paves the way to coupled thermo-hydro-geophysical modeling for understanding permafrost-river system evolution.

2023-05-11 Web of Science

Rock glaciers are receiving increased attention as a potential source of water and indicator of climate change in periglacial landscapes. They consist of an ice-debris mixture, which creeps downslope. Although rock glaciers are a wide-spread feature on the Tibetan Plateau, characteristics such as its ice fraction are unknown as a superficial debris layer inhibits remote assessments. We investigate one rock glacier in the semiarid western Nyainqentanglha range (WNR) with a multi-method approach, which combines geophysical, geological and geomorphological field investigations with remote sensing techniques. Long-term kinematics of the rock glacier are detected by 4-year InSAR time series analysis. The ice content and the active layer are examined by electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar, and environmental seismology. Short-term activity (11-days) is captured by a seismic network. Clast analysis shows a sorting of the rock glacier's debris. The rock glacier has three zones, which are defined by the following characteristics: (a) Two predominant lithology types are preserved separately in the superficial debris patterns, (b) heterogeneous kinematics and seismic activity, and (c) distinct ice fractions. Conceptually, the studied rock glacier is discussed as an endmember of the glacier-debris-covered glacier-rock glacier continuum. This, in turn, can be linked to its location on the semiarid lee-side of the mountain range against the Indian summer monsoon. Geologically preconditioned and glacially overprinted, the studied rock glacier is suggested to be a recurring example for similar rock glaciers in the WNR. This study highlights how geology, topography and climate influence rock glacier characteristics and development.

2022-01-01 Web of Science

The impact of permafrost thaw on hydrologic, thermal, and biotic processes remains uncertain, in part due to limitations in subsurface measurement capabilities. To better understand subsurface processes in thermokarst environments, we collocated geophysical and biogeochemical instruments along a thaw gradient between forested permafrost and collapse-scar bogs at the Alaska Peatland Experiment site near Fairbanks, Alaska. Ambient seismic noise monitoring provided continuous high-temporal resolution measurements of water and ice saturation changes. Maps of seismic velocity change identified areas of large summertime velocity reductions nearest the youngest bog, indicating potential thaw and expansion at the bog margin. These results corresponded well with complementary borehole nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of unfrozen water content with depth, which showed permafrost soils nearest the bog edges contained the largest amount of unfrozen water along the study transect, up to 25% by volume. In situ measurements of methane within permafrost soils revealed high concentrations at these bog-edge locations, up to 30% soil gas. Supra-permafrost talik zones were observed at the bog margins, indicating talik formation and perennial liquid water may drive lateral bog expansion and enhanced permafrost carbon losses preceding thaw. Comparison of seismic monitoring with wintertime surface carbon dioxide fluxes revealed differential responses depending on time and proximity to the bogs, capturing the controlling influence of subsurface water and ice on microbial activity and surficial emissions. This study demonstrates a multidisciplinary approach for gaining new understanding of how subsurface physical properties influence greenhouse gas production, emissions, and thermokarst development.

2021-06-01 Web of Science

Gridded glacier datasets are essential for various glaciological and climatological research because they link glacier cover with the corresponding gridded meteorological variables. However, there are significant differences between the gridded data and the shapefile data in the total area calculations in the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) 6.0 at global and regional scales. Here, we present a new global gridded glacier dataset based on the RGI 6.0 that eliminates the differences. The dataset is made by dividing the glacier polygons using cell boundaries and then recalculating the area of each polygon in the cell. Our dataset (1) exhibits a good agreement with the RGI area values for those regions in which gridded areas showed a generally good consistency with those in the shapefile data, and (2) reduces the errors existing in the current RGI gridded dataset. All data and code used in this study are freely available and we provide two examples to demonstrate the application of this new gridded dataset.


Climate warming and anthropogenic impact causes transformation of geocryological conditions in the river basins of the North-East of Russia. Changes in the thickness of the active layer, configuration of taliks, types of landscapes and other factors lead to transformation of water exchange processes between surface and groundwater runoff. This is manifested in the seasonal redistribution of the components of the water balance, accelerated melting of aufeis, change in the ratio of waters of different genesis in the structure of river runoff. As a result, natural and anthropogenic risks that affect the safe and efficient development of infrastructure and socio-economic processes are increasing. At the same time the system of observations developed in the Soviet period has been practically destroyed in the region. This paper offers a vision of organizing complex multidisciplinary research to assess and project the changes in the conditions of underground and surface water interaction in natural and disturbed river basins of the cryolithozone of the North-East of Russia, including for solving applied problems, based on permafrost, hydrology. hydrogeology, landscape science and geophysics with applications of remote sensing and field research integrated through mathematical modeling methods. To achieve the goal, the identification of natural and disturbed landscapes using remote sensing data. and key areas for detailed research will be selected. Geophysical and drilling works will be carried out within the sites to establish permafrost-hydrogeological conditions, monitoring stations will be equipped to determine hydrogeological, hydrometeorological and geocryological characteristics, including sampling for isotopic and hydrogeochemical studies. As the main key sites, it is proposed to use the area of the Kolyma water-balance station and the site on Anmangynda aufeis, for which there are long-term observation series in the 20th century. Field data will become the basis for improving the mathematical model of runoff formation, considering the relationship between groundwater and river runoff in the conditions of permafrost. Mathematical modeling will make it possible to quantitatively analyze the water balance of rivers considering various factors and project water availability both for specific industrial facilities and for the region as a whole.

2021-01-01 Web of Science

As the Arctic warms and wildfire occurrence increases, talik formation in permafrost regions is projected to expand and affect the cycling of water and carbon. Yet, few unified field and modeling studies have examined this process in detail, particularly in areas of continuous permafrost. We address this gap by presenting multimethod, multiseasonal geophysical measurements of permafrost and liquid-water content that reveal substantial talik development in response to recent wildfire in continuous permafrost of boreal Alaska. Results from observation-based cryohydrogeologic model simulations suggest that predisturbance subsurface conditions are key factors influencing thaw response to fire disturbance and air temperature warming. Our high-resolution integrated study illustrates enhanced vulnerability of boreal continuous permafrost, with observed talik formation that exceeds coarse-scale model projections by similar to 100 years even under the most extreme future emissions scenario. Results raise important scaling questions for representing extreme permafrost thaw phenomena of growing widespread importance in large-scale predictive models.

2020-08-16 Web of Science

The Yukon-Kuskokwim (YK) Delta is a region of discontinuous permafrost in the subarctic of southwestern Alaska. Many wildfires have occurred in the YK Delta between 1971-2015, impacting vegetation cover, surface soil moisture, and the active layer. Herein, we demonstrate that the remotely sensed active layer thickness (ReSALT) algorithm can resolve the post-fire active layer dynamics of tundra permafrost. We generated a stack of Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar interferograms over a study region in the YK Delta spanning 2007-2010. We applied ReSALT to this stack of interferograms to measure seasonal subsidence associated with the freezing and thawing of the active layer and subsidence trends associated with wildfire. We isolated two wildfire-induced subsidence signatures, associated with the active layer and the permafrost layer. We demonstrate that InSAR is sensitive to increases in active layer thickness following wildfire, which recovers to pre-fire values after approximately 25 years. Simultaneously, we show that fire gradually thins the permafrost layer by 4 m, which recovers to pre-fire thickness after 70 years.

2019-03-01 Web of Science
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