Cryoconite holes are structures characteristic of the glacierised ablation areas, formed from dark sediment deposition which melt the glacier ice leading to their cylindrical structure formation. The present study focuses on an unstudied blue ice area of East Antarctica over the Hells Gate Ice Shelf in Northern Victoria Land. Taking advantage of neural network methodology applied on drone acquisitions, an automatic detection of cryoconite holes was carried out (88% of accuracy), mapping similar to 3500 m(2) (0.4% fractional cover) of cryoconite holes over an area of 900 000 m(2). The surveyed area showed heterogeneity in cryoconite hole distribution, with some regions showing an area fraction of holes (regions exhibiting frozen ponds and ice bands) as high as 8%. Thanks to this detection, the spatially integrated radiative forcing of cryoconite holes over blue ice surface was estimated to be almost 1 Wm(-2). This estimation was based on the measured albedo difference between the two surfaces, which averages 0.31. However, the radiative forcing is strongly increased if calculated at a single cryoconite hole scale, showing an average of similar to 200 Wm(-2). In conclusion, the present research represents a first attempt of analysing cryoconite holes as factors impacting the blue ice in Northern Victoria Land, deepening our understanding of their glaciological role at the margins of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Artificial glacier melt reduction is gaining increasing attention because of rapid glacier retreats and the projected acceleration of future mass losses. However, quantifying the effect of artificial melt reduction on glaciers in China has not been currently reported. Therefore, the case of Urumqi Glacier No.1 (eastern Tien Shan, China) is used to conduct a scientific evaluation of glacier cover efficiency for melt reduction between 24 June and 28 August 2021. By combining two high-resolution digital elevation models derived from terrestrial laser scanning and unmanned aerial vehicles, albedo, and meteorological data, glacier ablation mitigation under three different cover materials was assessed. The results revealed that up to 32% of mass loss was preserved in the protected areas compared with that of the unprotected areas. In contrast to the unprotected glacier surface, the nanofiber material reduced the glacier melt by up to 56%, which was significantly higher than that achieved by geotextiles (29%). This outcome could be attributed to the albedo of the materials and local climate factors. The nanofiber material showed higher albedo than the two geotextiles, dirty snow, clean ice, and dirty ice. Although clean snow had a higher albedo than the other materials, its impact on slowing glacier melt was minor due to the lower snowfall and relatively high air temperature after snowfall in the study area. This indicates that the efficiencies of nanofiber material and geotextiles can be beneficial in high-mountain areas. In general, the results of our study demonstrate that the high potential of glacier cover can help mitigate issues related to regions of higher glacier melt or lacking water resources, as well as tourist attractions.
Spectral albedos of open water, nilas, nilas with frost flowers, slush, and first-year ice with both thin and thick snow cover were measured in the East Antarctic sea-ice zone during the Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystems experiment II (SIPEX II) from September to November 2012, near 65 degrees S, 120 degrees E. Albedo was measured across the ultraviolet (UV), visible and near-infrared (nIR) wavelengths, augmenting a dataset from prior Antarctic expeditions with spectral coverage extended to longer wavelengths, and with measurement of slush and frost flowers, which had not been encountered on the prior expeditions. At visible and UV wavelengths, the albedo depends on the thickness of snow or ice; in the nIR the albedo is determined by the specific surface area. The growth of frost flowers causes the nilas albedo to increase by 0.2-0.3 in the UV and visible wavelengths. The spectral albedos are integrated over wavelength to obtain broadband albedos for wavelength bands commonly used in climate models. The albedo spectrum for deep snow on first-year sea ice shows no evidence of light-absorbing particulate impurities (LAI), such as black carbon (BC) or organics, which is consistent with the extremely small quantities of LAI found by filtering snow meltwater. Estimated BC mixing ratios were in the range 0.1-0.5 ng of carbon per gram of snow.
The Antarctic climate system varies on timescales from orbital, through millennial to sub-annual, and is closely coupled to other parts of the global climate system. We review these variations from the perspective of the geological and glaciological records and the recent historical period from which we have instrumental data (similar to the last 50 years). We consider their consequences for the biosphere, and show how the latest numerical models project changes into the future, taking into account human actions in the form of the release of greenhouse gases and chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. In doing so, we provide an essential Southern Hemisphere companion to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.