Numerous endorheic lakes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) have shown a dramatic increase in total area since 1996. These expanding lakes are mainly located in the interior regions of the QTP, where permafrost is widely distributed. Despite significant permafrost degradation due to global warming, the impact of permafrost thawing on lake evolution in QTP has been underexplored. This study investigated the permafrost degradation and its correlation with lake area increase by selecting four lake basins (Selin Co, Nam Co, Zhari Namco, and Dangqiong Co) in QTP for analysis. Fluid-heat-ice coupled numerical models were conducted on the aquifer cross-sections in these four lake basins, to simulate permafrost thawing driven by rising surface temperatures, and calculate the subsequent changes in groundwater discharge into the lakes. The contribution of these changes to lake storage, which is proportional to lake area, was investigated. Numerical simulation indicates that from 1982 to 2011, permafrost degradation remained consistent across the four basins. During this period, the active layer thickness first increased, then decreased, and partially transformed into talik, with depths reaching up to 25 m. By 2011, groundwater discharge had significantly risen, exceeding 2.9 times the initial discharge in 1988 across all basins. This increased discharge now constitutes up to 17.67 % of the total lake water inflow (Selin Co). The dynamic lake water budget further suggests that groundwater contributed significantly to lake area expansion, particularly since 2000. These findings highlight the importance of considering permafrost thawing as a crucial factor in understanding the dynamics of lake systems in the QTP in the context of climate change.
2025-04-01 Web of ScienceOngoing and amplified climate change in the Arctic is leading to glacier retreat and to the exposure of an ever-larger portion of non-glaciated permafrost-dominated landscapes. Warming will also cause more precipitation to fall as rain, further enhancing the thaw of previously frozen ground. Yet, the impact of those perturbations on the geochemistry of Arctic rivers remains a subject of debate. Here, we determined the geochemical composition of waters from various contrasting non-glacial permafrost catchments and investigated their impact on a glacially dominated river, the Zackenberg River (Northeast Greenland), during late summer (August 2019). We also studied the effect of rainfall on the geochemistry of the Zackenberg River, its non-glacial tributaries, and a nearby independent non-glacial headwater stream Gr ae nse. We analyzed water properties, quantified and characterized dissolved organic matter (DOM) using absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy and radiocarbon isotopes, and set this alongside analyses of the major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, and K), dissolved silicon (Si), and germanium/silicon ratios (Ge/Si). The glacier-fed Zackenberg River contained low concentrations of major cations, dissolved Si and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and a Ge/Si ratio typical of bulk rock. Glacial DOM was enriched in protein-like fluorescent DOM and displayed relatively depleted radiocarbon values (i.e., old DOM). Non-glacial streams (i.e., tributaries and Gr ae nse) had higher concentrations of major cations and DOC and DOM enriched in aromatic compounds. They showed a wide range of values for radiocarbon, Si and Ge/Si ratios associated with variable contributions of surface runoff relative to deep active layer leaching. Before the rain event, Zackenberg tributaries did not contribute notably to the solute export of the Zackenberg River, and supra-permafrost ground waters governed the supply of solutes in Zackenberg tributaries and Gr ae nse stream. After the rain event, surface runoff modified the composition of Gr ae nse stream, and non-glacial tributaries strongly increased their contribution to the Zackenberg River solute export. Our results show that summer rainfall events provide an additional source of DOM and Si-rich waters from permafrost-underlain catchments to the discharge of glacially dominated rivers. This suggests that the magnitude and composition of solute exports from Arctic rivers are modulated by permafrost thaw and summer rain events. This event-driven solute supply will likely impact the carbon cycle in rivers, estuaries, and oceans and should be included into future predictions of carbon balance in these vulnerable Arctic systems.
2025-01-01 Web of ScienceIncreasing greenhouse gas levels drive extensive changes in Arctic and cold-dominated environments, leading to a warmer, more humid, and variable climate. Associated permafrost thaw creates new groundwater flow paths in cold regions that are causing unprecedented environmental changes. This review of recent advances in groundwater research in cold environments has revealed that a new paradigm is emerging where groundwater is at the center of these changes. Groundwater flow and associated heat and solute transport are now used as a basis to understand hydrological changes, permafrost dynamics, water quality, integrity of infrastructure along with ecological impacts. Although major advances have been achieved in cold regions' cryohydrogeological research, the remaining knowledge gaps are numerous. For example, groundwater as a drinking water source is poorly documented despite its social importance. Lateral transport processes for carbon and contaminants are still inadequately understood. Numerical models are improving, but the highly complex physical-ecological changes occurring in the arctic involve coupled thermal, hydrological, hydrogeological, mechanical, and geochemical processes that are difficult to represent and hamper quantitative analysis and limit predictive capacity. Systematic long-term observatories where measurements involving groundwater are considered central are needed to help resolve these research gaps. Innovative transdisciplinary research will be critical to comprehend and predict these complex transformations.
2025-01-01 Web of ScienceSeasonally frozen ground (SFG) is a significant component of the cryosphere, and its extent is gradually increasing due to climate change. The hydrological influence of SFG is complex and varies under different climatic and physiographic conditions. The summer rainfall dominant climate pattern in Qinghai Lake Basin (QLB) leads to a significantly different seasonal freeze-thaw process and groundwater flow compared to regions with winter snowfall dominated precipitation. The seasonal hydrological processes in QLB are not fully understood due to the lack of soil temperature and groundwater observation data. A coupled surface and subsurface thermal hydrology model was applied to simulate the freeze-thaw process of SFG and groundwater flow in the QLB. The results indicate that SFG begins to freeze in early November, reaches a maximum freezing depth of approximately 2 meters in late March, and thaws completely by June. This freeze-thaw process is primarily governed by the daily air temperature variations. During the early rainy season from April to June, the remaining SFG in deep soil hinders the majority of rainwater infiltration, resulting in a two-month delay in the peak of groundwater discharge compared to scenario with no SFG present. Colder conditions intensify this effect, delaying peak discharge by 3 months, whereas warmer conditions reduce the lag to 1 month. The ice saturation distribution along the hillslope is affected by topography, with a 10 cm deeper ice saturation distribution and 3 days delay of groundwater discharge in the steep case compared to the flat case. These findings highlight the importance of the freeze-thaw process of SFG on hydrological processes in regions dominated by summer rainfall, providing valuable insights into the hydro-ecological response. Enhanced understanding of these dynamics may improve water resource management strategies and support future research into climate-hydrology interactions in SFG-dominated landscapes.
2024-11-22 Web of ScienceThis study utilized electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) to investigate subsurface characteristics near Nicolaus Copernicus University Polar Station on the western Spitsbergen-Kaffi & oslash;yra Plain island in the Svalbard archipelago. Surveys along two lines, LN (148 m) collected in 2022 and 2023, and ST (40 m) collected in 2023, were conducted to assess resistivity and its correlation with ground temperatures. The LN line revealed a 1- to 2-m-thick resistive unsaturated outwash sediment layer, potentially indicative of permafrost. Comparing the LN resistivity result between 2022 and 2023, a 600 Ohm.m decrease in the unsaturated active layer in 2023 was observed, attributed to a 5.8 degrees C temperature increase, suggesting a link to global warming. ERI along the ST line depicted resistivity, reaching its minimum at approximately 1.6 m, rising to over 200 Ohm.m at 4 m, and slightly decreasing to around 150 Ohm.m at 7 m. Temperature measurements from the ST line's monitoring strongly confirmed that the active layer extends to around 1.6 m, with permafrost located at greater depths. Additionally, water content distribution in the ST line was estimated after temperature correction, revealing a groundwater depth of approximately 1.06 m, consistent with measurements from the S4 borehole on the ST line. This study provides valuable insights into Arctic subsurface dynamics, emphasizing the sensitivity of resistivity patterns to climate change and offering a comprehensive understanding of permafrost behavior in the region.
2024-10-01 Web of ScienceTo better understand the changes in the hydrologic cycle caused by global warming in Antarctica, it is crucial to improve our understanding of the groundwater flow system, which has received less attention despite its significance. Both hydraulic and thermal properties of the active layer, through which groundwater can flow during thawing seasons, are essential to quantify the groundwater flow system. However, there has been insufficient information on the Antarctic active layer. The goal of this study was to estimate the hydraulic and thermal properties of Antarctic soils through laboratory column experiments and inverse modeling. The column experiments were conducted with sediments collected from two lakes in the Barton Peninsula, Antarctica. A sand column was also operated for comparison. Inverse modeling using HydroGeoSphere (HGS) combined with Parameter ESTimation (PEST) was performed with data collected from the column experiments, including permeameter tests, saturation -drain tests, and freeze -thaw tests. Hydraulic parameters (i.e., K s , theta s , S wr , alpha , beta, and S s ) and thermal diffusivity ( D ) of the soils were derived from water retention curves and temperature curves with depth, respectively. The hydraulic properties of the Antarctic soil samples, estimated through inverse modeling, were 1.6 x 10 - 5 -3.4 x 10 -4 cm s -1 for K s , 0.37 -0.42 for theta s , 6.62 x 10 - 3 -1.05 x 10 -2 for S wr , 0.53 -0.58 cm - 1 for alpha, 5.75 -7.96 for beta, and 5.11 x 10 - 5 -9.02 x 10 -5 cm - 1 for S s . The thermal diffusivities for the soils were estimated to be 0.65-4.64 cm 2 min -1 . The soil hydraulic and thermal properties reflected the physical and ecological characteristics of their lake environments. The results of this study can provide a basis for groundwater -surface water interaction in polar regions, which is governed by variably -saturated flow and freezethaw processes.
2024-08-10 Web of ScienceSuprapermafrost groundwater fulfils an important role in the hydrological cycle of the permafrost region. Under the influence of the soil freeze-thaw process in the active layer, the dynamic process of suprapermafrost groundwater is too complex to be fully quantified, which has limited our understanding of the features of groundwater dynamic processes in permafrost regions. To bridge this gap, the dynamic characteristics of the suprapermafrost groundwater level were systematically observed, and pumping tests were performed under different topographic conditions (e.g., altitude, slope orientation, and distance from the river). The results showed that the differences in the heat distribution and recharge source of groundwater at the different altitudes and slope orientations determined the phase and threshold of the variation in the suprapermafrost groundwater movement state. There was a significant Boltzmann function relationship between the groundwater level and soil temperature. The groundwater level in the downslope during melting increased earlier and that during freezing declined later than that in the upslope part during the initial thawing cycle and the initial freezing cycle, respectively. The groundwater level on the shady slope decreased twice as fast as that on the sunny slope at the initial freezing stage. There was a favourable exponential relationship between the hydraulic conductivity (K) and soil temperature in the study area. On the sunny slope, K was higher than that on the shady slope, and K was higher in the area near the river than in the area far from the river. When the melting depth of the active layer reached 2/3 of the maximum depth, K reached its maximum value. The study results also revealed that when the soil temperature was reduced to 1-0 degrees C, a strong linear relationship occurred between K and soil temperature.
2024-04-30 Web of ScienceThis research presents a comprehensive environmental assessment of a small mountain permafrost catchment of the Anmangynda River in the Upper Kolyma Highland (Northeastern Asia) over the period of 2021-2023. The study reveals significant diversity in climatic, geocryological, and hydrogeological conditions within this confined area, emphasizing the need for extensive field data collection and monitoring in vast permafrost regions with limited data availability. Key findings include variations in ground temperature, maximum seasonal thaw depth, and depths of zero annual amplitudes of ground temperature at different elevations and landscape types. Groundwater and surface flow dynamics within spring aufeis basins exhibit complex geocryological regimes influenced by icing processes. The presence of aufeis and its impact on local hydrology highlight the ecological significance of this phenomenon. Future research should focus on long-term trends in permafrost dynamics and their relationship with climate change, as well as the ecological effects of aufeis formation on local ecosystems. The study underscores the importance of a multi-faceted approach to environmental assessment, incorporating various environmental parameters and processes, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interactions within the cryosphere and their responses to changing climate conditions. Such knowledge is essential for addressing broader questions related to climate change, ecosystem resilience, and sustainable resource management in Northeastern Siberia.
2024-04-01 Web of ScienceGroundwater (GW) is sensitive to climate change (CC), and the effects have become progressively more evident in recent years. Many studies have examined the effects of CC on GW quantity. Still, there is growing interest in assessing the qualitative impacts of CC, especially on GW temperature (GWT), and the consequences of these impacts. This study aimed to systematically review recently published papers on CC and GWT, determine the impacts of CC on GWT, and highlight the possible consequences. The Scopus and Web of Science databases were consulted, from which 144 papers were obtained. After an initial screening for duplicate papers, a second screening based on the titles and abstracts, and following an analysis of topic applicability to this subject after examining the full text, 44 studies were included in this review. The analysed scientific literature, published in 29 different journals, covered all five continents from 1995 to 2023. This review indicated that the subject of GWT variations due to CC is of global interest and has attracted significant attention, especially over the past two decades, with many studies adopting a multidisciplinary approach. A general increase in GWT was noted as a primary effect of CC (especially in urban areas); furthermore, the implications of this temperature increase for contaminants and GW-dependent ecosystems were analysed, and various applications for this increase (e.g. geothermal) were evaluated. This review highlights that GWT is vulnerable to CC and that the consequences can be serious and worthy of further investigation.
2024-03-30 Web of ScienceClimate change has resulted in significant changes to subsurface hydrological processes in permafrost regions. Lateral subsurface flow (LSF) represents the dominant flow path in hillslope runoff generation. However, the contributions of runoff components to LSF, such as precipitation, soil water, and ground ice, remain unclear. This study aimed to characterize LSF generation processes in an alpine permafrost hillslope of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, using stable isotopes and total dissolved solids (TDS) as tracers. Samples of precipitation and soil water [including mobile soil water and supra-permafrost groundwater (SPG)], LSF, and ground ice samples were collected from different thaw depths of the active layer in 2021. The results showed that LSF came directly from SPG in the active layer. Two-source partitioning using delta H-2 or TDS suggested that the dominant source of LSF gradually shifted from ground ice during the initial thaw period to precipitation with increasing thaw depths. The contributions of ground ice to LSF were 70 % and 30 % at thaw depths of 0-30 cm and >30 cm, respectively. The results of three-source partitioning indicated ground ice, precipitation, and SPG to be the dominant sources of LSF at thaw depths of 0-30 cm, 30-150 cm, and >150 cm, respectively. SPG largely regulates hillslope hydrologic processes at thaw depths >= 250 cm. Therefore, with continuing climate warming, SPG will play an increasing role in hydrological processes of alpine meadow permafrost hillslopes.
2024-03-15 Web of Science