We present an innovative approach to understanding permafrost degradation processes through the application of new environment-based particle image velocimetry (E-PIV) to time-lapse imagery and correlation with synchronous temperature and rainfall measurements. Our new approach to extracting quantitative vector movement from dynamic environmental conditions that can change both the position and the color balance of each image has optimized the trade-off between noise reduction and preserving the authenticity of movement data. Despite the dynamic polar environments and continuous landscape movements, the E-PIV provides the first quantitative real-time associations between environmental drivers and the responses of permafrost degradation mechanism. We analyze four event-based datasets from an island southwest of Tuktoyaktuk, named locally as Imnaqpaaluk or Peninsula Point near Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, Canada, spanning a 5-year period from 2017 to 2022. The 2017 dataset focuses on the interaction during a hot dry summer between slope movement and temperature changes, laying the foundation for subsequent analyses. In 2018, two datasets significantly expand our understanding of typical failure mechanisms in permafrost slopes: one investigates the relationship between slope movement and rainfall, while the other captures an overhang collapse, providing a rare quantitative observation of an acute landscape change event. The 2022 dataset revisits the combination of potential rain and air temperature-related forcing to explore the environment-slope response relationship around an ice wedge, a common feature of ice-rich permafrost coasts. These analyses reveal both a direct but muted association with air temperatures and a detectable delayed slope response to the occurrence of rainfall, potentially reflective of the time taken for the warm rainwater to infiltrate through the active layer and affect the frozen ground. Whilst these findings also indicate that other factors are likely to influence permafrost degradation processes, the associations have significant implications given the projections for a warmer, wetter Arctic. The ability to directly measure permafrost slope responses offers exciting new potential to quantitatively assess the sensitivity of different processes of degradation for the first time, improving the vulnerability components of hazard risk assessments, guiding mitigation efforts, and better constraining future projections of erosion rates and the mobilization of carbon-rich material.
Globally, land subsidence (LS) often adversely impacts infrastructure, humans, and the environment. As climate change intensifies the terrestrial hydrologic cycle and severity of climate extremes, the interplay among extremes (e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.), LS, and their effects must be better understood since LS can alter the impacts of extreme events, and extreme events can drive LS. Furthermore, several processes causing subsidence (e.g., ice-rich permafrost degradation, oxidation of organic matter) have been shown to also release greenhouse gases, accelerating climate change. Our review aims to synthesize these complex relationships, including human activities contributing to LS, and to identify the causes and rates of subsidence across diverse landscapes. We primarily focus on the era of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which has significantly contributed to advancements in our understanding of ground deformations around the world. Ultimately, we identify gaps and opportunities to aid LS monitoring, mitigation, and adaptation strategies and guide interdisciplinary efforts to further our process-based understanding of subsidence and associated climate feedbacks. We highlight the need to incorporate the interplay of extreme events, LS, and human activities into models, risk and vulnerability assessments, and management practices to develop improved mitigation and adaptation strategies as the global climate warms. Without consideration of such interplay and/or feedback loops, we may underestimate the enhancement of climate change and acceleration of LS across many regions, leaving communities unprepared for their ramifications. Proactive and interdisciplinary efforts should be leveraged to develop strategies and policies that mitigate or reverse anthropogenic LS and climate change impacts.
This study uses a new dataset on gauge locations and catchments to assess the impact of 21st-century climate change on the hydrology of 221 high-mountain catchments in Central Asia. A steady-state stochastic soil moisture water balance model was employed to project changes in runoff and evaporation for 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, compared to the baseline period of 1979-2011. Baseline climate data were sourced from CHELSA V21 climatology, providing daily temperature and precipitation for each subcatchment. Future projections used bias-corrected outputs from four General Circulation Models under four pathways/scenarios (SSP1 RCP 2.6, SSP2 RCP 4.5, SSP3 RCP 7.0, SSP5 RCP 8.5). Global datasets informed soil parameter distribution, and glacier ablation data were integrated to refine discharge modeling and validated against long-term catchment discharge data. The atmospheric models predict an increase in median precipitation between 5.5% to 10.1% and a rise in median temperatures by 1.9 degrees C to 5.6 degrees C by the end of the 21st century, depending on the scenario and relative to the baseline. Hydrological model projections for this period indicate increases in actual evaporation between 7.3% to 17.4% and changes in discharge between + 1.1% to -2.7% for the SSP1 RCP 2.6 and SSP5 RCP 8.5 scenarios, respectively. Under the most extreme climate scenario (SSP5-8.5), discharge increases of 3.8% and 5.0% are anticipated during the first and second future periods, followed by a decrease of -2.7% in the third period. Significant glacier wastage is expected in lower-lying runoff zones, with overall discharge reductions in parts of the Tien Shan, including the Naryn catchment. Conversely, high-elevation areas in the Gissar-Alay and Pamir mountains are projected to experience discharge increases, driven by enhanced glacier ablation and delayed peak water, among other things. Shifts in precipitation patterns suggest more extreme but less frequent events, potentially altering the hydroclimate risk landscape in the region. Our findings highlight varied hydrological responses to climate change throughout high-mountain Central Asia. These insights inform strategies for effective and sustainable water management at the national and transboundary levels and help guide local stakeholders.
Significant increase in wintertime air temperature, especially the reduced cold extremes under climate change, might be beneficial to the winter survival of perennial crops. However, climate warming could result in less snowfall, reduced snow cover, as well as changes in climate conditions for fall hardening and winter thaws. How these changes might impact the risks of winter damages to overwintering crops, such as perennial forage crops requires a comprehensive assessment for proactively adapting to climate change in the agricultural sector, especially the beef and dairy industries. Based on the most up-to-date climate projections from a set of global climate models, we used a snow model and a suite of agroclimatic indices for perennial forage crops to assess potential changes in the risks of winter injury to perennial forage crops across Canada in the near-term (2030s), the mid-term (2050s), and the distant future (2070s). Our results show that the risk of exposure to extremely low temperatures (daily T-min < -15 degrees C) without snow protection is projected to decrease across Canada with improved conditions for fall hardening. However, winter thaws and rainfall are projected to increase, and this would increase the risk of winter injury due to loss of hardiness together with potential soil heaving and ice encasement.
The navigability of Arctic maritime passages has improved with the rapid retreat of sea ice in recent decades, and it is projected that the Northern Sea Route (NSR) will support further increases in shipping in the future. However, the opening of the NSR may bring potential environmental and climate risks to the Arctic and the rest of the world. This investigation assessed shipping emissions along the NSR and the climate impacts under global warming of 2 degrees C and 3 degrees C to support coordinated international decision-making. The results show that the magnitude of annual energy consumption of ships along the NSR is 109 kWh under global warming of 2 degrees C and 3 degrees C. The environmental impacts of the shipping decrease with fuel transition to clean, carbon-neutral fuel sources. Specifically, the maximum emission is CO2 (106 t), followed by NOX (104-5 t), CO (103-4 t), SOX (103 t), CH4 (102-3 t), organic carbon (102-3 t), N2O (101-2 t), and black carbon (BC, 101-2 t), in which CO2 and BC have great difference under high and low loads. Total emission exacerbates Arctic and global warming, and it is more significant in the Arctic in the next twenty years and across the rest of the world in the next one hundred years. The greatest climate impact factor is CO2, followed by NOX and BC which are more important in global and Arctic warming, respectively.
Changing climatic conditions in High Mountain Asia (HMA), especially regional warming and changing precipitation patterns, have led to notable effects on mountain permafrost. Comprehensive knowledge of mountain permafrost in HMA is mostly limited to the mountains of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, with a strong cluster of research activity related to critical infrastructure providing a basis for related climate adaptation measures. Insights related to the extent and changing characteristics of permafrost in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH), are much more limited. This study provides the first comprehensive review of peer-reviewed journal articles, focused on hydrological, ecological, and geomorphic impacts associated with thawing permafrost in HMA, as well as those examining adaptations to changes in mountain permafrost. Studies reveal a clear warming trend across the region, likely resulting in increased landslide activity, effects on streamflow, soil saturation and subsequent vegetation change. Adaptation strategies have been documented only around infrastructure megaprojects as well as animal herding in China. While available research provides important insight that can inform planning in the region, we also identify a need for further research in the areas of hazards related to changing permafrost as well as its effect on ecosystems and subsequently livelihoods. We suggest that future planning of infrastructure in HMA can rely on extrapolation of already existing knowledge within the region to reduce risks associated with warming permafrost. We highlight key research gaps as well as specific areas where insights are limited. These are areas where additional support from governments and funders is urgently needed to enhance regional collaboration to sufficiently understand and effectively respond to permafrost change in the HKH region.
The Tibetan Plateau holds the largest mass of snow and ice outside of the polar regions. The deposition of light-absorbing particles (LAPs) including mineral dust, black carbon and organic carbon and the resulting positive radiative forcing on snow (RFSLAPs) substantially contributes to glacier retreat. Yet how anthropogenic pollutant emissions affect Himalayan RFSLAPs through transboundary transport is currently not well known. The COVID-19 lockdown, resulting in a dramatic decline in human activities, offers a unique test to understand the transboundary mechanisms of RFSLAPs. This study employs multiple satellite data from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer and ozone monitoring instrument, as well as a coupled atmosphere-chemistry-snow model, to reveal the high spatial heterogeneities in anthropogenic emissions-induced RFSLAPs across the Himalaya during the Indian lockdown in 2020. Our results show that the reduced anthropogenic pollutant emissions during the Indian lockdown were responsible for 71.6% of the reduction in RFSLAPs on the Himalaya in April 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. The contributions of the Indian lockdown-induced human emission reduction to the RFSLAPs decrease in the western, central, and eastern Himalayas were 46.8%, 81.1%, and 110.5%, respectively. The reduced RFSLAPs might have led to 27 Mt reduction in ice and snow melt over the Himalaya in April 2020. Our findings allude to the potential for mitigating rapid glacial threats by reducing anthropogenic pollutant emissions from economic activities.
This study quantifies the impacts of climate change on the mine life cycle (development, operation and closure phases) of 30 mines located in the northern regions of Canada. To this end, climate projections based on a five -member transient climate change simulation ensemble, performed using a state-of-the art regional climate model, spanning the 1991-2050 period, corresponding to the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 emis-sion scenario are used. A reanalysis-driven simulation for the 1991-2010 period compared against available observations confirm suitability of the model for application in climate change simulations. Assessment of projected changes to mine-relevant climate variables that are important from structural integrity and operation perspectives reveal potential vulnerabilities and opportunities. Active layer thickness increases in the 0.3-2 m range in permafrost regions, coupled with increases in flood probability, as reflected in snow-melt rate increases in the 0.14-6.77% range and increases in the 100-year return levels of daily maximum rainfall in the 5-50% range, suggest potential impacts on the structural integrity of mine infrastructure, such as slope instability and foundation settlement of tailings dams, and supporting infrastructure such as ice/all-season roads. Increases in soil moisture, projected in the 0-11% range, at a few mines, suggest potential impacts on material handling systems, such as increases in the traction factor of the muck-haul and tire rolling resistance, that can lead to low productivity. Projected increases to wind speeds in the 5-10% range for the northernmost regions suggest po-tential impacts on the tailings management facility in terms of increases in tailings resuspension. Overall, this study identified northernmost and northeastern mines to be more vulnerable, with air/soil temperature, pre-cipitation and wind speed being the most influential climate variables. This systematic study, for the first time, has identified potential vulnerabilities of northern Canadian mines, which can inform future high-resolution climate modelling and detailed at-site climate-mine interaction studies that is required for climate-change adaptation related decision-making.
Arctic hydrology is experiencing rapid changes including earlier snow melt, permafrost degradation, increasing active layer depth, and reduced river ice, all of which are expected to lead to changes in stream flow regimes. Recently, long-term (>60 years) climate reanalysis and river discharge observation data have become available. We utilized these data to assess long-term changes in discharge and their hydroclimatic drivers. River discharge during the cold season (October-April) increased by 10% per decade. The most widespread discharge increase occurred in April (15% per decade), the month of ice break-up for the majority of basins. In October, when river ice formation generally begins, average monthly discharge increased by 7% per decade. Long-term air temperature increases in October and April increased the number of days above freezing (+1.1 d per decade) resulting in increased snow ablation (20% per decade) and decreased snow water equivalent (-12% per decade). Compared to the historical period (1960-1989), mean April and October air temperature in the recent period (1990-2019) have greater correlation with monthly discharge from 0.33 to 0.68 and 0.0-0.48, respectively. This indicates that the recent increases in air temperature are directly related to these discharge changes. Ubiquitous increases in cold and shoulder-season discharge demonstrate the scale at which hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes are being altered in the Arctic.
Since the 1970s, the ongoing retreat of the global cryosphere has been affecting human societies and causing a series of snow- and ice-related disasters (SIRDs). Based on existing research results, this paper focuses on searching for the formation mechanism of SIRDs, classifies their types and spatiotemporal scales, and reveals the integrated impacts of the SIRD and its future situation on global high-hazard areas. On land, SIRDs mainly occur in the high mountainous areas of middle-low latitude and the permafrost regions of high latitude, in the behaviors of increasing frequency of glacier/snow/glacier lake outburst flood-related disasters and an expanding range of freeze-thaw disasters. The recorded frost events show a decreasing trend but the hail hazard distributions are greatly heterogenous. Overall, the frequency of rain-on-snow events is projected to increase on land in the future. In the ocean, SIRDs are mainly distributed in the Arctic coastal areas and global low-lying islands or areas, with great potential risk. Among them, coastal freeze-thaw, icebergs, and sea-level rise and its impacts are likely or expected to continue increasing in the next few decades.