Ice records provide a qualitative rather than a quantitative indication of the trend of climate change. Using the bulk aerodynamic method and degree day model, this study quantified ice mass loss attributable to sublimation/evaporation (S/E) and meltwater on the basis of integrated observations (1960-2006) of glacier-related and atmospheric variables in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. During 1961-2005, the average annual mass loss in the ice core was 95.33 +/- 20.56 mm w.e. (minimum: 78.97 mm w.e. in 1967, maximum: 146.67 mm w.e. in 2001), while the average ratio of the revised annual ice accumulation was 21.2 +/- 7.7% (minimum: 11.0% in 1992, maximum 44.8% in 2000). A quantitative formula expressing the relationship between S/E and air temperature at the monthly scale was established, which could be extended to estimation of S/E changes of other glaciers in other regions. The elevation effect on alpine precipitation determined using revised ice accumulation and instrumental data was found remarkable. This work established a method for quantitative assessment of the temporal variation in ice core mass loss, and advanced the reconstruction of long-term precipitation at high elevations. Importantly, the formula established for reconstruction of S/E from temperature time series data could be used in other regions.
Lakes are commonly accepted as a sensitive indicator of regional climate change, including the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This study took the Ranwu Lake, located in the southeastern TP, as the research object to investigate the relationship between the lake and regional hydroclimatological regimes. The well-known Budyko framework was utilized to explore the relationship and its causes. The results showed air temperature, evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration in the Ranwu Lake Basin generally increased, while precipitation, soil moisture, and glacier area decreased. The Budyko space indicated that the basin experienced an obviously drying phase first, and then a slightly wetting phase. An overall increase in lake area appears inconsistent with the drying phase of the basin climate. The inconsistency is attributable to the significant expansion of proglacial lakes due to glacial melting, possibly driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Our findings should be helpful for understanding the complicated relationships between lakes and climate, and beneficial to water resources management under changing climates, especially in glacier basins.
Study area: Urumqi Glacier No.1 Catchment in central Asia. Study focus: Chemical weathering at the basin scale is important process for understanding the feedback mechanism of the carbon cycle and climate change. This study mainly used the actual sampling data in 2013, 2014, and 2016, and the first collection from the literature in same catchment to analyze the seasonal and interannual characteristics of meltwater runoff, as well as cation denudation rate (CDR). New hydrological insights for the study region: The dominant ions of meltwater runoff are Ca2 +, HCO3- , and SO42-, which are mainly derived from calcite dissolution, feldspar weathering and sulfide oxidation. Meltwater runoff at Urumqi Glacier No.1 has higher concentrations of Ca2+ and lower concentrations of HCO3- than that from glaciers in Asia. Compared to 2006 and 2007, cation concentrations increased in 2013 and 2014, while SO42- concentration decreased. The daily ion concentration has seasonality and exhibits a negative relationship with discharge. Daily CDR is positively related to discharge and temperature. Annual CDR values range from 12.34 to 19.04 t/ km2/yr in 2013, 2014, and 2016, which are 1-1.7 times higher than those in 2006 and 2007 and higher than some glaciers in Asia. These results indicate that chemical weathering rate in the Urumqi Glacier No.1 catchment has increased with climate warming, and it is stronger than that of some glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings.
Study area: Urumqi Glacier No.1 Catchment in central Asia. Study focus: Chemical weathering at the basin scale is important process for understanding the feedback mechanism of the carbon cycle and climate change. This study mainly used the actual sampling data in 2013, 2014, and 2016, and the first collection from the literature in same catchment to analyze the seasonal and interannual characteristics of meltwater runoff, as well as cation denudation rate (CDR). New hydrological insights for the study region: The dominant ions of meltwater runoff are Ca2 +, HCO3- , and SO42-, which are mainly derived from calcite dissolution, feldspar weathering and sulfide oxidation. Meltwater runoff at Urumqi Glacier No.1 has higher concentrations of Ca2+ and lower concentrations of HCO3- than that from glaciers in Asia. Compared to 2006 and 2007, cation concentrations increased in 2013 and 2014, while SO42- concentration decreased. The daily ion concentration has seasonality and exhibits a negative relationship with discharge. Daily CDR is positively related to discharge and temperature. Annual CDR values range from 12.34 to 19.04 t/ km2/yr in 2013, 2014, and 2016, which are 1-1.7 times higher than those in 2006 and 2007 and higher than some glaciers in Asia. These results indicate that chemical weathering rate in the Urumqi Glacier No.1 catchment has increased with climate warming, and it is stronger than that of some glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings.
In this study, we used satellite observations to identify 10 typical dust-loading events over the Indian Himalayas. Next, the aerosol microphysical and optical properties during these identified dust storms are characterized using cotemporal in situ measurements over Mukteshwar, a representative site in Indian Himalayas. Relative to the background values, the mass of coarse particles (size range between 2.5 and 10 mu m) and the extinction coefficient were found to be enhanced by 400% (from 24 +/- 15 to 98 +/- 40 mu g/m3) and 175% (from 89 +/- 57 Mm-1 to 156 +/- 79 Mm-1), respectively, during these premonsoonal dust-loading events. Moreover, based on the air mass trajectory, these dust storms can be categorized into two categories: (a) mineral dust events (MDEs), which involve long-range transported dust plumes traversing through the lower troposphere to reach the Himalayas and (b) polluted dust events (PDEs), which involve short-range transported dust plumes originating from the arid western regions of the Indian subcontinent and traveling within the heavily polluted boundary layer of the Gangetic plains before reaching the Himalayas. Interestingly, compared to the background, the SSA and AAE decrease during PDEs but increase during MDEs. More importantly, we observe a twofold increase in black carbon concentrations and the aerosol absorption coefficient (relative to the background values) during the PDEs with negligible changes during MDEs. Consequently, the aerosol-induced snow albedo reduction (SAR) also doubles during MDEs and PDEs relative to background conditions. Thus, our findings provide robust observational evidence of substantial dust-induced snow and glacier melting over the Himalayas.
Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) as light-absorbing particles (LAPs) deposited to snow cover can result in early onset and rapid snow melting, challenging management of downstream water resources. We identified LAPs in 38 snow samples (water years 2013-2016) from the mountainous Upper Colorado River basin by comparing among laboratory-measured spectral reflectance, chemical, physical, and magnetic properties. Dust sample reflectance, averaged over the wavelength range of 0.35-2.50 mu m, varied by a factor of 1.9 (range, 0.2300-0.4444) and was suppressed mainly by three components: (a) carbonaceous matter measured as total organic carbon (1.6-22.5 wt. %) including inferred black carbon, natural organic matter, and carbon-based synthetic, black road-tire-wear particles, (b) dark rock and mineral particles, indicated by amounts of magnetite (0.11-0.37 wt. %) as their proxy, and (c) ferric oxide minerals identified by reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic properties. Fundamental compositional differences were associated with different iron oxide groups defined by dominant hematite, goethite, or magnetite. These differences in iron oxide mineralogy are attributed to temporally varying source-area contributions implying strong interannual changes in regional source behavior, dust-storm frequency, and (or) transport tracks. Observations of dust-storm activity in the western U.S. and particle-size averages for all samples (median, 25 mu m) indicated that regional dust from deserts dominated mineral-dust masses. Fugitive contaminants, nevertheless, contributed important amounts of LAPs from many types of anthropogenic sources.
Due to the impact of climate change, significant alterations in snowmelt have already occurred, which have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in photosynthetic carbon sequestration processes in vegetation. However, the effect of changes in snowmelt on light use efficiency (LUE) of grassland remain largely unknown in the permafrost region of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). By utilizing remote sensing data from 2000 to 2017, we conducted an analysis on the spatial and temporal patterns of LUE for various types of permafrost and grassland on the QTP. The LUE of the growing season was 1.1588 g CMJ(-1), displaying variations among different ecosystems: alpine steppe of seasonally frozen ground (ASS) > alpine meadow of seasonally frozen ground (AMS) > alpine meadow of permafrost (AMP) > alpine steppe of permafrost (ASP). Furthermore, our study demonstrated that decreasing snowmelt during the growing season had a negative impact on LUE through meteorological factors, elucidating its influence on LUE for approximately 40.65%, 34.06%, 41.05%, and 32.68% of ecosystems studied. Reduced snowmelt indirectly affects LUE by lowering air temperatures, vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation, while replenishing soil moisture. Additionally, changes in snowmelt can directly affect LUE by reducing the insulating properties of snow cover. Therefore, when estimating gross primary productivity (GPP) using remote sensing data based on LUE, it is essential to consider the impact of snowmelt. This will better represent vegetation phenology's response to climate change.
Study region: The source area of the Yangtze River, a typical catchment in the cryosphere on the Tibet Plateau, was used to develop and validate a distributed hydrothermal coupling model. Study focus: Climate change has caused significant changes in hydrological processes in the cryosphere, and related research has become hot topic. The source area of the Yangtze River (SAYR) is a key catchment for studies of hydrological processes in the cryosphere, which contains widespread glacier, snow, and permafrost. However, the current hydrological modeling of the SAYR rarely depicts the process of glacier/snow and permafrost runoff from the perspective of coupled water and heat transfer, resulting in distortion of simulations of hydrological processes. Therefore, we developed a distributed hydrothermal coupling model, namely WEP-SAYR, based on the WEP-L (Water and energy transfer process in large river basins) model by introducing modules for glacier and snow melt and permafrost freezing and thawing. New hydrological insights for the region: In the WEP-SAYR model, the soil hydrothermal transfer equations were improved, and a freezing point equation for permafrost was introduced. In addition, the glacier and snow meltwater processes were described using the temperature index model. Compared to previously applied models, the WEP-SAYR portrays in more detail glacier/ snow melting, dynamic changes in permafrost water and heat coupling, and runoff dynamics, with physically meaningful and easily accessible model parameters. The model can describe the soil temperature and moisture changes in soil layers at different depths from 0 to 140 cm. Moreover, the model has a good accuracy in simulating the daily/monthly runoff and evaporation. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency exceeded 0.75, and the relative error was controlled within +/- 20 %. The results showed that the WEP-SAYR model balances the efficiency of hydrological simulation in large scale catchments and the accurate portrayal of the cryosphere elements, which provides a reference for hydrological analysis of other catchments in the cryosphere.
Ny-& Aring;lesund, located in Arctic Svalbard, is one of the most sensitive areas on Earth to global warming. In recent years, accelerated glacier ablation has become remarkable in Ny-& Aring;lesund. Glacial meltwaters discharge a substantial quantity of materials to the ocean, affecting downstream ecosystems and adjacent oceans. In August 2015, various water samples were taken near Ny-& Aring;lesund, including ice marginal meltwater, proglacial meltwater, supraglacial meltwater, englacial meltwater, and groundwater. Trace metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), major ions, alkalinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and electric conductivity were also measured. Major ions were mainly controlled by chemical weathering intensity and reaction types, while trace metals were influenced by both chemical weathering and physicochemical control upon their mobility. Indeed, we found that Br & oslash;ggerbreen was dominated by carbonate weathering via carbonation of carbonate, while Austre Lov & eacute;nbreen and Pedersenbreen were dominated by sulfide oxidation coupled with carbonate dissolution with a doubled silicate weathering. The higher enrichment of trace metals in supraglacial meltwater compared to ice marginal and proglacial meltwater suggested anthropogenic pollution from atmospheric deposition. In ice marginal and proglacial meltwater, principal component analysis indicated that trace metals like Cr, Al, Co, Mn and Cd were correlated to chemical weathering. This implies that under accelerated glacier retreat, glacier-derived chemical components are subjected to future changes in weathering types and intensity.
Sources and implications of black carbon (BC) and mineral dust (MD) on two glaciers on the central Tibetan Plateau were estimated based on in situ measurements and modeling. The results indicated that BC and MD accounted for 11 +/- 1% and 4 +/- 0% of the albedo reduction relative to clean snow, while the radiative forcing varied between 11 and 196 and 1-89 W m(-2), respectively. Assessment of BC and MD contributions to the glacier melt can reach up 88 to 434 and 35 to 187 mm w.e., respectively, contributing 9-23 and 4-10% of the total glacier melt. A footprint analysis indicated that BC and MD deposited on the glaciers originated mainly from the Middle East, Central Asia, North China and South Asia during the study period. Moreover, a potentially large fraction of BC may have originated from local and regional fossil fuel combustion. This study suggests that BC and MD will enhance glacier melt and provides a scientific basis for regional mitigation efforts.