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Soil freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs) are common in temperate agricultural ecosystems during the non-growing season and are progressively influenced by climate change. The impact of these cycles on soil microbial communities, crucial for ecosystem functioning, varies under different agricultural management practices. Here, we investigated the dynamic changes in soil microbial communities in a Mollisol during seasonal FTCs and examined the effects of stover mulching and nitrogen fertilization. We revealed distinct responses between bacterial and fungal communities. The dominant bacterial phyla reacted differently to FTCs: for example, Proteobacteria responded opportunistically, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Choroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes responded sensitively, and Saccharibacteria exhibited a tolerance response. In contrast, the fungal community composition remained relatively stable during FTCs, except for a decline in Glomeromycota. Certain bacterial OTUs acted as sensitive indicators of FTCs, forming keystone modules in the network that are closely linked to soil carbon, nitrogen content and potential functions. Additionally, neither stover mulching nor nitrogen fertilization significantly influenced microbial richness, diversity and potential functions. However, over time, more indicator species specific to these agricultural practices began to emerge within the networks and gradually occupied the central positions. Furthermore, our findings suggest that farming practices, by introducing keystone microbes and changing interspecies interactions (even without changing microbial richness and diversity), can enhance microbial community stability against FTC disturbances. Specifically, higher nitrogen input with stover removal promotes fungal stability during soil freezing, while lower nitrogen levels increase bacterial stability during soil thawing. Considering the fungal tolerance to FTCs, we recommend reducing nitrogen input for manipulating bacterial interactions, thereby enhancing overall microbial resilience to seasonal FTCs. In summary, our research reveals that microbial responses to seasonal FTCs are reshaped through land management to support ecosystem functions under environmental stress amid climate change.

2024-11-10 Web of Science

The active layer is the portion of soil overlaying the permafrost that freezes and thaws seasonally. It is a harsh habitat in which a varied and vigorous microbial population thrives. The high-altitude active layer soil in northern India is a unique and important cryo-ecosystem. However, its microbiology remains largely unexplored. It represents a unique reservoir for microbial communities with adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. In the Changthang region of Ladakh, the Tsokar area is a high-altitude permafrost-affected area situated in the southern part of Ladakh, at a height of 4530 m above sea level. Results of the comparison study with the QTP, Himalayan, Alaskan, Russian, Canadian and Polar active layers showed that the alpha diversity was significantly higher in the Ladakh and QTP active layers as the environmental condition of both the sites were similar. Moreover, the sampling site in the Ladakh region was in a thawing condition at the time of sampling which possibly provided nutrients and access to alternative nitrogen and carbon sources to the microorganisms thriving in it. Analysis of the samples suggested that the geochemical parameters and environmental conditions shape the microbial alpha diversity and community composition. Further analysis revealed that the cold-adapted methanogens were present in the Ladakh, Himalayan, Polar and Alaskan samples and absent in QTP, Russian and Canadian active layer samples. These methanogens could produce methane at slow rates in the active layer soils that could increase the atmospheric temperature owing to climate change.

2024-09-01 Web of Science

The frequency of forest fires has increased dramatically due to climate change. The occurrence of forest fires affects the carbon and nitrogen cycles and react to climate change to form a positive feedback mechanism. These effects further impact the distribution of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) and the soil microbial community structure. In addition, permafrost degradation can significantly affect the microorganisms in the soil. Based on these findings, this review examines the effects of fire intensity and post-fire recovery time on permafrost, the soil microbial community, MBC, MBN, and their interrelationships. This review demonstrated that (1) fires alter the condition of surface vegetation, reduce the organic layer thickness, redistribute snow, accelerate permafrost degradation, and even lead to permanent changes, where the restoration of the pre-fire state would require several decades or even centuries; (2) soil microbial community structure, soil MBC, and MBN negatively correlate with fire intensity, and the effects become more pronounced with increasing fire intensity; and (3) the structural diversity and stability of the soil microbial community were improved with time, and the amount of MBC and MBN increases as the years after a fire go by; it would still take more than ten years to recover to the pre-fire level. However, the relationship between permafrost degradation and soil microbes after forest fires is still unclear due to a lack of quantitative research on the mechanisms underlying the changes in soil microorganisms resulting from fire-induced permafrost degradation. Therefore, expanding quantitative studies and analyses of the mechanisms of interactions between forest fires, permafrost, and soil microorganisms can provide a scientific basis for understanding ecosystem carbon pools and dual-carbon targets in Arctic-boreal permafrost regions.

2024-03-01 Web of Science

Large amounts of carbon sequestered in permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are becoming vulnerable to microbial decomposition in a warming world. However, knowledge about how the responsible microbial community responds to warming-induced permafrost thaw on the TP is still limited. This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive comparison of the microbial communities and their functional potential in the active layer of thawing permafrost on the TP. We found that the microbial communities were diverse and varied across soil profiles. The microbial diversity declined and the relative abundance of Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Euryarchaeota, and Bathyarchaeota significantly increased with permafrost thawing. Moreover, warming reduced the similarity and stability of active layer microbial communities. The high-throughput qPCR results showed that the abundance of functional genes involved in liable carbon degradation and methanogenesis increased with permafrost thawing. Notably, the significantly increased mcrA gene abundance and the higher methanogens to methanotrophs ratio implied enhanced methanogenic activities during permafrost thawing. Overall, the composition and functional potentials of the active layer microbial community in the Tibetan permafrost region are susceptible to warming. These changes in the responsible microbial community may accelerate carbon degradation, particularly in the methane releases from alpine permafrost ecosystems on the TP. Warming-induced permafrost thawing increased the abundance of anaerobic microorganisms and functional genes involved in labile carbon degradation and methane cycles, which could accelerate soil carbon degradation on TP.

2023-10-17 Web of Science

This study presents features of airborne culturable bacteria and fungi from three different sites (Lanzhou; LZ; 1520 m ASL, Lhasa; LS; 3640 m ASL and Qomolangma; ZF; 4276 m ASL) representing urban (LZ and LS) and remote sites (ZF) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Total suspended particle (TSP) samples were collected with an air sampler (Laoying 2030, China) on a quartz filter. Community structures of bacteria and fungi were studied and compared among three different locations. The average levels of bacterial load in the outdoor air ranged from approximately 8.03 x 10(1)to 3.25 x 10(2)CFU m(-3)(Colony forming unit per m(3)). However, the average levels of fungal loads ranged from approximately 3.88 x 10(0)to 1.55 x 10(1)CFU m(-3). Bacterial load was one magnitude higher at urban sites LZ (2.06 x 10(2)-3.25 x 10(2)CFU m(-3)) and LS (1.96 x 10(2)-3.23 x 10(2)CFU m(-3)) compared to remote sites ZF (8.03 x 10(1)-9.54 x 10(1)CFU m(-3)). Similarly, the maximum fungal load was observed in LZ (1.02 x 10(1)-1.55 x 10(1)CFU m(-3)) followed by LS (1.03 x 10(1)-1.49 x 10(1)CFU m(-3)) and ZF (3.88 x 10(0)-6.26 x 10(0)CFU m(-3)). However, the maximum microbial concentration was observed on the same day of the month, corresponding to a high dust storm in Lanzhou during the sampling period. The reported isolates were identified by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA genes for bacteria and ITS sequences for fungi amplified from directly extracted DNA. Bacterial isolates were mostly associated withProteobacteria,Eurotiomycetes and Bacillus, whereas fungal isolates were mostlyAspergillusandAlternaria. Overall, this is a pioneer study that provides information about the airborne microbial concentration and composition of three sites over the TP region depending on environmental parameters. This study provided preliminary insight to carry out more advanced and targeted analyses of bioaerosol in the sites presented in the study.


Permafrost degradation by global warming is expected to alter the hydrological processes, which results in changes in vegetation species composition and gives rise to community succession. Ecotones are sensitive transition areas between ecosystem boundaries, attract particular interest due to their ecological importance and prompt responses to the environmental variables. However, the characteristics of soil microbial communities and extracellular enzymes along the forest-wetland ecotone in high-latitude permafrost region remain poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated the variations of soil bacterial and fungal community structures and soil extracellular enzymatic activities of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers in five different wetland types along environmental gradients, including Larix gmelinii swamp (LY), Betula platyphylla swamp (BH), Alnus sibirica var. hirsute swamp (MCY), thicket swamp (GC), and tussock swamp (CC). The relative abundances of some dominant bacterial (Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia) and fungal (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) phyla differed significantly among different wetlands, while bacterial and fungal alpha diversity was not strongly affected by soil depth. PCoA results showed that vegetation type, rather than soil depth explained more variation of soil microbial community structure. beta-glucosidase and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activities were significantly lower in GC and CC than in LY, BH, and MCY, while acid phosphatase activity was significantly higher in BH and GC than LY and CC. Altogether, the data suggest that soil moisture content (SMC) was the most important environmental factor contributing to the bacterial and fungal communities, while extracellular enzymatic activities were closely related to soil total organic carbon (TOC), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and total phosphorus (TP).

2023-06-01 Web of Science

Understanding how soil microbes respond to permafrost thaw is critical to predicting the implications of climate change for soil processes. However, our knowledge of microbial responses to warming is mainly based on laboratory thaw experiments, and field sampling in warmer months when sites are more accessible. In this study, we sampled a depth profile through seasonally thawed active layer and permafrost in the Imnavait Creek Watershed, Alaska, USA over the growing season from summer to late fall. Amplicon sequencing showed that bacterial and fungal communities differed in composition across both sampling depths and sampling months. Surface communities were most variable while those from the deepest samples, which remained frozen throughout our sampling period, showed little to no variation over time. However, community variation was not explained by trace metal concentrations, soil nutrient content, pH, or soil condition (frozen/thawed), except insofar as those measurements were correlated with depth. Our results highlight the importance of collecting samples at multiple times throughout the year to capture temporal variation, and suggest that data from across the annual freeze-thaw cycle might help predict microbial responses to permafrost thaw.

2023-05-01 Web of Science

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the leading causes of environmental pollution and is linked to public health and ecological consequences. Microbes-mineral interaction generates AMD, but microorganisms can also remedy AMD pollution. Exploring the microbial response to AMD effluents may reveal survival strategies in extreme ecosystems. Three distinct sites across a mine (inside the mine, the entrance of the mine, and outside) were selected to study their heavy metal concentrations due to significant variations in pH and physicochemical characteristics, and high-throughput sequencing was carried out to investigate the microbial diversity. The metal and ion concentrations followed the order SO42 , Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Pb, Co, Cr, and Ni from highest to lowest, respectively. Maximum sequences were allocated to Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Among archaea, the abundance of Thaumarchaeota and Euryarchaeota was higher outside of mine. Most of the genera (23.12 %) were unclassified and unknown. The average OTUs (operational taxonomic units) were significantly higher outside the mine; however, diversity indices were not significantly different across the mine sites. Hierarchical clustering of selective genera and nMDS ordination of OTUs displayed greater segregation resolution inside and outside of mine, whereas the entrance samples clustered with greater similarity. Heterogeneous selection might be the main driver of community composition outside the mine, whereas stochastic processes became prominent inside the mine. However, the ANOSIM test shows a relatively even distribution of community composition within and between the groups. Microbial phyla showed both positive and negative correlations with physicochemical factors. A greater number of biomarkers were reported outside of the mine. Predictive functional investigation revealed the existence of putative degradative, metabolic, and biosynthetic pathways. This study presents a rare dataset in our understanding of microbial diversity and distribution as shaped by the ecological gradient and potential novelty in phylogenetic/taxonomic diversity in AMD, with potential biotechnological applications.


Permafrost peatlands are a huge carbon pool that is uniquely sensitive to global warming. However, despite the importance of peatlands in global carbon sequestration and biogeochemical cycles, few studies have characterized the distribution characteristics and drivers of soil microbial community structure in forest-peatland ecotones. Here, we investigated the vertical distribution patterns of soil microbial communities in three typical peatlands along an environmental gradient using Illumina high-throughput sequencing. Our findings indicated that bacterial richness and diversity decreased with increasing soil depth in coniferous swamp (LT) and thicket swamp (HT), whereas the opposite trend was observed in a tussock swamp (NT). Additionally, these parameters decreased at 0-20 and 20-40 cm and increased at 40-60 cm along the environmental gradient (LT to NT). Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated that the soil microbial community structure was more significantly affected by peatland type than soil depth. Actinomycetota, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Chloroflexota, Acidobacteriota, and Bacteroidota were the predominant bacterial phyla across all soil samples. Moreover, there were no significant differences in the functional pathways between the three peatlands at each depth, except for amino acid metabolism, membrane transport, cell motility, and signal transduction. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that pH and soil water content were the primary environmental factors influencing the bacterial community structure. Therefore, this study is crucial to accurately forecast potential changes in peatland ecosystems and improve our understanding of the role of peat microbes as carbon pumps in the process of permafrost degradation.

2022-11-01 Web of Science

The Loess Plateau, located in Gansu Province, is an important energy base in China because most of the oil and gas resources are distributed in Gansu Province. In the last 40 a, ecological environment in this region has been extremely destroyed due to the over-exploitation of crude-oil resources. Remediation of crude-oil contaminated soil in this area remains to be a challenging task. In this study, in order to elucidate the effects of organic compost and biochar on phytoremediation of crude-oil contaminated soil (20 g/kg) by Calendula officinalis L., we designed five treatments, i.e., natural attenuation (CK), planted C. officinalis only (P), planted C. officinalis with biochar amendment (PB), planted C. officinalis with organic compost amendment (PC), and planted C. officinalis with co-amendment of biochar and organic compost (PBC). After 152 d of cultivation, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal rates of CK, P, PB, PC and PBC were 6.36%, 50.08%, 39.58%, 73.10% and 59.87%, respectively. Shoot and root dry weights of C. officinalis significantly increased by 172.31% and 80.96% under PC and 311.61% and 145.43% under PBC, respectively as compared with P (P<0.05). Total chlorophyll contents in leaves of C. officinalis under P, PC and PBC significantly increased by 77.36%, 125.50% and 79.80%, respectively (P<0.05) as compared with PB. Physical-chemical characteristics and enzymatic activity of soil in different treatments were also assessed. The highest total N, total P, available N, available P and SOM occurred in PC, followed by PBC (P<0.05). C. officinalis rhizospheric soil dehydrogenase (DHA) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities in PB were lower than those of other treatments (P<0.05). The values of ACE (abundance-based coverage estimators) and Chao indices for rhizospheric bacteria were the highest under PC followed by PBC, P, PB and CK (P<0.05). However, the Shannon index for bacteria was the highest under PC and PBC, followed by P, PB and CK (P<0.05). In terms of soil microbial community composition, Proteiniphilum, Immundisolibacteraceae and Solimonadaceae were relatively more abundant under PC and PBC. Relative abundances of Pseudallescheria, Ochroconis, Fusarium, Sarocladium, Podospora, Apodus, Pyrenochaetopsis and Schizpthecium under PC and PBC were higher, while relative abundances of Gliomastix, Aspergillus and Alternaria were lower under PC and PBC. As per the nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis, application of organic compost significantly promoted soil N and P contents, shoot length, root vitality, chlorophyll ratio, total chlorophyll, abundance and diversity of rhizospheric soil microbial community in C. officinalis. A high pH value and lower soil N and P contents induced by biochar, altered C. officinalis rhizospheric soil microbial community composition, which might have restrained its phytoremediation efficiency. The results suggest that organic compost-assisted C. officinalis phytoremediation for crude-oil contaminated soil was highly effective in the Loess Plateau, China.

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