Continuous permafrost is present across the McMurdo Dry Valleys of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. While summer active-layer thaw is common in the low-elevation portions of the Dry Valleys, active layers have not significantly thickened over time. However, in some locations, coastal Antarctic permafrost has begun to warm. Here, based on soil and meteorological measurements from 1993 to 2023, we show that wintertime soil temperatures have increased across multiple sites in the Dry Valleys, at rates exceeding the pace of summer soil warming. Linear warming trends over time are significant (P < 0.05) at six of seven soil monitoring sites. Winter warming is strongly correlated with increased numbers of down-valley wind events (Foehn/katabatics), but it may also be driven by increased incident longwave radiation at some stations (although winter longwave increase is not significant over time). While down-valley wind events increase winter warming, when down-valley wind events are excluded from the record, winter soil warming remains persistent and significant, suggesting that Antarctic soils are experiencing less cold winters over time in response to regional warming. Together, these observations suggest that some Antarctic permafrost may be approaching a transition to discontinuous permafrost in some regions as winter freezing intensity is reduced over time.
2025-01-10 Web of ScienceLitter decomposition represents a major path for atmospheric carbon influx into Arctic soils, thereby controlling below-ground carbon accumulation. Yet, little is known about how tundra litter decomposition varies with microenvironmental conditions, hindering accurate projections of tundra soil carbon dynamics with future climate change. Over 14 months, we measured landscape-scale decomposition of two contrasting standard litter types (Green tea and Rooibos tea) in 90 plots covering gradients of micro-climate and -topography, vegetation cover and traits, and soil characteristics in Western Greenland. We used the tea bag index (TBI) protocol to estimate relative variation in litter mass loss, decomposition rate (k) and stabilisation factor (S) across space, and structural equation modelling (SEM) to identify relationships among environmental factors and decomposition. Contrasting our expectations, microenvironmental factors explained little of the observed variation in both litter mass loss, as well as k and S, suggesting that the variables included in our study were not the major controls of decomposer activity in the soil across the studied tundra landscape. We use these unexpected findings of our study combined with findings from the current literature to discuss future avenues for improving our understanding of the drivers of tundra decomposition and, ultimately, carbon cycling across the warming Arctic.
2024-03-01 Web of ScienceAll ecosystems face ecological challenges in this century. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the ecology and degree of local adaptation of functionally important Arctic-alpine biomes by looking at the most diverse taxon of metazoans: the Arthropoda. This is the first study to utilize metabarcoding in the Alpine tundra, providing insights into the effects of micro-environmental parameters on alpha- and beta-diversity of arthropods in such unique environments. To characterize arthropod diversity, pitfall traps were set at three middle-alpine sampling sites in the Scandinavian mountain range in Norway during the snow-free season in 2015. A metabarcoding approach was then used to determine the small-scale biodiversity patterns of arthropods in the Alpine tundra. All DNA was extracted directly from the preservative EtOH from 27 pitfall traps. In order to identify the controlling environmental conditions, all sampling locations were equipped with automatic data loggers for permanent measurement of the microenvironmental conditions. The variables measured were: air temperature [degrees C] at 15 cm height, soil temperature [degrees C] at 15 cm depth, and soil moisture [vol.%] at 15 cm depth. A total of 233 Arthropoda OTUs were identified. The number of unique OTUs found per sampling location (ridge, south-facing slope, and depression) was generally higher than the OTUs shared between the sampling locations, demonstrating that niche features greatly impact arthropod community structure. Our findings emphasize the fine-scale heterogeneity of arctic-alpine ecosystems and provide evidence for trait-based and niche-driven adaptation. The spatial and temporal differences in arthropod diversity were best explained by soil moisture and soil temperature at the respective locations. Furthermore, our results show that arthropod diversity is underestimated in alpine-tundra ecosystems using classical approaches and highlight the importance of integrating long-term functional environmental data and modern taxonomic techniques into biodiversity research to expand our ecological understanding of fine- and meso-scale biogeographical patterns. Our study examines the alpha- and beta-diversity of arthropods in the Arctic-alpine biomes of the Scandes using environmental DNA (eDNA)/metabarcoding. We found that micro-climatological parameters such as air/soil temperature and soil moisture significantly influence the arthropod community structure, highlighting the fine-scale heterogeneity of these ecosystems. Our study emphasizes the importance of integrating long-term functional environmental data and modern taxonomic techniques to accurately assess arthropod diversity and broaden our understanding of biogeographical patterns in alpine-tundra ecosystems.image
2024-02-01 Web of ScienceTundra soils are one of the world's largest organic carbon stores, yet this carbon is vulnerable to accelerated decomposition as climate warming progresses. The landscape-scale controls of litter decomposition are poorly understood in tundra ecosystems, which hinders our understanding of the global carbon cycle. We examined the extent to which the thermal sum of surface air temperature, soil moisture and permafrost thaw depth influenced litter mass loss and decomposition rates (k), and at which spatial thresholds an environmental variable becomes a reliable predictor of decomposition, using the Tea Bag Index protocol across a heterogeneous tundra landscape on Qikiqtaruk-Herschel Island, Yukon, Canada. We found greater green tea litter mass loss and faster decomposition rates (k) in wetter areas within the landscape, and to a lesser extent in areas with deeper permafrost active layer thickness and higher surface thermal sums. We also found higher decomposition rates (k) on north-facing relative to south-facing aspects at microsites that were wetter rather than warmer. Spatially heterogeneous belowground conditions (soil moisture and active layer depth) explained variation in decomposition metrics at local scales (< 50 m(2)) better than thermal sum. Surprisingly, there was no strong control of elevation or slope on litter decomposition. Our results reveal that there is considerable scale dependency in the environmental controls of tundra litter decomposition, with moisture playing a greater role than the thermal sum at < 50 m(2) scales. Our findings highlight the importance and complexity of microenvironmental controls on litter decomposition in estimates of carbon cycling in a rapidly warming tundra biome.
2023-11-01 Web of Science1. Factors shaping arthropod and plant community structure at fine spatial scales are poorly understood. This includes microclimate, which likely plays a large role in shaping local community patterns, especially in heterogeneous landscapes characterised by high microclimatic variability in space and in time.2. We explored differences in local microclimatic conditions and regional species pools in two subarctic regions: Kilpisj & auml;rvi in north-west Finland and Varanger in north-east Norway. We then investigated the relationship between fine-scale climatic variation and local community characteristics (species richness and abundance) among plants and arthropods, differentiating the latter into two groups: flying and ground-dwelling arthropods collected by Malaise and pitfall traps, respectively. Arthropod taxa were identified through DNA metabarcoding. Finally, we examined if plant richness can be used to predict patterns in arthropod communities.3. Variation in soil temperature, moisture and snow depth proved similar between regions, despite differences in absolute elevation. For each group of organisms, we found that about half of the species were shared between Kilpisj & auml;rvi and Varanger, with a quarter unique to each region.4. Plants and arthropods responded largely to the same drivers. The richness and abun-dance of both groups decreased as elevation increased and were positively correlated with higher soil moisture and temperature values. Plant species richness was a poor predictor of local arthropod richness, in particular for ground-dwelling arthropods.5. Our results reveal how microclimatic variation within each region carves pro-nounced, yet consistent patterns in local community richness and abundance out of a joint species pool.
2023-09-01 Web of ScienceHeterogeneous terrain in montane systems results in a decoupling of climatic gradients. Population dynamics across species' ranges in these heterogeneous landscapes are shaped by relationships between demographic rates and these interwoven climate gradients. Linking demography and climate variables across species' ranges refines our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of species' current and future ranges. We explored the importance of multiple microclimatic gradients in shaping individual demographic rates and population growth rates in 16 populations across the elevational distribution of an alpine plant (Ivesia lycopodioides var. scandularis). Using integral projection modeling, we ask how each rate varies across three microclimate gradients: accumulated degree-days, growing-season soil moisture, and days of snow cover. Range-wide variation in demographic rates was best explained by the combined influence of multiple microclimatic variables. Different pairs of demographic rates exhibited both similar and inverse responses to the same microclimatic gradient, and the microclimatic effects often varied with plant size. These responses resulted in range-wide projected population persistence, with no declining populations at either elevational range edge or at the extremes of the microclimate gradients. The complex relationships between topography, microclimate and demography suggest that populations across a species' range may have unique demographic pathways to stable population dynamics.
2019-04-01 Web of ScienceWe integrated experimental and natural gradient field methods to investigate effects of climate change and variability on flowering phenology of 11 subalpine meadow shrub, forb, and graminoid species in Gunnison County, Colorado (USA). At a subalpine meadow site, overhead electric radiant heaters advanced snowmelt date by 16 d and warmed and dried soil during the growing season. At three additional sites, a snow removal manipulation advanced snowmelt date by 7 d without altering growing season soil microclimate. We compared phenological responses to experimental climate change with responses to natural microclimate variability across spatial gradients at small and landscape scales, as well as across a temporal gradient from a separate study. Both manipulations significantly advanced timing of flowering for the group of species and for most species individually, closely paralleling responses of timing to natural spatial and temporal variability in snowmelt date. Snowmelt date singularly explained observed shifts in timing only in the earliest flowering species, Claytonia lanceolata. Among all other species except Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana, the latest flowering species, a consistent combination of temperature-related microclimate factors (earlier snowmelt date, warmer soil temperatures, and decreased soil degree-days) substantially explained earlier timing. Both manipulations also extended flowering duration for the group of species, similar to species' responses to natural snowmelt variability at small spatial scales. However, only early flowering species displayed consistent, significant changes in duration, with extended duration related to earlier snowmelt or warmer spring soil temperatures. Soil moisture was generally not a significant explanatory factor for either timing or duration of flowering. Best-fit microclimate models explained an average of 82% of variation in timing but only 38% of variation in duration across species. Our research demonstrates the value of comparing and synthesizing results of multiple field methods within a single study. This integrated approach makes it easier to identify robust community-wide trends, as well as species-specific responses of phenology to climate change. The predicted short-term flowering phenology responses to temperature-related aspects of climate change may lead to longer term asynchronies in interspecific interactions, potentially altering population and evolutionary dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem functioning.
2003-02-01 Web of Science