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Reconstructing historical climate change from deep ground temperature measurements in cold regions is often complicated by the presence of permafrost. Existing methods are typically unable to account for latent heat effects due to the freezing and thawing of the active layer. In this work, we propose a novel method for reconstructing historical ground surface temperature (GST) from borehole temperature measurements that accounts for seasonal thawing and refreezing of the active layer. Our method couples a recently developed fast numerical modeling scheme for two-phase heat transport in permafrost soils with an ensemble-based method for approximate Bayesian inference. We evaluate our method on two synthetic test cases covering both cold and warm permafrost conditions as well as using real data from a 100 m deep borehole on Sardakh Island in northeastern Siberia. Our analysis of the Sardakh Island borehole data confirms previous findings that GST in the region have likely risen by 5-9 degrees C between the pre-industrial period of 1750-1855 and 2012. We also show that latent heat effects due to seasonal freeze-thaw have a substantial impact on the resulting reconstructed surface temperatures. We find that neglecting the thermal dynamics of the active layer can result in biases of roughly -1 degrees C in cold conditions (i.e., mean annual ground temperature below -5 degrees C) and as much as -2.6 degrees C in warmer conditions where substantial active layer thickening (>200 cm) has occurred. Our results highlight the importance of considering seasonal freeze-thaw in GST reconstructions from permafrost boreholes. Plain Language Summary Long-term changes in the temperature of the atmosphere are recorded in the solid Earth due to the insulating properties of soil and rock. As a result, it is possible to estimate past changes in temperature at the interface between the ground and the atmosphere by measuring ground temperatures deep below Earth's surface. In cold regions, the presence of permafrost, that is, ground that remains frozen throughout the year, complicates such analyses due to the effects of water freezing and thawing in the soil. In this work, we present a new method for reconstructing past changes in ground surface temperature from boreholes situated in permafrost using a computational model of heat flow that accounts for these effects. We evaluate our method on both synthetic test cases as well as real data from a 100 m deep borehole in northeastern Siberia. Our results demonstrate that annual freezing and thawing of water near the surface has a substantial impact on the reconstructed ground surface temperature (GST), especially in regions where permafrost is thawing. The proposed method is the first to be widely applicable to ground temperatures measured in permafrost and thus constitutes a valuable new tool for understanding past and present climate change in cold regions.

期刊论文 2024-07-01 DOI: 10.1029/2024JF007734 ISSN: 2169-9003

We use a spatially distributed and physically based energy and mass balance model to derive the ostrem curve, which expresses the supraglacial debris-related relative melt alteration versus the debris thickness, for the Djankuat Glacier, Caucasus, Russian Federation. The model is driven by meteorological data from two on-glacier weather stations and ERA-5 Land reanalysis data. A direct pixel-by-pixel comparison of the melt rates obtained from both a clean ice and debris-covered ice mass balance model results in the quantification of debris-related relative melt-modification ratios, capturing the degree of melt enhancement or suppression as a function of the debris thickness. The main results show that the distinct surface features and different surface temperature/moisture and near-surface wind regimes that persist over debris-covered ice significantly alter the pattern of the energy and mass fluxes when compared to clean ice. Consequently, a maximum relative melt enhancement of 1.36 is modeled on the glacier for thin/patchy debris with a thickness of 0.03 m. However, insulating effects suppress sub-debris melt under debris layers thicker than a critical debris thickness of 0.09 m. Sensitivity experiments show that especially within-debris properties, such as the thermal conductivity and the vertical debris porosity gradient, highly impact the magnitude of the sub-debris melt rates. Our results also highlight the scale-dependency as well as the dynamic nature of the debris thickness-melt relationship for changing climatic conditions, which may have significant implications for the climate change response of debris-covered glaciers. The presence of rocks, boulders and sediments on top of glacier ice can highly modify the behavior of mountain glaciers. As such, compared to a clean ice surface, a debris-covered ice surface is subject to a modified melting regime. In our study, we quantify this melt-modification effect for the Djankuat Glacier, a well-studied glacier situated in the Caucasus. The results are expressed by a so-called ostrem curve that quantifies the debris-related melt-modification effect and compares it to the corresponding debris thickness. Here, we present the first attempt to construct such a glacier-specific ostrem curve through sophisticated 2D glacier-wide energy and mass balance modeling. Our results show that the energy and mass balance at the glacier surface are greatly modified due to the debris, resulting in different melting regimes over both surface types. Hence, ice melt is enhanced for thin and patchy debris layers, whereas melt is increasingly suppressed for thick and continuous debris layers due to an insulating effect. The degree of melt modification and the shape of the ostrem curve are found to depend on the debris properties, the spatio-temporal distribution of the debris, and the local climatic conditions. Quantifying such melt-modification effects is important to more accurately understand and assess the behavior of (partly) debris-covered glaciers under a future warming climate. We use a spatially distributed and physically based energy and mass balance model to derive the ostrem curve for the Djankuat Glacier The sub-debris melt rates are especially sensitive to within-debris properties, such as the thermal conductivity, the debris porosity and its gradient The relative melt suppression of the debris cover is modeled to increase in a warming climate, regardless of the changes in debris thickness

期刊论文 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.1029/2023JF007542 ISSN: 2169-9003

The amount of rainfall varies unevenly in different regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with some regions becoming wetter and others drier. Precipitation has an important impact on the process of surface energy balance and the energy-water transfer within soils. To clarify the thermal-moisture dynamics and thermal stability of the active layer in permafrost regions under wet/dry conditions, the verified water-vapour-heat coupling model was used. Changes in the surface energy balance, energy-water transfer within the soil, and thickness of the active layer were quantitatively analyzed. The results demonstrate that rainfall changes significantly affect the Bowen ratio, which in turn affects surface energy exchange. Under wet/dry conditions, there is a positive correlation between rainfall and liquid water flux under the hydraulic gradient; water vapour migration is the main form under the temperature gradient, which indicates that the influence of water vapour migration on thermalmoisture dynamics of the active layer cannot be neglected. Concurrently, regardless of wet or dry conditions, disturbance of the heat transport by conduction caused by rainfall is stronger than that of convection by liquid water. In addition, when rainfall decreases by 1.5 times (212 mm) and increases by 1.5 times (477 mm), the thickness of the active layer increases by 0.12 m and decreases by 0.21 m, respectively. The results show that dry conditions are not conducive to the preservation of frozen soil; however, wet conditions are conducive to the preservation of frozen soil, although there is a threshold value. When this threshold value is exceeded, rainfall is unfavourable for the development of frozen soil.

期刊论文 2023-02-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.rcar.2023.04.002 ISSN: 2097-1583

Spin-up is essential to provide initial conditions for land surface models (LSM) when they cannot be given reliably as in the application to regional permafrost change studies. In this study, the impacts of spin-up strategy including total spin-up length and cycling scheme on modeling of permafrost dynamics on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) were evaluated through two groups of experiments using a modified Noah LSM. The first group aims to test different total spin-up lengths and the second group for different cycling schemes. The results show that the presence of permafrost prolongs the convergence of the model. Vertically, the slowest convergence is observed at the permafrost table. The insufficiency of total spin-up length is prone to underestimate permafrost area and overestimate the degradation rate. Different cycling schemes considerably affect the resulting initial thermal fields and result in degradation rates with a difference of 3.37 x 10(3) km(2)/a on the QTP, which exceeds the difference (2.92 x 10(3) km(2)/a) in the degradation rates reported in existing studies. The multi-year cycling scheme is generally preferred, but overlong cycle length should be avoided to prevent the introduction of climate change trends in the spin-up period. We recommend a spin-up strategy of a 500-year cycling with the first 5- to 10-year of forcing for modeling permafrost on the QTP with the Noah LSM. Our findings highlight the importance of the spin-up strategy, which is usually neglected in present LSM-based permafrost modeling studies.

期刊论文 2022-03-01 DOI: 10.1029/2021MS002750

In the past several decades, the trend of rainfall have been significantly increasing in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which inevitably leads to a change in the surface energy balance processes and thermal-moisture status of the permafrost active layers. However, the influence of mechanisms and associated effects of increasing rainfall on active layers are still poorly understood. Therefore, in this study, a validated coupled numerical water-vapor-heat model was applied for simulating the surface energy components, liquid and vapor water migration, and energy transfer within the permafrost active layer under the action of increasing rainfall in the case of an especially wet year. The obtained results demonstrate that the surface heat flux decreases with the increase in rainfall, and the dominant form of energy exchange between the ground and atmosphere becomes the latent heat flux, which is beneficial for the preservation of permafrost. The increasing rainfall will also cause the migration of liquid and vapor water, and the migration of liquid will be more significant. The liquid and vapor water migration caused by the increasing rainfall is also accompanied by energy transfer. With the increase in rainfall, the decrease in total soil heat flux directly leads to a cooling effect on the soil, and then the upper limit of the frozen soil rises, which alleviates the degradation of permafrost. These results provide further insights into engineering structures, regional ecological climate change, hydrology, and environmental issues in permafrost regions.

期刊论文 2021-11-01 DOI: 10.1007/s11629-021-6707-5 ISSN: 1672-6316

A two-dimensional (2D) cryo-hydrogeological numerical model of groundwater flow, coupled with advective-conductive heat transport with phase change, has been developed to study permafrost dynamics around an ice-rich permafrost mound in the Tasiapik Valley near Umiujaq, Nunavik (Quebec), Canada. Permafrost is degrading in this valley due to climate warming observed in Nunavik over the last two decades. Ground temperatures measured along thermistor cables in the permafrost mound show that permafrost thaw is occurring both at the permafrost table and base, and that heat fluxes at the permafrost base are up to ten times higher than the expected geothermal heat flux. Based on a vertical cross- extracted from a 3D geological model of the valley, the numerical model was first calibrated using observed temperatures and heat fluxes. Comparing simulations with and without groundwater flow, advective heat transport due to groundwater flow in the subpermafrost aquifer is shown to play a critical role in permafrost dynamics and can explain the high apparent heat flux at the permafrost base. Advective heat transport leads to warmer subsurface temperatures in the recharge area, while the cooled groundwater arriving in the downgradient discharge zone maintains cooler temperatures than those resulting from thermal conduction alone. Predictive simulations incorporating a regional climate-change scenario suggest the active layer thickness will increase over the coming decades by about 12 cm/year, while the depth to the permafrost base will decrease by about 80 cm/year. Permafrost within the valley is predicted to completely thaw by around 2040.

期刊论文 2020-05-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10040-020-02111-3 ISSN: 1431-2174

In the past three decades, an abrupt, pan-Arctic acceleration of ice wedge melting has transformed tundra landscapes, spurring the formation of hummock-like features known as high-centered polygons (HCPs). This rapid geomorphic transition profoundly alters regional hydrology and influences surface emissions of CO2 and CH4. In Arctic Alaska, most recent instances of ice wedge degradation have arrested within 15-20 years of inception, stabilizing HCP microtopography. However, feedbacks between ground surface deformation and permafrost stability are incompletely understood, limiting our capacity to predict trajectories of landscape evolution in a still warmer future. Here, we use field data from a site near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to develop a modeling-based framework for assessing the strength of positive (i.e., exacerbating) feedbacks on ice wedge degradation, focusing on the importance of heterogeneity in surface drainage and microtopographic conditions. Our simulations suggest that, when troughs are narrow, positive feedbacks on ice wedge melting (associated with thermokarst pool formation) are relatively weak. Positive feedbacks are markedly stronger beneath wide troughs, such as those that form above older, larger ice wedges. Seasonal thaw abruptly accelerates once a talik begins to form beneath wide and deep thermokarst pools. Once a talik initiates, winter severity and snowpack thickness increase in importance as predictors of thaw intensity in summer. Our results indicate that meter-scale heterogeneity in polygonal microtopography potentially exerts strong, nonlinear controls on thermokarst trajectories. These findings are useful for predicting future thermokarst dynamics and for interpreting the results from coarser-resolution land surface models operating at greater spatial and temporal scales.

期刊论文 2020-03-01 DOI: 10.1029/2019JF005349 ISSN: 2169-9003

Mountain ecosystems are experiencing rapid warming resulting in ecological changes worldwide. Projecting the response of these ecosystems to climate change is thus crucial, but also uncertain due to complex interactions between topography, climate, and vegetation. Here, we performed numerical simulations in a real and a synthetic spatial domain covering a range of contrasting climatic conditions and vegetation characteristics representative of the European Alps. Simulations were run with the mechanistic ecohydrological model Tethys-Chloris to quantify the drivers of ecosystem functioning and to explore the vulnerability of Alpine ecosystems to climate change. We correlated the spatial distribution of ecohydrological responses with that of meteorological and topographic attributes and computed spatially explicit sensitivities of net primary productivity, transpiration, and snow cover to air temperature, radiation, and water availability. We also quantified how the variance in several ecohydrological processes, such as transpiration, quickly diminishes with increasing spatial aggregation, which highlights the importance of fine spatial resolution for resolving patterns in complex topographies. We conducted controlled numerical experiments in the synthetic domain to disentangle the effect of catchment orientation on ecohydrological variables, such as streamflow. Our results support previous studies reporting an altitude threshold below which Alpine ecosystems are water-limited in the drier inner-Alpine valleys and confirm that the wetter areas are temperature-limited. High-resolution simulations of mountainous areas can improve our understanding of ecosystem functioning across spatial scales. They can also locate the areas that are the most vulnerable to climate change and guide future measurement campaigns.

期刊论文 2019-01-01 DOI: 10.1002/eco.2054 ISSN: 1936-0584

Permafrost thermal conditions across the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor (QTEC) is of growing interest due to infrastructure development. Most modeling of the permafrost thermal regime has been conducted at coarser spatial resolution, which is not suitable for engineering construction in a warming climate. Here we model the spatial permafrost thermal dynamics across the QTEC from the 2010 to the 2060 using the ground thermal model. Soil properties are defined based on field measurements and ecosystem types. The climate forcing datasets are synthesized from MODIS-LST products and the reanalysis product of near-surface air temperature. The climate projections are based on long-term observations of air temperature across the QTEC. The comparison of model results to field measurements demonstrates a satisfactory agreement for the purpose of permafrost thermal modeling. The results indicate a discontinuous permafrost distribution in the QTEC. Mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) are lowest (<-2.0 degrees C) for the high mountains. In most upland plains, MAGTs range from -2.0 degrees C to 0 degrees C. For high mountains, the average active-layer thickness (ALT) is less than 2.0 m, while the river valley features ALT of more than 4.0 m. For upland plains, the modeled ALTs generally range from 3.0 m to 4.0 m. The simulated results for the future 50 years suggest that 12.0%similar to 20.2% of the permafrost region will be involved in degradation, with an MAGT increase of 0.4 degrees C similar to 2.3 degrees C, and the ALT increasing by 0.4 m similar to 7.3 m. The results of this study are useful for the infrastructure development, although there are still several improvements in detailed forcing datasets and a locally realistic model.

期刊论文 2018-12-01 DOI: 10.3390/rs10122069

Numerical simulations of groundwater flow and heat transport are used to provide insight into the interaction between shallow groundwater flow and thermal dynamics related to permafrost thaw and thaw settlement at the Iqaluit Airport taxiway, Nunavut, Canada. A conceptual model is first developed for the site and a corresponding two-dimensional numerical model is calibrated to the observed ground temperatures. Future climate-warming impacts on the thermal regime and flow system are then simulated based on climate scenarios proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Under climate warming, surface snow cover is identified as the leading factor affecting permafrost degradation, including its role in increasing the sensitivity of permafrost degradation to changes in various hydrogeological factors. In this case, advective heat transport plays a relatively minor, but non-negligible, role compared to conductive heat transport, due to the significant extent of low-permeability soil close to surface. Conductive heat transport, which is strongly affected by the surface snow layer, controls the release of unfrozen water and the depth of the active layer as well as the magnitude of thaw settlement and frost heave. Under the warmest climate-warming scenario with an average annual temperature increase of 3.23 A degrees C for the period of 2011-2100, the simulations suggest that the maximum depth of the active layer will increase from 2 m in 2012 to 8.8 m in 2100 and, over the same time period, thaw settlement along the airport taxiway will increase from 0.11 m to at least 0.17 m.

期刊论文 2017-05-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10040-016-1515-7 ISSN: 1431-2174
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