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Arctic permafrost soils store substantial reserves of organic matter (OM) from which microbial transformation contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions of CH4 and CO2. However, many younger sediments exposed by glacier retreat and sea level change in fjord landscapes lack significant organic carbon resources, so their capacity to promote greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. We therefore studied the effects of increased temperatures (4 degrees C and 21 degrees C) and OM on rates of Fe(III) reduction, CO2 production, and methanogenesis in three different Holocene sedimentary units from a single site within the former marine limit of Adventdalen, Svalbard. Higher temperature and OM addition generally stimulated CH4 production and CO2 production and an increase in Bacteria and Archaea abundance in all units, whereas an equal stimulation of Fe(II) production by OM amendment and an increase in temperature to 21 degrees C was only observed in a diamicton. We observed an accumulation of Fe(II) in beach and delta deposits as well but saw no stimulating effect of additional OM or increased temperature. Interestingly, we observed a small but significant production of CH4 in all units despite the presence of large reservoirs of Fe(III), sulfate, and nitrate, indicating either the availability of substrates that are primarily used by methanogens or a tight physical coupling between fermentation and methanogenesis by direct electron transfer. Our study clearly illustrates a significant challenge that comes with the large heterogeneity on a narrow spatial scale that one encounters when studying soils that have complex histories.

2022-12-31 Web of Science

Geological factors influence biological cycling of organic carbon in soils but are not well represented in our understanding of Arctic carbon dynamics. Landscape age, for instance, directly affects quantity and quality of soil carbon, which are two strong controls of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter. We investigated soil carbon storage, respiration potential, and organic matter quality for microbial decomposition across a climate and landscape age gradient in southwest Greenland that deglaciated during the Holocene. We measured soil respiration during a 370-day laboratory incubations of active layer soils collected from four study areas across this gradient (ages 1.8 x 10(2), 6.8 x 10(3), and 1.0 x 10(4), coinciding with a climate gradient from drier inland to wetter coastal terrain) and used a soil respiration model comparison approach to assess the substrate quality of stored organic matter for microbial decomposers. Soils store more than three times greater organic carbon at the 10,000-year-old, maritime climate study areas than the 180-year-old, continental climate study areas. Respiration rates were highest in the surface soils of the coastal areas. Model comparisons reveal important heterogeneity in the quality of organic matter for microbial decomposition between areas: coastal soils were best modeled by both one- and two-pooled models, and inland soils were best represented by one-pooled respiration models. Together, the measures of carbon quality (C:N, CO2 production, and model parameters estimating initial CO2 production rates from different organic matter pools) show that shallow soils at the southern coastal area, Kobbefjord, had the highest respiration rates from the recalcitrant carbon pool. This study reveals differences in carbon storage and turnover associated with landscape age and climate factors in western Greenland. When applied to thermodynamic theory, which predicts that temperature sensitivity increases with carbon recalcitrance, our findings suggest that carbon stored in coastal soils may be more sensitive to climate warming than inland soils.

2016-07-01 Web of Science
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