Warming in the Arctic accelerates top-soil decomposition and deep-soil permafrost thaw. This may lead to an increase in plant-available nutrients throughout the active layer soil and near the permafrost thaw front. For nitrogen (N) limited high arctic plants, increased N availability may enhance growth and alter community composition, importantly affecting the ecosystem carbon balance. However, the extent to which plants can take advantage of this newly available N may be constrained by the following three factors: vertical distribution of N within the soil profile, timing of N-release, and competition with other plants and microorganisms. Therefore, we investigated species- and depth-specific plant N uptake in a high arctic tundra, northeastern Greenland. Using stable isotopic labelling (N-15-NH4+), we simulated autumn N-release at three depths within the active layer: top (10 cm), mid (45 cm) and deep-soil near the permafrost thaw front (90 cm). We measured plant species-specific N uptake immediately after N-release (autumn) and after 1 year, and assessed depth-specific microbial N uptake and resource partitioning between above- and below-ground plant parts, microorganisms and soil. We found that high arctic plants actively foraged for N past the peak growing season, notably the graminoidKobresia myosuroides. While most plant species (Carex rupestris,Dryas octopetala,K. myosuroides) preferred top-soil N, the shrubSalix arcticaalso effectively acquired N from deeper soil layers. All plants were able to obtain N from the permafrost thaw front, both in autumn and during the following growing season, demonstrating the importance of permafrost-released N as a new N source for arctic plants. Finally, microbial N uptake markedly declined with depth, hence, plant access to deep-soil N pools is a competitive strength. In conclusion, plant species-specific competitive advantages with respect to both time- and depth-specific N-release may dictate short- and long-term plant community changes in the Arctic and consequently, larger-scale climate feedbacks.
How the greening of Arctic landscapes manifests as a change in ecosystem structure and function remains largely unknown. This study investigates the likely implications of plant community change on ecosystem function in tundra near Barrow, Alaska. We use structural data from marked plots, established in 1972 and resampled in 1999, 2008 and 2010 to assess plant community change. Ecosystem functional studies were made close to peak growing season in 2008 and 2010 on destructive plots adjacent to marked plots and included measurement of land-atmosphere CH4 and CO2 exchange, hyperspectral reflectance, albedo, water table height, soil moisture, and plant species cover and abundance. Species cover and abundance data from marked and destructive plots were analyzed together using non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMS) ordination. NMS axis scores from destructive plots were used to krig ecosystem function variables in ordination space and produce surface plots from which time series of functional attributes for resampled plots were derived. Generally, the greatest functional change was found in aquatic and wet plant communities, where productivity varied and soil moisture increased, increasing methane efflux. Functional change was minimal in moist and dry communities, which experienced a general decrease in soil moisture availability and appeared overall to be functionally more stable through time. Findings suggest that the Barrow landscape could have become less productive and less responsive to change and disturbance over the past few decades. This study is a contribution to the International Polar Year-Back to the Future Project (512).