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Generally, with increasing elevation, there is a corresponding decrease in annual mean air and soil temperatures, resulting in an overall decrease in ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the variations in CO2 exchange along elevation gradients in tundra ecosystems. Aiming to quantify CO2 exchange along elevation gradients in tundra ecosystems, we measured ecosystem CO2 exchange in the peak growing season along an elevation gradient (9-387 m above sea level, m.a.s.l) in an arctic heath tundra, West Greenland. We also performed an ex-situ incubation experiment based on soil samples collected along the elevation gradient, to assess the sensitivity of soil respiration to changes in temperature and soil moisture. There was no apparent temperature gradient along the elevation gradient, with the lowest air and soil temperatures at the second lowest elevation site (83 m). The lowest elevation site exhibited the highest net ecosystem exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross ecosystem production (GEP) rates, while the other three sites generally showed intercomparable CO2 exchange rates. Topography aspect-induced soil microclimate differences rather than the elevation were the primary drivers for the soil nutrient status and ecosystem CO2 exchange. The temperature sensitivity of soil respiration above 0 degrees C increased with elevation, while elevation did not regulate the temperature sensitivity below 0 degrees C or the moisture sensitivity. Soil total nitrogen, carbon, and ammonium contents were the controls of temperature sensitivity below 0 degrees C. Overall, our results emphasize the significance of considering elevation and microclimate when predicting the response of CO2 balance to climate change or upscaling to regional scales, particularly during the growing season. However, outside the growing season, other factors such as soil nutrient dynamics, play a more influential role in driving ecosystem CO2 fluxes. To accurately upscale or predict annual CO2 fluxes in arctic tundra regions, it is crucial to incorporate elevation-specific microclimate conditions into ecosystem models.

期刊论文 2024-12-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117108 ISSN: 0016-7061

An effective production structure of economic sectors may play an important role in balancing societal advances and environmental conservation, which are two competing sustainable development objectives. We tested the notion in the context of Tibet region. The region is considered to be a critical barrier for ecological security in China, whereas its environment is largely impacted by economic development that is dominated by major regional cities like Lhasa. To understand what the overall role of economic structures prevailed by major cities may play in the balancing act, we integrate a complex network with an input-output (IO) table from regional perspectives, to delineate the sector-based production and unravel more about the core sectors that drove the overall economic production from 2012 to 2107 in Tibet. We found that there was a significant influence of public administration and social security sector on production, but economy was largely contributed by primary and construction sectors, which highly depended on natural resource consumption. However, the production structure was undergoing a shift, largely reflected by the changes of the core sectors, which started leaning to service sectors with relatively higher productivity and lower environmental impacts. Meanwhile, it highlighted the challenges to sustain the economy without more withdrawal of natural resources, consequently towards more balanced development. Therefore, based on key production path assessment, we further put forward pathways towards more sustainable development by improving supply chain that is centered in agriculture, while transforming sectors around green manufacturing and shifting to more robust and productive service sectors.

期刊论文 2024-10-15 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.143703 ISSN: 0959-6526

Resource depletion and climate changes due to human activities and excessive burning of fossil fuels are the driving forces to explore alternatives clean energy resources. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of potato peel waste (PPW) at various temperatures T15 (15 degrees C), T25 (25 degrees C), and T35 (35 degrees C) in anaerobic digestion (AD) for biogas generation. The highest biogas and CH4 production (117 mL VS-g and 74 mL VS-g) was observed by applying 35 degrees C (T35) as compared with T25 (65 mL VS-g and 22 mL VS-g) on day 6. Changes in microbial diversity associated with different temperatures were also explored. The Shannon index of bacterial community was not significantly affected, while there was a positive correlation of archaeal community with the applied temperatures. The bacterial phyla Firmicutes were strongly affected by T35 (39%), whereas Lactobacillus was the dominant genera at T15 (27%). Methanobacterium and Methanosarcina, as archaeal genera, dominated in T35 temperature reactors. In brief, at T35, Proteiniphilum and Methanosarcina were positively correlated with volatile fatty acids (VFAs) concentration. Spearman correlation revealed dynamic interspecies interactions among bacterial and archaeal genera; facilitating the AD system. This study revealed that temperature variations can enhance the microbial community of the AD system, leading to increased biogas production. It is recommended for optimizing the AD of food wastes.

期刊论文 2023-10-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-32698-z ISSN: 0944-1344

Drought is a major natural disaster worldwide. Understanding the correlation between meteorological drought (MD) and agricultural drought (AD) is essential for relevant policymaking. In this paper, standardized precipi-tation evapotranspiration index and standardized soil moisture index were used to estimate the MD and AD in the North China Plain (NCP) to identify the correlation between MD and AD during the growth period of winter wheat. In addition, we investigated the contributions of climate change (CC) and human activity (HA) to AD and the factors influencing the loss of winter wheat net primary production (NPP). Drought propagation time (PT) increased spatially from the southern to northern NCP (from 3 to 11 months). PT first increased and then decreased during the phenological period of winter wheat, and the decreasing trend was delayed with an increasing latitude. In general, the relative contribution of CC to AD was higher than that of HA; the correlation between MD and AD exhibited a weakening trend, particularly during the middle and late phenological stages of winter wheat. Precipitation was the main driver of the effects of HA on AD; the effects were stronger in areas with less precipitation. However, because of the improved irrigation conditions and scarce rainfall during the growth period of winter wheat in the study area, the effects of precipitation on AD were nonsignificant. Instead, tem-perature, wind, and total solar radiation, which are highly correlated with evapotranspiration, were identified as the primary drivers of AD; spatiotemporal variations were noted in these correlations. Prolonged drought PT reduced NPP; the sensitivity of winter wheat NPP to AD was higher in humid areas than in semiarid or semi-humid areas. NPP loss occurred primarily due to HA. Our findings revealed a correlation between MD and AD in agroecosystems and may facilitate policymaking related to drought mitigation and food security.

期刊论文 2023-05-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129504 ISSN: 0022-1694

Particulate black carbon (BC) affects global warming by absorbing the solar radiation, by affecting cloud formation, and by decreasing ground albedo when deposited to snow or ice. BC has also a wide variety of adverse effects on human population health. In this article we reviewed the BC emission factors (EFs) of major anthropogenic sources, i.e. traffic (incl. marine and aviation), residential combustion, and energy production. We included BC EFs measured directly from individual sources and EFs derived from ambient measurements. Each source category was divided into sub-categories to find and demonstrate systematical trends, such as the potential influence of fuel, combustion technologies, and exhaust/flue gas cleaning systems on BC EFs. Our review highlights the importance of society level emission regulation in BC emission mitigation; a clear BC emission reduction was observed in ambient studies for road traffic as well as in direct emission measurements of diesel-powered individual vehicles. However, the BC emissions of gasoline vehicles were observed to be higher for vehicles with direct fuel injection techniques (gasoline direct injection) than for vehicles with port-fueled injection, indicating potentially negative trend in gasoline vehicle fleet BC EFs. In the case of shipping, a relatively clear correlation was seen between the engine size and BC EFs so that the fuel specific BC EFs of the largest engines were the lowest. Regarding the BC EFs from residential combustion, we observed large variation in EFs, indicating that fuel type and quality as well as combustion appliances significantly influence BC EFs. The largest data gaps were in EFs of large-scale energy production which can be seen crucial for estimating global radiative forcing potential of anthropogenic BC emissions. In addition, much more research is needed to improve global coverage of BC EFs. Furthermore, the use of existing data is complicated by different EF calculation methods, different units used in reporting and by variation of results due to different experimental setups and BC measurement methods. In general, the conducted review of BC EFs is seen to significantly improve the accuracy of future emission inventories and the evaluations of the climate, air quality, and health impacts of anthropogenic BC emissions.

期刊论文 2023-03-01 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/acbb1b ISSN: 1748-9326

The impacts of alternating dry and wet conditions on water production and carbon uptake at different scales remain unclear, which limits the integrated management of water and carbon. We quantified the response of runoff efficiency (RE) and plant water-use efficiency (PWUE) to a typical shift from dry to wet episode of 2003-2014 in Australia's Murray-Darling basin using good and specific data products for local application, including Australian Water Availabil-ity Project, Penman-Monteith-Leuning Evapotranspiration V2 product, MODIS MCD12Q1 V6 Land Cover Type and MODIS MOD17A3 V055 GPP product. The results show that there are significant power function relationships be-tween RE and precipitation for basin and all ecosystems, while the PWUE had a negative quadratic correlation with precipitation and satisfied the significance levels of 0.05 for basin and the ecosystems except the grassland and crop-land. The shrubs can achieve the best water production and carbon uptake under dry conditions, while the evergreen broadleaf trees and evergreen needleleaf trees can obtain the best water production and carbon uptake in wet condi-tions, respectively. These findings help integrated basin management for balancing water resource production and climate change mitigation.

期刊论文 2023-02-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158359 ISSN: 0048-9697

Permafrost affects soil water and soil temperature regimes; however, its effects on net primary production (NPP) remain unknown. Here, we examined temporal-spatial changes in grassland NPP during 2000-2018 in perma-frost and permafrost-free areas on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using the random forest (RF) and radial basis function artificial neural network (RBF-ANN). Our results indicated that the areas that showed increasing, decreasing, and non-significant trends for NPP accounted for 13.88%, 1.90%, and 84.22% of the permafrost area, respectively. For the permafrost-free areas, these NPP trends accounted for 22.25%, 2.68%, and 75.07% of the permafrost-free area, respectively. The mean NPP in the permafrost regions showed a faster and steadier (1.520 g C/m(2)/yr, p < 0.05) increase than in non-permafrost regions (1.224 g C/m(2)/yr, p < 0.05). The Biome-BGC model confirmed that these spatial NPP patterns could be attributed to differences in soil water and soil temperature between permafrost and permafrost-free areas. Both the soil temperature and soil water content in permafrost sites exhibited relatively lower variance than in permafrost-free sites. Although many factors may be attributed to these patterns, our results suggest that there is a possibility that the relatively stable change in permafrost NPP can be explained by the fact that permafrost can regulate soil water and temperature regimes. Therefore, climate warming can increase NPP in cold regions, and permafrost degradation may destabilize the grassland ecosystem, which may cause NPP values to exhibit greater interannual changes in the future.

期刊论文 2022-04-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105964 ISSN: 0341-8162

Earth's cryosphere and biosphere are extremely sensitive to climate changes, and transitions in states could alter the carbon emission rate to the atmosphere. However, little is known about the climate sensitivities of frozen soil and vegetation production. Moreover, how does climate heterogeneity control the spatial patterns of such sensitivities, and influence regional vulnerability of both frozen soil and vegetation production? Such questions are critical to be answered. We compiled long-time-series dataset including frozen soil depth (FD), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and temperature and precipitation across Tibetan Plateau to quantify their sensitivities. Results reveal large spatial heterogeneity in FD and NDVI sensitivities. Precipitation alleviated FD sensitivities to warming in the cold northeast zone but accelerated FD sensitivities to precipitation in the warm south and southeast. Meanwhile, the positive warming effect on the NDVI was largely offset by slow increase of precipitation. Areas with high FD decreasing rate were found in northeast, inland, and south and southeast zones. Predominate area across the nine eco-regions are characterized as medium FD decreasing rate, and are synchronized with positive NDVI response in inland and west Himalayas, but negative in northeast and south and southeast. Precipitation restriction on NDVI would be pronounced in moist south and southeast. Our study provides new information that makes a much-needed contribution to advancing our understandings of the effects of global climate change on cryosphere and biosphere, which has important implications for global climate and our ability to predict, and therefore prepare for, future global climatic changes. Our attempt confirms that the method we used could be used to identify climate sensitivity of permafrost based on substantial observation data on active layer dynamics in future.

期刊论文 2021-09-01 DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4029 ISSN: 1085-3278

Biomass burning contributes considerably to black carbon (BC) emissions in South Asia, but such emissions have not been linked with the Green Revolution (GR) which has enabled substantial crop production growth in South Asian countries, India in particular. Here, we use an Earth system model to quantify climate change through the direct radiative forcing (DRF) by agriculture-emitted BC associated with the GR in India. We show that the BC DRF in India has increased significantly since the GR, especially during the post-GR period. The estimated BC DRF in India rose from +0.197 W/m(2) in 1961 to +0.805 W/m(2) in 2011; this represents a fourfold increase in DRF since the onset of the GR. The contribution of BC DRF by India's intensive agriculture to the global BC forcing also increased from 2.6% to 4.4% during the GR. Our results reveal that increasing BC emissions associated with the GR raises the importance of emission mitigation from agriculture source.

期刊论文 2021-06-01 DOI: 10.1029/2021EF001975

Increasing air temperatures are driving widespread changes to Arctic vegetation. In the high Arctic, these changes are patchy and the causes of heterogeneity are not well understood. In this study, we explore the determinants of high Arctic vegetation change over the last three decades on Banks Island, Northwest Territories. We used Landsat imagery (1984-2014) to map long-term trends in vegetation productivity and regional spatial data to investigate the relationships between trends in productivity and terrain position. Field sampling investigated vegetation community composition in different habitat types. Our analysis shows that vegetation productivity changes are substantial on Banks Island, where productivity has increased across about 80% of the study area. Rising productivity levels can be attributed to increasing biomass of the plant communities in both upland and lowland habitats. Our analysis also shows that the magnitude of greening is mediated by terrain characteristics related to soil moisture. Shifts in tundra vegetation will impact wildlife habitat quality, surface energy balance, permafrost dynamics, and the carbon cycle; additional research is needed to explore the effects of more productive vegetation communities on these processes in the high Arctic.

期刊论文 2021-01-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10021-020-00506-7 ISSN: 1432-9840
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