A total of 256 water samples were collected from the river, precipitation, and permafrost active layer in a typical small alpine catchment during the ablation periods in 2020 and 2021. The results indicated that every water body was alkaline, and the TDS and EC concentrations were in the following order: precipitation Ca2+ & AP; Mg2+ and Na+ + K+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+, respectively; the anion concentration showed the order of SO42 � > Cl- > NO3 . The results revealed that permafrost and river water had similar geochemical compositions. Similar & delta;2H and & delta;18O values were also observed between river and permafrost water. Additionally, the water chemistry of rivers and permafrost revealed that the chemical weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks is an important source of riverine solutes; however, silicate weathering played a more crucial role. Both hydrochemistry and stable isotopes collectively indicated that there was a close hydraulic connectivity between the water content in river and permafrost active layer in the small alpine catchment. Based on the end-member mixing analysis model, the water in permafrost active layer and precipitation accounted for 62% and 38% of the runoff, respectively, indicating that it was dominated by permafrost during the ablation period. The warming and hu-midification of climate tend to facilitate permafrost degradation. Thus, studying the transformation of different water bodies in alpine regions is imperative to provide water resource security and sustainable development in alpine regions.
The carbon release and transport in rivers are expected to increase in a warming climate with enhanced melting. We present a continuous dataset of DOC in the river, precipitation, and groundwater, including air temperature, discharge, and precipitation in the source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR). Our study shows that the average concentrations of DOC in the three end-members are characterized as the sequence of groundwater > precipitation > river, which is related to the water volume, cycle period, and river flow speed. The seasonality of DOC in the river is observed as the obvious bimodal structure at Tuotuohe (TTH) and Zhimenda (ZMD) gauging stations. The highest concentration appears in July (2.4 mg L-1 at TTH and 2.1 mg L-1 at ZMD) and the secondary high value (2.2 mg L-1 at TTH 1.9 mg L-1 at ZMD) emerges from August to September. It is estimated that 459 and 6751 tons of DOC are transported by the river at TTH and ZMD, respectively. Although the wet deposition flux of DOC is nearly ten times higher than the river flux, riverine DOC still primarily originates from soil erosion of the basin rather than precipitation settlement. Riverine DOC fluxes are positively correlated with discharge, suggesting DOC fluxes are likely to increase in the future. Our findings highlight that permafrost degradation and glacier retreat have a great effect on DOC concentration in rivers and may become increasingly important for regional biogeochemical cycles.