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Northeastern China (NEC) is the largest grain base in China. Improving understanding of the effect of climate change on grain production over NEC is conducive to providing immediate response strategies for grain production. In this study, the relationships of the maize production with the dry state during the different maize growth stage have been investigated using the year-to-year increment method. Results showed that the severe drought that occurred from the jointing to maturity period have exerted severe effects on the maize growth. Further analysis indicated that the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over North Atlantic and Maritime Continent in later spring are the important factors affecting the summer droughts over NEC. The late spring SST anomaly over North Atlantic can excite the Rossby waves from the western North Atlantic and propagate eastward to NEC. The snow anomaly over western Siberia in late spring and the soil moisture anomaly over NEC in summer are key factors linking the SST anomaly to drought over the NEC. On the other hand, the Maritime Continent SST anomaly in late spring can modulate the activity of the East Asian jet stream via the East AsiaPacific (EAP) teleconnection, which can provide the favorable conditions for the soil moisture reduction over NEC. Eventually, a predictive model for maize yield over NEC is successfully developed by using the predictive indices of the North Atlantic and the Maritime Continental SST during late spring. Both the cross-validation and independent sample tests show that the calibrated prediction model is robust and exhibits high skill in predicting maize yield over NEC.

2025-03-01 Web of Science

Variations in annual accumulated snowfall over the Antarctic ice sheet have a significant and direct impact on mean sea-level change. The interannual variability of the precipitation over coastal Antarctica adjacent to the southern Indian Ocean (SIO) cannot be totally explained by the dominant mode of atmospheric variability in the Southern Hemisphere. This study explores the possible contributions from sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in SIO on the precipitation over East Antarctica. The results suggest that the winter precipitation in the Lambert Glacier basin (LGB) is closely related to the autumn SST variability in SIO without the influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation. It is shown that the positive autumn SIO dipole (SIOD) of SST anomalies is usually followed by reduced precipitation in the following winter over the LGB region and vice versa. The positive (negative) autumn SIOD can persist into the winter and excite cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation and deepen (weaken) SIO low in high latitude, corresponding to an enhanced northward (southward) wind anomaly in LGB and central SIO. This mechanism prevents (promotes) the transportation of warm and moist marine air to the LGB region and hence decreases (increases) the precipitation during the following winter.


Wide bandwidth radiometer systems that make measurements at multiple frequencies in the range from 300 MHz to 2 GHz have been proposed to address parameters important for understanding issues in the cryosphere associated with climate change such as ice sheet thickness and temperature. It is also possible with such a system to retrieve sea surface salinity (SSS), which is important for understanding the impact of climate change on ocean circulation at high latitude. In contemporary sensors for retrieving SSS, such as on Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), sea surface temperature (SST), another parameter important for understanding ocean circulation and necessary in the retrieval of salinity, is treated as an ancillary parameter obtained from an independent source. However, both SSS and SST have peaks in sensitivity below 1 GHz; and it has been shown that measurements at multiple frequencies in this portion of the spectrum can take advantage of this peak in sensitivity to improve the accuracy of the retrieval of SSS. In this manuscript, it will be shown that there is also the potential to retrieve SST and, in cold water, the possibility for improved accuracy over existing retrievals.

2022-04-01 Web of Science

Anthropogenic aerosols partially mask the greenhouse warming and cause the reduction in Asian summer monsoon precipitation and circulation. By decomposing the atmospheric change into the direct atmospheric response to radiative forcing and sea surface temperature (SST)-mediated change, the physical mechanisms for anthropogenic-aerosol-induced changes in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) are diagnosed. Using coupled and atmospheric general circulation models, this study shows that the aerosol-induced troposphere cooling over Asian land regions generates anomalous sinking motion between 20 degrees and 40 degrees N and weakens the EASM north of 20 degrees N without SST change. The decreased EASM precipitation and the attendant wind changes are largely due to this direct atmospheric response to radiative forcing, although the aerosol-induced North Pacific SST cooling also contributes. The SST-mediated change dominates the aerosol-induced SASM response, with contributions from both the north-south interhemispheric SST gradient and the local SST cooling pattern over the tropical Indian Ocean. Specifically, with large meridional gradient, the zonal-mean SST cooling pattern is most important for the Asian summer monsoon response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing, resulting in a reorganization of the regional meridional atmospheric overturning circulation. While uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing has been emphasized in the literature, our results show that the intermodel spread is as large in the SST effect on summer monsoon rainfall, calling for more research into the ocean-atmosphere coupling.

2019-02-01 Web of Science
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