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Global climate warming has led to the deepening of the active layer of permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau, further triggering thermal subsidence phenomena, which have profound effects on the carbon cycle of regional ecosystems. This study conducted warming (W) and thermal subsidence (RR) control experiments using an Open-Top Chamber (OTC) device in the river source wetlands of the Qinghai Lake basin. The aim was to assess the impacts of warming and thermal subsidence on soil temperature, volumetric water content, biomass, microbial diversity, and soil respiration (both autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration). The results indicate that warming significantly increased soil temperature, especially during the colder seasons, and thermal subsidence treatment further exacerbated this effect. Soil volumetric water content significantly decreased under thermal subsidence, with the RRW treatment having the most pronounced impact on moisture. Additionally, a microbial diversity analysis revealed that warming promoted bacterial richness in the surface soil, while thermal subsidence suppressed fungal community diversity. Soil respiration rates exhibited a unimodal curve during the growing season. Warming treatment significantly reduced autotrophic respiration rates, while thermal subsidence inhibited heterotrophic respiration. Further analysis indicated that under thermal subsidence treatment, soil respiration was most sensitive to temperature changes, with a Q10 value reaching 7.39, reflecting a strong response to climate warming. In summary, this study provides new scientific evidence for understanding the response mechanisms of soil carbon cycling in Tibetan Plateau wetlands to climate warming.

2024-11-01 Web of Science

Snow distribution has been altered over the past decades under global warming, with a significant reduction in duration and extent of snow cover and an increase in unprecedented snowstorms across large areas in cold regions. The altered snow conditions are likely to have immediate (in winter) and carry-over or legacy (which an extended effect might continue in the following spring, summer and autumn) impacts on soil processes and functioning, but a quantification of the legacy effect of snow coverage alternation is still lacking. Furthermore, studies investigating the effect of snow cover changes on soil respiration, soil carbon pools and microbial activity are increasing, but contrasting results of different studies makes it difficult to assess the overall effect of snow cover changes and the underlying mechanisms, thus a systematic and comprehensive meta-analysis is required. In this study, we synthesized the results from 60 papers based on field snow manipulation experiments and conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate immediate and prolonged effects on eight variables related to soil carbon dynamics and microbial activity to snow coverage alternation. Results showed that snow removal had no significant effect on soil respiration, but increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (11.5%) and fungal abundance (32.0%). By contrast, snow addition significantly increased soil respiration (16.3%) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (6.6%). Snow addition had immediate and prolonged impacts on soil carbon dynamics and microbial activity lasting from winter to the following autumn, whereas an effect of snow removal on total organic carbon (TOC) and DOC was detectable only in the following spring. Snow depth, ecosystem and soil types determined the extent of the impact of snow treatments on soil respiration, DOC, MBC and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN). Our findings provide critical insights into understanding how changes in snow coverage affect soil respiration and microbial activity. We suggest future field-based experiments to enhance our understanding the effect of climate change on soil processes and functioning in the winter and the following seasons.

2024-09-01 Web of Science

Climate warming has caused the active layer of permafrost to thicken, leading to permafrost melting and surface collapse, forming thermokarst landforms. These changes significantly affect regional vegetation, soil properties, and water processes, thereby impacting regional carbon cycling. This study examined the relationships between soil respiration rate (Rs), soil temperature (T), and volumetric water content (VWC) in the thermokarst depression zones of Qinghai Lake's headwater wetlands. The results showed a significant positive correlation between soil temperature and Rs, and a significant negative correlation between VWC and Rs. The inhibitory effect of VWC on Rs was stronger in thermokarst areas compared to natural conditions. Temperature had a greater influence on Rs, especially during the day, while VWC inhibited Rs more at night. The study highlights the combined impact of temperature and humidity on soil respiration, revealing that Rs in thermokarst areas is more sensitive to temperature changes at night. These findings improve our understanding of carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems and help predict wetland carbon emissions under climate change. As the climate warms, the thickening of the active layer of permafrost has led to permafrost melting and surface collapse, forming thermokarst landforms. These changes significantly impact regional vegetation, soil physicochemical properties, and hydrological processes, thereby exacerbating regional carbon cycling. This study analyzed the relationship between soil respiration rate (Rs), soil temperature (T), and volumetric water content (VWC) in the thermokarst depression zone of the headwater wetlands of Qinghai Lake, revealing their influence on these soil parameters. Results showed a significant positive correlation between soil temperature and Rs (p < 0.001), and a significant negative correlation between VWC and Rs (p < 0.001). The inhibitory effect of VWC on Rs in the thermokarst depression zone was stronger than under natural conditions (p < 0.05). Single-factor models indicated that the temperature-driven model had higher explanatory power for Rs variation in both the thermokarst depression zone (R-2 = 0.509) and under natural conditions (R-2 = 0.414), while the humidity-driven model had lower explanatory power. Dual-factor models further improved explanatory power, slightly more so in the thermokarst depression zone. This indicates that temperature and humidity jointly drive Rs. Additionally, during the daytime, temperature had a more significant impact on Rs under natural conditions, while increased VWC inhibited Rs. At night, the positive correlation between Rs and temperature in the thermokarst depression zone increased significantly. The temperature sensitivity (Q(10)) values of Rs were 3.32 and 1.80 for the thermokarst depression zone and natural conditions, respectively, indicating higher sensitivity to temperature changes at night in the thermokarst depression zone. This study highlights the complexity of soil respiration responses to temperature and humidity in the thermokarst depression zone of Qinghai Lake's headwater wetlands, contributing to understanding carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems and predicting wetland carbon emissions under climate change.

2024-06-01 Web of Science

Soil respiration is one of the dominant fluxes of CO2 from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere. Accurate quantification of soil respiration is essential for robust projection of future climate variation and for reliable estimation of paleoatmospheric CO2 levels using soil carbonates. Soil-respired CO2, which is the most uncertain factor in estimating atmospheric CO2 concentration, has been calculated from modern observations of surface soils and from proxy indicators of paleosols formed during time periods of known atmospheric CO2. However, these estimations provide a wide range of S(z) values from past to present. To directly compare modern observation with past estimation, here we first monitored soil CO2 profiles in a Holocene profile on the western Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) for two years, providing direct measurements of soil-respired (CO2 )at the depth where carbonate nodules likely formed. We then collected carbonate nodules below last interglacial paleosol (S1) from two N-S-aligned transects across the CLP to back-calculate soil-respired CO2. The mean back-calculated S(z) from S1 carbonate nodules vary from 539 +/- 87 ppm to 848 +/- 170 ppm in the sections on the northwestern and southeastern CLP, respectively. The mean value of directly measured soil-respired CO2 on the western CLP is 572 + 273 ppm before the onset of summer monsoon, consistent with the back-calculated S(z) in northwestern sections. Our results suggest that spatial S(z) variations are mainly controlled by monsoonal precipitation during the summer season on the CLP. To better constrain the high end of S(z), more monitoring work is needed in higher precipitation areas on the southeastern CLP.


Snow is critically important to the energy budget, biogeochemistry, ecology, and people of the Arctic. While climate change continues to shorten the duration of the snow cover period, snow mass (the depth of the snow pack) has been increasing in many parts of the Arctic. Previous work has shown that deeper snow can rapidly thaw permafrost and expose the large amounts of ancient (legacy) organic matter contained within it to microbial decomposition. This process releases carbonaceous greenhouse gases but also nutrients, which promote plant growth and carbon sequestration. The net effect of increased snow depth on greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic ecosystems remains uncertain. Here we show that 25 years of snow addition turned tussock tundra, one of the most spatially extensive Arctic ecosystems, into a year-round source of ancient carbon dioxide. More snow quadrupled the amount of organic matter available to microbial decomposition, much of it previously preserved in permafrost, due to deeper seasonal thaw, soil compaction and subsidence as well as the proliferation of deciduous shrubs that lead to 10% greater carbon uptake during the growing season. However, more snow also sustained warmer soil temperatures, causing greater carbon loss during winter (+200% from October to May) and year-round. We find that increasing snow mass will accelerate the ongoing transformation of Arctic ecosystems and cause earlier-than-expected losses of climate-warming legacy carbon from permafrost.

2023-08-01 Web of Science

Arctic soils are the largest pool of soil organic carbon worldwide. Temperatures in the Arctic have risen faster than the global average during the last decades, decreasing annual freezing days and increasing the number of freeze-thaw cy-cles (temperature oscillations passing through zero degrees) per year as the temperature is expected to fluctuate more around 0 degrees C. At the same time, proceeding deepening of seasonal thaw may increase silicon (Si) and calcium (Ca) con-centrations in the active layer of Arctic soils as the concentrations in the thawing permafrost layer might be higher de-pending on location. We analyzed the importance of freeze-thaw cycles for Arctic soil CO2 fluxes. Furthermore, we tested how Si (mobilizing organic C) and Ca (immobilizing organic C) interfere with the soil CO2 fluxes in the context of freeze-thaw cycles. Our results show that with each freeze-thaw cycle the CO2 fluxes from the Arctic soils decreased. Our data revealed a considerable CO2 emission below 0 degrees C. We also show that pronounced differences emerge in Arctic soil CO2 fluxes with Si increasing and Ca decreasing CO2 fluxes. Furthermore, we show that both Si and Ca concentra-tions in Arctic soils are central controls on Arctic soil CO2 release, with Si increasing Arctic soil CO2 release especially when temperatures are just below 0 degrees C. Our findings could provide an important constraint on soil CO2 emissions upon soil thaw, as well as on the greenhouse gas budget of high latitudes. Thus we call for work improving understanding of freeze-thaw cycles as well as the effect of Ca and Si on carbon fluxes, as well as for increased consideration of those factors in wide-scale assessments of carbon fluxes in the high latitudes.

2023-04-20 Web of Science

The influence of the moisture content on the CO2 emission from peat soils of palsa mires in the discontinuous permafrost area was studied in the north of Western Siberia (Nadym region). The CO2 flux was measured in Histic Cryosols of permafrost peatlands (palsas) and Fibric Histosols of surrounding bog using the closed chamber method for four years at the peak of the growing season (August). Despite a significant difference in the soil moisture (34.8 +/- 13.2 and 56.2 +/- 2.1% on average), no significant difference in the CO2 emission from these ecosystems was found in any of the observation years; the rates of emission averaged 199.1 +/- 90.1 and 182.1 +/- 85.1 mg CO2 m(-2) x h(-1), respectively. Experimental wetting or drying (with a twofold difference in the moisture content) of peat soils at the two sites via their transplantation to a different position showed no significant effect on the CO2 emission even three years after the beginning of the experiment. The absence of significant differences in the CO2 flux between the two different ecosystems was explained by the presence of permafrost and the influence of many multidirectional factors mitigating changes in the CO2 production by soils. An increased CO2 emission from the peat soils of bogs was possible due to the additional contribution of the methanotrophic barrier and the lateral runoff of dissolved CO2 over the permafrost table from the palsa toward the surrounding bog. The absence of response of the CO2 emission to a significant change in the soil moisture content may be indicative of a wide optimum of this characteristic for the microbiological activity of peat soils in the studied region. The obtained data suggest that, while studying CO2 fluxes in cryogenic soils of hydromorphic landscapes, it is necessary to take into account not only biogenic sources, but also other factors, often of a physical nature, affecting the balance of CO2 fluxes and CO2 emission from soils.

2023-04-01 Web of Science

Soil respiration is the primary efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the terrestrial ecosystem. The soil of alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is rich in soil organic matter, which may release more carbon dioxide as the climate warming. However, due to the limited observations here, there are still deficiencies in understanding the response of soil respiration to climate change, especially the difference between permafrost and non-permafrost regions. In this paper, we investigate the climatology and trend of soil respiration on the TP from 1979 to 2018, using the Community Land Model version 4.5 (CLM4.5) forced by a suite of high-resolution atmosphere dataset. Evaluation results show that the land surface model could properly reproduce permafrost extent, and capture the spatial pattern of soil temperature, soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI), and soil respiration. For the whole TP, we find that the spatial pattern for both climatology and trends of soil respiration are correlated with LAI significantly and positively. In addition to the effects of vegetation, precipitation was more correlated with soil respiration than temperature among climatic variables in recent decades. For permafrost and non-permafrost regions, climate change affects soil respiration in different ways. In permafrost areas, precipitation plays a more important role than temperature. Conversely, in non-permafrost regions, temperature has a more pronounced effect on soil respiration. The results of this study provide valuable information for predicting greenhouse gas emissions and understanding the carbon cycle on the TP.

2022-11-30 Web of Science

Cold region ecosystems store vast amounts of soil organic carbon (C), which upon warming and decomposition can affect the C balance and potentially change these ecosystems from C sinks to carbon dioxide (CO2) sources. We quantified the decadal year-round CO2 flux from an alpine steppe-ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau using eddy covariance and automatic chamber approaches during a period of significant warming (0.13 degrees C per 10 years; and 0.18 degrees C in the non-growing season alone: 1st October to next 30th April). The results showed that ongoing climate change, mainly warming within the topsoil layers, is the main reason for the site's change from a sink for to a source of CO2 in the atmosphere. Non-growing-season ecosystem respiration accounted for 51% of the annual ecosystem respiration and has increased significantly. The growing seasons (1st May to 30th September) were consistent CO2 sink periods without significant changes over the study period. Observations revealed high-emission events from the end of the non-growing season to early in the growing season (1st March to fifteenth May), which significantly (p < 0.01) increased at a rate of 22.6 g C m(-2) decade(-1), ranging from 14.6 +/- 10.7 g C m(-2) yr(-1) in 2012 to 35.3 +/- 12.1 g C m(-2) yr(-1) in 2017. Structural equation modeling suggested that active layer warming was the key factor in explaining changes in ecosystem respiration, leading to significant changes in net ecosystem exchange over the period 2011-2020 and indicated that these changes have already transformed the ecosystem from a CO2 sink into a source. These results can be used to improve our understanding of the sensitivity of ecosystem respiration to increased warming during the non-growing period.

2022-01-01 Web of Science

Wet alpine meadows generally act as a significant carbon sink, since their low rate of soil decomposition determines a much smaller ecosystem respiration (Re) than photosynthesis. However, it remains unclear whether the low soil decomposition rate is determined by low temperatures or by nearly-saturated soil moisture. We explored this issue by using five years of measurements from two eddy-covariance sites with low temperature and significantly different soil water conditions. The results showed that both sites were carbon sinks. However, despite a smaller annual gross primary productivity, the wet site with a shallow groundwater showed a much higher carbon use efficiency and larger carbon sink than the dry site (which had a deeper water table) due to its much lower Re. Our analyses showed that Re of the wet site was significantly decreased under the nearly-saturated soil condition during the unfrozen seasons. This effect of nearly-saturated soil water on Re increased with soil depths. In contrast, at the dry site the high soil water content favored Re. The corresponding soil temperature at both sites expectedly showed large and positive effects on Re. These results demonstrated that the high carbon sink of the wet alpine meadow was mainly caused by the inhibiting effects of the nearly-saturated soil condition on soil respiration rather than by the low temperatures. Therefore, we argue that a warming-induced shrinking cryosphere may affect the carbon dynamics of wet and cold ecosystems through changes in soil hydrology and its impact on soil respiration. In addition, our study highlights the different responses of soil respiration to warming across soil depths. The thawing of frozen soil may cause larger CO2 emission in the top soil, while it may also partially contribute to slowing down soil carbon decomposition in the deep soil through decreasing metabolic activity of aerobic organisms.

2021-02-15 Web of Science
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