Permafrost thaw has been observed in recent decades in the Northern Hemisphere and is expected to accelerate with continued global warming. Predicting the future of permafrost requires proper representation of the interrelated surface/subsurface thermal and hydrologic regimes. Land surface models (LSMs) are well suited for such predictions, as they couple heat and water interactions across soil-vegetation-atmosphere interfaces and can be applied over large scales. LSMs, however, are challenged by the long-term thermal and hydraulic memories of permafrost and the paucity of historical records to represent permafrost dynamics under transient climate conditions. In this study, we aim to understand better how LSMs function under different spin-up states, which facilitates addressing the challenge of model initialization by characterizing the impact of initial climate conditions and initial soil frozen and liquid water contents on the simulation length required to reach equilibrium. Further, we quantify how the uncertainty in model initialization propagates to simulated permafrost dynamics. Modelling experiments are conducted with the Modelisation Environmentale Communautaire-Surface and Hydrology (MESH) framework and its embedded Canadian land surface scheme (CLASS). The study area is in the Liard River basin in the Northwest Territories of Canada with sporadic and discontinuous regions. Results show that uncertainty in model initialization controls various attributes of simulated permafrost, especially the active layer thickness, which could change by 0.5-1.5 m depending on the initial condition chosen. The least number of spin-up cycles is achieved with near field capacity condition, but the number of cycles varies depending on the spin-up year climate. We advise an extended spin-up of 200-1000 cycles to ensure proper model initialization under different climatic conditions and initial soil moisture contents.
Spin-up is essential to provide initial conditions for land surface models (LSM) when they cannot be given reliably as in the application to regional permafrost change studies. In this study, the impacts of spin-up strategy including total spin-up length and cycling scheme on modeling of permafrost dynamics on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) were evaluated through two groups of experiments using a modified Noah LSM. The first group aims to test different total spin-up lengths and the second group for different cycling schemes. The results show that the presence of permafrost prolongs the convergence of the model. Vertically, the slowest convergence is observed at the permafrost table. The insufficiency of total spin-up length is prone to underestimate permafrost area and overestimate the degradation rate. Different cycling schemes considerably affect the resulting initial thermal fields and result in degradation rates with a difference of 3.37 x 10(3) km(2)/a on the QTP, which exceeds the difference (2.92 x 10(3) km(2)/a) in the degradation rates reported in existing studies. The multi-year cycling scheme is generally preferred, but overlong cycle length should be avoided to prevent the introduction of climate change trends in the spin-up period. We recommend a spin-up strategy of a 500-year cycling with the first 5- to 10-year of forcing for modeling permafrost on the QTP with the Noah LSM. Our findings highlight the importance of the spin-up strategy, which is usually neglected in present LSM-based permafrost modeling studies.