Human activities have substantially altered present-day flow regimes. The Headwater Area of the Yellow River (HAYR, above Huanghe'yan Hydrological Station, with a catchment area of 21,000 km(2) and an areal extent of alpine permafrost at similar to 86%) on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China has been undergoing extensive changes in streamflow regimes and groundwater dynamics, permafrost degradation, and ecological deterioration under a warming climate. In general, hydrological gauges provide reliable flow records over many decades and these data are extremely valuable for assessment of changing rates and trends of streamflow. In 1998-2003, the damming of the Yellow River by the First Hydropower Station of the HAYR complicated the examination of the relations between hydroclimatic variables and streamflow dynamics. In this study, the monthly streamflow rate of the Yellow River at Huanghe'yan is reconstructed for the period of 1955-2019 using the double mass curve method, and then the streamflow at Huagnhe'yan is forecasted for the next 20 years (2020-2040) using the Elman neural network time-series method. The dam construction (1998-2000) has caused a reduction of annual streamflow by 53.5-68.4%, and a more substantial reduction of 71.8-94.4% in the drier years (2003-2005), in the HAYR. The recent removal of the First Hydropower Station of the HAYR dam (September 2018) has boosted annual streamflow by 123-210% (2018-2019). Post-correction trends of annual maximum (Q(Max)) and minimum (Q(Min)) streamflow rates and the ratio of the Q(Max)/Q(Min) of the Yellow River in the HAYR (0.18 and 0.03 m(3).(-)s(-1).yr(-1) and -0.04 yr(-1), respectively), in comparison with those of precorrection values (-0.11 and -0.004 m(3).s(-1).yr(-1) and 0.001 yr(-1), respectively), have more truthfully revealed a relatively large hydrological impact of degrading permafrost. Based on the Elman neural network model predictions, over the next 20 years, the increasing trend of flow in the HAYR would generally accelerate at a rate of 0.42 m(3).s(-1).yr(-1). Rising rates of spring (0.57 m(3).s(-1).yr(-1)) and autumn (0.18 m(3).s(-1).yr(-1)) discharge would see the benefits from an earlier snow-melt season and delayed arrival of winter conditions. This suggests a longer growing season, which indicates ameliorating phonology, soil nutrient availability, and hydrothermal environments for vegetation in the HAYR. These trends for hydrological and ecological changes in the HAYR may potentially improve ecological safety and water supplies security in the HAYR and downstream Yellow River basins.
2021-05-01 Web of SciencePrediction of snowmelt has become a critical issue in much of the western United States given the increasing demand for water supply, changing snow cover patterns, and the subsequent requirement of optimal reservoir operation. The increasing importance of hydrologic predictions necessitates that traditional forecasting systems be re-evaluated periodically to assure continued evolution of the operational systems given scientific advancements in hydrology. The National Weather Service (NWS) SNOW17, a conceptually based model used for operational prediction of snowmelt, has been relatively unchanged for decades. In this study, the Snow-Atmosphere-Soil Transfer (SAST) model, which employs the energy balance method, is evaluated against the SNOW17 for the simulation of seasonal snowpack (both accumulation and melt) and basin discharge. We investigate model performance over a 13-year period using data from two basins within the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed located in southwestern Idaho. Both models are coupled to the NWS runoff model [SACramento Soil Moisture Accounting model (SACSMA)] to simulate basin streamflow. Results indicate that while in many years simulated snowpack and streamflow are similar between the two modeling systems, the SAST more often overestimates SWE during the spring due to a lack of mid-winter melt in the model. The SAST also had more rapid spring melt rates than the SNOW17 7, leading to larger errors in the timing and amount of discharge on average. In general, the simpler SNOW17 performed consistently well, and in several years, better than, the SAST model. Input requirements and related uncertainties, and to a lesser extent calibration, are likely to be primary factors affecting the implementation of an energy balance model in operational streamflow prediction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2008-10-15 Web of Science