Naturally-ignited wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity in northern regions, contributing to rapid permafrost thaw-induced landscape change driven by climate warming. Low-severity wildfires typically result in minor organic matter loss. The impacts of such fires on the hydrological and geochemical dynamics of peat plateau-wetland complexes have not been examined. In 2014, a low-severity wildfire, with minimal ground surface damage, burned approximately one-half of a 5 ha permafrost plateau in the wetland-dominated landscape of the Scotty Creek watershed, Northwest Territories, Canada, in the discontinuous permafrost zone. In March 2016, hydrometeorological and permafrost conditions on the burned and unaffected plateaus were monitored including snowpack characteristics and surface energy dynamics. Pore water samples were collected from the saturated layer as thaw progressed throughout the growing season on the burned and unaffected plateaus. Repeated probing of the frost table depth was coupled with laboratory analyses of peat physical and hydraulic characteristics performed on peat cores collected from the top 20 cm of the ground surface in the burned and unaffected plots. The higher transmissivity of the burned forest canopy accelerated snowmelt promoting earlier onset of the thawing season and increased the ground heat flux to melt ground ice. Wildfire increased the thickness of the supra-permafrost layer, including the active layer and talik, resulting in a more uniform subsurface with limited depressional storage capacity and reduced preferential runoff flowpaths across the burned plateau. The incorporation of ash and char into the peat matrix reduced pore diameters, promoting greater subsurface soil moisture retention and longer pore water residence times ultimately providing greater opportunity for soil water interaction and biogeochemical reactions. Consequently, pore water showed elevated dissolved solutes, dissolved organic matter and mercury concentrations in the burned site. Low-severity wildfires have the potential to trigger a series of complex, inter-related hydrological, thermal and biogeochemical processes and feedbacks. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Subarctic permafrost peatlands cover extensive areas and store large amounts of soil organic carbon that can be remobilized as active layer deepening and thermokarst formation increase in a future warmer climate. Better knowledge of ground thermal variability within these ecosystems is important for understanding future landscape development and permafrost carbon feedbacks. In a peat plateau complex in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden, ground temperatures and snow depth have been monitored in six different landscape units: on a peat plateau, in a depression within a peat plateau, along a peat plateau edge (close to a thermokarst lake), at a thermokarst lake shoreline, in a thermokarst lake and in a fen. Permafrost is present in all three peat plateau landscape units, and mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) in the central parts of the peat plateau is -0.3 degrees C at 2 m depth. In the three low-lying wetter or saturated landscape units (along the thermokarst lake shoreline, in the lake and the fen) taliks are present and MAGT at 1 m depth is 1.0-2.7 degrees C. Topographical differences between the elevated and low-lying units affect both local snow depth and soil moisture, and are important for ground thermal patterns in this landscape. Permafrost exists in landscape units with a shallow mean December-April snow depth (40 cm mostly result in absence of permafrost.
Northern lakes are a source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and contribute substantially to the global carbon budget. However, the sources of methane (CH4) to northern lakes are poorly constrained limiting our ability to the assess impacts of future Arctic change. Here we present measurements of the natural groundwater tracer, radon, and CH4 in a shallow lake on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK and quantify groundwater discharge rates and fluxes of groundwater-derived CH4. We found that groundwater was significantly enriched (2000%) in radon and CH4 relative to lake water. Using a mass balance approach, we calculated average groundwater fluxes of 1.2 +/- 0.6 and 4.3 +/- 2.0 cm day(-1), respectively as conservative and upper limit estimates. Groundwater CH4 fluxes were 7-24 mmol m(-2) day(-1) and significantly exceeded diffusive air-water CH4 fluxes (1.3-2.3 mmol m(-2) day(-1)) from the lake to the atmosphere, suggesting that groundwater is an important source of CH4 to Arctic lakes and may drive observed CH4 emissions. Isotopic signatures of CH4 were depleted in groundwaters, consistent with microbial production. Higher methane concentrations in groundwater compared to other high latitude lakes were likely the source of the comparatively higher CH4 diffusive fluxes, as compared to those reported previously in high latitude lakes. These findings indicate that deltaic lakes across warmer permafrost regions may act as important hotspots for CH4 release across Arctic landscapes.
Permafrost thaw, tundra shrubification, and changes in snow cover properties are documented impacts of climate warming, particularly in subarctic regions where discontinuous permafrost is disappearing. To obtain some insight into those changes, permafrost, active layer thickness, vegetation, snow cover, ground temperature, soil profiles, and carbon content were surveyed in an integrated approach in six field plots along a chronosequence of permafrost thaw on an ice-rich silty soil. Historical air photographs and dendrochronology provided the chronological context. Comparison of the plots reveals a positive feedback effect between thaw settlement, increased snow cover thickness, shrub growth, increase in soil temperature, and the process of permafrost decay. By the end of the sequence permafrost was no longer sustainable. Along the estimated 90 year duration of the chronosequence, the originally centimeter-thin pedogenic horizons under mosses and lichens increased to a thickness of nearly 65 cm under shrubs and trees. Snow cover increased from negligible to over 2 m. The thickness of soil organic layers and soil organic matter content increased manyfold, likely a result of the increased productivity in the shrub-dominated landscape. The results of this study strongly suggest that permafrost ecosystems in the subarctic are being replaced under climate warming by shrub and forest ecosystems enriched in carbon on more evolved soils.
Geomorphic disturbances to surrounding terrain induced by thermal degradation of permafrost often lead to surface ponding or soil saturation. However, interactions between soil moisture and temperature on belowground carbon processes are not fully understood. We conducted batch incubation for three temperature treatments [constant freezing (CF), constant thawing (CT), and fluctuating temperatures (FTC)] and two soil moisture conditions (ponded and unsaturated). Extracellular enzyme activity was higher under ponded conditions than under unsaturated conditions, resulting in higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels for ponded conditions. More CO2 and less CH4 were emitted under unsaturated conditions than under ponded conditions. Carbon dioxide emission was similar for CT and FTC treatments regardless of moisture conditions. However, CH4 emission was higher under ponded conditions than under unsaturated conditions for CT treatments, but was very low for FTC treatments regardless of moisture conditions. Little CO2 and CH4 were produced in CF treatments. Despite similar CO2 and CH4 emission levels for CT and FTC treatments, lower DOC levels were observed in the latter, indicating slower soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition. Similar DOC variation patterns between CT and CF treatments indicated that SOC decomposition was considerable and further degradation to CO2 or CH4 was negligible even for CF treatments. The SOC decomposition and CO2 and CH4 emissions were considerable for FTC treatments. Our results suggest that labile-C produced during SOC decomposition in seasonally frozen soils and permafrost may provide supplemental substrates that would enhance the positive feedback to climate change with rising temperatures and wetter conditions.
In order to assess the impact of seasonal active layer thaw and thermokarst on river flow and turbidity, a gauging station was installed near the mouth of the Sheldrake River in the discontinuous permafrost zone of northern Quebec. The station provided 5 years of water level data and 3 years of turbidity data. The hydrological data for the river showed the usual high water stage occurring at spring snowmelt, with smaller peaks related to rain events in summer. Larger and longer turbidity peaks also occurred in summer in response to warm air temperature spells, suggesting that a large part of the annual suspension load was carried during midsummer turbidity peaks. Supported by geomorphological observations across the catchment area, the most plausible interpretation is that the rapid thawing of the active layer during warm conditions in July led to the activation of frostboils and triggered landslides throughout the river catchment, thus increasing soil erosion and raising sediment delivery into the hydrological network. These results indicate that maximum sediment discharge in a thermokarst-affected region may be predominantly driven by the rate of summer thawing and associated activation of erosion features in the catchment.
Increases in the frequency and magnitude of disturbances associated with the thawing of ice-rich permafrost highlight the need to understand long-term vegetation succession in permafrost environments. This study uses field sampling and remote sensing to explore vegetation development and soil conditions following catastrophic lake drainage in Old Crow Flats (OCF). The data presented show that vegetation on drained lake basins in OCF is characterized by two distinct assemblages: tall willow stands and sedge swards. Field sampling indicates that these alternative successional trajectories result from variation in soil moisture following drainage. Increased willow mortality on older drained basins suggests that intraspecific competition drives self-thinning in shrub thickets. This finding, combined with data from paleoecological studies and contemporary vegetation in OCF, suggests that willow stands on drained lake basins are seral communities. These results also indicate that the increase in number of catastrophic drainages that occurred between 1972 and 2010 will alter regional vegetation in ways that affect wildlife habitat, permafrost conditions, and local hydrology.
Little is known about the ecological impacts of permafrost degradation on water fluxes in boreal ecosystems, such as those in Interior Alaska. Low plant water stress suggests a reliance on a diversity of water sources. In addition to rainfall, we hypothesize that deep soil water derived from thawing seasonal ground ice (TSGI) supports plants during dry periods. We analyzed water stable isotopes from soils, plants, ice, and rain collected from stable and unstable permafrost sites. We found that TSGI provides a background water source for plants during wet years (at least 10-20%) and a stable source during dry years (at least 30-50%) and early in the growing season (60-80% in wet and dry years). Plant water uptake patterns track the soil thawing front, using deep and shallow layers in wet years and deep layers during dry years. This plasticity allows boreal plants to cope with seasonal drought and exploit available water sources. The availability of TGSI depends on the amount of rainfall the prior year and on permafrost stability. Thawing permafrost may reduce the buffering capacity of TGSI due to less seasonal ice from greater drainage and/or a deeper active layer. This study demonstrates the importance of two buffering mechanisms for plants to cope with rainfall variability within boreal forest underlain by permafrost-availability of TSGI and plasticity in water uptake patterns. We suggest that plant utilization of stored water may be why evapotranspiration in northern latitudes can exceed growing season precipitation.
The impact of snow cover on seasonal ground frost and freeze-thaw processes is not yet fully understood. The authors therefore examined how snow cover affects seasonal ground frost in a coastal setting in northern Sweden. Air and soil temperatures were recorded in a paired-plot experiment, both with and without snow cover, during the frost season 2012-2013. The frequency, duration, and intensity of the freeze-thaw cycles during the frost season were calculated. The results showed that the freeze-thaw frequency was 57% higher at the soil surface and the intensity 10 degrees C colder in the spring of 2013, when the ground lacked snow cover. Furthermore, the duration of the seasonal freeze-thaw cycle was 30 days longer on average in cases where there was natural snow accumulation. The correlation between air and ground surface temperatures weakened with increased snow-cover depth. The authors conclude that continued increases in air temperature and decreases in snow in coastal northern Sweden might alter freeze-thaw cycles and thus affect natural and human systems such as geomorphology, ecology, spatial planning, transport, and forestry.
Permafrost, a key component of the arctic and global climate system, is highly sensitive to climate change. Observed and ongoing permafrost degradation influences arctic hydrology, ecology and biogeochemistry, and models predict that rapid warming is expected to significantly reduce near-surface permafrost and seasonally frozen ground during the 21st century. These changes raise concern of how permafrost thaw affects the exchange of water and energy with the atmosphere. However, associated impacts of permafrost thaw on the surface energy balance and possible feedbacks on the climate system are largely unknown. In this study, we show that in northern subarctic Sweden, permafrost thaw and related degradation of peat plateaus significantly change the surface energy balance of three peatland complexes by enhancing latent heat flux and, to less degree, also ground heat flux at the cost of sensible heat flux. This effect is valid at all radiation levels but more pronounced at higher radiation levels. The observed differences in flux partitioning mainly result from the strong coupling between soil moisture availability, vegetation composition, albedo and surface structure. Our results suggest that ongoing and predicted permafrost degradation in northern subarctic Sweden ultimately result in changes in land-atmosphere coupling due to changes in the partitioning between latent and sensible heat fluxes. This in turn has crucial implications for how predictive climate models for the Arctic are further developed.