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The snowbed habitats represent a relevant component of the alpine tundra biome, developing in areas characterized by a long-lasting snow cover. Such areas are particularly sensitive to climate changes, because small variations in air temperature, rain, and snowfall may considerably affect the pedoclimate and plant phenology, which control the soil C and N cycling. Therefore, it is fundamental to identify the most sensitive abiotic and biotic variables affecting soil nutrient cycling. This work was performed at seven permanent snowbed sites belonging to Salicetum herbaceae vegetation community in the northwestern Italian Alps, at elevations between 2,686 and 2,840 m.a.s.l. During a four-year study, we investigated climate, pedoclimate, floristic composition, phenology, and soil C and N dynamics. We found that lower soil water content and earlier melt-out day decreased soil N-NH4 (+), N-NO3 (-), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), microbial nitrogen (Nmicr), microbial carbon (Cmicr), and C:Nmicr ratio. The progression of the phenological stages of Salix herbacea reduced soil N-NH4 (+) and increased DOC. Our results showed that the snow melt-out day, soil temperature, soil water content, and plant phenological stages were the most important factors affecting soil biogeochemical cycles, and they should be taken into account when assessing the effects of climate change in alpine tundra ecosystems, in the framework of long-term ecological research.

期刊论文 2022-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2022.2104001 ISSN: 1523-0430

Mountain regions are vulnerable to climate change but information about the climate sensitivity of seasonally snow-covered, subalpine ecosystems is still lacking. We investigated the impact of climatic conditions and pedogenesis on the C and N cycling along an elevation gradient under a Larch forest in the northwest (NW) Italian Alps. The environmental gradient that occurs over short distances makes elevation a good proxy for understanding the response of forest soils and nutrient cycling to different climatic conditions. Subalpine forests are located in a sensitive elevation range-the prospected changes in winter precipitation (i.e., shift of snowfalls to higher altitude, reduction of snow cover duration, etc.) could determine strong effects on soil nitrogen and carbon cycling. The work was performed in the western Italian Alps (Long-Term Ecological Research- LTER site Mont Mars, Fontainemore, Aosta Valley Region). Three sites, characterized by similar bedrock lithology and predominance of Larix decidua Mill., were selected along an elevation gradient (1550-1900 m above sea level-a.s.l.). To investigate the effects on soil properties and soil solution C and N forms of changing abiotic factors (e.g., snow cover duration, number of soil freeze/thaw cycles, intensity and duration of soil freezing, etc.) along the elevation gradient, soil profiles were opened in each site and topsoils and soil solutions were periodically collected from 2015 to 2016. The results indicated that the coldest and highest soil (well-developed Podzol) showed the highest content of extractable C and N forms (N-NH4+, DON, DOC, C-micr) compared to lower-elevation Cambisols. The soil solution C and N forms (except N-NO3-) did not show significant differences among the sites. Independently from elevation, the duration of soil freezing, soil volumetric water content, and snow cover duration (in order of importance) were the main abiotic factors driving soil C and N forms, revealing how little changes in these parameters could considerably influence C and N cycling under this subalpine forest stand.

期刊论文 2019-08-01 DOI: 10.3390/f10080614
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