Ice records provide a qualitative rather than a quantitative indication of the trend of climate change. Using the bulk aerodynamic method and degree day model, this study quantified ice mass loss attributable to sublimation/evaporation (S/E) and meltwater on the basis of integrated observations (1960-2006) of glacier-related and atmospheric variables in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. During 1961-2005, the average annual mass loss in the ice core was 95.33 +/- 20.56 mm w.e. (minimum: 78.97 mm w.e. in 1967, maximum: 146.67 mm w.e. in 2001), while the average ratio of the revised annual ice accumulation was 21.2 +/- 7.7% (minimum: 11.0% in 1992, maximum 44.8% in 2000). A quantitative formula expressing the relationship between S/E and air temperature at the monthly scale was established, which could be extended to estimation of S/E changes of other glaciers in other regions. The elevation effect on alpine precipitation determined using revised ice accumulation and instrumental data was found remarkable. This work established a method for quantitative assessment of the temporal variation in ice core mass loss, and advanced the reconstruction of long-term precipitation at high elevations. Importantly, the formula established for reconstruction of S/E from temperature time series data could be used in other regions.
Atmospheric brown carbon (BrC), a short-lived climate forcer, absorbs solar radiation and is a substantial contributor to the warming of the Earth ' s atmosphere. BrC composition, its absorption properties, and their evolution are poorly represented in climate models, especially during atmospheric aqueous events such as fog and clouds. These aqueous events, especially fog, are quite prevalent during wintertime in Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and involve several stages (e.g., activation, formation, and dissipation, etc.), resulting in a large variation of relative humidity (RH) in the atmosphere. The huge RH variability allowed us to examine the evolution of water-soluble brown carbon (WS-BrC) diurnally and as a function of aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) and RH in this study. We explored links between the evolution of WS-BrC mass absorption efficiency at 365 nm (MAE WS- BrC-365 ) and chemical characteristics, viz., low-volatility organics and water-soluble organic nitrogen (WSON) to water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) ratio (org-N/C), in the field (at Kanpur in central IGP) for the first time worldwide. We observed that WSON formation governed enhancement in MAE WS-BrC-365 diurnally (except during the afternoon) in the IGP. During the afternoon, the WS-BrC photochemical bleaching dwarfed the absorption enhancement caused by WSON formation. Further, both MAE WS-BrC-365 and org-N/C ratio increased with a decrease in ALWC and RH in this study, signifying that evaporation of fog droplets or bulk aerosol particles accelerated the formation of nitrogen-containing organic chromophores, resulting in the enhancement of WS-BrC absorptivity. The direct radiative forcing of WS-BrC relative to that of elemental carbon (EC) was -19 % during wintertime in Kanpur, and - 40 % of this contribution was in the UV -region. These findings highlight the importance of further examining the links between the evolution of BrC absorption behavior and chemical composition in the field and incorporating it in the BrC framework of climate models to constrain the predictions.
Humidity is a basic and crucial meteorological indicator commonly measured in several forms, including specific humidity, relative humidity, and absolute humidity. These different forms can be inter-derived based on the saturation vapor pressure (SVP). In past decades, dozens of formulae have been developed to calculate the SVP with respect to, and in equilibrium with, liquid water and solid ice surfaces, but many prior studies use a single function for all temperature ranges, without considering the distinction between over the liquid water and ice surfaces. These different approaches can result in humidity estimates that may impact our understanding of surface-subsurface thermal-hydrological dynamics in cold regions. In this study, we compared the relative humidity (RH) downloaded and calculated from four data sources in Alaska based on five commonly used SVP formulas. These RHs, along with other meteorological indicators, were then used to drive physics-rich land surface models at a permafrost-affected site. We found that higher values of RH (up to 40 %) were obtained if the SVP was calculated with the over-ice formulation when air temperatures were below freezing, which could lead to a 30 % maximum difference in snow depths. The choice of whether to separately calculate the SVP over an ice surface in winter also produced a significant range (up to 0.2 m) in simulated annual maximum thaw depths. The sensitivity of seasonal thaw depth to the formulation of SVP increases with the rainfall rate and the height of above-ground ponded water, while it diminishes with warmer air temperatures. These results show that RH variations based on the calculation of SVP with or without over-ice calculation meaningfully impact physicallybased predictions of snow depth, sublimation, soil temperature, and active layer thickness. Under particular conditions, when severe flooding (inundation) and cool air temperatures are present, care should be taken to evaluate how humidity data is estimated for land surface and earth system modeling
In arid regions, the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition in raindrops is often modified by sub-cloud secondary evaporation when they descend from cloud base to ground through the unsaturated air. As a result of kinetic fractionation, the slope and intercept of the delta H-2-delta O-18 correlation equation decrease. The variation of deuterium excess from cloud base to the ground is often used to quantitatively evaluate the influence of secondary evaporation effect on isotopes in precipitation. Based on the event-based precipitation samples collected at Urumqi Glacier No. 1, eastern Tianshan during four-year observation, the existence and impact of secondary evaporation effects were analyzed by the methods of isotope-evaporation model. Under high air temperature, small raindrop diameter and precipitation amount, and low relative humidity conditions, the remaining rate of raindrops is small and the change of deuterium excess is large relatively, and the slope and intercept of delta H-2-delta O-18 correlation equation are much lower than those of Global Meteoric Water Line, which mean that the influence secondary evaporation on precipitation enhanced. While on the conditions of low air temperature, high relative humidity, heavy rainfall, and large raindrop diameter, the change of deuterium excess is small relatively and the remaining rate of raindrops is large, and the slope and intercept of delta H-2-delta O-18 correlation equation increase, the secondary evaporation is weakened. The isotope-evaporation model described a good linear correlation between changes of deuterium excess and evaporation proportion with the slope of 0.90%/%, which indicated that an increase of 1% in evaporation may result in a decrease of deuterium excess about 0.90%.
The vegetation and ecosystem in the source region of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River (SRYY) are fragile. Affected by climate change, extreme droughts are frequent and permafrost degradation is serious in this area. It is very important to quantify the drought-vegetation interaction in this area under the influence of climate-permafrost coupling. In this study, based on the saturated vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture (SM) that characterize atmospheric and soil drought, as well as the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) that characterize vegetation greenness and function, the evolution of regional vegetation productivity and drought were systematically identified. On this basis, the technical advantages of the causal discovery algorithm Peter-Clark Momentary Conditional Independence (PCMCI) were applied to distinguish the response of vegetation to VPD and SM. Furthermore, this study delves into the response mechanisms of NDVI and SIF to atmospheric and soil drought, considering different vegetation types and permafrost degradation areas. The findings indicated that low SM and high VPD were the limiting factors for vegetation growth. The positive and negative causal effects of VPD on NDVI accounted for 47.88% and 52.12% of the total area, respectively. Shrubs were the most sensitive to SM, and the response speed of grassland to SM was faster than that of forest land. The impact of SM on vegetation in the SRYY was stronger than that of VPD, and the effect in the frozen soil degradation area was more obvious. The average causal effects of NDVI and SIF on SM in the frozen soil degradation area were 0.21 and 0.41, respectively, which were twice as high as those in the whole area, and SM dominated NDVI (SIF) changes in 62.87% (76.60%) of the frozen soil degradation area. The research results can provide important scientific basis and theoretical support for the scientific assessment and adaptation of permafrost, vegetation, and climate change in the source area and provide reference for ecological protection in permafrost regions.
The northernmost margin of the East Asian summer monsoon (NMEASM) is the northernmost position that the East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) can reach. NMEASM has obvious multi-scale variability, and well reflects the wet/dry climate variability in northern China. Predicting the location change of the NMEASM is important for understanding future East Asian climate change. However, the variability of the NMEASM has not been studied extensively, and its underlying mechanisms have not been clarified. To explore the movement of the NMEASM and its causes, we use reanalysis datasets to evaluate the NMEASM index from 1979 to 2018. The NMEASM indicates a decreasing trend over 40 years and a significant abrupt point in 2000, which is positively correlated with the Tibetan Plateau snow cover before 2000 and the Siberian snow cover after 2000 in spring. The decreased Siberian snow cover increases the soil temperature and decreases the atmospheric baroclinicity over Mongolia and northern China after 2000. The decreased atmospheric baroclinicity induces the dipole mode of anticyclonic anomaly over Mongolia and northern China and the cyclonic anomaly over the Sea of Japan by modulating the wave activity flux (WAF). The WAF's southeastward propagation strengthens the anticyclonic anomaly over Mongolia and northern China and the cyclonic anomaly over the Sea of Japan, which weakens the upward movement and water vapor transport, respectively. Hence, the decreased Siberian snow cover in spring modulates the precipitation over Mongolia and northern China and the southward movement of NMEASM by turbulent westerly circulation.
Climate changes significantly impact the hydrological cycle. Precipitation is one of the most important atmospheric inputs to the terrestrial hydrologic system, and its variability considerably influences environmental and socioeconomic development. Atmospheric warming intensifies the hydrological cycle, increasing both atmospheric water vapor concentration and global precipitation. The relationship between heavy precipitation and temperature has been extensively investigated in literature. However, the relationship in different percentile ranges has not been thoroughly analyzed. Moreover, a percentilebased regression provides a simple but effective framework for investigation into other factors (precipitation type) affecting this relationship. Herein, a comprehensive investigation is presented on the temperature dependence of daily precipitation in various percentile ranges over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results show that 1) most stations exhibit a peaklike scaling structure, while the northeast part and south margin of the plateau exhibit monotonic positive and negative scaling structures, respectively. The scaling structure is associated with the precipitation type, and 2) the positive and negative scaling rates exhibit similar spatial patterns, with stronger (weaker) sensitivity in the south (north) part of the plateau. The overall increase rate of daily precipitation with temperature is scaled by Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. 3) The higher percentile of daily precipitation shows a larger positive scaling rate than the lower percentile. 4) The peak-point temperature is closely related to the local temperature, and the regional peak-point temperature is roughly around 10 degrees C.
Affected by global warming, permafrost thawing in Northeast China promotes issues including highway subgrade instability and settlement. The traditional design concept based on protecting permafrost is unsuitable for regional highway construction. Based on the design concept of allowing permafrost thawing and the thermodynamic characteristics of a block-stone layer structure, a new subgrade structure using a large block-stone layer to replace the permafrost layer in a foundation is proposed and has successfully been practiced in the Walagan-Xilinji of the Beijing-Mohe Highway to reduce subgrade settlement. To compare and study the improvement in the new structure on the subgrade stability, a coupling model of liquid water, vapor, heat and deformation is proposed to simulate the hydrothermal variation and deformation mechanism of different structures within 20 years of highway completion. The results show that the proposed block-stone structure can effectively reduce the permafrost degradation rate and liquid water content in the active layer to improve subgrade deformation. During the freezing period, when the water in the active layer under the subgrade slope and natural ground surface refreezes, two types of freezing forms, scattered ice crystals and continuous ice lenses, will form, which have different retardation coefficients for hydrothermal migration. These forms are discussed separately, and the subgrade deformation is corrected. From 2019 to 2039, the maximum cumulative settlement and the maximum transverse deformation of the replacement block-stone, breccia and gravel subgrades are -0.211 cm and +0.111 cm, -23.467 cm and -1.209 cm, and -33.793 cm and -2.207 cm, respectively. The replacement block-stone subgrade structure can not only reduce the cumulative settlement and frost heave but also reduce the transverse deformation and longitudinal cracks to effectively improve subgrade stability. However, both the vertical deformation and transverse deformation of the other two subgrades are too large, and the embankment fill layer will undergo transverse deformation in the opposite direction, which will cause sliding failure to the subgrades. Therefore, these two subgrade structures cannot be used in permafrost regions. The research results provide a reference for solving the settlement and deformation problems of subgrades in degraded permafrost regions and contribute to the development and application of complex numerical models related to water, heat and deformation in cold regions.
The spatiotemporal characteristics of aerosol direct radiative forcing (RF) and the relative contributions from aerosol species, as well as the impacts of cloud coverage and relative humidity on aerosol direct RF were quantified in East Asia using a regional climate model. Generally, the total aerosol produces net RFs of -12.78 W m- 2 at surface, 1.72 W m- 2 at TOA (top-of-atmosphere), and atmospheric heating of 14.50 W m- 2. It was found that dust, black carbon, and sulfate made dominant contributions to the total RF at surface and TOA, and all aerosol species induced atmospheric heating, whereas more than 96% of which was induced by dust and black carbon. The remarkably seasonally decreasing tendency of the total and the absorbing aerosol RFs was found from spring to winter at surface. Moreover, dust contributes relatively larger to the positive TOA RF and to the atmospheric heating in spring and summer, which were weakened and smaller than black carbon in other seasons. Sensitivity studies further demonstrated cloud strengthens the dust and black carbon direct RF and weakens the other species direct RF at TOA, while induces weak direct RFs of all aerosol species at surface. Particularly, cloud induced larger reduction in dust longwave RF than shortwave leads to remarkable enhanced net surface direct RF of dust, especially in JJA. The aerosol swelling effect induced by relative humidity strengthens aerosol direct RF at both TOA and surface. The percentage changes in aerosol RF and its seasonal amplitude by cloud are considered larger at TOA than surface, however, the effects of relative humidity distribute relatively uniform vertically. Meteorological factors impact on scattering aerosols direct RF is assumed larger than absorbing aerosols. The impacts of cloud on aerosol direct RF are compared to the relative humidity and are supposed to be more important at TOA and surface.
Due to the extreme, harsh natural environment in the Himalayas higher than 8000 m above sea level (asl) long-term and continuous meteorological observation is still a great challenge, and little is known about water vapor transport in this extremely high region. Based on the Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) at 3810 m, 5315 m, 6464 m, 7945 m and 8430 m asl on the southern slope of Mt. Everest, this study investigates the meteorological characteristics and water vapor transport in the Mt. Everest region from June 2019 to June 2021. The results show that (1) with the increase of altitude, the temperature lapse rate becomes deeper from -4.7 degrees C km(-1) to -8.1 degrees C km(-1); (2) the relative humidity increases significantly in summer, and precipitation during the monsoon period accounts for more than 70% of the annual total; and (3) during the monsoon in 2020, the number of days with negative daily water vapor divergence in the whole layer accounted for 31% at the height from ground to 350 hPa, and the moisture amount transported through water vapor convergence was about 122 mm. The study indicates that, with sufficient moisture supply, strong water vapor convergence and a relatively large vertical velocity, a small amount of water vapor can climb to an extreme height and be transported from the southern to the northern slope of the Himalayas.