Precipitation comes in various phases, including rainfall, snowfall, sleet, and hail. Shifts of precipitation phases, as well as changes in precipitation amount, intensity, and frequency, have significant impacts on regional climate, hydrology, ecology, and the energy balance of the land-atmosphere system. Over the past century, certain progress has been achieved in aspects such as the observation, discrimination, transformation, and impact of precipitation phases. Mainly including: since the 1980s, studies on the observation, formation mechanism, and prediction of precipitation phases have gradually received greater attention and reached a certain scale. The estimation of different precipitation phases using new detection theories and methods has become a research focus. A variety of discrimination methods or schemes, such as the potential thickness threshold method of the air layer, the temperature threshold method of the characteristic layer, and the near-surface air temperature threshold method, have emerged one after another. Meanwhile, comparative studies on the discrimination accuracy and applicability assessment of multiple methods or schemes have also been carried out simultaneously. In recent years, the shift of precipitation from solid to liquid (SPSL) in the mid-to-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere has become more pronounced due to global warming and human activities. It leads to an increase in rain-on-snow (ROS) events and avalanche disasters, affecting the speed, intensity, and duration of spring snow-melting, accelerating sea ice and glacier melting, releasing carbon from permafrost, altering soil moisture, productivity, and phenological characteristics of ecosystems, and thereby affecting their structures, processes, qualities, and service functions. Although some progress has been made in the study of precipitation phases, there remains considerable research potential in terms of completeness of basic data, reliability of discrimination schemes, and the mechanistic understanding of the interaction between SPSL and other elements or systems. The study on shifts of precipitation phases and their impacts will play an increasingly important role in assessing the impacts of global climate change, water cycle processes, water resources management, snow and ice processes, snow and ice-related disasters, carbon emissions from permafrost, and ecosystem safety.
2025-02-01 Web of ScienceEstimation of evapotranspiration (ETa) change on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is essential to address the water requirement of billions of people surrounding the TP. Existing studies have shown that ETa estimations on the TP have a very large uncertainty. In this article, we discuss how to more accurately quantify ETa amount and explain its change on the TP. ETa change on the TP can be quantified and explained based on an ensemble mean product from climate model simulations, reanalysis, as well as ground-based and satellite observations. ETa on the TP experienced a significant increasing trend of around 8.4 +/- 2.2 mm (10 a)-1 (mean +/- one standard deviation) during 1982-2018, approximately twice the rate of the global land ETa (4.3 +/- 2.1 mm (10 a)-1). Numerical attribution analysis revealed that a 53.8% TP area with the increased ETa was caused by increased temperature and 23.1% part was due to soil moisture rising, because of the warming, melting cryosphere, and increased precipitation. The projected future increase in ETa is expected to cause a continued acceleration of the water cycle until 2100. (c) 2024 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science China Press. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.
2024-06-30 Web of ScienceOver the past decades, the cryosphere has changed significantly in High Mountain Asia (HMA), leading to multiple natural hazards such as rock-ice avalanches, glacier collapse, debris flows, landslides, and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Monitoring cryosphere change and evaluating its hydrological effects are essential for studying climate change, the hydrological cycle, water resource management, and natural disaster mitigation and prevention. However, knowledge gaps, data uncertainties, and other substantial challenges limit comprehensive research in climate-cryosphere-hydrology-hazard systems. To address this, we provide an up-to-date, comprehensive, multidisciplinary review of remote sensing techniques in cryosphere studies, demonstrating primary methodologies for delineating glaciers and measuring geodetic glacier mass balance change, glacier thickness, glacier motion or ice velocity, snow extent and water equivalent, frozen ground or frozen soil, lake ice, and glacier-related hazards. The principal results and data achievements are summarized, including URL links for available products and related data platforms. We then describe the main challenges for cryosphere monitoring using satellite-based datasets. Among these challenges, the most significant limitations in accurate data inversion from remotely sensed data are attributed to the high uncertainties and inconsistent estimations due to rough terrain, the various techniques employed, data variability across the same regions (e.g., glacier mass balance change, snow depth retrieval, and the active layer thickness of frozen ground), and poor-quality optical images due to cloudy weather. The paucity of ground observations and validations with few long-term, continuous datasets also limits the utilization of satellite-based cryosphere studies and large-scale hydrological models. Lastly, we address potential breakthroughs in future studies, i.e., (1) outlining debris-covered glacier margins explicitly involving glacier areas in rough mountain shadows, (2) developing highly accurate snow depth retrieval methods by establishing a microwave emission model of snowpack in mountainous regions, (3) advancing techniques for subsurface complex freeze-thaw process observations from space, (4) filling knowledge gaps on scattering mechanisms varying with surface features (e.g., lake ice thickness and varying snow features on lake ice), and (5) improving and cross-verifying the data retrieval accuracy by combining different remote sensing techniques and physical models using machine learning methods and assimilation of multiple high-temporal-resolution datasets from multiple platforms. This comprehensive, multidisciplinary review highlights cryospheric studies incorporating spaceborne observations and hydrological models from diversified techniques/methodologies (e.g., multi-spectral optical data with thermal bands, SAR, InSAR, passive microwave, and altimetry), providing a valuable reference for what scientists have achieved in cryosphere change research and its hydrological effects on the Third Pole.
2024-05-01 Web of ScienceHumidity is a basic and crucial meteorological indicator commonly measured in several forms, including specific humidity, relative humidity, and absolute humidity. These different forms can be inter-derived based on the saturation vapor pressure (SVP). In past decades, dozens of formulae have been developed to calculate the SVP with respect to, and in equilibrium with, liquid water and solid ice surfaces, but many prior studies use a single function for all temperature ranges, without considering the distinction between over the liquid water and ice surfaces. These different approaches can result in humidity estimates that may impact our understanding of surface-subsurface thermal-hydrological dynamics in cold regions. In this study, we compared the relative humidity (RH) downloaded and calculated from four data sources in Alaska based on five commonly used SVP formulas. These RHs, along with other meteorological indicators, were then used to drive physics-rich land surface models at a permafrost-affected site. We found that higher values of RH (up to 40 %) were obtained if the SVP was calculated with the over-ice formulation when air temperatures were below freezing, which could lead to a 30 % maximum difference in snow depths. The choice of whether to separately calculate the SVP over an ice surface in winter also produced a significant range (up to 0.2 m) in simulated annual maximum thaw depths. The sensitivity of seasonal thaw depth to the formulation of SVP increases with the rainfall rate and the height of above-ground ponded water, while it diminishes with warmer air temperatures. These results show that RH variations based on the calculation of SVP with or without over-ice calculation meaningfully impact physicallybased predictions of snow depth, sublimation, soil temperature, and active layer thickness. Under particular conditions, when severe flooding (inundation) and cool air temperatures are present, care should be taken to evaluate how humidity data is estimated for land surface and earth system modeling
2024-02-20 Web of ScienceStudy region: Upper Yellow River Basin (UYRB), China. Study focus: We provide a comprehensive overview of the changes in the natural social binary water cycle system in the UYRB from the perspectives of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and human society by summarizing previous research results. New hydrological insight for the region: Since the 1980s, the continuous temperature rise led to permafrost thawing, resulting in a decrease in runoff and an increase in groundwater in the UYRB. The ecological protection and high-quality development of human society continuously increase the demand for water resources. Especially the runoff of the river in the human gathering area has significantly decreased and there has been an overexploitation of groundwater, resulting in a serious shortage of water resources. The future water supply and demand situation in the UYRB will be more severe. However, the current understanding of the natural social binary water cycle in the Upper Yellow River Basin is still insufficient, which seriously limits the high-quality development of human society in the UYRB. Among them, some erroneous conclusions can even provide misleading information for policy-making and cause serious manpower and resources loss. Natural social binary water cycle is still in initial stage in the UYRB, that is reflected in a lot of contradictions and shortcomings in past research. We propose four feasible research directions to comprehensively promote hydrometeorological research, providing effective guidance for the formulation of high-quality development policies in the UYRB.
2023-07-12Managing water is a top social and economic responsibility and is expected to become even more critical as climate change, in addition to other human activities, alters water availability and quality. Robust indicators reflecting the effects of climate change on the US and global water cycles are needed in order to appropriately manage water resources. Here, we describe a suite of seventeen water cycle and management indicators, which are based on synthesis of available datasets. These indicators include average and heavy precipitation, standardized precipitation index, annual, 7-day low and 3-day high streamflow volume, streamflow timing, snow cover, snow water equivalent, groundwater level, lake water temperature, stream water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, Palmer Drought Severity Index, water withdrawals, and water use. We also identify three indicators that could be included in the suite of water cycle and management indicators with some additional, directed work: snowfall, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture. Our conceptual framework focuses on known water cycle changes in addition to potential effects on management and addresses water quantity and quality, as well as water use and related interactions with freshwater ecosystems, societal impacts, and management. Water cycle indicators are organized into three categories: (1) hydrologic processes, (2) water quality processes, and (3) water quality and quantity impacts. Indicators described here are recommended to serve as critical references for periodic climate assessments. As such, these indicators support analyses of the effects of global change on the natural environment, agriculture, energy, and water resources, among other sectors. Additionally, we identify research gaps and needs that can be addressed to advance the development of future indicators.
2021-03-01 Web of ScienceThe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), also often called the Third Pole, is considered the Asian Water Tower because it is the source of many major Asian rivers. The environmental change on the QTP can affect the climate system over the surrounding area, and the changes in glacier and river streamflow on the QTP will lead to cascading impacts in downstream area where billions of people live. This paper reviews the hydrological observations and streamflow changes of the major Asian rivers originating from the QTP. From the 1950s to the beginning of the 21st century, streamflow on the QTP overall shows large interannual variations but no significant trends. The monthly mean streamflows during the flooding seasons are the largest in the 1960s for the outlet stations on the QTP. Annual streamflow in the source region of the Yellow River decreased while that in the source region of the Yangtze River increased slightly. No significant trends of annual streamflow have been reported for the other river source regions. The mean streamflows during peak season are relatively large in the 2000s at the river source region (upper reaches) of most rivers on the QTP. An increasing trend of streamflow in spring has been found in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the Lancang River, the Tuotuo River (of the Yangtze River), and the Lhasa River (of the Yarlung Zangbo River). The largest month of streamflow often appears in July for most stations, but in August at the Lhasa and Nuxia stations which are located in the Yarlung Zangbo River. Streamflow changes on the QTP could be mainly attributed to changes in snow and ice, as little influence from direct human activities were found. However, the examination of the streamflow changes largely relies on the hydrological observations. So far, due to data unavailability, we are still unclear about the long-term change in the streamflow on the QTP, especially the changes in recent years. The changes in ice and snow pack on the QTP could have significant impact on the downstream water resources and ecosystem. As more water resources have been generated from ice/snow melting, from a long-term perspective, water resources would be reduced along with shrinking and disappearing glaciers. Hydrological projections under future climate change suggest that streamflow in most river source regions would increase along with precipitation and increases in ice/snow melting, and hydrological extremes such as flooding would occur more frequently. Large uncertainties across Generic Circulation Models (GCMs) and hydrological models have been found in future projections of streamflow on the QTP. Reduction of ice/snow melting would aggravate the water stress conditions for both the ecosystem and human society on the QTP and its downstream areas. Sparse hydrometeorological observations in the past, particularly in the remote region of the QTP, are a major limiting factor to studies on streamflow change and its impacts. Further efforts are urgently needed to combine the advanced observation and modeling technologies to improve the observation and simulation capabilities of the water cycle over the QTP, and to provide scientific and technological support for coping with the accelerated ice/snow melting, increasing hydrological extremes and their impacts over the QTP.
2019-01-01 Web of ScienceDuring the past several decades, the Earth system has changed significantly, especially across Northern Eurasia. Changes in the socio-economic conditions of the larger countries in the region have also resulted in a variety of regional environmental changes that can have global consequences. The Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI) has been designed as an essential continuation of the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI), which was launched in 2004. NEESPI sought to elucidate all aspects of ongoing environmental change, to inform societies and, thus, to better prepare societies for future developments. A key principle of NEFI is that these developments must now be secured through science-based strategies co-designed with regional decision-makers to lead their societies to prosperity in the face of environmental and institutional challenges. NEESPI scientific research, data, and models have created a solid knowledge base to support the NEFI program. This paper presents the NEFI research vision consensus based on that knowledge. It provides the reader with samples of recent accomplishments in regional studies and formulates new NEFI science questions. To address these questions, nine research foci are identified and their selections are briefly justified. These foci include warming of the Arctic; changing frequency, pattern, and intensity of extreme and inclement environmental conditions; retreat of the cryosphere; changes in terrestrial water cycles; changes in the biosphere; pressures on land use; changes in infrastructure; societal actions in response to environmental change; and quantification of Northern Eurasia's role in the global Earth system. Powerful feedbacks between the Earth and human systems in Northern Eurasia (e.g., mega-fires, droughts, depletion of the cryosphere essential for water supply, retreat of sea ice) result from past and current human activities (e.g., large-scale water withdrawals, land use, and governance change) and potentially restrict or provide new opportunities for future human activities. Therefore, we propose that integrated assessment models are needed as the final stage of global change assessment. The overarching goal of this NEFI modeling effort will enable evaluation of economic decisions in response to changing environmental conditions and justification of mitigation and adaptation efforts.
2017-12-27 Web of ScienceTwo main types of grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, alpine swamp and alpine meadow, were selected for this study. Monitoring plots were constructed on each type of grassland with varying degrees of vegetation degradation. The impacts of alpine grassland cover changes on the hillslope water cycle were analyzed in terms of runoff generation, precipitation interception, dew water formation, and soil water dynamics of the active layer, etc. The results showed that different types of grasslands led to different runoff generation regimes; namely, runoff varied linearly with precipitation in alpine swamp, whereas in alpine meadow, runoff exhibited an exponential precipitation-dependence. The decrease in vegetation cover in alpine swamp leads to a decrease in soil moisture content in the top 20 cm of the soil, a delay in the thawing start time in the spring, and a decrease in both surface runoff and subsurface interflow. In alpine meadow, however, the decrease in vegetation cover led to a significant increase in the depth of topsoil moisture content during the thawing period, earlier occurrence of thawing, and an increase in the runoff generation ratio. The alpine meadow vegetation canopy had a higher maximum interception ratio and saturation precipitation than alpine swamp vegetation. With the decrease in vegetation cover, the rainfall interception ratios decreased by almost an identical range in both the alpine meadow and alpine swamp grasslands. Dew water commonly occurs on alpine grassland, accounting for about 12.5-16.5% of precipitation in the same period, and thus, is an important component of the water cycle. With the degradation of vegetation, surface dew water decreased; however, the ratio of dew water formed in the air to the total amount of dew water rose significantly. At the hillslope scale, the changes of alpine vegetation cover had a great influence on the water cycle, which were partly attributed to that the changes of alpine vegetation cover directly altered the surface energy balance, surface water cycle processes, and the thermal and hydraulic properties of active soil. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2012-06-11 Web of ScienceThe evidence for water cycle changes during the past 50 years on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is synthesised by analyses of the meteorological observations and reanalysis data, and review of relevant studies. Robust warming has been evident, and decreasing wind speed has led to a weak atmospheric forcing. Snow depth decreased and the active layer depth increased in the permafrost region. In response to these changes, evapotranspiration slightly increased due to a wetter ground surface. Inhomogeneous changes in precipitation result in uncertainties regarding trends in river discharge over the regions and basins.
2011-01-01 Web of Science