Potential impacts of a changing cryosphere on soils of the European Alps: A review
["Trautmann, Svenja","Knoflach, Bettina","Stotter, Johann","Elsner, Bernhard","Illmer, Paul","Geitner, Clemens"]
A review of the status of research on high mountain soils and their alterations caused by changes in the cryosphere in the European Alps is given. Soils of high mountain environments are not only exposed to atmospheric warming, rising CO2 levels, and changing precipitation patterns but also to climate-driven changes in the cryosphere. The massive reduction of glacier coverage as well as snow cover and (perma) frost extent can affect soils in various ways. We performed a comprehensive literature analysis and considered both the direct impacts (changes in surface coverage or ground thermal conditions) and indirect impacts (changing hydrosphere, lithosphere/geomorphodynamics, or biosphere) of cryosphere changes on soil. All considered studies had a multidisciplinary character: around 34% of the articles covered two spheres (cryosphere, pedosphere), 40% covered three spheres (cryosphere, pedosphere, and an additional sphere), and 26% covered more than three spheres. Most studies focused on initial soil formation in glacier forefields. The impact of changing geomorphodynamics on soils is underrepresented in literature, even though it is one of the major consequences of changes in the cryosphere. We therefore finally discuss possible consequences of changing geomorphodynamics due to changes in the cryosphere for high mountain soils.