Assessing Aksehir Lake's recession using meteorological and Earth observation data

Aksehir Lake climate change snow cover extent snow water equivalent soil moisture Turkey
Donmez, Senayi 2018-01-01 期刊论文
Climate change is an acknowledged phenomenon. Even so, its consequences are not easily predictable. Lakes in Lakes Region of southwestern Turkey have been shrinking. Aksehir Lake, located on important bird migration routes, is one of those aforementioned lakes that has continually shrunk until completely drying up in 2008. This study aims to investigate the variation of meteorological and hydrological parameters during the shrinking and drying up of Lake Aksehir. Previous studies were mainly related with coastline changes of Aksehir Lake and attributed the changes to increased air temperatures and evaporation in conjunction with reduced precipitation and decreased surface flow. In this study, snow dynamics, both snow cover (SC) extent and duration besides snow water equivalent (SWE) are also investigated. Moreover, the inclusion of soil moisture (SM) data is additions to the current literature. SC, SWE and SM data obtained from satellite images recorded over the study area indicated that SC both in extent and duration was smallest during the 2008 winter-the same year in which the lake totally dried. SWE and SM values were also lowest during the study period. These were in agreement with the highest recorded air temperatures and reduced precipitation with respect to long-term averages over the study period. Recorded high evaporations above the long-term averages might have intensified recession which eventually resulted in drying of lake in 2008.