Analysis of climatic conditions for the period of instrumental measurement in Central Yakutia showed three periods with two different mean annual air temperature (MAAT) shifts. These periods were divided into 1930-1987 (base period A), 1988-2006 (period B) and 2007-2018 (period C) timelines. The MAAT during these three periods amounted -10.3, -8.6 and -7.4 degrees C, respectively. Measurement of active layer depth (ALD) of permafrost pale soil under the forest (natural) and arable land (anthropogenic) were carried out during 1990-2018 period. MAAT change for this period affected an early transition of negative temperatures to positive and a later establishment of negative temperatures. Additionally, a shortening of the winter season and an extension of the duration of days with positive temperatures was found. Since the permafrost has a significant impact on soil moisture and thermal regimes, the deepening of ALD plays a negative role for studied soils. An increase in the ALD can cause thawing of underground ice and lead to degradation of the ice-rich permafrost. This thaw process causes a change of the ecological balance and leads to the destruction of natural landscapes, sometimes with a complete or prolonged loss of their biological productivity. During this observation (1990-2018 period) the active layer of permafrost is characterized by high dynamics, depending on climatic parameters such as air temperature, as well as thickness and duration of snow cover. A significant increase in ALD of forest permafrost soils-by 80 cm and 65 cm-on arable land was measured during the observation period (28 years).