Regime shift in aerosol optical depth and long-term aerosol radiative forcing implications over the Arabian Peninsula Region

AOD Dust aerosols Direct radiative forcing Arabian Peninsula region
["Dayanandan, Baiju","Ajay, P","Das Mahapatra, Pritam","Abhilash, S","Chutia, Lakhima","Pathak, Binita","Al-Amri, Issa","Al-Harrasi, Ahmed"] 2022-10-15 期刊论文
The Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and aerosol-induced radiative forcing trends inferred for the period 1995-2019 over the Arabian Peninsula region (APR) are extensively studied using the state-of-the-art Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis data. We examine the long-term AOD change for five major aerosol species: Dust (DU), Sea Salt (SS), Sulfate (SU), Black Carbon (BC), and Organic Carbon (OC) over the APR. The MERRA-2 AOD comparisons with surface measurements show that it is capable to reproduce the AOD features over APR. The total AOD over the region shows a high value in JJA with the combined effect of DU and SU being major contributors. The total AOD over APR shows an increasing trend at a rate of similar to 0.05/decade. Along with an incline in DU AOD , the anthropogenic signature on total AOD also hikes contributed mainly by the SU and OC. The increase in AOD also results in a surge in aerosol-induced atmospheric forcing (ATM) with a trend of 0.13 Wm(-2) year and 0.15 Wm(-2) year during MAM and JJA respectively. Overall, the study gives a comprehensive picture of the capability of the MERRA-2 in long-term aerosol monitoring over APR, primarily situated in the dust-belt region.