Inferring Polluted Asian Absorbing Aerosol Properties Using Decadal Scale AERONET Measurements and a MIE Model

AERONET MIE model BC aerosol size attribution classification
["Wang, Shuo","Wang, Xinying","Cohen, Jason Blake","Qin, Kai"] 2021-10-28 期刊论文
Absorbing aerosols uniquely impact radiation, aerosol transport, and meteorology. This paper quantifies black carbon core and sulphate shell size and mass using decadal measurements of multi-spectral aerosol optical depth, single scattering albedo, and angstrom exponent from Aerosol Robotic Network stations located throughout East, Southeast, and South Asia, in connection with a MIE model. All sites are uniquely characterized into four types: urban, biomass burning, long-range transport, and clean. Unique size and mass probability distributions of both the core and shell are calculated within each classification. Well known urban, biomass burning, and clean sites are all properly identified. Furthermore, two unique sites previously thought to not have multiple characteristics are identified, with urban and biomass burning significant in Beijing and long-range transport significant in the otherwise clean South China Sea at Taiping Island. It is hoped that these results will allow for advances in attribution and radiative forcing studies. Plain Language Summary Black Carbon strongly absorbs visible radiation, leading to unique impacts on atmospheric radiation, climate, the water cycle, and PM2.5. This work attributes different aerosol source characteristics, and further specifies the size distribution and concentration of aerosol black carbon cores and refractive shells. This work uses measurements of aerosol optical depth, single scatter albedo, and angstrom exponent, across multiple different wavelengths of light, in combination with statistics and a MIE model (physical model of aerosol/radiation interaction) using a Core-Shell approximation. The results show that aerosols observed in East, Southeast, and South Asia can be uniquely classified into four types: urban, biomass burning, long-range transport, and clean. These results are consistent in terms of aerosol size and mass at each site within each type of characterization. Furthermore, two unique sites are identified in which a second characteristic occurs some significant fraction of every year, which otherwise was not known or previously identified in the literature. These results are expected to help enhance the understanding of attribution of aerosols, as well as provide specific size and mass details of the aerosols useful to improve radiative forcing models and aerosol impacts on climate change. Key Points Aerosols are categorized into biomass burning, urban, and long-range types over Asia using decadal long multi-spectral measurements Based on multiple Aerosol Robotic Network Single Scatter Albedo measurements and a MIE model, physical characteristics of different aerosol types are deduced Most aerosols are found to be mixed, with two sites having different characteristics during different times of the year