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Refractory black carbon (rBC) is a primary aerosol species, produced through incomplete combustion, that absorbs sunlight and contributes to positive radiative forcing. The overall climate effect of rBC depends on its spatial distribution and atmospheric lifetime, both of which are impacted by the efficiency with which rBC is transported or removed by convective systems. These processes are poorly constrained by observations. It is especially interesting to investigate rBC transport efficiency through the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) since this meteorological pattern delivers vast quantities of boundary layer air from Asia, where rBC emissions are high to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) where the lifetime of rBC is expected to be long. Here, we present in situ observations of rBC made during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemistry and Climate Impact Project of summer, 2022. We use observed relationships between rBC and CO in ASM outflow to show that rBC is removed nearly completely (>98%) from uplifted air and that rBC concentrations in ASM outflow are statistically indistinguishable from the UT/LS background. We compare observed rBC and CO concentrations to those expected based on two chemical transport models and find that the models reproduce CO to within a factor of 2 at all altitudes whereas rBC is overpredicted by a factor of 20-100 at altitudes associated with ASM outflow. We find that the rBC particles in recently convected air have thinner coatings than those found in the UTLS background, suggesting transport of a small number of rBC particles that are negligible for concentration.

期刊论文 2025-02-16 DOI: 10.1029/2024JD042692 ISSN: 2169-897X

Under environment with various water contents, the variations in the mixing state and particle size of coated black carbon (BC) aerosols cause changes in optical and radiative effects. In this study, fractal models for thinly, partially, and thickly coated BC under six relative humidities (RHs 1/4 0-95%) are constructed and optically simulated at 1064 and 532 nm. Differential scattering cross-sections are selected to retrieve the mixing state (Dp/Dc) of BC to investigate the possible retrieval errors caused by the nonspherical morphology when using the single-particle soot photometer (SP2). Furthermore, the radiative forcing of BC aerosols at different RHs are analyzed. Results showed that the retrieval errors (REs) of Dp/Dc are negative for coated particles with BC volume fraction smaller than 0.10, indicating that the mixing states of coated fractal BC are underestimated during the hygroscopic growth. The partiallycoated BC has the best retrieval accuracy of the mixing state, followed by the closed-cell and coatedaggregate model, judging from averaged REs. Radiative forcing enhancements for partially-coated aerosols with different BC volume fractions exponentially increase to opposite values, resulting in a warming or cooling effect. This study helps understand the uncertainties in Dp/Dcof BC aerosols retrieved by SP2 and their radiative forcing at different RHs. (c) 2025 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.

期刊论文 2025-02-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2024.12.010 ISSN: 1674-2001

The frequency of forest fires has increased dramatically due to climate change. The occurrence of forest fires affects the carbon and nitrogen cycles and react to climate change to form a positive feedback mechanism. These effects further impact the distribution of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) and the soil microbial community structure. In addition, permafrost degradation can significantly affect the microorganisms in the soil. Based on these findings, this review examines the effects of fire intensity and post-fire recovery time on permafrost, the soil microbial community, MBC, MBN, and their interrelationships. This review demonstrated that (1) fires alter the condition of surface vegetation, reduce the organic layer thickness, redistribute snow, accelerate permafrost degradation, and even lead to permanent changes, where the restoration of the pre-fire state would require several decades or even centuries; (2) soil microbial community structure, soil MBC, and MBN negatively correlate with fire intensity, and the effects become more pronounced with increasing fire intensity; and (3) the structural diversity and stability of the soil microbial community were improved with time, and the amount of MBC and MBN increases as the years after a fire go by; it would still take more than ten years to recover to the pre-fire level. However, the relationship between permafrost degradation and soil microbes after forest fires is still unclear due to a lack of quantitative research on the mechanisms underlying the changes in soil microorganisms resulting from fire-induced permafrost degradation. Therefore, expanding quantitative studies and analyses of the mechanisms of interactions between forest fires, permafrost, and soil microorganisms can provide a scientific basis for understanding ecosystem carbon pools and dual-carbon targets in Arctic-boreal permafrost regions.

期刊论文 2024-03-01 DOI: 10.3390/f15030501

Black carbon (BC) is one important component contributing to global warming and its climate-related impacts strongly depend on mixing state. Previous observations at ground level indicated BC aging was at a fast rate in daytime with efficient photochemical reactions, while BC aging significantly weakened at night. Here we present evidences that BC aging still occurs efficiently at night in the residual layer (RL). The ratio of thickly coated refractory BC (rBC) in total rBC (f(BC)) increased from 51.3% at 00:00 LST to 61.5% at 07:00 LST at the CITIC station, which located in the RL at night, with an increasing rate of 1.4% per hour. Such an increasing rate was even higher than that during noontime (11:00 to 15:00 LST, 0.7% per hour). Similar trend also reflected in the coating thickness (Dp/Dc) of rBC particles, which increased from 1.52 at 00:00 LST to 1.63 at 07:00 LST. The aging of rBC in the RL at night enhances light absorption of rBC particles correspondingly; calculated absorption enhancement (E-abs) increased from 1.64 at 00:00 LST to 1.79 in at 07:00 LST. Further analysis indicated that the Eabs depends not only on the D-p/D-c of rBC particles, but also on its size. An increase in the size of rBC particles in polluted episode can also enhance the Eabs. Combined observations of development of boundary layer and pollutants at the CITIC station suggested that rBC particles were upwards transported in daytime and trapped in the RL at night, where they were aged efficiently. These results will improve our understanding on rBC aging in the atmosphere, and hence help to evaluate its radiative forcing.

期刊论文 2023-02-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119558 ISSN: 1352-2310

The melting behavior of glaciers on and around the Tibetan Plateau is strongly influenced by their albedo. In this paper, we report continuous observations made on the Qiangtang (QT) No. 1 Glacier, located in the central Tibetan Plateau, during its 2013-2015 melting seasons. Surface snow on the QT No. 1 Glacier mainly had a dust content less than 600 ppm and a black carbon (BC) content less than 10 ppb. A strong negative correlation was observed between albedo and dust content up to a threshold concentration of 1000 ppm, although albedo remained constant when dust concentrations increased above this value. The radii of snow particles showed a log-normal distribution that had a mean value of similar to 500 mu m, but maximum and minimum values of 2539 mu m and 40 mu m, respectively. Snow density showed a normal distribution with a total range of 193-555 kg/m(3), although most snow had a density of 400 kg/m(3). Snow, ice, and aerosol radiative (SNICAR) simulations showed that dust and BC in the surface snow of the QT No. 1 Glacier reduced the snow and ice albedo by 5.9% and 0.06%, respectively, during the ablation season in 2015; however, the simulated particle impact was greater than the albedo reduction measured from field data. We interpret that dust has played a significantly more important role in melting of the QT No. 1 Glacier than BC over the study period, which is mainly due to the scarcity of human activities in the region and the low concentration of BC being produced.

期刊论文 2022-10-01 DOI: 10.3390/atmos13101618

Due to the lack of black carbon (BC) measurement data in some cases, elemental carbon (EC) is often used as a surrogate of BC, with a simple assumption that they are interchangeable. Such assumption will inevitably lead to uncertainties in radiative forcing estimation and health impact assessment. In order to quantitatively and sys-tematically evaluate the relationship between BC and EC as well as factors responsible for their difference, 3-year collocated equivalent BC (eBC) and EC measurements with 1-h resolution were performed in Beijing, China continuously from 2016 to 2019. EBC concentration was measured by the multi-wavelength aethalometer (AE-33) based on optical analysis, while EC concentration was determined by semi-continuous OC/EC analyzer with thermal-optical method. The results showed that around 90% of eBC concentration was higher than that of EC, with average difference between eBC and EC as 1.21 mu g m(-3) (accounting for 33% of average eBC in Beijing). EBC and EC concentrations exhibited strong correlation (r = 0.90) during the whole study period, but the slopes (or eBC/EC ratio) and correlation coefficients varied across seasons (spring: 1.67 and 0.94; summer: 0.91 and 0.65; fall: 1.15 and 0.88; winter: 1.09 and 0.91, respectively). Based on the information from shell/core ratios by Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), source apportionment results by positive matrix factorization model, and chemical composition of PM2.5, the differences between eBC and EC concentrations were found to be primarily related to BC aging process and secondary components as evidenced by strong positive correlation with sec-ondary species (e.g., secondary organic carbon and nitrate). This study provided seasonal specific conversion factors of eBC and EC in Beijing and helpful reference for other areas, which will contribute new knowledge of carbonaceous aerosol and reduce uncertainty in assessing future climate change and health studies of BC.

期刊论文 2022-06-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.112791 ISSN: 0013-9351

Thermal-optical fractions of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), delta C-13 and optical properties of PM(2.5 )from Vehicular Fuel Emissions (VFEs) and Biomass Mixed Fuel Emissions (BMFEs) in India were examined. Heterogeneities in these species across Bharat Stage (BS) emission standards, vehicle type and cooking processes were also captured. Results suggest that distributions of OC and EC sub-fractions and Mass Absorption Efficiency (MAE) are driven by the fuel type, operating, combustion conditions, and emissions control strategies. Variability in thermal-optical fractions of carbon was useful not only in delineating VFEs and BMFEs but also in differentiating compositionally similar sources like gasoline and diesel. The mean delta C-13 value for diesel exhaust (- 26.3 +/- 1.3 parts per thousand) was marginally higher than the value (-27.0 +/- 1.2 parts per thousand) for gasoline and BMFEs. The Brown Carbon (BrC) content in VFEs was <10% while it constituted similar to 60% of the BMFEs. The MAE of both EC and OC of all the sources were calculated at 7 wavelengths (405 nm, 445, 532, 632, 780,808, and 980 nm) and heterogeneity was observed across vehicle types (higher MAEs for MUVs), fuel type (lowest MAEoc values for gasoline-powered vehicles) and BS divisions (BSII category vehicles shown highest MAEs) along with light absorption by OC and EC emitted by these sources. The results of this study characterizing the chemical, optical and isotopic signatures of PM2.5 from three major combustion sources will be useful in enhancing source identification and resolution in source apportionment efforts and in radiative forcing calculations.

期刊论文 2022-06-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2022.101443 ISSN: 1309-1042

A continuing increase in droughts/floods in Asian monsoon regions and worsening air quality due to aerosols are the two biggest threats to the health and well being of over 60% of the world's population. This study focuses on in-situ observations of atmospheric aerosols and their impact on shortwave direct aerosol radiative forcing (SDARF) during the southwest monsoon season (June-September) from 2015 to 2020 over a semi-arid station in Southern India. The Standardized precipitation index (SPI) is used to identify the droughts and normal monsoon years. Based on the SPI index, 2015, 2016, and 2018 were considered the drought monsoon years, while 2017, 2019, and 2020 were chosen as the normal monsoon years. During the drought monsoon years (normal monsoon years), the monthly mean black carbon (BC) was 1.17 +/- 0.25 (0.72 +/- 0.18), 1.02 +/- 0.31 (0.64 +/- 0.17), 1.02 +/- 0.38 (0.74 +/- 0.28), and 1.28 +/- 0.35 mu g/m(3) (0.88 +/- 0.21 mu g/m(3)), for June, July, August and September respectively. The lower BC concentration during the normal monsoon years is mainly due to the enhanced wet-removal rates by high rainfall over the measurement location. In July, there was a high ventilation coefficient (VC) and low concentration of BC, while in September, low VC, and a high concentration of BC was observed in both the drought and the normal monsoon years. In addition, a plane-parallel radiative transfer model was used to estimate shortwave direct aerosol radiative forcing for composite and without BC at various surfaces, including the surface (SUF), atmosphere (ATM), and top of the atmosphere (TOA). During the drought monsoon years (normal monsoon years), the estimated monthly ATM forcing was 17.6 +/- 2.4 (13.9 +/- 2.1), 17.5 +/- 7.5 (12.7 +/- 4.4), 17.2 +/- 4.0 (13.5 +/- 1.9), and 17.4 +/- 2.8 Wm(-2) (14.6 +/- 0.7 Wm(-2)) for June, July, August, and September, respectively. During the drought monsoon years, the estimated BC forcing was substantially larger (8.8 +/- 2.6 Wm(-2)) than that of normal monsoon years (6.0 +/- 1.5 Wm(-2)). It indicates the important role of absorbing BC aerosols during the drought monsoon years in introducing additional heat to the lower atmosphere, particularly over peninsular India.

期刊论文 2022-03-20 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152683 ISSN: 0048-9697

Ambient equivalent black carbon (BC) measurements spanning from June to October have been carried out over an adjoining location of Satopanth and Bhagirath-Kharak Glaciers (3858m, amsl) of Central Himalaya during the year 2019. Hourly BC varied from 12 ng m- 3 to 439 ng m- 3 during the entire period of observation. Monthly averaged BC values showed the highest concentration during June (230.96 +/- 85.46 ng m- 3) and the lowest in August (118.02 +/- 71.63 ng m- 3). The decrease in BC during monsoon months is attributed to limited long-range transport and rapid wet scavenging processes. Transport model studies indicate a higher retention time of tracer in Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, and adjacent polluted valley regions with increased biomass burning (BB) incidences. The high rate of BC influx during June, September, and October was attributed to transport from the polluted Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) region, wildfires, and vehicular emissions in the valley region. Higher equivalent brown carbon (BrC) influx is linked to BB, especially wood-burning, during intense forest fires at slopes of mountains. Data obtained from limited BC observations during the 2011-19 period showed no significant BC influx change during post-monsoon. The strong correlation between BC mass and BB affirms the dominant role of BB in contributing BC to the Glacier region. Increased TOA forcing induced by surface darkening and BC atmospheric radiative heating indicate an additional warming and possible changes of the natural snow cycle over the glacier depending on the characteristics and extent of debris cover.

期刊论文 2022-03-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112017 ISSN: 0013-9351

Atmospheric aerosols are very crucial from air pollution and health perspective as well as for regional and global climate. This paper attempts to summarize the aerosol loading and their properties such as Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Single Scattering Albedo (SSA), Angstrom exponent, and Radiative forcing, over India. All the above mentioned parameters have shown significant variability with change in the site and season. From various studies it was observed that AOD is relatively higher over Northern part of India as compared to Southern and Eastern part. Generally, lower values of SSA were observed over all sites during winter and post-monsoon seasons which indicates the dominance of absorbing type aerosol during these seasons. Also the ARF within atmosphere showed comparatively higher values during November-December and lower value during August and September all over the India. The current state of knowledge about aerosol sources, interactions and their effects on environment is limited because of its complexity. Therefore, more focused research in needed to understand the aerosol's role in climatic phenomenon.

期刊论文 2022-01-01 DOI: 10.22059/POLL.2021.327809.1146 ISSN: 2383-451X
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