Influences of Spring Land Surface Thermal Anomalies over West Asia on Indian Early Summer Monsoon Activity and Its Pathway

Atmosphere-land interaction Land surface Surface temperature Forcing Dynamics Monsoons
["Yang, Jingqiu","Chen, Haishan"] 2022-09-15 期刊论文
Exploring the premonsoonal land thermal predictor of the Indian summer monsoon is a hot topic under the background of global warming, and West Asia is one of the regions with the most significant warming in spring. In this study, we investigated the impact of anomalous spring land surface warming over West Asia on early summer (June) Indian monsoon precipitation as well as its possible mechanisms based on statistical analysis and numerical simulations. It has been found that spring land surface anomalous warming over West Asia corresponds to the enhancement of the leading mode of early summer precipitation in the Indian subcontinent, especially in its northern part. Further analysis indicates that an anomalously warm land surface over West Asia can advance the transition of atmospheric conditions toward the warm season by heating the atmosphere above. The increased land-sea meridional thermal contrast favors the intensification of the low-level jet and monsoon trough, further inducing anomalous moisture convergence and ascending motion over northern India. Additionally, the heat-driven anomalous upper-tropospheric anticyclone over West Asia favors the intensification of the tropical easterly jet and the northwestward development of the South Asian high (SAH). The enhanced SAH dynamically couples with the lower- to middle-level cyclonic circulation over northern India, resulting in a stronger monsoon and increased precipitation. These findings are helpful for better understanding and prediction of Indian early summer monsoon. Significance StatementThe land surface thermal condition is critical to the monsoon activity and exploring the premonsoonal land thermal predictor of Indian summer monsoon remains a hot topic. The purpose of this study is to explore how spring land surface thermal anomalies over West Asia impact Indian monsoon activity in early summer (June). The anomalous land surface warming over West Asia can lead to a stronger Indian monsoon in early summer by heating and driving the atmosphere, which benefits the precipitation increase over northern India. Our results provide a further scientific basis for the prediction of early summer Indian precipitation.