Reconstruction of past permafrost temperature sequences at three monitoring sites along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor
["Yin, Luhui","Zhao, Lin","Hu, Guojie","Zhao, Jianting","Xing, Zanpin","Sun, Zhe","Zhang, Yuxin","Liu, Guangyue","Zou, Defu","Du, Erji","Xiao, Minxuan","Qiao, Yongping","Shi, Jianzong"]
The long-term and continuous permafrost temperature data is of great significance to the study of permafrost, climate, ecology, hydrology and engineering on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), but the available observed data sequence is no longer than 25 years. To address the gap, we first attempt to reconstruct the sequences of permafrost temperature at three monitoring sites including Xidatan, Wudaoliang and Tanggula along the QTP engineering corridor from 1920 to 2019, based on one of the most used permafrost models worldwide (i.e., Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab version 2 (GIPL2)). The GIPL2 model and its parameterized schemes were first evaluated and calibrated using the ground temperature observations at the three sites. The monthly near surface ground temperature at the depth of 5 cm after calibration and correction based on monitoring data was used as forcing dataset to simulate the temperature change of the permafrost from 1900 to 2019. The temperature change sequences since 1920 were selected to discuss the changes of permafrost on the QTP, and its responses to climate change. Results showed that (i) the GIPL2 model can well simulate the thermal state of permafrost on the QTP with low simulation errors (below 0.1 degrees C) at the depth of zero annual amplitude; (ii) the annual average ground temperature at different depths for all three sites experienced warming trends from 1920 to 2019, in which the average warming rate was 0.07 degrees C/10 a (0.05-0.09) at the depth of zero annual amplitude (15 m). Besides, the site with the largest warming rate at the shallow layer (3 m) was found in Wudaoliang, while the deep layer (30 m) was in Xidatan; (iii) the permafrost temperature at the shallow layer increased rapidly since 1980. Nevertheless, the response times of the thermal conditions to climate change varied with soil layers, among which the deep layer lagged by about 20 years compared to the shallow layer; (iv) permafrost thicknesses for the Xidatan, Wudaoliang and Tanggula sites were decreased by 13.9 m, 4.6 m and 4.7 m respectively. The average deepening rate of the permafrost table and rising rates of permafrost base for the three sites were 0.6 cm/a and 10.27 cm/a, respectively. More specifically, the deepening rate of the permafrost table was 0.5 cm/a for Xidatan, 0.6 cm/a for Wudaoliang and 0.7 cm/a for Tanggula, and the rising rate of the permafrost base was 13.4 cm/a for Xidatan and 4.0 cm/a for both Wudaoliang and Tanggula. Compared with that in Wudaoliang and Tanggula, the permafrost in Xidatan was relatively unstable and its response to climate change was more sensitive. Although the simulations of the GIPL2 model could be impacted by the accuracy of the forcing data (e.g., 5 cm ground temperature), the reconstructed permafrost temperature changes from 1920 to 2019 were consistent with the observations over the past 40 years. Besides, our results also confirmed the continuous warming phenomenon of permafrost on the QTP since 1920. These findings can well fill the narrow gap relating to the short sequence and discontinuity of the permafrost temperature dataset on the QTP, and provide a baseline of permafrost changes to the scientific community for a better understanding of the changes in the cryosphere, ecosystem, water resources, and even climate. Nevertheless, some limitations in temperature reconstruction and model processing were noted. In the future, multiple aspects including accurate forcing data and complex factors (e.g., heat convection and lateral heat flow exchange) should be considered comprehensively in the model to reduce the uncertainties of ground temperature simulations.