Winter baseflow (WB) can stabilize freshwater inputs and has important impacts on nutrient migration and the water cycle of a specific region and the oceans. This study systematically analyzed the WB variations in fourteen major Eurasian rivers and found they all had commonly increasing trends (except the Yellow River), with the mean increase ratio of 53.0% (+/- 34.8%, confidence interval 95%) over the past 100 years (the longest time series is 1879-2015). Relative to Northern Eurasia (60 degrees N-70 degrees N) and Southern Eurasia (30 degrees N-40 degrees N), the river WB in middle Eurasia (40 degrees N-60 degrees N) had the largest increase rate (0.60%/year). The increases of the WB in Northern Eurasia and Southern Eurasia have speeded up since the 1990s; on the contrary, they have slowed down or even turned to a decreasing trend after the 1990s in the middle Eurasian rivers. Using multiple linear regression analysis, the quantitative relationship between WB and winter surface air temperature (max, mean and min), snowfall, soil temperature, antecedent precipitation, as well as the river-ice dynamic were determined. We found that the winter air temperature, especially the minimum air temperature was one major factor accounting for WB variation in Eurasia over the past century. When the winter air temperature rises, this leads a reduction in the thickness and volume of river ice, and thus decreases water storage in river ice and leads to an increase in the WB. About 19.6% (6.7%-41.5%) of the winter WB increase in rivers of Siberia was caused by the decreased river ice during the past 100 years. Although groundwater recharge was the dominant reason for WB change, the role of river ice should not be ignored in hydrological study of cold regions.
Winter discharge of the Lena River (Russia) has increased over the previous several decades. However, the impact of permafrost thawing and of changing hydrological processes induced by climate change on the river's winter discharge is not well-quantified. Here, using a coupled land surface model and a distributed discharge model, we conducted trend analyses to examine the sensitivity of winter discharge to permafrost thawing and water budget change in the Lena River basin during 1979-2016. An increasing trend of winter baseflow was found in upper parts of both the Lena River basin and the Aldan River basin, where summer net precipitation showed a statistically significant increase. The increased summer net precipitation resulted in higher soil moisture in the deepened active layer in late summer and early autumn, which was linked to autumn and winter baseflow. These implications were examined from the perspective of interrelations among the trends of active layer thickness, soil moisture, and baseflow in the cold season by identifying regions in which all the variables exhibited positive trends. The identified source regions were primarily in the lower Lena River basin and upper basins of the Lena and Aldan rivers, although winter baseflow was more dominant in the latter regions owing to the freezing effect of the active layer. Thinning of river ice induced by warming temperatures also contributed to the increase of winter river discharge. These results suggest that the increased winter discharge was strongly associated with climate-change-related enhancement of permafrost thawing and increase in net precipitation that affected soil hydrological processes, which will be strengthened further in the context of global warming.
This study investigates the impacts of climate change on the hydrology and soil thermal regime of 10 sub-arctic watersheds (northern Manitoba, Canada) using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model. We utilize statistically downscaled and biascorrected forcing datasets based on 17 general circulation model (GCM) - representative concentration pathways (RCPs) scenarios from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) to run the VIC model for three 30-year periods: a historical baseline (1981-2010: 1990s), and future projections (2021-2050: 2030s and 2041-2070: 2050s), under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5. Future warming increases the average soil column temperature by similar to 2.2 C in the 2050s and further analyses of soil temperature trends at three different depths show the most pronounced warming in the top soil layer (1.6 degrees C 30-year(-1) in the 2050s). Trend estimates of mean annual frozen soil moisture fraction in the soil column show considerable changes from 0.02 30-year(-1) (1990s) to 0.11 30-year(-1) (2050s) across the study area. Soil column water residence time decreases significantly (by 5 years) during the 2050s when compared with the 1990s as soil thawing intensifies the infiltration process thereby contributing to faster conversion to baseflow. Future warming results in 40%-50% more baseflow by the 2050s, where it increases substantially by 19.7% and 46.3% during the 2030s and 2050s, respectively. These results provide crucial information on the potential future impacts of warming soil temperatures on the hydrology of sub-arctic watersheds in north-central Canada and similar hydro-climatic regimes.
Permafrost thaw due to climate warming modifies hydrological processes by increasing hydrological connectivity between aquifers and surface water bodies and increasing groundwater storage. While previous studies have documented arctic river baseflow increases and changing wetland and lake distributions, the hydrogeological processes leading to these changes remain poorly understood. This study uses a coupled heat and groundwater flow numerical model with dynamic freezing and thawing processes and an improved set of boundary conditions to simulate the impacts of climate warming on permafrost distribution and groundwater discharge to surface water bodies. We show a spatial shift in groundwater discharge from upslope to downslope and a temporal shift with increasing groundwater discharge during the winter season due to the formation of a lateral supra-permafrost talik underlying the active layer. These insights into changing patterns of groundwater discharge help explain observed changes in arctic baseflow and wetland patterns and are important for northern water resources and ecosystem management.
Baseflow is an essential component of river runoff. Accurate measurements and analyses of baseflow change are challenging in permafrost-covered regions. In this paper, the upper reaches of the Shule River were selected as the study area, in which to study the baseflow change regulation and causes. The variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model, based on the ARNO baseflow formulation, was used to simulate the baseflow. Simulated baseflow was validated by the isotopic baseflow separation results and measured runoff in the recession periods throughout an entire year. It was found that approximately 63.1% of the river runoff was sourced by baseflow in the study region; the baseflow change was relatively smooth throughout the year, and it lagged a few days behind the river runoff. Approximately 80% of the total baseflow was generated in the 3500-4500 m alpine regions, with mainly low-temperature and mid-temperature permafrost. Based on the climate, runoff, land use, soil temperature and moisture data of the permafrost active layer, the mechanism of baseflow change in the permafrost zone was analysed. Precipitation and temperature positively enhanced the baseflow in the permafrost region throughout a year, but the baseflow was more influenced by the temperature than precipitation. In the study area, the cold desert and alpine grassland had the largest regulation capacity for baseflow. Affected by the permafrost freeze-thaw process, a baseflow peak occurred in the spring and the baseflow recession slowed in the autumn. This lead to a more uniform distribution of baseflow and runoff throughout the year.