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This study investigates the impacts of climate change on the hydrology and soil thermal regime of 10 sub-arctic watersheds (northern Manitoba, Canada) using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model. We utilize statistically downscaled and biascorrected forcing datasets based on 17 general circulation model (GCM) - representative concentration pathways (RCPs) scenarios from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) to run the VIC model for three 30-year periods: a historical baseline (1981-2010: 1990s), and future projections (2021-2050: 2030s and 2041-2070: 2050s), under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5. Future warming increases the average soil column temperature by similar to 2.2 C in the 2050s and further analyses of soil temperature trends at three different depths show the most pronounced warming in the top soil layer (1.6 degrees C 30-year(-1) in the 2050s). Trend estimates of mean annual frozen soil moisture fraction in the soil column show considerable changes from 0.02 30-year(-1) (1990s) to 0.11 30-year(-1) (2050s) across the study area. Soil column water residence time decreases significantly (by 5 years) during the 2050s when compared with the 1990s as soil thawing intensifies the infiltration process thereby contributing to faster conversion to baseflow. Future warming results in 40%-50% more baseflow by the 2050s, where it increases substantially by 19.7% and 46.3% during the 2030s and 2050s, respectively. These results provide crucial information on the potential future impacts of warming soil temperatures on the hydrology of sub-arctic watersheds in north-central Canada and similar hydro-climatic regimes.

期刊论文 2022-11-01 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14748 ISSN: 0885-6087

Despite the fundamental importance of soil temperature for Earth's carbon and energy budgets, ecosystem functioning, and agricultural production, studies of climate change impacts on soil processes have mainly relied on air temperatures, assuming they are accurate proxies for soil temperatures. We evaluated changes in soil temperature, moisture, and air temperature predicted over the 21st century from 14 Earth system models. The model ensemble predicted a global mean soil warming of 2.3 0.7 and 4.5 1.1 degrees C at 100-cm depth by the end of the 21st century for RCPs 4.5 and 8.5, respectively. Soils at 100 cm warmed at almost exactly the same rate as near-surface (similar to 1 cm) soils. Globally, soil warming was slightly slower than air warming above it, and this difference increased over the 21st century. Regionally, soil warming kept pace with air warming in tropical and arid regions but lagged air warming in colder regions. Thus, air warming is not necessarily a good proxy for soil warming in cold regions where snow and ice impede the direct transfer of sensible heat from the atmosphere to soil. Despite this effect, high-latitude soils were still projected to warm faster than elsewhere, albeit at slower rates than surface air above them. When compared with observations, the models were able to capture soil thermal dynamics in most biomes, but some failed to recreate thermal properties in permafrost regions. Particularly in cold regions, using soil warming rather than air warming projections may improve predictions of temperature-sensitive soil processes.

期刊论文 2020-02-01 DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005266 ISSN: 2169-8953

Permafrost degradation caused by contemporary climate change significantly affects arctic regions. Active layer thickening combined with the thaw subsidence of ice-rich sediments leads to irreversible transformation of permafrost conditions and activation of exogenous processes, such as active layer detachment, thermokarst and thermal erosion. Climatic and permafrost models combined with a field monitoring dataset enable the provision of predicted estimations of the active layer and permafrost characteristics. In this paper, we present the projections of active layer thickness and thaw subsidence values for two Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) sites of Eastern Chukotka coastal plains. The calculated parameters were used for estimation of permafrost degradation rates in this region for the 21st century under various IPCC climate change scenarios. According to the studies, by the end of the century, the active layer will be 6-13% thicker than current values under the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) 2.6 climate scenario and 43-87% under RCP 8.5. This process will be accompanied by thaw subsidence with the rates of 0.4-3.7 cm.a(-1). Summarized surface level lowering will have reached up to 5 times more than current active layer thickness. Total permafrost table lowering by the end of the century will be from 150 to 310 cm; however, it will not lead to non-merging permafrost formation.

期刊论文 2019-05-01 DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9050232

Permafrost has significant impacts on climate change through its strong interaction with the climate system. In order to better understand the permafrost variation and the role it plays in climate change, model outputs from Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are used in the present study to diagnose the near-surface permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), assess the abilities of the models to simulate present-day (1986-2005) permafrost and project future permafrost change on the TP under four different representative concentration pathways (RCPs). The results indicate that estimations of present-day permafrost using the surface frost index (SFI) and the Kudryavtsev method (KUD) show a spatial distribution similar to that of the frozen soil map on the TP. However, the permafrost area calculated via the KUD is larger than that calculated via the SFI. The SFI produces a present-day permafrost area of 127.2 x 10(4) km(2). The results also indicate that the permafrost on the TP will undergo regional degradation, mainly at the eastern, southern and northeastern edges, during the 21st century. Furthermore, most of the sustainable permafrost will probably exist only in the northwestern TP by 2099. The SFI also indicates that the permafrost area will shrink by 13.3 x 10(4) km(2) (9.7%) and 14.6 x 10(4) km(2) (10.5%) under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, in the next 20 years and by 36.7 x 10(4) km(2) (26.6%) and 45.7 x 10(4) km(2) (32.7%), respectively, in the next 50 years. The results are helpful for us to better understand the permafrost response to climate change over the TP, further investigate the physical mechanism of the freeze-thaw process and improve the model parameterization scheme.

期刊论文 2018-12-01 DOI: 10.1002/joc.5770 ISSN: 0899-8418

Global warming of 2 degrees C above preindustrial levels has been considered to be the threshold that should not be exceeded by the global mean temperature to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system. However, this global mean target has different implications for different regions owing to the globally nonuniform climate change characteristics. Permafrost is sensitive to climate change; moreover, it is widely distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude regions where the greatest warming is predicted. Permafrost is expected to be severely affected by even the 2 degrees C global warming, which, in turn, affects other systems such as water resources, ecosystems, and infrastructures. Using air and soil temperature data from ten coupled model intercomparison project phase five models combined with observations of frozen ground, we investigated the permafrost thaw and associated ground settlement under 2 degrees C global warming. Results show that the climate models produced an ensemble mean permafrost area of 14.01 x 10(6) km(2), which compares reasonably with the area of 13.89 x 10(6) km(2) (north of 45A degrees N) in the observations. The models predict that the soil temperature at 6 m depth will increase by 2.34-2.67 degrees C on area average relative to 1990-2000, and the increase intensifies with increasing latitude. The active layer thickness will also increase by 0.42-0.45 m, but dissimilar to soil temperature, the increase weakens with increasing latitude due to the distinctly cooler permafrost at higher latitudes. The permafrost extent will obviously retreat north and decrease by 24-26% and the ground settlement owing to permafrost thaw is estimated at 3.8-15 cm on area average. Possible uncertainties in this study may be mostly attributed to the less accurate ground ice content data and coarse horizontal resolution of the models.

期刊论文 2017-10-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00382-016-3469-9 ISSN: 0930-7575

Soil properties such as soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and active-layer thickness are used in earth system models (ESMs) to predict anthropogenic and climatic impacts on soil carbon dynamics, future changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and associated climate changes in the permafrost regions. Accurate representation of spatial and vertical distribution of these soil properties in ESMs is a prerequisite for reducing existing uncertainty in predicting carbon-climate feedbacks. We compared the spatial representation of SOC stocks and active-layer thicknesses predicted by the coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) ESMs with those predicted from geospatial predictions, based on observation data for the state of Alaska, USA. For the geospatial modeling, we used soil profile observations (585 for SOC stocks and 153 for active-layer thickness) and environmental variables (climate, topography, land cover, and surficial geology types) and generated fine-resolution (50-m spatial resolution) predictions of SOC stocks (to 1-m depth) and active-layer thickness across Alaska. We found large inter-quartile range (2.5-5.5 m) in predicted active-layer thickness of CMIP5 modeled results and small inter-quartile range (11.5-22 kg m(-2)) in predicted SOC stocks. The spatial coefficient of variability of active-layer thickness and SOC stocks were lower in CMIP5 predictions compared to our geospatial estimates when gridded at similar spatial resolutions (24.7 compared to 30% and 29 compared to 38%, respectively). However, prediction errors, when calculated for independent validation sites, were several times larger in ESM predictions compared to geospatial predictions. Primary factors leading to observed differences were (1) lack of spatial heterogeneity in ESM predictions, (2) differences in assumptions concerning environmental controls, and (3) the absence of pedogenic processes in ESM model structures. Our results suggest that efforts to incorporate these factors in ESMs should reduce current uncertainties associated with ESM predictions of carbon-climate feedbacks. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

期刊论文 2017-08-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.04.017 ISSN: 0016-7061

The distributions of frozen ground and active layer thickness (ALT) during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and pre-industrial periods in China were investigated using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model experiments. Compared to the pre-industrial period, the LGM climate was similar to 5 degrees C colder and featured significantly higher freezing indices on the Tibetan Plateau and in Northeast China. Frozen ground expanded widely in the LGM. The extents of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground in China were 4.11 x 10(6) km(2) and 4.97 x 10(6) km(2), respectively, which are 2.42 x 10(6) km(2) larger and 1.45 x 10(6) km(2) smaller, respectively, than the pre-industrial levels. Moreover, the colder climate and longer duration also resulted in LGM ALT values that were 13 m less than the pre-industrial values in the permafrost areas common to both periods. Altitudinal permafrost was present mainly on the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent mountains in West China between 28 degrees N and 41 degrees 30'N and covered an area of similar to 2.63 x 10(6) km(2). Latitudinal permafrost was present mainly in Northeast China and occupied an area of 1.48 x 10(6) km(2). The southern limit of latitudinal permafrost was located similar to 10 degrees of latitude farther south during the LGM than during the pre-industrial period. The LGM simulation results agree reasonably well with previous reconstructions, with the exception of an underestimation in the permafrost extent. Although relatively high-level disagreement exists between the models in terms of the exact locations of the southern limits, the ensemble average is still able to represent the large-scale spatial pattern of frozen ground remarkably well. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2016-04-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.01.042 ISSN: 0031-0182

Distribution of frozen ground and active layer thickness in the Northern Hemisphere during the mid-Holocene (MH) and differences with respect to the preindustrial (PI) were investigated here using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. Two typical diagnostic methods, respectively, based on soil temperature (T-s based; a direct method) and air temperature (T-a based; an indirect method) were employed to classify categories and extents of frozen ground. In relation to orbitally induced changes in climate and in turn freezing and thawing indices, the MH permafrost extent was 20.5% (1.8%) smaller than the PI, whereas seasonally frozen ground increased by 9.2% (0.8%) in the Northern Hemisphere according to the T-s-based (T-a-based) method. Active layer thickness became larger, but by 1.0m in most of permafrost areas during the MH. Intermodel disagreement remains within areas of permafrost boundary by both the T-s-based and T-a-based results, with the former demonstrating less agreement among the CMIP5 models because of larger variation in land model abilities to represent permafrost processes. However, both the methods were able to reproduce the MH relatively degenerated permafrost and increased active layer thickness (although with smaller magnitudes) as observed in data reconstruction. Disparity between simulation and reconstruction was mainly found in the seasonally frozen ground regions at low to middle latitudes, where the reconstruction suggested a reduction of seasonally frozen ground extent to the north, whereas the simulation demonstrated a slightly expansion to the south for the MH compared to the PI.

期刊论文 2016-01-16 DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023837 ISSN: 2169-897X

Complex interactions between the land surface and atmosphere and the exchange of water and energy have a significant impact on climate. The Tibetan Plateau is the highest plateau in the world and is known as Earth's third pole''. Because of its unique natural geographical and climatic characteristics, it directly affects China's climate, as well as the world's climate, through its thermal and dynamic roles. In this study, the BCCCSM1.1 model for the simulation results of CMIP5 is used to analyze the variation of the land surface processes of the Tibetan Plateau and the possible linkages with temperature change. The analysis showed that, from 1850 to 2005, as temperature increases, the model shows surface downward short-wave radiation, upward short-wave radiation, and net radiation to decrease, and long-wave radiation to increase. Meanwhile, latent heat flux increases, whereas sensible heat flux decreases. Except for sensible heat flux, the correlation coefficients of land surface fluxes with surface air temperature are all significant at the 99 % significance level. The model results indicate rising temperature to cause the ablation of ice (or snow) cover and increasing leaf area index, with reduced snowfall, together with a series of other changes, resulting in increasing upward and downward long-wave radiation and changes in soil moisture, evaporation, latent heat flux, and water vapor in the air. However, rising temperature also reduces the difference between the surface and air temperature and the surface albedo, which lead to further reductions of downward and upward short-wave radiation. The surface air temperature in winter increases by 0.93 degrees C/100 years, whereas the change is at a minimum (0.66 degrees C/100 years) during the summer. Downward short-wave and net radiation demonstrate the largest decline in the summer, whereas upward short-wave radiation demonstrates its largest decline during the spring. Downward short-wave radiation is predominantly affected by air humidity, followed by the impact of total cloud fraction. The average downward short-wave and net radiation attain their maxima in May, whereas for upward short-wave radiation the maximum is in March. The model predicts surface temperature to increase under all the different representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios, with the rise under RCP8.5 reaching 5.1 degrees C/100 years. Long-wave radiation increases under the different emission scenarios, while downward short-wave radiation increases under the low-and medium-emission concentration pathways, but decreases under RCP8.5. Upward short-wave radiation reduces under the various emission scenarios, and the marginal growth decreases as the emission concentration increases.

期刊论文 2014-08-01 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-3034-3 ISSN: 1866-6280

Large uncertainty in the direct radiative forcing of black carbon (BC) exists, with published estimates ranging from 0.25 to 0.9 W m(-2). A significant source of this uncertainty relates to the vertical distribution of BC, particularly relative to cloud layers. We first compare the vertical distribution of BC in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models to aircraft measurements and find that models tend to overestimate upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric (UT/LS) BC, particularly over the central Pacific from Hiaper Pole-to-Pole Observations Flight 1 (HIPPO1). However, CMIP5 generally underestimates Arctic BC from the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites campaign, implying a geographically dependent bias. Factors controlling the vertical distribution of BC in CMIP5 models, such as wet and dry deposition, precipitation, and convective mass flux (MC), are subsequently investigated. We also perform a series of sensitivity experiments with the Community Atmosphere Model version 5, including prescribed meteorology, enhanced vertical resolution, and altered convective wet scavenging efficiency and deep convection. We find that convective mass flux has opposing effects on the amount of black carbon in the atmosphere. More MC is associated with more convective precipitation, enhanced wet removal, and less BC below 500 hPa. However, more MC, particularly above 500 hPa, yield more BC aloft due to enhanced convective lofting. These relationshipsparticularly MC versus BC below 500 hPa-are generally stronger in the tropics. Compared to the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, most CMIP5 models overestimate MC, with all models overestimating MC above 500 hPa. Our results suggest that excessive convective transport is one of the reasons for CMIP5 overestimation of UT/LS BC.

期刊论文 2014-04-27 DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021595 ISSN: 2169-897X
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