Atmospheric Brown Carbon (BrC) with strong wavelength-dependence light-absorption ability can significantly affect radiative forcing. Highly resolved emission inventories with lower uncertainties are important premise and essential in scientifically evaluating impacts of emissions on air quality, human health and climate change. This study developed a bottom-up inventory of primary BrC from combustion sources in China from 1960 to 2016 with a spatial resolution at 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees, based on compiled emission factors and detailed activity data. The primary BrC emission in China was about 593 Gg (500-735 Gg as interquartile range) in 2016, contributing to 7% (5%-8%) of a previously estimated global total BrC emission. Residential fuel combustion was the largest source of primary BrC in China, with the contribution of 67% as the national average but ranging from 25% to 99% among different provincial regions. Significant spatial disparities were also observed in the relative shares of different fuel types. Coal combustion contribution varied from 8% to 99% across different regions. Heilongjiang and North China Plain had high emissions of primary BrC. Generally, on the national scale, spatial distribution of BrC emission density per area was aligned with the population distribution. Primary BrC emission from combustion sources in China have been declined since a peak of similar to 1300 Gg in 1980, but the temporal trends were distinct in different sectors. The high-resolution inventory developed here enables radiative forcing simulations in future atmospheric models so as to promote better understanding of carbonaceous aerosol impacts in the Earth's climate system and to develop strategies achieving co-benefits of human health protection and climate change.
Elevation plays a crucial role in modulating the spatiotemporal distributions of climatic variables in mountainous regions, which affects water and energy balances, among which reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is a key hydrological indicator. However, the response of ET0 to climate change with elevation continues to be poorly understood, especially in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) which has elevation variations of more than 4,000m. The spatiotemporal variations of ET0 with elevation were investigated using long-term (1960-2017) meteorological observations from 82 stations on the TP. The results suggest that the average annual ET0 showed an insignificant increasing trend. A significant negative correlation between ET0 and elevation was found (p<.01). The positive trends of ET0 decreased with elevation, whereas the negative trends of ET0 increased significantly with elevation (p<.05). The magnitude of trends of ET0 becomes smaller at higher-elevation stations. Sensitivity analysis indicated that ET0 was most sensitive to shortwave radiation (R-s). Moreover, the sensitivities of temperature (T) and wind speed (U) significantly decreased with elevation, whereas those of R-s and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) increased slightly with elevation. The contribution and path analyse indicated that increasing VPD was the dominant contributor to the increase in ET0. The effect of elevation on ET0 variation mainly depended on the tradeoff between the contributions of U and VPD. U was the largest contributing factor for the change in ET0 below 2,500m, whereas VPD was the primary contributor to the increase in ET0 above 2,500m. This study provides insights into the response of ET0 to climate change with elevation on the TP, which is of great significance to hydrometeorological processes in high-altitude regions.
Understanding the origins of Tibetan Plateau (TP) glacier dust is vital for glacier dynamics and regional climate understanding. In May 2016, snow pit samples were collected from glaciers on the TP: Qiyi (QY) in the north, Yuzhufeng (YZF) in the center, and Xiaodongkemadi (XDK) in the south. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and near-surface PM10 concentrations were extracted from a dataset of Chinese near-surface PM10. Two tracing approaches were used: direct REE tracing and an indirect approach combining potential source contribution function (PSCF) and concentration-weighted trajectory (CWT). Both methods yielded consistent results. Pre-monsoon, TP surface soils, Taklimakan Desert, and Qaidam Basin contributed to glacier dust. Notably, central and southern glaciers showed Thar Desert influence, unlike the northern ones. Taklimakan and Thar Deserts were major contributors due to their substantial contribution and high dust concentration. Taklimakan dust, influenced by terrain and westerly winds, affected central and southern glaciers more than northern ones. Westerlies carried Thar Desert dust to the TP after it was uplifted by updrafts in northwest India, significantly affecting southern glaciers. Furthermore, comparing the two tracer methods, the indirect approach combining PSCF and CWT proved more effective for short-term dust source tracing.
Quantifying the impact of climate change on hydrologic features is essential for the scientific planning, management and sustainable use of water resources in Northwest China. Based on hydrometeorological data and glacier inventory data, the Spatial Processes in Hydrology (SPHY) model was used to simulate the changes of hydrologic processes in the Upper Shule River (USR) from 1971 to 2020, and variations of runoff and runoff components were quantitatively analyzed using the simulations and observations. The results showed that the glacier area has decreased by 21.8% with a reduction rate of 2.06 km(2)/a. Significant increasing trends in rainfall runoff, glacier runoff (GR) and baseflow indicate there has been a consistent increase in total runoff due to increasing rainfall and glacier melting. The baseflow has made the largest contribution to total runoff, followed by GR, rainfall runoff and snow runoff, with mean annual contributions of 38%, 28%, 18% and 16%, respectively. The annual contribution of glacier and snow runoff to the total runoff shows a decreasing trend with decreasing glacier area and increasing temperature. Any increase of total runoff in the future will depend on an increase of rainfall, which will exacerbate the impact of drought and flood disasters.
Knowledge of aerosol radiative effects in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is limited due to the lack of reliable aerosol optical properties, especially the single scattering albedo (SSA). We firstly reported in situ measurement of SSA in Lhasa using a cavity enhanced albedometer (CEA) at lambda = 532 nm from 22nd May to 11th June 2021. Unexpected strong aerosol absorbing ability was observed with an average SSA of 0.69. Based on spectral absorptions measured by Aethalometer (AE33), black carbon (BC) was found to be the dominated absorbing species, accounting for about 83% at lambda = 370 nm, followed by primary and secondary brown carbon (BrCpri and BrCsec). The average direct aerosol radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere (DARFTOA) was 2.83 W/m2, indicating aerosol warming effect on the Earth-atmosphere system. Even though aerosol loading is low, aerosol heating effect plays a significant role on TP warming due to strong absorbing ability. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has experienced rapid warming over the past decades, but the key factors affecting TP climate change haven't yet been clearly understood. Aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA) is a key optical parameter determining aerosol warming or cooling effect; however, reliable SSA measurement is scarce in TP. This study firstly reported in situ measurement of SSA in Lhasa and explored the direct radiative effect of aerosol on TP warming. Strong aerosol absorption, mainly contributed by black carbon (BC), was observed with an average SSA value of 0.69 in this city. Besides Lhasa, other sites over TP were also reported with low SSA (<= 0.77) from surface measurement. The strong aerosol absorption could cause heating effect on the Earth-atmosphere system. To relieve TP warming, reasonable pollutant emission control strategies should be taken urgently to weaken aerosol absorbing ability. Unexpected low aerosol single scattering albedo was observed in Lhasa via in situ measurement of multiple optical parameters simultaneously Black carbon was the dominant contributor (similar to 83%) to aerosol absorption at 370 nm, followed by primary and secondary brown carbon The strong absorption in Lhasa exerted positive direct aerosol radiative forcing (warming effect) at the top of atmosphere
Study region: The Tibetan Plateau Study focus: Evapotranspiration (ET) plays a critical role in the water balance, energy budget, and carbon cycle. However, the variations, trends, and controls of ET on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are poorly understood because of uncertainties in ET estimates and sparse observations. In this study, the variations in ET and its components and their drivers and controls in the TP were analyzed at seasonal and annual scales during 1982-2015. New hydrological insights for the region: Spatially, the multiyear mean annual ET decreased from the southeastern to northwestern TP. Canopy transpiration (Ec) was the main component of ET (52.7%), followed by soil evaporation (Es) (34.4%) and interception (Ei) (10.7%). Regionally, the averaged ET and its components increased significantly at the seasonal and annual scales. Spatially, the controlling factor for ET changed from water to energy as the climatic zones transferred from aridity to humidity. The annual ET was controlled by soil moisture (SM) in arid and semi-arid zones, whereas Ta was the dominant factor in the other regions. The increased annual Es and Ei were primarily caused by SM, while the annual Ec was determined by Ta. In addition, NDVI played a certain role in regulating the annual Ec and Ei variations. This study improves our understanding of hydrological processes and water resource management under global climate change.
Black carbon (BC) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), both in the air and deposited on the surface of snow and ice, has been shown to accelerate the retreat of mountain glaciers. Previous study indicated that South Asian anthropogenic emissions primarily contributed to atmospheric loading of BC over the TP, it is essential to further identify the major sector in South Asia and provide guidance for potential mitigation strategies. In this study, the regional atmospheric chemistry model WRF-Chem was run for an entire year. The results suggested that residential BC emissions from South Asia contributed the largest (25.8% in summer and 44.8% in winter) to BC concentrations over the TP compared to other anthropogenic emission sectors in the region. Furthermore, significant seasonal variability existed in the transport process of residential BC from South Asia to the TP. The South Asia monsoon during summer and the mountain-valley wind system during spring could transport South Asian residential BC across the Himalayas to the TP. However, the higher transportation flux along 30 degrees N indicated that the transport was mainly influenced by westerly winds, implying that residential emissions from northern India were the critical source of BC aerosols over the TP. A further assessment of emission control strategies suggested that reducing emissions from South Asian residential sources can effectively reduce BC concentrations over the TP, which may potentially alleviate the TP's accelerating glacier melting. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Knowledge of the difference between soil and air temperatures (Delta T) is helpful to improve our understanding on the land-atmosphere thermal interactions and temperature-dependent soil processes. Based on 272 stations across China, this study investigated the spatiotemporal variations of the annual and seasonal Delta T (difference between soil temperature at a depth of 0.4 m and air temperature) from 1981 to 2014, and quantified the relative contributions of multiple environmental variables (snow cover, precipitation, vegetation, soil moisture, and solar radiation) to Delta T variation for the first time. Air temperature primarily controls soil temperature dynamics, but the asynchronous trends of soil and air temperatures may lead to the complexity of the land-atmosphere relationship. Almost no apparent trends in Delta T were detected for the entire China (except in summer), but the spatial heterogeneity of trends was evident. Snow cover conditions greatly dominated the Delta T dynamics both annually and seasonally (except in summer). The relative contribution of snow cover duration to Delta T variation was significantly greater than that of mean snow depth for the entire China, but the regional differences in the contributions of the two variables were noticeable at different seasons. The greening of vegetation closely associated with the Delta T variation in annual, autumn and winter, and soil moisture exerted a great influence on summer Delta T, associated with sunshine duration (a proxy for surface solar radiation). The amount of precipitation made a slight impact on Delta T at either seasonal or annual scales.
Snow and glaciers provide water to the densely populated downstream area of the Tarim River Basin, which is an important irrigated agricultural area in China. Cotton is an important cash crop, and meltwater is an important irrigation water source for cotton in this region. In this study, the spatiotemporal dependence of cotton yield on mountain meltwater resources in the subbasins of the Tarim River basin was quantified by the variable infil-tration capacity (VIC) hydrologic model with the degree-day and CROPR models during 1960-2017. The results showed that the changes in meltwater in all subbasins had a significantly increasing trend. Meltwater contri-butions to cotton irrigation and yield varied spatiotemporally. Along the area south of the Tian Shan Mountains, the meltwater contribution to irrigation showed a decreasing trend from west to east, and the highest contri-bution of meltwater to cotton yield occurred in the Weigan River basin, followed by the Aksu River basin and Kaidu River basin. Along the northern Karakoram Mountains, the meltwater contributions to cotton irrigation and yield first decreased and then increased from west to east. In the whole basin, 48.6% of total irrigation withdrawals originated from mountain snow and glacial meltwater and contributed an additional 55.9% to total cotton production during the study period. The results provide important agricultural information for locations where shifts in water availability and demand are projected as a result of socioeconomic growth.
Transport of exogenous anthropogenic mercury (Hg) is an important source of Hg pollution in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its downstream water ecosystems, but the origins and contributions of Hg sources remain uncertain. Here, we investigate the concentrations and isotopic compositions of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) at four rural sites in the TP and three urban sites surrounding the TP to quantify the sources of GEM in the TP. GEM concentrations in the surrounding cities (site-specific means: 2.36-9.12 ng m-3) were highly elevated mainly due to strong local anthropogenic emissions as indicated by their negative delta 202Hg and near zero Delta 199Hg and Delta 200Hg signatures. GEM isotopes indicate that GEM pollution in the TP, typically observed during the summer monsoon and the pre-monsoon, were mainly caused by trans-boundary transport of anthropogenic Hg from surroundings. Using an Hg isotope mixing model, we estimate that exogenous anthropogenic emissions on average contributed 26 +/- 5% (1sd) to the GEM in the TP. Further analysis of the transport of anthropogenic Hg emissions based on the backward trajectory and gridded anthropogenic Hg emissions suggests that 16 +/- 9% and 6 +/- 13% of the GEM in the TP were derived from anthropogenic sources in South Asia and China, respectively. Our study suggests that anthropogenic Hg emissions in South Asia could be effectively transported to the TP across the Himalayan range. Future studies are needed to better assess the role of rapidly increasing anthropogenic Hg emissions in South Asia on the regional to global scale atmospheric Hg cycling.