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Globally, land subsidence (LS) often adversely impacts infrastructure, humans, and the environment. As climate change intensifies the terrestrial hydrologic cycle and severity of climate extremes, the interplay among extremes (e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.), LS, and their effects must be better understood since LS can alter the impacts of extreme events, and extreme events can drive LS. Furthermore, several processes causing subsidence (e.g., ice-rich permafrost degradation, oxidation of organic matter) have been shown to also release greenhouse gases, accelerating climate change. Our review aims to synthesize these complex relationships, including human activities contributing to LS, and to identify the causes and rates of subsidence across diverse landscapes. We primarily focus on the era of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which has significantly contributed to advancements in our understanding of ground deformations around the world. Ultimately, we identify gaps and opportunities to aid LS monitoring, mitigation, and adaptation strategies and guide interdisciplinary efforts to further our process-based understanding of subsidence and associated climate feedbacks. We highlight the need to incorporate the interplay of extreme events, LS, and human activities into models, risk and vulnerability assessments, and management practices to develop improved mitigation and adaptation strategies as the global climate warms. Without consideration of such interplay and/or feedback loops, we may underestimate the enhancement of climate change and acceleration of LS across many regions, leaving communities unprepared for their ramifications. Proactive and interdisciplinary efforts should be leveraged to develop strategies and policies that mitigate or reverse anthropogenic LS and climate change impacts.

2024-12-01 Web of Science

The arid northwestern China is the most vulnerable region to climate change, where the variability of seasonally extreme temperature events has profound implications for both its hydrological, ecological, and human systems. In this study, we applied 15 indicators of extreme temperature to analyze the spatial and temporal variation of its occurrence in arid northwestern China for a recent 40-year period (1979 to 2018). These extreme temperature event dynamics were then combined with atmospheric and oceanic circulation to explore their response mechanisms. Our results revealed the following: (1) Over the 40-year period, the annual average temperature in this arid zone increased at a rate of 0.4 degrees C/decade (p = 0.09), exceeding the national average rate (0.28 degrees C/decade). Apart from a few indicators, extreme temperature events (TXx, TNx, TXn and TNn) generally increased at least twice as fast as average temperature during the four seasons, especially in spring, when TNn (0.98 degrees C/decade) rose five times faster than did the average temperature (0.2 degrees C/decade). (2) Spatially, except for the Kunlun Mountains and Tarim Basin, seasonal warming occurred in most parts of the studied arid zone, being most prominent in the summer. In this season, the average number of warm nights increased (3.23 days/decade), while the average number of cold nights decreased (2.69 days/decade). (3) After the 1990s, extreme temperature events accelerated significantly. The Cold Spell Duration Indicator decreased 42% in spring and the Warm Spell Duration Indicator increased 300% in summer, from 1979 -1998 to 1999-2018, which may hasten the formation of snow and glacier melt flooding events in the spring and summer. Spatiotemporal variability in seasonally extreme temperature events was closely related to atmospheric and oceanic circulation, particularly for the AMO (r = 0.8). Altogether, these findings enhance our understanding of how to better assess shifts in extreme temperature events in response to a changing climate in arid zones.


In 2015 the beginning of the Indian Smart Cities' mission was one of the significant steps taken by the Indian government to make the urban environment resilient to climate change impact and extreme weather events like drought, floods, heatwaves, etc. This study computes the urban drought risk for Indian smart cities before the beginning of the Indian smart cities mission. This study considers three decadal variability (1982-2013) in meteorological, hydrological, vegetation, and soil moisture parameters for inducing water scarcity and drought conditions in urban regions. Hazards associated with urban drought-inducing parameters variability, vulnerability, and exposure of Indian smart cities were used to compute the Urban drought risk. The research investigations revealed the maximum urban drought risk for Bangalore, Chennai, and Surat cities. Northwest, West Central, and South Peninsular urban regions have higher risk among all the urban regions of India. Indian smart cities mission can be used to make Indian cities resilient to urban drought risk and increase their sustainability. The present research aligned with several national and international agreements by providing an urban drought risk rank for Indian cities, making them less vulnerable to extreme weather events and improving their resilience to climate change.

2023-10-01 Web of Science

Global warming has been accelerating the frequency and intensity of climate extremes, and has had an im-mense influence on the economy and society, but attention is seldom paid to future Antarctic temperature extremes. This study investigates five surface extreme temperature indices derived from the multimodel ensemble mean (MMEM) based on 14 models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) under the shared socioeconomic path-ways (SSPs) of SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5. In Antarctica, the variations in extreme temperature indices ex-hibit regional and seasonal differences. The diurnal temperature range (DTR) usually illustrates a downward trend, particularly for the Antarctic Peninsula and Antarctic coast, and the strongest change occurs in austral summer. In all cases, the annual highest minimum/maximum temperature (TNx/TXx) increases faster in inland Antarctica. Antarctic amplification of extreme temperature indices is detected and is strongest at the lowest maximum temperature (TXn). At the Antarctic Pen-insula, TXx amplification only appears in winter. Great DTR amplification appears along the Antarctic coast and is strongest in summer and weakest in winter. The changes in extreme temperature indices indicate the accelerated Antarctic warming in future scenarios.


1. Winter is a period of dormancy for plants of cold environments. However, winter climate is changing, leading to an increasing frequency of stochastic warm periods (winter warming events) and concomitant reductions in snow cover. These conditions can break dormancy for some plants and expose them to freeze-and-thaw stress. Mosses are a major component of high-latitude ecosystems, yet the longer-term impacts of such winter warming events on mosses remain unknown. 2. In order to determine the longer-term legacy effects of winter warming events on mosses, we undertook a simulation of these events over three consecutive winters in a sub-Arctic dwarf shrub-dominated open woodland. The mat-forming feather moss, Hylocomium splendens (the most abundant cryptogam in this system), is one of the most widespread Arctic and boreal mosses and plays a key functional role in ecosystems. We studied the ecophysiological performance of this moss during the summers of the experimental period (2007-2009) and in the following years (2010-2013). 3. We show that the previously reported warming-induced reduction in segment growth and photosynthesis during the experimental years was persistent. Four years after the last event, photosynthesis and segment growth were still 30 and 36% lower than control levels, which was only a slight improvement from 44 and 43% 4 years earlier. Winter warming did not affect segment symmetry. During the years after the last simulated event, in both warmed and control plots, chlorophyll fluorescence and segment growth, but not net photosynthesis, increased slightly. The increases were probably driven by increased summer rainfall over the study years, highlighting the sensitivity of this moss to rainfall change. 4. Overall, the legacy effects shown here demonstrate that this widespread and important moss is likely to be significantly disadvantaged in a future sub-Arctic climate where frequent winter warming events may become the norm. Given the key importance of mosses for soil insulation, shelter and carbon sequestration in high-latitude regions, such persistent impacts may ultimately affect important ecosystem functions.

2017-01-01 Web of Science

Winter is a key driver of individual performance, community composition, and ecological interactions in terrestrial habitats. Although climate change research tends to focus on performance in the growing season, climate change is also modifying winter conditions rapidly. Changes to winter temperatures, the variability of winter conditions, and winter snow cover can interact to induce cold injury, alter energy and water balance, advance or retard phenology, and modify community interactions. Species vary in their susceptibility to these winter drivers, hampering efforts to predict biological responses to climate change. Existing frameworks for predicting the impacts of climate change do not incorporate the complexity of organismal responses to winter. Here, we synthesise organismal responses to winter climate change, and use this synthesis to build a framework to predict exposure and sensitivity to negative impacts. This framework can be used to estimate the vulnerability of species to winter climate change. We describe the importance of relationships between winter conditions and performance during the growing season in determining fitness, and demonstrate how summer and winter processes are linked. Incorporating winter into current models will require concerted effort from theoreticians and empiricists, and the expansion of current growing-season studies to incorporate winter.

2015-02-01 Web of Science

Changes in snow cover depth and duration predicted by climate change scenarios are expected to strongly affect high-altitude ecosystem processes. This study investigates the effect of an exceptionally short snow season on the phenology and carbon dioxide source/sink strength of a subalpine grassland. An earlier snowmelt of more than one month caused a considerable advancement (40 days) of the beginning of the carbon uptake period (CUP) and, together with a delayed establishment of the snow season in autumn, contributed to a two-month longer CUP. The combined effect of the shorter snow season and the extended CUP led to an increase of about 100% in annual carbon net uptake. Nevertheless, the unusual environmental conditions imposed by the early snowmelt led to changes in canopy structure and functioning, with a reduction of the carbon sequestration rate during the snow-free period.

2013-04-01 Web of Science

Climate change is occurring globally, with wide ranging impacts on organisms and ecosystems alike. While most studies focus on increases in mean temperatures and changes in precipitation, there is growing evidence that an increase in extreme events may be particularly important to altering ecosystem structure and function. During extreme events organisms encounter environmental conditions well beyond the range normally experienced. Such conditions may cause rapid changes in community composition and ecosystem states. We present the impact of an extreme pulse event ( a flood) on soil communities in an Antarctic polar desert. Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, is dominated by large expanses of dry, saline soils. During the austral summer, melting of glaciers, snow patches and subsurface ice supplies water to ephemeral streams and wetlands. We show how the activation of a non-annual ephemeral stream, Wormherder Creek, and the associated wetland during an exceptional high-flow event alters soil properties and communities. The flow of water increased soil water availability and decreased salinity within the wetted zone compared with the surrounding dry soils. We propose that periodic leaching of salts from flooding reduces soil osmotic stress to levels that are more favorable for soil organisms, improving the habitat suitability, which has a strong positive effect on soil animal abundance and diversity. Moreover, we found that communities differentiated along a soil moisture gradient and that overland water flow created greater connectivity within the landscape, and is expected to promote soil faunal dispersal. Thus, floods can 'precondition' soils to support belowground communities by creating conditions below or above key environmental thresholds. We conclude that pulse events can have significant long-term impacts on soil habitat suitability, and knowledge of pulse events is essential for understanding the present distribution and functioning of communities in soil ecosystems.

2012-02-01 Web of Science
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