The Qilian Mountains, located on the northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, are characterized by unique high-altitude and cold-climate terrain, where permafrost and seasonally frozen ground are extensively distributed. In recent years, with global warming and increasing precipitation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, permafrost degradation has become severe, further exacerbating the fragility of the ecological environment. Therefore, timely research on surface deformation and the freeze-thaw patterns of alpine permafrost in the Qilian Mountains is imperative. This study employs Sentinel-1A SAR data and the SBAS-InSAR technique to monitor surface deformation in the alpine permafrost regions of the Qilian Mountains from 2017 to 2023. A method for spatiotemporal interpolation of ascending and descending orbit results is proposed to calculate two-dimensional surface deformation fields further. Moreover, by constructing a dynamic periodic deformation model, the study more accurately summarizes the regular changes in permafrost freeze-thaw and the trends in seasonal deformation amplitudes. The results indicate that the surface deformation time series in both vertical and east-west directions obtained using this method show significant improvements in accuracy over the initial data, allowing for a more precise reflection of the dynamic processes of surface deformation in the study area. Subsidence is predominant in permafrost areas, while uplift mainly occurs in seasonally frozen ground areas near lakes and streams. The average vertical deformation rate is 1.56 mm/a, with seasonal amplitudes reaching 35 mm. Topographical (elevation; slope gradient; aspect) and climatic factors (temperature; soil moisture; precipitation) play key roles in deformation patterns. The deformation of permafrost follows five distinct phases: summer thawing; warm-season stability; frost heave; winter cooling; and spring thawing. This study enhances our understanding of permafrost deformation characteristics in high-latitude and high-altitude regions, providing a reference for preventing geological disasters in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau area and offering theoretical guidance for regional ecological environmental protection and infrastructure safety.
2024-12-01 Web of ScienceSoil freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs) are common in temperate agricultural ecosystems during the non-growing season and are progressively influenced by climate change. The impact of these cycles on soil microbial communities, crucial for ecosystem functioning, varies under different agricultural management practices. Here, we investigated the dynamic changes in soil microbial communities in a Mollisol during seasonal FTCs and examined the effects of stover mulching and nitrogen fertilization. We revealed distinct responses between bacterial and fungal communities. The dominant bacterial phyla reacted differently to FTCs: for example, Proteobacteria responded opportunistically, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Choroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes responded sensitively, and Saccharibacteria exhibited a tolerance response. In contrast, the fungal community composition remained relatively stable during FTCs, except for a decline in Glomeromycota. Certain bacterial OTUs acted as sensitive indicators of FTCs, forming keystone modules in the network that are closely linked to soil carbon, nitrogen content and potential functions. Additionally, neither stover mulching nor nitrogen fertilization significantly influenced microbial richness, diversity and potential functions. However, over time, more indicator species specific to these agricultural practices began to emerge within the networks and gradually occupied the central positions. Furthermore, our findings suggest that farming practices, by introducing keystone microbes and changing interspecies interactions (even without changing microbial richness and diversity), can enhance microbial community stability against FTC disturbances. Specifically, higher nitrogen input with stover removal promotes fungal stability during soil freezing, while lower nitrogen levels increase bacterial stability during soil thawing. Considering the fungal tolerance to FTCs, we recommend reducing nitrogen input for manipulating bacterial interactions, thereby enhancing overall microbial resilience to seasonal FTCs. In summary, our research reveals that microbial responses to seasonal FTCs are reshaped through land management to support ecosystem functions under environmental stress amid climate change.
2024-11-10 Web of ScienceAccurately quantifying the impact of permafrost degradation and soil freeze-thaw cycles on hydrological processes while minimizing the reliance on observational data are challenging issues in hydrological modeling in cold regions. In this study, we developed a modular distributed hydro-thermal coupled hydrological model for cold regions (DHTC) that features a flexible structure. The DHTC model couples heat-water transport processes by employing the conduction-advection heat transport equation and Richard equation considering ice-water phase change. Additionally, the DHTC model integrates the influence of organic matter into the hydrothermal parameterization scheme and includes a subpermafrost module based on the flow duration curve analysis to estimate cold-season streamflow sustained by subpermafrost groundwater. Moreover, we incorporated energy consumption due to ice phase changes to the available energy, enhancing the accuracy of evaporation estimation in cold regions. A comprehensive evaluation of the DHTC model was conducted. At the point scale, the DHTC model accurately replicates daily soil temperature and moisture dynamics at various depths, achieving average R-2 of 0.98 and 0.87, and average RMSE of 0.61degree celsius and 0.03 m(3)m(-3), respectively. At the basin scale, DHTC outperformed (Daily: R-2 = 0.66, RMSE = 0.75 mm; Monthly: R-2 = 0.90, RMSE = 15.7 mm) the GLDAS/FLDAS Noah, GLDAS/VIC, and PML-V2 models in evapotranspiration simulation. The DHTC model also demonstrated reasonable performance in simulating daily (NSE = 0.70, KGE = 0.84), monthly (NSE = 0.86, KGE = 0.90), and multi-year monthly (NSE = 0.97, KGE = 0.93) streamflow in the Source Regions of Yangtze River. DHTC also successfully reproduced the snow depth in basin-averaged time series and spatial distributions (RMSE = 0.86 cm). The DHTC model provides a robust tool for exploring the interactions between permafrost and hydrological processes, and their responses to climate change.
2024-11-01 Web of ScienceDue to climate change, human activities and natural disturbances in high-latitude permafrost and seasonally frozen areas are gradually increasing, attracting more attention from scholars. However, research primarily focuses on soil biology and chemistry in these regions, with limited exploration of their mechanical properties, especially compression properties. This study aims to evaluate the effects of gravel content and freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles on the compression properties of coarse-grained layered forest soil from northeast China's seasonally frozen regions, with the goal of predicting the soil's compressive changes under heavy mechanical loads. Specifically, using uniaxial confined compression tests (UCCT) on 252 disturbed soil samples (including two soil layers: AB and Bhs; hs ; six gravel contents; and seven F-T cycles), three characteristic compression coefficients-precompression stress (6pc), compression index (Cc),and swelling index (Cs)-were s )-were measured. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the mesostructure evolution of coarse-grained gravel-bearing soil. Volume changes of samples were measured after 15F-T cycles with varying gravel contents. Results indicate non-linear effects of gravel content and F-T cycles on 6pc. pc . Gravel content below 50% positively influences 6 pc , while content above 50% increases soil pore content, decreasing 6 pc . Cc c and Cs s exhibit an approximately negative correlation with gravel content and initially increase followed by a decrease with more F-T cycles. Moreover, the 6pcand pc and Ccof c of the AB layer are higher than those in the B hs layer, likely due to differences in clay and organic carbon contents. Notably, the observed trends differ from previous studies on other soil types such as farmland and paddy fields. This study fills a gap in understanding the compression characteristics of layered gravel-bearing forest soil in seasonally frozen regions, providing valuable insights for evaluating soil compression in both seasonally frozen and permafrost regions, and understanding mechanical vehicle- soil interactions. It also lays the theoretical groundwork and provides data support for constructing compression models of layered gravel-bearing forest soil.
2024-10-01 Web of ScienceWhile the direct impact of climate change on reference evapotranspiration (ET0) has been extensively studied, there is limited research on the indirect impact resulting from the interaction between climatic variables. This gap hinders a comprehensive understanding of climate change effects on ET0. Additionally, there is scarce exploration into the quantitative effect of freeze-thaw cycles on ET0 variation. In this study, we employed path analysis and dependent variable variance decomposition methods to discern the direct and interactive effects of climatic variables on ET0 in the Tibetan Plateau from 1960 to 2022. Annual ET0 exhibited variation across basins, with the coefficient of variability during the thawed period smaller than that during the non-thawed period. On an annual scale, the largest contribution to ET0 variation came from water vapor pressure deficit (VPD) at 47.7%. This contribution was amplified by its coupled interaction with temperature (T) at 47.1%, although the contribution was partially offset by the interactive effects of VPD with downward shortwave radiation and wind speed at -2.4% and - 27.6%, respectively. During different freezing-thawing periods, VPD primarily controlled ET0 variation, with its interaction with other climatic variables enhancing its impact. Furthermore, soil moisture, influenced by freeze-thaw cycles, exhibited a strong correlation with T and VPD, indicating the significant effect of freeze-thaw cycles on ET0 variation. The weak correlation between ET0 and NDVI suggested that vegetation growth had a limited regulatory effect on ET0. These findings provide valuable insights into the impact of interactions between climatic variables on hydrological processes, enhancing our understanding of the interactive roles of hydrometeorological variables.
2024-08-01 Web of ScienceAn increase in the temperature of permafrost that is caused by global warming can lead to a significant decrease in shear strength. Seasonal freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles can also adversely affect the shear strength of soils. This can result in damages to infrastructure, negative impacts on the economy, and a decline in the quality of life. Thus, it is crucial to understand the shear strength of permafrost and seasonally frozen-thawed soils. Several studies have utilized various instruments to observe the behavior of soils under such conditions, including a temperature-controlled triaxial system to apply F-T cycles or a traditional direct shear apparatus placed within a temperature-controlled room. Since most commercial geotechnical labs do not have a temperature-controlled room or a temperature-controlled triaxial system, this article presents the design of a new cost-effective direct shear box that was developed to allow temperature-controlled testing in a traditional direct shear device. The modifications to the direct shear box comply with ASTM D3080/3080M, Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils under Consolidated Drained Conditions. Like the standard direct shear box, it consists of two halves and a direct shear cap, but each of these components is hollow to allow for the circulation of glycol. The chiller is capable of imposing temperatures within the range of -40 degrees C to +40 degrees C on the sample being tested. It is also possible to freeze and thaw specimens at a desired normal stress while monitoring the associated heave and compression. The freezing mechanism applied to the soil sample affects the distribution of ice within the pore spaces, necessitating that samples be frozen from all sides if a uniform distribution of ice is necessary. Shear strength parameters from the newly designed temperature-controlled direct shear box matched well with those from the traditional shear box. In addition, the feasibility of temperature-controlled direct shear testing was evaluated at different temperatures, strain rates, and normal stresses.
2023-11-01 Web of ScienceFreezing and thawing profoundly affect soil carbon cycling. Under the influence of climate change, rising temperatures and glacier shrinkage in arid regions have increased the spring river supply to lakes. However, intense evaporation in summer and seasonal fluctuations in lake water levels alter the magnitude and direction of carbon emissions. Yet, the mechanisms of temperature and groundwater level factors on arid zone lake wetlands remain unclear. This study, through field monitoring, found that during soil freezing periods, Phragmites reduced emissions by 95.21% and increased emissions by 3.91% during thawing periods. Tamarix Chinensis and bare land exhibited a decrease in carbon uptake of 42.77% and 85.25% during soil freezing periods, and a decrease in carbon uptake of 41.98% and 2.17% during thawing periods. By constructing a freeze-thaw simulation device, we simulated CO2 emissions characteristics under different water level conditions during freeze-thaw processes, including water injection at 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm (corresponding to water levels 40 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm, 10 cm below the soil surface), as well as scenarios of anhydrous and flooding periods. The results showed that under freeze-thaw conditions, Phragmites exhibited the strongest carbon uptake when water was injected at 20 cm, transitioning from emissions during the anhydrous period to carbon uptake. Tamarix Chinensis exhibited the strongest carbon uptake during freeze-thaw cycles when water was injected at 10 cm, showing a 93.69% increase compared to the anhydrous period. Meanwhile, the bare land exhibited the strongest carbon uptake during freeze-thaw cycles in the no water period. Lower temperatures and higher water levels favor increased carbon uptake in lake wetlands. This study identifies optimal water levels for carbon uptake in lake wetlands during freeze-thaw, and the important role of water level and temperature conditions on carbon emissions, providing valuable insights for assessing the carbon feedback mechanisms in lake wetlands under future climate change.
2023-10-01 Web of ScienceTo ensure that public infrastructure can safely provide essential services and support economic activities in seasonal frost regions, the design of their foundation systems must be updated and/or adapted to the impacts of climate change. This objective can only be achieved, if the impact of global warming on the soil thermal behaviour in Canadian seasonal frost regions is well-known and can be predicted. In the present paper, the results of a modeling study to assess and predict the effect of global warming on the thermal regimes of grounds in three Canadian seasonal frost regions (Ottawa, Sudbury, Toronto) are presented and discussed. The results show that future climate changes will significantly affect the soil thermal regimes in seasonal frost Canadian areas. The simulation results indicated a gradual loss in the frost penetration depth due to the climate change, in the three representative sites. The frost period duration will be shorter due to climate change in the three selected regions and will completely disappear in Ottawa and Toronto. However, the impact of climate change would not appear clearly in the first 40 years up to 2060. The response of the ground to the effect of climate change is a function of the geotechnical characteristics of the ground and the climate conditions. The numerical tool developed and results obtained will be useful for the geotechnical design of climate-adaptive transportation structures in Canadian seasonal frost areas.
2023-09-27 Web of ScienceAs the basic units of soil structure, soil aggregate is essential for maintaining soil stability. Intensified freeze-thaw cycles have deeply affected the size distribution and stability of aggregate under global warming. To date, it is still lacking about the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on aggregate in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Therefore, we investigated the effects of diurnal and seasonal freeze-thaw processes on soil aggregate. Our results showed that the durations of thawing and freezing periods in the 0-10 cm layer were longer than in the 10-20 cm layer, while the opposite results were observed during completely thawed and frozen periods. Freeze-thaw strength was greater in the 0-10 cm layer than that in the 10-20 cm layer. The diurnal freeze-thaw cycles have no significant effect on the size distribution and stability of aggregate. However, 0.25 mm) and reduced aggregate stability. Our study has scientific guidance for evaluating the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on soil steucture and provides a theoretical basis for further exploration on soil and water conservation in the permafrost regions of the QTP.
2023-09-01 Web of ScienceClimate change has a detrimental impact on permafrost soil in cold regions, resulting in the thawing of permafrost and causing instability and security issues in infrastructure, as well as settlement problems in pavement engineering. To address these challenges, concrete pipe pile foundations have emerged as a viable solution for reinforcing the subgrade and mitigating settlement in isolated permafrost areas. However, the effectiveness of these foundations depends greatly on the mechanical properties of the interface between the permafrost soil and the pipe, which are strongly influenced by varying thawing conditions. While previous studies have primarily focused on the interface under frozen conditions, this paper specifically investigates the interface under thawing conditions. In this study, direct shear tests were conducted to examine the damage characteristics and shear mechanical properties of the soil-pile interface with a water content of 26% at temperatures of -3 degrees C, -2 degrees C, -1 degrees C, -0.5 degrees C, and 8 degrees C. The influence of different degrees of melting on the stress-strain characteristics of the soil-pile interface was also analyzed. The findings reveal that as the temperature increases, the shear strength of the interface decreases. The shear stress-displacement curve of the soil-pile interface in the thawing state exhibits a strain-softening trend and can be divided into three stages: the pre-peak shear stress growth stage, the post-peak shear stress steep drop stage, and the post-peak shear stress reconstruction stage. In contrast, the stress curve in the thawed state demonstrates a strain-hardening trend. The study further highlights that violent phase changes in the ice crystal structure have a significant impact on the peak freezing strength and residual freezing strength at the soil-pile interface, with these strengths decreasing as the temperature rises. Additionally, the cohesion and internal friction angle at the soil-pile interface decrease with increasing temperature. It can be concluded that the mechanical strength of the soil-pile interface, crucial for subgrade reinforcement in permafrost areas within transportation engineering, is greatly influenced by temperature-induced changes in the ice crystal structure.
2023-09-01 Web of Science