Recent research on the Himalayan cryosphere has increasingly been focused on climate uncertainty and regional variations, considering features such as glacier recession, lake expansion, outburst floods, and regional hazards. The Bhilangana river basin, located in the central Himalayas, is predominantly characterized by increased elevation-dependent warming and declining seasonal precipitation. Our study shows that high-elevation temperature increased from 2000 to 2022 (0.05(degrees)C/year, p = 20 m/sec). Quantification of the regional hazard reveals potentially severe downstream challenges for low-to-medium-scale hydropower stations, local settlements, and road and railway bridges near Devling and Ghuttu villages.
2024-08The Granger Causality (GC) statistical test explores the causal relationships between different time series variables. By employing the GC method, the underlying causal links between environmental drivers and global vegetation properties can be untangled, which opens possibilities to forecast the increasing strain on ecosystems by droughts, global warming, and climate change. This study aimed to quantify the spatial distribution of four distinct satellite vegetation products' (VPs) sensitivities to four environmental land variables (ELVs) at the global scale given the GC method. The GC analysis assessed the spatially explicit response of the VPs: (i) the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), (ii) the leaf area index (LAI), (iii) solar-induced fluorescence (SIF), and, finally, (iv) the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to the ELVs. These ELVs can be categorized as water availability assessing root zone soil moisture (SM) and accumulated precipitation (P), as well as, energy availability considering the effect of air temperature (T) and solar shortwave (R) radiation. The results indicate SM and P are key drivers, particularly causing changes in the LAI. SM alone accounts for 43%, while P accounts for 41%, of the explicitly caused areas over arid biomes. SM further significantly influences the LAI at northern latitudes, covering 44% of cold and 50% of polar biome areas. These areas exhibit a predominant response to R, which is a possible trigger for snowmelt, showing more than 40% caused by both cold and polar biomes for all VPs. Finally, T's causality is evenly distributed amongst all biomes with fractional covers between similar to 10 and 20%. By using the GC method, the analysis presents a novel way to monitor the planet's ecosystem, based on solely two years as input data, with four VPs acquired by the synergy of Sentinel-3 (S3) and 5P (S5P) satellite data streams. The findings indicated unique, biome-specific responses of vegetation to distinct environmental drivers.
2023-10-01 Web of ScienceHigh-resolution permafrost mapping is an important direction in permafrost research. Arxan is a typical area with permafrost degradation and is situated on the southern boundary of the permafrost region in Northeast China. With the help of Google Earth Engine (GEE), the maximum entropy classifier (MaxEnt) is used for permafrost mapping using the land surface temperature (LST) of different seasons, deviation from mean elevation (DEV), solar radiation (SR), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and normalized difference water index (NDWI) as the characteristic variables. The prior data of permafrost distribution were primarily based on 201 borehole data and field investigation data. A permafrost probability (PP) distribution map with a resolution of 30 m was obtained. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to test the distribution results, with an area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.986. The results characterize the distribution of permafrost at a high resolution. Permafrost is mainly distributed in the Greater Khingan Mountains (GKM) in the research area, which run from the northeast to the southwest, followed by low-altitude area in the northwest. According to topographic distribution, permafrost is primarily found on slope surfaces, with minor amounts present in peaks, ridges, and valleys. The employed PP distribution mapping method offers a suggestion for high-resolution permafrost mapping in permafrost degradation areas.
2023-10-01 Web of ScienceVegetation dynamics in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) have been debated in recent decades. Most studies suggest that wetter and warmer climatic conditions would release low temperature constraints and stimulate alpine vegetation growth. Other studies suggest that climate warming might inhibit vegetation growth by increasing soil moisture depletion in the southern QTP. Most of previous studies have relied on vegetation indices derived from satellite observations to retrieve large-scale vegetation changes, and the uncertainty of vegetation indices makes it difficult to accurately characterize the vegetation trends on the QTP. Here, we developed a deep learning algorithm in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to accurately map the land use/cover change (LUCC) on the QTP, and then infer vegetation gain and loss and their drivers during the period 1988-2018. The vegetation on the QTP experienced rapid greening, which was dominated by transitions from bareland to alpine grassland (27.45 x 104 km2) and from alpine grassland to alpine meadow (17.43 x 104 km2) during 1988-2018. Furthermore, although human activities influence vegetation succession at the local scale, the dominant influ-encing factors affecting vegetation greening on the QTP are precipitation (q -statistic = 23.87 %) and temperature (q-statistic = 11.01 %). A 30-year time series analysis clarified the specific dynamics of vegetation on the QTP, thus contributing to the understanding of the response mechanisms of alpine vegetation under climate change and providing a reference for the formulating of reasonable ecological protection policies and human develop-ment strategies.
2023-04-01 Web of ScienceThe growth of vegetation on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (QTP) is experiencing significant changes due to climate change. There is still a lack of high -precision simulation methods for alpine grassland cover (AGC), and the climate feedback mechanisms of AGC remain unclear, which poses challenges for the production of highprecision AGC products and the formulation of ecological conservation policies. In this study, a transferable stacking deep learning (Stacking -DL) model is proposed based on a CNN, a DNN, and a GRU for AGC time series simulation. The applicability of deep learning models for AGC simulation is evaluated based on long time series of measured data, MODIS data, and environmental factors. Finally, the AGC spatiotemporal changes and controlling environmental factors in the alpine region were analyzed based on Sen 's slope and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that feature selection and parameter optimization improved the applicability of the deep learning models in AGC simulations, and the DNN (R 2 = 0.899, RMSE = 0.078) model performed best among the base deep learning models. The Stacking -DL model combines the advantages of multiple models and achieves high transfer accuracy. In the YRSR, the AGC increase area (20.34 %) is greater than the AGC decrease area (3.34 %), the increase area is mainly located in the northeast, and the decrease area is mainly located in the southwest. AGC changes in the YRSR are mainly controlled by permafrost and climate. This study provides a high -precision and transferable vegetation monitoring model for alpine mountain regions based on advanced deep learning models and clarifies the response mechanism of AGC under climate change.
2023-03-25As one of the best indicators of the periglacial environment, ice-wedge polygons (IWPs) are important for arctic landscapes, hydrology, engineering, and ecosystems. Thus, a better understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics and evolution of IWPs is key to evaluating the hydrothermal state and carbon budgets of the arctic permafrost environment. In this paper, the dynamics of ground surface deformation (GSD) in IWP zones (2018-2019) and their influencing factors over the last 20 years in Saskylakh, northwestern Yakutia, Russia were investigated using the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Google Earth Engine (GEE). The results show an annual ground surface deformation rate (AGSDR) in Saskylakh at -49.73 to 45.97 mm/a during the period from 1 June 2018 to 3 May 2019. All the selected GSD regions indicate that the relationship between GSD and land surface temperature (LST) is positive (upheaving) for regions with larger AGSDR, and negative (subsidence) for regions with lower AGSDR. The most drastic deformation was observed at the Aeroport regions with GSDs rates of -37.06 mm/a at tower and 35.45 mm/a at runway. The GSDs are negatively correlated with the LST of most low-centered polygons (LCPs) and high-centered polygons (HCPs). Specifically, the higher the vegetation cover, the higher the LST and the thicker the active layer. An evident permafrost degradation has been observed in Saskylakh as reflected in higher ground temperatures, lusher vegetation, greater active layer thickness, and fluctuant numbers and areal extents of thermokarst lakes and ponds.
2023-03-01 Web of ScienceUganda with its fragile ecosystem, large-scale human activities, and increasing population pressure, all of which combined, make this region increasingly susceptible to climate variation. This study examined the long-term trends of annual, seasonal, and monthly distributions of rainfall and temperature from 2001 to 2021 together with crop -wise agricultural productivity. For the analysis, we obtained CHIRPS -V2.0 (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data version 2.0) rainfall, Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Surface Temperature (LST), DMSP nighttime lights, ESA land cover attribution, and international crop production assessment records. Subsequently, several non -parametric statistical applications were applied to check the long-term spatio-temporal trends of climate parameters and their inter -relationship at higher significance using the Google Earth Engine platform. The investigation reveals an annual increase in LST, averaging 0.01 degree celsius/year along with decreasing rainfall (1.89 mm/year). However, regional climate trends are largely elevation -dependent, which are predominantly subjected to the northern part of the study area witnessing a slight decrease in LST and thereby increased rainfall. Moreover, the long-term spatial nexus estimation divulges a potent inverse association between rainfall and temperature in the north and northeastern regions of the study area. Concurrently, changing patterns also have led to a decline in crop production and deterioration in water availability, which is accompanied by various other abnormalities, including the scarcity of water resources and anthropogenic activities. Changing climate has had significant implications on crop production, largely on corn and soybean as long-term shifts influence it in average rainfall and temperature, yearly fluctuations, and disturbances during various growth stages.
2022-12-31To explore the spatio-temporal dynamics and mechanisms underlying vegetation cover in Haryana State, India, and implications thereof, we obtained MODIS EVI imagery together with CHIRPS rainfall and MODIS LST at annual, seasonal and monthly scales for the period spanning 2000 to 2022. Additionally, MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration (PET), Ground Water Storage (GWS), Soil Moisture (SM) and nighttime light datasets were compiled to explore their spatial relationships with vegetation and other selected environmental parameters. Non-parametric statistics were applied to estimate the magnitude of trends, along with correlation and residual trend analysis to quantify the relative influence of Climate Change (CC) and Human Activities (HA) on vegetation dynamics using Google Earth Engine algorithms. The study reveals regional contrasts in trends that are evidently related to elevation. An annual increasing trend in rainfall (21.3 mm/decade, p < 0.05), together with augmented vegetation cover and slightly cooler (-0.07 degrees C/decade) LST is revealed in the high-elevation areas. Meanwhile, LST in the plain regions exhibit a warming trend (0.02 degrees C/decade) and decreased in vegetation and rainfall, accompanied by substantial reductions in GWS and SM related to increased PET. Linear regression demonstrates a strongly significant relationship between rainfall and EVI (R-2 = 0.92), although a negative relationship is apparent between LST and vegetation (R-2 = -0.83). Additionally, increased LST in the lowelevation parts of the study area impacted PET (R-2 = 0.87), which triggered EVI loss (R2 = 0.93). Moreover, increased HA resulted in losses of 25.5 mm GSW and 1.5 mm SM annually. The relative contributions of CC and HA are shown to vary with elevation. At higher elevations, CC and HA contribute respectively 85% and 15% to the increase in EVI. However, at lower elevations, reduced EVI is largely (79%) due to human activities. This needs to be considered in managing the future of vulnerable socio-ecological systems in the state of Haryana.
2022-12Red snow algal blooms reduce albedo and increase snowmelt, but little is known of their extent, duration, and radiative forcing. We calibrated an established index by comparing snow algal field spectroradiometer measurements with direct counts of algal cell abundance in British Columbia, Canada. We applied the field calibrated index to Sentinel-2, Landsat-8, and MODIS/Terra images to monitor snow algae on the Vowell and Catamount Glaciers (Purcells, British Columbia) in summer 2020. The maximum extent of snow algal bloom cover was 1.4 and 2.0 km2 respectively, about one third of the total surface area of the two glaciers, making these among the largest contiguous bloom areas yet reported. Blooms were first detected following the onset of above-freezing temperatures in early July and persisted for about two months. Algal abundance increased through July, after which the red snow algal bloom area decreased due to snow cover loss. At their peak in late July the blooms reduced albedo by 0.04 +/- 0.01 on average. Snow algae caused an additional 5.25 & PLUSMN; 1.0 x 10(7) J/m2 of solar energy to be absorbed by the snowpack in July-August, which is enough energy to melt 31.5 cm of snow. This is equivalent to an average snow algal radiative forcing of 8.25 +/- 1.6 W/m2 through July and August. Our results suggest that the extent, duration, and radiative forcing of snow algal blooms are sufficient to enhance glacial melt rates.
2022-10-01 Web of ScienceVegetation dynamics in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) have been debated in recent decades. Most studies suggest that wetter and warmer climatic conditions would release low temperature constraints and stimulate alpine vegetation growth. Other studies suggest that climate warming might inhibit vegetation growth by increasing soil moisture depletion in the southern QTP. Most of previous studies have relied on vegetation indices derived from satellite observations to retrieve large-scale vegetation changes, and the uncertainty of vegetation indices makes it difficult to accurately characterize the vegetation trends on the QTP. Here, we developed a deep learning algorithm in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to accurately map the land use/cover change (LUCC) on the QTP, and then infer vegetation gain and loss and their drivers during the period 1988-2018. The vegetation on the QTP experienced rapid greening, which was dominated by transitions from bareland to alpine grassland (27.45 x 104 km2) and from alpine grassland to alpine meadow (17.43 x 104 km2) during 1988-2018. Furthermore, although human activities influence vegetation succession at the local scale, the dominant influ-encing factors affecting vegetation greening on the QTP are precipitation (q -statistic = 23.87 %) and temperature (q-statistic = 11.01 %). A 30-year time series analysis clarified the specific dynamics of vegetation on the QTP, thus contributing to the understanding of the response mechanisms of alpine vegetation under climate change and providing a reference for the formulating of reasonable ecological protection policies and human develop-ment strategies.