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High Mountain Asia (HMA) shows a remarkable warming tendency and divergent trend of regional precipitation with enhanced meteorological extremes. The rapid thawing of the HMA cryosphere may alter the magnitude and frequency of nature hazards. We reviewed the influence of climate change on various types of nature hazards in HMA region, including their phenomena, mechanisms and impacts. It reveals that: 1) the occurrences of extreme rainfall, heavy snowfall, and drifting snow hazards are escalating; accelerated ice and snow melting have advanced the onset and increased the magnitude of snowmelt floods; 2) due to elevating trigger factors, such as glacier debuttressing and the rapid shift of thermal and hydrological regime of bedrock/snow/ice interface or subsurface, the mass flow hazards including bedrock landslide, snow avalanche, ice-rock avalanches or glacier detachment, and debris flow will become more severe; 3) increased active-layer detachment and retrogressive thaw slumps slope failures, thaw settlement and thermokarst lake will damage many important engineering structures and infrastructure in permafrost region; 4) multi-hazards cascading hazard in HMA, such as the glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) and avalanche-induced mass flow may greatly enlarge the destructive power of the primary hazard by amplifying its volume, mobility, and impact force; and 5) enhanced slope instability and sediment supply in the highland areas could impose remote catastrophic impacts upon lowland regions, and threat hydropower security and future water shortage. In future, ongoing thawing of HMA will profoundly weaken the multiple-phase material of bedrock, ice, water, and soil, and enhance activities of nature hazards. Compounding and cascading hazards of high magnitude will prevail in HMA. As the glacier runoff overpasses the peak water, low flow or droughts in lowland areas downstream of glacierized mountain regions will became more frequent and severe. Addressing escalating hazards in the HMA region requires tackling scientific challenges, including understanding multiscale evolution and formation mechanism of HMA hazard-prone systems, coupling thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in multi-phase flows, predicting catastrophes arising from extreme weather and climate events, and comprehending how highland hazards propagate to lowlands due to climate change.

期刊论文 2024-06-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2024.06.003 ISSN: 1674-9278

Classifying a given landscape on the basis of its susceptibility to surface processes is a standard procedure in low to mid-latitudes. Conversely, these procedures have hardly been explored in periglacial regions. However, global warming is radically changing this situation and will change it even more in the future. For this reason, un-derstanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of geomorphological processes in peri-arctic environments can be crucial to make informed decisions in such unstable environments and shed light on what changes may follow at lower latitudes. For this reason, here we explored the use of data-driven models capable of recognizing locations prone to develop retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs) and/or active layer detachments (ALDs). These are cryo-spheric hazards induced by permafrost degradation, and their development can negatively affect human set-tlements or infrastructure, change the sediment budget and release greenhouse gases. Specifically, we test a binomial Generalized Additive Modeling structure to estimate the probability of RST and ALD occurrences in the North sector of the Alaskan territory. The results we obtain show that our binary classifiers can accurately recognize locations prone to RTS and ALD, in a number of goodness-of-fit (AUCRTS = 0.83; AUCALD = 0.86), random cross-validation (mean AUCRTS = 0.82; mean AUCALD = 0.86), and spatial cross-validation (mean AUCRTS = 0.74; mean AUCALD = 0.80) routines. Overall, our analytical protocol has been implemented to build an open-source tool scripted in Python where all the operational steps are automatized for anyone to replicate the same experiment. Our protocol allows one to access cloud-stored information, pre-process it, and download it locally to be integrated for spatial predictive purposes.

期刊论文 2023-11-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165289 ISSN: 0048-9697

The thawing of permafrost in the Arctic has led to an increase in coastal land loss, flooding, and ground subsidence, seriously threatening civil infrastructure and coastal communities. However, a lack of tools for synthetic hazard assessment of the Arctic coast has hindered effective response measures. We developed a holistic framework, the Arctic Coastal Hazard Index (ACHI), to assess the vulnerability of Arctic coasts to permafrost thawing, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding. We quantified the coastal permafrost thaw potential (PTP) through regional assessment of thaw subsidence using ground settlement index. The calculations of the ground settlement index involve utilizing projections of permafrost conditions, including future regional mean annual ground temperature, active layer thickness, and talik thickness. The predicted thaw subsidence was validated through a comparison with observed long-term subsidence data. The ACHI incorporates the PTP into seven physical and ecological variables for coastal hazard assessment: shoreline type, habitat, relief, wind exposure, wave exposure, surge potential, and sea-level rise. The coastal hazard assessment was conducted for each 1 km2 coastline of North Slope Borough, Alaska in the 2060s under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 and 8.5 forcing scenarios. The areas that are prone to coastal hazards were identified by mapping the distribution pattern of the ACHI. The calculated coastal hazards potential was subjected to validation by comparing it with the observed and historical long-term coastal erosion mean rates. This framework for Arctic coastal assessment may assist policy and decision-making for adaptation, mitigation strategies, and civil infrastructure planning.

期刊论文 2023-10-01 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/acf4ac ISSN: 1748-9326

Mountains are highly diverse in areal extent, geological and climatic context, ecosystems and human activity. As such, mountain environments worldwide are particularly sensitive to the effects of anthropogenic climate change (global warming) as a result of their unique heat balance properties and the presence of climatically-sensitive snow, ice, permafrost and ecosystems. Consequently, mountain systems-in particular cryospheric ones-are currently undergoing unprecedented changes in the Anthropocene. This study identifies and discusses four of the major properties of mountains upon which anthropogenic climate change can impact, and indeed is already doing so. These properties are: the changing mountain cryosphere of glaciers and permafrost; mountain hazards and risk; mountain ecosystems and their services; and mountain communities and infrastructure. It is notable that changes in these different mountain properties do not follow a predictable trajectory of evolution in response to anthropogenic climate change. This demonstrates that different elements of mountain systems exhibit different sensitivities to forcing. The interconnections between these different properties highlight that mountains should be considered as integrated biophysical systems, of which human activity is part. Interrelationships between these mountain properties are discussed through a model of mountain socio-biophysical systems, which provides a framework for examining climate impacts and vulnerabilities. Managing the risks associated with ongoing climate change in mountains requires an integrated approach to climate change impacts monitoring and management.

期刊论文 2022-10-24 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14253 ISSN: 2167-8359

Optimizing the functions and services provided by the mountain cryosphere will maximize its benefits and minimize the negative impacts experienced by the populations that live and work in the cryosphere-fed regions. The high sensitivity of the mountain cryosphere to climate change highlights the importance of evaluating cryospheric changes and any cascading effects if we are to achieve regional sustainable development goals (SDGs). The southern Altai Mountains (SAM), which are located in the arid to semi-arid region of central Asia, are vulnerable to ecological and environmental changes as well as to developing economic activities in northern Xinjiang, China. Furthermore, cryospheric melting in the SAM serves as a major water resource for northeastern Kazakhstan. Here, we systematically investigate historical cryospheric changes and possible trends in the SAM and also discover the opportunities and challenges on regional water resources management arising from these changes. The warming climate and increased solid precipitation have led to inconsistent trends in the mountain cryosphere. For example, mountain glaciers, seasonally frozen ground (SFG), and river ice have followed significant shrinkage trends as evidenced by the accelerated glacier melt, shallowed freezing depth of SFG, and thinned river ice with shorter durations, respectively. In contrast, snow accumulation has increased during the cold season, but the duration of snow cover has remained stable because of the earlier onset of spring melting. The consequently earlier melt has changed the timing of surface runoff and water availability. Greater interannual fluctuations in snow cover have led to more frequent transitions between snow cover hazards (snowstorm and snowmelt flooding) and snow droughts, which pose challenges to hydropower, agriculture, aquatic life, the tail-end lake environment, fisheries, and transboundary water resource management. Increasing the reservoir capacity to regulate interannual water availability and decrease the risk associated with hydrological hazards related to extreme snowmelt may be an important supplement to the regulation and supply of cryospheric functions in a warmer climate.

期刊论文 2022-02-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app12031406

Climate change increases the risk of severe alterations to essential wildlife habitats. The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus (Linnaeus, 1758)) uses dens as shelters against cold temperatures and predators. These dens, needed for successful reproduction, are generally dug into the active layer on top of permafrost and reused across multiple generations. We assessed the vulnerability of Arctic fox dens to the increasing frequency of geohazards (thaw settlement, mass movements, and thermal erosion) that is arising from climate change. On Bylot Island (Nunavut, Canada) we developed, and calculated from field observations, a qualitative vulnerability index to geohazards for Arctic fox dens. Of the 106 dens studied, 14% were classified as highly vulnerable, whereas 17% and 69% had a moderate and low vulnerability, respectively. Vulnerability was not related to the probability of use for repro- duction. Although climate change will likely impact Arctic fox reproductive dens, such impact is not a major threat to foxes of Bylot Island. Our research provides the first insights into the climate-related geohazards potentially affecting Arctic fox ecology in the next decades. The developed method is flexible and could be applied to other locations or other species that complete their life cycle in permafrost regions.

期刊论文 2021-12-01 DOI: 10.1139/as-2019-0007

Biomass burnings either due to Hazards Reduction Burnings (HRBs) in late autumn and early winter or bushfires during summer periods in various part of the world (e.g., CA, USA or New South Wales, Australia) emit large amount of gaseous pollutants and aerosols. The emissions, under favourable meteorological conditions, can cause elevated atmospheric particulate concentrations in metropolitan areas and beyond. One of the pollutants of concern is black carbon (BC), which is a component of aerosol particles. BC is harmful to health and acts as a radiative forcing agent in increasing the global warming due to its light absorption properties. Remote sensing data from satellites have becoming increasingly available for research, and these provide rich datasets available on global and local scale as well as in situ aethalometer measurements allow researchers to study the emission and dispersion pattern of BC from anthropogenic and natural sources. The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) in New South Wales (NSW) has installed recently from 2014 to 2019 a total of nine aethalometers to measure BC in its state-wide air quality network to determine the source contribution of BC and PM2.5(particulate Matter less than 2.5 mu m in diameter) in ambient air from biomass burning and anthropogenic combustion sources. This study analysed the characteristics of spatial and temporal patterns of black carbon (BC) in New South Wales and in the Greater Metropolitan Region (GMR) of Sydney, Australia, by using these data sources as well as the trajectory HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) modelling tool to determine the source of high BC concentration detected at these sites. The emission characteristics of BC in relation to PM(2.5)is dependent on the emission source and is analysed using regression analysis of BC with PM(2.5)time series at the receptor site for winter and summer periods. The results show that, during the winter, correlation between BC and PM(2.5)is found at nearly all sites while little or no correlation is detected during the summer period. Traffic vehicle emission is the main BC emission source identified in the urban areas but was less so in the regional sites where biomass burnings/wood heating is the dominant source in winter. The BC diurnal patterns at all sites were strongly influenced by meteorology.

期刊论文 2020-06-01 DOI: 10.3390/atmos11060570

The subsurface structure of permafrost is of high significance to forecast landscape dynamics and the engineering stability of infrastructure under human impacts and climate warming, which is a modern challenge for Arctic communities. Application of the non-destructive method of geo-penetrating radar (GPR) survey is a promising way to study it. The study program, which could be used for planning and monitoring of measures of adaptation of Arctic communities to environmental changes is provided in this paper. The main principle was to use etalons of coupled radargrams and archive geological data to interpret changes in the permafrost structure from a grid of 5-10 m deep GPR transects. Here, we show the application of GPR to reconstruct and predict hazards of activation of cryogenic processes from the spatial variability in the structure of permafrost. The cumulative effects of the village and climate change on permafrost were manifested in changes in the active layer thickness from 0.5-1.0 m to up to 3.5 m. Despite that the permafrost degradation has declined due to the improved maintenance of infrastructure and the effects of ground filling application, the hazards of heaving and thermokarst remain for the built-up area in Lorino.

期刊论文 2020-02-01 DOI: 10.3390/geosciences10020057

Rapid permafrost thaw in the high-latitude and high-elevation areas increases hillslope susceptibility to landsliding by altering geotechnical properties of hillslope materials, including reduced cohesion and increased hydraulic connectivity. This review synthesizes the fundamental processes that will increase landslide frequency and magnitude in permafrost regions in the coming decades with observational and analytical studies that document landslide regimes at high latitudes and elevations. We synthesize the available literature to address five questions of practical importance, which can be used to evaluate fundamental knowledge of landslide process and inform land management decisions to mitigate geohazards and environmental impacts. After permafrost thaws, we predict that landslides will be driven primarily by atmospheric input of moisture and freeze-thaw fracturing rather than responding to disconnected and perched groundwater, melting permafrost ice, and a plane of weakness between ground ice and the active layer. Transition between equilibrium states is likely to increase landslide frequency and magnitude, alter dominant failure styles, and mobilize carbon over timescales ranging from seasons to centuries. We also evaluate potential implications of increased landslide activity on local nutrient and sediment connectivity, atmospheric carbon feedbacks, and hazards to people and infrastructure. Last, we suggest three key areas for future research to produce primary data and analysis that will fill gaps in the existing understanding of landslide regimes in permafrost regions. These suggestions include 1) expand the geographic extent of English-language research on landslides in permafrost; 2) maintain or initiate long-term monitoring projects and aerial data collection; and 3) quantify the net effect on the terrestrial carbon budget. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2019-09-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.04.029 ISSN: 0169-555X

Considering different physicographical territory under changing climate conditions, a quantitative technique is presented for estimating the changes in bearing capacity of the permafrost foundations. The results showed an increase in the permafrost temperature over 30 years (1960-1990) due to climate warming. This led to a decrease in the bearing capacity foundations in the north of Western Siberia, and in some regions the reduction was up to 45%. The predicted climate warming may lead to a further decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundations built on the principle of permafrost construction, which will lead to an increase in the number of deformations of buildings and structures and may adversely affect the development of the region's infrastructure.

期刊论文 2018-09-01 ISSN: 2538-5542
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