The stability and effectiveness of the anaerobic digestion (AD) system are significantly influenced by temperature. While majority research has focused on the composition of the microbial community in the AD process, the relationships between functional gene profile deduced from gene expression at different temperatures have received less attention. The current study investigates the AD process of potato peel waste and explores the association between biogas production and microbial gene expression at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C through metatranscriptomic analysis. The production of total biogas decreased with temperature at 15 degrees C (19.94 mL/g VS), however, it increased at 35 degrees C (269.50 mL/g VS). The relative abundance of Petrimonas, Clostridium, Aminobacterium, Methanobacterium, Methanothrix, and Methanosarcina were most dominant in the AD system at different temperatures. At the functional pathways level 3, alpha-diversity indices, including Evenness (Y = 5.85x + 8.85; R-2 = 0.56), Simpson (Y = 2.20x + 2.09; R-2 = 0.33), and Shannon index (Y = 1.11x + 4.64; R-2 = 0.59), revealed a linear and negative correlation with biogas production. Based on KEGG level 3, several dominant functional pathways associated with Oxidative phosphorylation (ko00190) (25.09, 24.25, 24.04%), methane metabolism (ko00680) (30.58, 32.13, and 32.89%), and Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes (ko00720) (27.07, 26.47, and 26.29%), were identified at 15 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C. The regulation of biogas production by temperature possibly occurs through enhancement of central function pathways while decreasing the diversity of functional pathways. Therefore, the methanogenesis and associated processes received the majority of cellular resources and activities, thereby improving the effectiveness of substrate conversion to biogas. The findings of this study illustrated the crucial role of central function pathways in the effective functioning of these systems.
The retreat of glaciers in Antarctica has increased in the last decades due to global climate change, influencing vegetation expansion, and soil physico-chemical and biological attributes. However, little is known about soil microbiology diversity in these periglacial landscapes. This study characterized and compared bacterial and fungal diversity using metabarcoding of soil samples from the Byers Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica. We identified bacterial and fungal communities by amplification of bacterial 16 S rRNA region V3-V4 and fungal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1). We also applied 14C dating on soil organic matter (SOM) from six profiles. Physicochemical analyses and attributes associated with SOM were evaluated. A total of 14,048 bacterial ASVs were obtained, and almost all samples had 50% of their sequences assigned to Actinobacteriota and Proteobacteria. Regarding the fungal community, Mortierellomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the main phyla from 1619 ASVs. We found that soil age was more relevant than the distance from the glacier, with the oldest soil profile (late Holocene soil profile) hosting the highest bacterial and fungal diversity. The microbial indices of the fungal community were correlated with nutrient availability, soil reactivity and SOM composition, whereas the bacterial community was not correlated with any soil attribute. The bacterial diversity, richness, and evenness varied according to presence of permafrost and moisture regime. The fungal community richness in the surface horizon was not related to altitude, permafrost, or moisture regime. The soil moisture regime was crucial for the structure, high diversity and richness of the microbial community, specially to the bacterial community. Further studies should examine the relationship between microbial communities and environmental factors to better predict changes in this terrestrial ecosystem.
BackgroundAntarctica and its unique biodiversity are increasingly at risk from the effects of global climate change and other human influences. A significant recent element underpinning strategies for Antarctic conservation has been the development of a system of Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBRs). The datasets supporting this classification are, however, dominated by eukaryotic taxa, with contributions from the bacterial domain restricted to Actinomycetota and Cyanobacteriota. Nevertheless, the ice-free areas of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic islands are dominated in terms of diversity by bacteria. Our study aims to generate a comprehensive phylogenetic dataset of Antarctic bacteria with wide geographical coverage on the continent and sub-Antarctic islands, to investigate whether bacterial diversity and distribution is reflected in the current ACBRs.ResultsSoil bacterial diversity and community composition did not fully conform with the ACBR classification. Although 19% of the variability was explained by this classification, the largest differences in bacterial community composition were between the broader continental and maritime Antarctic regions, where a degree of structural overlapping within continental and maritime bacterial communities was apparent, not fully reflecting the division into separate ACBRs. Strong divergence in soil bacterial community composition was also apparent between the Antarctic/sub-Antarctic islands and the Antarctic mainland. Bacterial communities were partially shaped by bioclimatic conditions, with 28% of dominant genera showing habitat preferences connected to at least one of the bioclimatic variables included in our analyses. These genera were also reported as indicator taxa for the ACBRs.ConclusionsOverall, our data indicate that the current ACBR subdivision of the Antarctic continent does not fully reflect bacterial distribution and diversity in Antarctica. We observed considerable overlap in the structure of soil bacterial communities within the maritime Antarctic region and within the continental Antarctic region. Our results also suggest that bacterial communities might be impacted by regional climatic and other environmental changes. The dataset developed in this study provides a comprehensive baseline that will provide a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation efforts on the continent. Further studies are clearly required, and we emphasize the need for more extensive campaigns to systematically sample and characterize Antarctic and sub-Antarctic soil microbial communities.APsmQ8MphSAgg4BzZyqdNTVideo AbstractConclusionsOverall, our data indicate that the current ACBR subdivision of the Antarctic continent does not fully reflect bacterial distribution and diversity in Antarctica. We observed considerable overlap in the structure of soil bacterial communities within the maritime Antarctic region and within the continental Antarctic region. Our results also suggest that bacterial communities might be impacted by regional climatic and other environmental changes. The dataset developed in this study provides a comprehensive baseline that will provide a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation efforts on the continent. Further studies are clearly required, and we emphasize the need for more extensive campaigns to systematically sample and characterize Antarctic and sub-Antarctic soil microbial communities.APsmQ8MphSAgg4BzZyqdNTVideo Abstract
Soil microbes and enzymes mediate soil carbon-climate feedback, and their responses to increasing temperature partly affect soil carbon stability subjected to the effects of climate change. We performed a 50-month incubation experiment to determine the effect of long-term warming on soil microbes and enzymes involved in carbon cycling along permafrost peatland profile (0-150 cm) and investigated their response to water flooding in the active soil layer. Soil bacteria, fungi, and most enzymes were observed to be sensitive to changes in temperature and water in the permafrost peatland. Bacterial and fungal abundance decreased in the active layer soil but increased in the deepest permafrost layer under warming. The highest decrease in the ratio of soil bacteria to fungi was observed in the deepest permafrost layer under warming. These results indicated that long-term warming promotes recalcitrant carbon loss in permafrost because fungi are more efficient in decomposing high-molecular-weight compounds. Soil microbial catabolic activity measured using Biolog Ecoplates indicated a greater degree of average well color development at 15 degrees C than at 5 degrees C. The highest levels of microbial catabolic activity, functional diversity, and carbon substrate utilization were found in the permafrost boundary layer (60-80 cm). Soil polyphenol oxidase that degrades recalcitrant carbon was more sensitive to increases in temperature than 13-glucosidase, N-acetyl-13-glucosaminidase, and acid phosphatase, which degrade labile carbon. Increasing temperature and water flooding exerted a synergistic effect on the bacterial and fungal abundance and 13-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, and RubisCO activity in the topsoil. Structural equation modeling analysis indicated that soil enzyme activity significantly correlated with ratio of soil bacteria to fungi and microbial catabolic activity. Our results provide valuable insights into the linkage response of soil microorganisms, enzymes to climate change and their feedback to permafrost carbon loss.
While the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities play a central and essential role in biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, they are known to be shaped by the physical and chemical properties of soils and various environmental factors. This study investigated the composition and diversity of microbial communities in 48 samples of seasonally frozen soils collected from 16 sites in an alpine wetland region (Lhasa River basin) and an alpine forest region (Nyang River basin) on the Tibetan Plateau using high-throughput sequencing that targeted the V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene. The dominant soil microbial phyla included Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria in the alpine wetland and alpine forest ecosystems, and no significant difference was observed for their microbial composition. Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) analysis showed that significant enrichment of Hymenobacteraceae and Cytophagales (belonging to Bacteroidetes) existed in the alpine wetland soils, while the alpine forest soils were enriched with Alphaproteobacteria (belonging to Proteobacteria), suggesting that these species could be potential biomarkers for alpine wetland and alpine forest ecosystems. Results of redundancy analysis (RDA) suggest that the microbial community diversity and abundance in the seasonally frozen soils on the Tibetan Plateau were mainly related to the total potassium in the alpine wetland ecosystem, and available potassium and soil moisture in the alpine forest ecosystem, respectively. In addition, function prediction analysis by Tax4Fun revealed the existence of potential functional pathways involved in human diseases in all soil samples. These results provide insights on the structure and function of soil microbial communities in the alpine wetland and alpine forest ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau, while the potential risk to human health from the pathogenic microbes in the seasonally frozen soils deserves attention. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
How soil microbial communities contrast with respect to taxonomic and functional composition within and between ecosystems remains an unresolved question that is central to predicting how global anthropogenic change will affect soil functioning and services. In particular, it remains unclear how small-scale observations of soil communities based on the typical volume sampled (1-2 g) are generalizable to ecosystem-scale responses and processes. This is especially relevant for remote, northern latitude soils, which are challenging to sample and are also thought to be more vulnerable to climate change compared to temperate soils. Here, we employed well-replicated shotgun metagenome and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to characterize community composition and metabolic potential in Alaskan tundra soils, combining our own datasets with those publically available from distant tundra and temperate grassland and agriculture habitats. We found that the abundance of many taxa and metabolic functions differed substantially between tundra soil metagenomes relative to those from temperate soils, and that a high degree of OTU-sharing exists between tundra locations. Tundra soils were an order of magnitude less complex than their temperate counterparts, allowing for near-complete coverage of microbial community richness (similar to 92% breadth) by sequencing, and the recovery of 27 high-quality, almost complete (>80% completeness) population bins. These population bins, collectively, made up to similar to 10% of the metagenomic datasets, and represented diverse taxonomic groups and metabolic lifestyles tuned toward sulfur cycling, hydrogen metabolism, methanotrophy, and organic matter oxidation. Several population bins, including members of Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria, were also present in geographically distant (similar to 100-530 km apart) tundra habitats (full genome representation and up to 99.6% genome-derived average nucleotide identity). Collectively, our results revealed that Alaska tundra microbial communities are less diverse and more homogenous across spatial scales than previously anticipated, and provided DNA sequences of abundant populations and genes that would be relevant for future studies of the effects of environmental change on tundra ecosystems.
Arctic permafrost environments store large amounts of organic carbon. As a result of global warming, intensified permafrost degradation and release of significant quantities of the currently conserved organic matter is predicted for high latitudes. To improve our understanding of the present and future carbon dynamics in climate sensitive permafrost ecosystems, the present study investigates structure and carbon turnover of the bacterial community in a permafrost-affected soil of the Lena Delta (72 degrees 22'N, 126 degrees 28'E) in northeastern Siberia. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries revealed the presence of all major soil bacterial groups and of the canditate divisions OD1 and OP11. A shift within the bacterial community was observed along the soil profile indicated by the absence of Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria and a simultaneous increase in abundance and diversity of fermenting bacteria like Firmicutes and Actinobacteria near the permafrost table. BIOLOG EcoPlates were used to describe the spectrum of utilized carbon sources of the bacterial community in different horizons under in situ temperature conditions in the presence and absence of oxygen. The results revealed distinct qualitative differences in the substrates used and the turnover rates under oxic and anoxic conditions. It can be concluded that constantly negative redox potentials as characteristic for the near permafrost table horizons of the investigated soil did effectively shape the structure of the indigenous bacterial community limiting its phylum-level diversity and carbon turnover capacity.