Alpine vegetation, cold deserts, and glacial landscapes significantly impact runoff generation and convergence in cold and alpine regions. The presence of existing mountain permafrost complicates these impacts further. To better understand the specific regulation of runoff by alpine landscapes, we analyzed the spatiotemporal capacity for runoff generation and the contributions of water from different landscape types within a typical alpine permafrost watershed: the upper reaches of the Shule River (USR) basin in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The analysis was informed by both field observations and simulations using the VIC model, which incorporated a new glacier module. We identified that glaciers, alpine meadows, cold deserts, and barren landscape zones as the four major runoff generation regions, collectively accounting for approximately 95 % of the USR runoff. The runoff depth in each landscape zone was calculated to express its runoff generation capacity, with an order of: glacier > cold desert > barren > alpine grassland > alpine meadow > shrub > swamp meadow. The alpine regions above 4000 m in altitude are the primary runoff generation areas, and the runoff generation capacity gradually decreases from high to low altitudes in the alpine basin. Due to seasonal variations in rainfall distribution, glacier melting, and permafrost thawing-freezing, the dominant landscape types contributing to runoff varied monthly. The simulated results indicate that permafrost plays an important role in runoff generation. Although permafrost degradation had a slight impact on the annual total runoff generated from each landscape zone (not taking into account of ground ice), seasonal runoff generated in each landscape exhibited significant changes in response to permafrost thawing. After permafrost completely thawed in each landscape zone, generated flood flow decreased, while low flow conversely increased, implying an enhanced water retention capacity of alpine landscapes following permafrost degradation. Additionally, the responses of runoff to permafrost changes varied across different alpine landscapes. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying runoff generation and convergence in cold and alpine watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere.
2025-02-01 Web of ScienceRiver-controlled permafrost dynamics are crucial for sediment transport, infrastructure stability, and carbon cycle, yet are not well understood under climate change. Leveraging remotely sensed datasets, in-situ hydrological observations, and physics-based models, we reveal overall warming and widening rivers across the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades, driving accelerated sub-river permafrost thaw. River temperature of a representative (Tuotuohe River) on the central Tibetan Plateau, has increased notably (0.39 degrees C/decade) from 1985 to 2017, facilitating heat transfer into the underlying permafrost via both convection and conduction. Consequently, the permafrost beneath rivers warms faster (0.37 degrees C-0.66 degrees C/decade) and has a similar to 0.5 m thicker active layer than non-inundated permafrost (0.17 degrees C-0.49 degrees C/decade). With increasing river discharge, the inundated area expands laterally along the riverbed (16.4 m/decade), further accelerating permafrost thaw for previously non-inundated bars. Under future warmer and wetter climate, the anticipated intensification of sub-river permafrost degradation will pose risks to riverine infrastructure and amplify permafrost carbon release.
2025-01-16 Web of ScienceStudy region: Urumqi River headwater region in eastern Tianshan, central Asia. Study focus: Climate change is anticipated to accelerate glacier shrinkage and alter hydrological conditions, causing variations in the runoff patterns in the catchment and significantly threatening the regional water resources. However, few models exhibit adequate performance to simulate both surface alterations and glacier/snow runoff. Therefore, this study combined the glacier module with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to estimate the effect of climate change on the streamflow in the Urumqi River headwater region. The Urumqi River Headwater region is representative because of its long data series, viatal location, and local water availability, and it contains the longest-observed reference glacier (Urumqi Glacier No.1) in China, which spans the period from 1958 to the present. New hydrological insights for the region: The SWAT model performed satisfactorily for both calibration (1983-2005) and validation (2006-2016) periods with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) greater than 0.80. The water balance analysis suggested that the snow/glacier melt contributed approximately 25% to the water yield. At the end of the 21st century, the temperature would increase by 2.4-3.8 degrees C while the precipitation would decrease by 1-2% under two future scenarios (ssp245 and ssp585). Thus, a 34-36% reduction in streamflow was projected due to above climate change impacts. This information would contribute to the development of adaptation strategies for sustainable water resource management.
2024-12Hydrologic-land surface models (H-LSMs) offer a physically-based framework for representing and predicting the present and future states of the extensive high-latitude permafrost areas worldwide. Their primary challenge, however, is that soil temperature data are severely limited, and traditional model validation, based only on streamflow, can show the right fit to these data for the wrong reasons. Here, we address this challenge by (1) collecting existing data in various forms including in-situ borehole data and different large-scale permafrost maps in addition to streamflow data, (2) comprehensively evaluating the performance of an H-LSM with a wide range of possible process parametrizations and initializations, and (3) assessing possible trade-offs in model performance in concurrently representing hydrologic and permafrost dynamics, thereby pointing to the possible model deficiencies that require improvement. As a case study, we focus on the sub-arctic Liard River Basin in Canada, which typifies vast northern sporadic and discontinuous permafrost regions. Our findings reveal that different process parameterizations tend to align with different data sources or variables, which largely exhibit inconsistencies among themselves. We further observe that a model may fail to represent permafrost occurrence yet seemingly fit streamflows adequately. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that accurately representing essential permafrost dynamics, including the active soil layer and insulation effects from snow cover and soil organic matter, is crucial for developing high-fidelity models in these regions. Given the complexity of processes and the incompatibility among different data sources/variables, we conclude that employing an ensemble of carefully designed model parameterizations is essential to provide a reliable picture of the current conditions and future spatio-temporal co-evolution of hydrology and permafrost.
2024-12-01 Web of ScienceStudy region: The source area of the Yangtze River, a typical catchment in the cryosphere on the Tibet Plateau, was used to develop and validate a distributed hydrothermal coupling model. Study focus: Climate change has caused significant changes in hydrological processes in the cryosphere, and related research has become hot topic. The source area of the Yangtze River (SAYR) is a key catchment for studies of hydrological processes in the cryosphere, which contains widespread glacier, snow, and permafrost. However, the current hydrological modeling of the SAYR rarely depicts the process of glacier/snow and permafrost runoff from the perspective of coupled water and heat transfer, resulting in distortion of simulations of hydrological processes. Therefore, we developed a distributed hydrothermal coupling model, namely WEP-SAYR, based on the WEP-L (Water and energy transfer process in large river basins) model by introducing modules for glacier and snow melt and permafrost freezing and thawing. New hydrological insights for the region: In the WEP-SAYR model, the soil hydrothermal transfer equations were improved, and a freezing point equation for permafrost was introduced. In addition, the glacier and snow meltwater processes were described using the temperature index model. Compared to previously applied models, the WEP-SAYR portrays in more detail glacier/ snow melting, dynamic changes in permafrost water and heat coupling, and runoff dynamics, with physically meaningful and easily accessible model parameters. The model can describe the soil temperature and moisture changes in soil layers at different depths from 0 to 140 cm. Moreover, the model has a good accuracy in simulating the daily/monthly runoff and evaporation. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency exceeded 0.75, and the relative error was controlled within +/- 20 %. The results showed that the WEP-SAYR model balances the efficiency of hydrological simulation in large scale catchments and the accurate portrayal of the cryosphere elements, which provides a reference for hydrological analysis of other catchments in the cryosphere.
2024-12-01 Web of ScienceThere is 78 % permafrost and seasonal frozen soil in the Yangtze River's Source Region (SRYR), which is situated in the middle of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Three distinct scenarios were developed in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model the effects of land cover change (LCC) on various water balance components. Discharge and percolation of groundwater have decreased by mid-December. This demonstrates the seasonal contributions of subsurface water, which diminish when soil freezes. During winter, when surface water inputs are low, groundwater storage becomes even more critical to ensure water supply due to this periodic trend. An impermeable layer underneath the active layer thickness decreases GWQ and PERC in LCC + permafrost scenario. The water transport and storage phase reached a critical point in August when precipitation, permafrost thawing, and snowmelt caused LATQ to surge. To prevent waterlogging and save water for dry periods, it is necessary to control this peak flow phase. Hydrological processes, permafrost dynamics, and land cover changes in the SRYR are difficult, according to the data. These interactions enhance water circulation throughout the year, recharge of groundwater supplies, surface runoff, and lateral flow. For the region's water resource management to be effective in sustaining ecohydrology, ensuring appropriate water storage, and alleviating freshwater scarcity, these dynamics must be considered.
2024-12-01 Web of ScienceWinter baseflow (WB) can stabilize freshwater inputs and has important impacts on nutrient migration and the water cycle of a specific region and the oceans. This study systematically analyzed the WB variations in fourteen major Eurasian rivers and found they all had commonly increasing trends (except the Yellow River), with the mean increase ratio of 53.0% (+/- 34.8%, confidence interval 95%) over the past 100 years (the longest time series is 1879-2015). Relative to Northern Eurasia (60 degrees N-70 degrees N) and Southern Eurasia (30 degrees N-40 degrees N), the river WB in middle Eurasia (40 degrees N-60 degrees N) had the largest increase rate (0.60%/year). The increases of the WB in Northern Eurasia and Southern Eurasia have speeded up since the 1990s; on the contrary, they have slowed down or even turned to a decreasing trend after the 1990s in the middle Eurasian rivers. Using multiple linear regression analysis, the quantitative relationship between WB and winter surface air temperature (max, mean and min), snowfall, soil temperature, antecedent precipitation, as well as the river-ice dynamic were determined. We found that the winter air temperature, especially the minimum air temperature was one major factor accounting for WB variation in Eurasia over the past century. When the winter air temperature rises, this leads a reduction in the thickness and volume of river ice, and thus decreases water storage in river ice and leads to an increase in the WB. About 19.6% (6.7%-41.5%) of the winter WB increase in rivers of Siberia was caused by the decreased river ice during the past 100 years. Although groundwater recharge was the dominant reason for WB change, the role of river ice should not be ignored in hydrological study of cold regions.
2024-10-20Water temperature extremes can pose serious threats to the aquatic ecosystems of mountain rivers. These rivers are influenced by snow and glaciermelt, which change with climate. As a result, the frequency and severity of water temperature extremes may change. While previous studies have documented changes in non-extreme water temperature, it is yet unclear how extreme water temperatures change in a warming climate and how their hydro-meteorological drivers differ from those of non-extremes. This study aims to assess temporal changes and spatial variability in water temperature extremes and enhance our understanding of the driving processes across European mountain rivers in the current climate, at both a regional and continental scale. First, we describe the characteristics of extreme events and explore their relationships with catchment characteristics. Second, we assess trends in water temperature extremes and compare them with trends in mean water temperature. Third, we use random forest models to identify the main driving processes of water temperature extremes. Last, we conduct a co-occurrence analysis to examine the relationship between water temperature extremes and hydro-climatic extremes. Our results show that mean water temperature has increased by +0.38 +/- 0.14 ${+}0.38\pm 0.14$degrees C per decade, leading to more extreme events at high elevations in spring and summer. While non-extreme water temperatures are mainly driven by air temperature, water temperature extremes are also importantly influenced by soil moisture, baseflow, and meltwater. Our study highlights the complexity of water temperature dynamics in mountain rivers at the regional and continental scale, especially during water temperature extremes.
2024-10-01 Web of ScienceThe retreat of glaciers has altered hydrological processes in cryospheric regions and affects water resources at the basin scale. It is necessary to elucidate the contributions of environmental changes to evapotranspiration (ET) variation in cryospheric-dominated regions. Considering the upper reach of the Shule River Basin as a typical cryospheric-dominated watershed, an extended Budyko framework addressing glacier change was constructed and applied to investigate the sensitivity and contribution of changes in environmental variables to ET variation. The annual ET showed a significant upward trend of 1.158 mm yr(-1) during 1982-2015 in the study area. ET was found to be the most sensitive to precipitation (P), followed by the controlling parameter (w), which reflects the integrated effects of landscape alterations, potential evapotranspiration (ET0), and glacier change ( increment W). The increase in P was the dominant factor influencing the increase in ET, with a contribution of 112.64%, while the decrease in w largely offset its effect. The contributions of P and ET0 to ET change decreased, whereas that of w increased when considering glaciers using the extended Budyko framework. The change in glaciers played a clear role in ET change and hydrological processes, which cannot be ignored in cryospheric watersheds. These findings are helpful for better understanding changes in water resources in cryospheric regions.
2024-08Investigation of mercury (Hg) from atmospheric precipitation is important for evaluating its ecological impacts and developing mitigation strategies. Western China, which includes the Tibetan Plateau and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, is one of the most remote region in the world and is understudied in regards to Hg precipitation. Here we report seesaw-like patterns in spatial variations of precipitation Hg in Western China, based on Hg speciation measurements at nine stations over this remote region. The Hg fraction analyzed included total Hg (HgT), particulate-bound Hg (HgP) and methylmercury (MeHg). Spatially, HgT concentrations and percentage of HgP in precipitation were markedly greater in the westerlies domain than those in the monsoon domain, but the higher wet HgT flux, MeHg concentration and percentage of MeHg in precipitation mainly occurred in the monsoon domain. Similar spatial patterns of wet Hg deposition were also obtained from GEOSChem modeling. We show that the disparity of anthropogenic and natural drivers between the two domains are mainly responsible for this seesaw-like spatial patterns of precipitation Hg in Western China. Our study may provide a baseline for assessment of environmental Hg pollution in Western China, and subsequently assist in protecting this remote alpine ecosystem.