New soils formed after glacier retreat can provide insights into the rates of soil formation in the context of accelerated warming due to climate change. Recently deglacierized terrains (since the Little Ice Age) are subject to weathering and pedogenesis, and freshly exposed sediments are prone to react readily with the environment. This study aims to determine the impact of parent material and time on soil physical and chemical properties of nine proglacial landscapes distributed in the Tropical Andes and Alps. A total of 188 soil samples were collected along chronosequences of deglacierization and from sites that differed in terms of parent material and classified following three parent material groups: (1) Granodiorite-Tonalite (GT), (2) Gneiss-Shales-Schists (GSS), and (3) Mont-Blanc Granite (MBG). We determined physical and chemical soil properties such as contents of clay, silt, sand, organic carbon, bulk density (BD), pH, extractable cation (exCa, exMg, exK), elemental composition by Xray fluorescence (Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Hg, Pb) and ICP-MS (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, S, Zn), and mineral phase (XRD diffraction analysis). Parent material-controlled particle-size distribution, SOC, pH, available P, exCa, and exMg, whereas time since deglacierization only affected SOC and P, and exMg globally. Most of the significant differences in soil properties between parent material groups occurred within the first 17 years after deglacierization, and then we observed a homogenization between sites. While the higher SOC and P contents observed within the GT Andean sites might be due to the parent material composition leading to faster initial soil formation, we identified potential As, Cu, Mo, and Mn toxicity within those soils. Our study highlights the need to investigate further proglacial soil's buffering capacity and carbon sequestration to globally inform the conservation and management of novel proglacial ecosystems.
2024-03-30 Web of ScienceTropical high-Andean wetlands, locally known as 'bofedales', are key ecosystems sustaining biodiversity, carbon sequestration, water provision and livestock farming. Bofedales' contribution to dry season baseflows and sustaining water quality is crucial for downstream water security. The sensitivity of bofedales to climatic and anthropogenic disturbances is therefore of growing concern for watershed management. This study aims to understand seasonal water storage and release characteristics of bofedales by combining remote sensing analysis and ground-based monitoring for the wet and dry seasons of late 2019 to early 2021, using the glacierised Vilcanota-Urubamba basin (Southern Peru) as a case study. A network of five ultrasound loggers was installed to obtain discharge and water table data from bofedal sites across two headwater catchments. The seasonal extent of bofedales was mapped by applying a supervised machine learning model using Random Forest on imagery from Sentinel-2 and NASADEM. We identified high seasonal variability in bofedal area with a total of 3.5% and 10.6% of each catchment area, respectively, at the end of the dry season (2020), which increased to 15.1% and 16.9%, respectively, at the end of the following wet season (2021). The hydrological observations and bofedal maps were combined into a hydrological conceptual model to estimate the storage and release characteristics of the bofedales, and their contribution to runoff at the catchment scale. Estimated lag times between 1 and 32 days indicate a prolonged bofedal flow contribution throughout the dry season (about 74% of total flow). Thus, our results suggest that bofedales provide substantial contribution to dry season baseflow, water flow regulation and storage. These findings highlight the importance of including bofedales in local water management strategies and adaptation interventions including nature-based solutions that seek to support long-term water security in seasonally dry and rapidly changing Andean catchments.
2023-08-01 Web of ScienceRecent warming in the Andes is affecting the region's water resources including glaciers and lakes, which supply water to tens of millions of people downstream. High-elevation wetlands, known locally as bofedales, are an understudied Andean ecosystem despite their key role in carbon sequestration, maintenance of biodiversity, and regulation of water flow. Here, we analyze subfossil diatom assemblages and other siliceous bioindicators preserved in a peat core collected from a bofedal in Peru's Cordillera Vilcanota. Basal radiocarbon ages show the bofedal likely formed during a wet period of the Little Ice Age (1520-1680 CE), as inferred from nearby ice core data. The subfossil diatom record is marked by several dynamic assemblage shifts documenting a hydrosere succession from an open-water system to mature peatland. The diatoms appear to be responding largely to changes in hydrology that occur within the natural development of the bofedal, but also to pH and possibly nutrient enrichment from grazing animals. The rapid peat accretion recorded post-1950 at this site is consistent with recent peat growth rates elsewhere in the Andes. Given the many threats to Peruvian bofedales including climate change, overgrazing, peat extraction, and mining, these baseline data will be critical to assessing future change in these important ecosystems.
2021-08-01 Web of ScienceRapid warming is a major threat for the alpine biodiversity but, at the same time, accelerated glacial retreat constitutes an opportunity for taxa and communities to escape range contraction or extinction. We explored the first steps of plant primary succession after accelerated glacial retreat under the assumption that the first few years are critical for the success of plant establishment. To this end, we examined plant succession along a very short post-glacial chronosequence in the tropical Andes of Ecuador (2-13 years after glacial retreat). We recorded the location of all plant individuals within an area of 4,200 m(2) divided into plots of 1 m(2). This sampling made it possible to measure the responses of the microenvironment, plant diversity and plants traits to time since the glacial retreat. It also made it possible to produce species-area curves and to estimate positive interactions between species. Decreases in soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil macronutrients revealed increasing abiotic stress for plants between two and 13 years after glacial retreat. This increasing stress seemingly explained the lack of positive correlation between plant diversity and time since the glacial retreat. It might explain the decreasing performance of plants at both the population (lower plant height) and the community levels (lower species richness and lower accumulation of species per area). Meanwhile, infrequent spatial associations among plants indicated a facilitation deficit and animal-dispersed plants were almost absent. Although the presence of 21 species on such a small sampled area seven years after glacial retreat could look like a colonization success in the first place, the increasing abiotic stress may partly erase this success, reducing species richness to 13 species after 13 years and increasing the frequency of patches without vegetation. This fine-grain distribution study sheds new light on nature's responses to the effects of climate change in cold biomes, suggesting that faster glacial retreat would not necessarily result in accelerated plant colonization. Results are exploratory and require site replications for generalization.
2021-02-02 Web of SciencePrecipitation variability in tropical high mountains is a fundamental yet poorly understood factor influencing local climatic expression and a variety of environmental processes, including glacier behavior and water resources. Precipitation type, diurnality, frequency, and amount influence hydrological runoff, surface albedo, and soil moisture, whereas cloud cover associated with precipitation events reduces solar irradiance at the surface. Considerable uncertainty remains in the multiscale atmospheric processes influencing precipitation patterns and their associated regional variability in the tropical Andesparticularly related to precipitation phase, timing, and vertical structure. Using data from a variety of sourcesincluding new citizen science precipitation stations; new high-elevation comprehensive precipitation monitoring stations at Chacaltaya, Bolivia, and the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru; and a vertically pointing Micro Rain Radarthis article synthesizes findings from interdisciplinary research activities in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia and the Cordillera Vilcanota of Peru related to the following two research questions: (1) How do the temporal patterns, moisture source regions, and El Nino-Southern Oscillation relationships with precipitation occurrence vary? (2) What is the vertical structure (e.g., reflectivity, Doppler velocity, melting layer heights) of tropical Andean precipitation and how does it evolve temporally? Results indicate that much of the heavy precipitation occurs at night, is stratiform rather than convective in structure, and is associated with Amazonian moisture influx from the north and northwest. Improving scientific understanding of tropical Andean precipitation is of considerable importance to assessing climate variability and change, glacier behavior, hydrology, agriculture, ecosystems, and paleoclimatic reconstructions.
2017-01-01 Web of Science