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Aerosol single-scattering albedo (SSA) is the most critical factor for the accurately calculating of aerosol radiative effects, however, the observation of vertical profiles of SSA is difficult to realize. Current assessments of aerosol radiative effects remain uncertain because of the lack of long-term, high-resolution vertical profiles of SSA observations. High-resolution SSA vertical profiles were observed in a semi-arid region of Northwest China during winter using a tethered balloon. The observed SSA vertical profiles were used to calculate the aerosol direct radiative forcing and radiative heating rates. Significant differences in the calculated radiative forcing were found (e.g., a 48.3% relative difference for the heating effect in the atmosphere at 14:00) between the observed SSA profiles and the constant assumption with SSA = 0.90. Diurnal variations in the vertical distribution of SSA decisively influenced direct radiative forcing of aerosols. Furthermore, high-resolution vertical profiles of absorbing aerosols and meteorological parameters provide robust observational evidence of the heating effect of an elevated absorbing aerosol layer. This study provides a more accurate calculation of aerosol radiative forcing using observed aerosol SSA profiles. The scarcity of single-scattering albedo (SSA) observations is the most critical factor limiting the accurate calculations of aerosol radiative effects. A tethered balloon platform was used to obtain long-term, high-resolution observations of the SSA and estimate aerosols' radiative effects. The relative differences in the heating rate and direct radiative forcing calculations using the observed SSA and a constant assumed SSA (i.e., ignoring the vertical distribution of absorbing aerosols) were quantified. The effects of diurnal variations in the vertical distribution of SSA on aerosol direct radiative forcing are summarized. This study has important scientific implications for assessing the radiative effects of aerosols in semi-arid regions, that are highly sensitive to climate change. Tethered balloon observations acquired high-resolution vertical aerosol single-scattering albedo (SSA) profiles The assumed SSA profiles caused a 48.3% relative error in radiative forcing in the atmosphere compared to the observed profiles at 14:00 A robust observational evidence of atmospheric heating by absorbing aerosols above the boundary layer was provided

期刊论文 2024-07-28 DOI: 10.1029/2023JD040605 ISSN: 2169-897X

Atmospheric aerosols have important impacts on global radiative forcing, air pollution, and human health. This study investigated the optical and physical properties of aerosol layers over Australia from 2007 to 2019 using the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) Level 2 aerosol products. Australia was divided into three sub-regions (western highlands, central plains, and eastern ranges). Interannual and seasonal optical property variations in aerosol layers in the three sub-regions were analyzed and compared. Results showed that annual mean values of AOD(L) (lowest aerosol layer AOD) and AOD(T) (total AOD of all aerosol layers) were always higher in the eastern ranges region than the other two regions from 2007 to 2019. The reason could be that Australian population was predominantly located in the eastern ranges region, where more human activities could bring significant aerosol loadings. B-L (base height of the lowest aerosol layer), H-L (top height of the lowest aerosol layer), and H-H (top height of the highest aerosol layer) all showed trends of western highlands > eastern mountains > central plains, indicating that the higher the elevation, the higher the B-L, H-L, and H-H. T-L (thickness of the lowest aerosol layer) was higher during the day than at night, which might account for increased diurnal atmospheric convection and nocturnal aerosol deposition. DRL (depolarization ratio of the lowest aerosol layer) was higher in the western highlands and central plains than the eastern mountains, probably because these two regions have large deserts with more irregularly shaped dust aerosols. CRL (color ratio of the lowest aerosol layer) had slightly higher values in the eastern ranges than the other two regions, probably due to the wet climate of the eastern ranges, where aerosols were more hygroscopic and had larger particle sizes. This study can provide technical support for the control and management of regional air pollutants.

期刊论文 2023-07-01 DOI: 10.3390/atmos14071145

Aerosol direct radiative forcing is strongly dependent on aerosol distributions and aerosol types. A detailed understanding of such information is still missing at the Alpine region, which currently undergoes amplified climate warming. Our goal was to study the vertical variability of aerosol types within and above the Vipava valley (45.87 degrees N, 13.90 degrees E, 125 m a.s.1.) to reveal the vertical impact of each particular aerosol type on this region, a representative complex terrain in the Alpine region which often suffers from air pollution in the wintertime. This investigation was performed using the entire dataset of a dual-wavelength polarization Raman lidar system, which covers 33 nights from September to December 2017. The lidar provides measurements from midnight to early morning (typically from 00:00 to 06:00 CET) to provide aerosol-type dependent properties, which include particle linear depolarization ratio, lidar ratio at 355 nm and the aerosol backscatter Angstrom exponent between 355 nm and 1064 nm. These aerosol properties were compared with similar studies, and the aerosol types were identified by the measured aerosol optical properties. Primary anthropogenic aerosols within the valley are mainly emitted from two sources: individual domestic heating systems, which mostly use biomass fuel, and traffic emissions. Natural aerosols, such as mineral dust and sea salt, are mostly transported over large distances. A mixture of two or more aerosol types was generally found. The aerosol characterization and statistical properties of vertical aerosol distributions were performed up to 3 km.

期刊论文 2022-07-01 DOI: 10.3390/rs14143482

Soil microorganisms are crucial contributors to the function of permafrost ecosystems, as well as the regulation of biogeochemical cycles. However, little is known about the distribution patterns and drivers of high-latitude permafrost microbial communities subject to climate change and human activities. In this study, the vertical distribution patterns of soil bacterial communities in the Greater Khingan Mountain permafrost region were systematically analyzed via Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing. Bacterial diversity in the active layer was significantly higher than in the permafrost layer. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated that the bacterial community structure in the active layer and the permafrost layer was completely separated. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) detected statistically significant differentiation across the different depths. The relative abundance of the dominant phyla Chloroflexi (17.92%-52.79%) and Actinobacteria (6.34%-34.52%) was significantly higher in the permafrost layer than in the active layer, whereas that of Acidobacteria (4.98%-38.82%) exhibited the opposite trend, and the abundance of Proteobacteria (2.49%-22.51%) generally decreased with depth. More importantly, the abundance of bacteria linked to human infectious diseases was significantly higher in the permafrost layer according to Tax4Fun prediction analysis. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N), total organic carbon (TOC), and total phosphorus (TP) were major factors affecting the bacterial community composition. Collectively, our findings provide insights into the soil bacterial vertical distribution patterns and major environmental drivers in high-latitude permafrost regions, which is key to grasping the response of cold region ecosystem processes to global climate changes.

期刊论文 2022-07-01 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9106 ISSN: 2045-7758

Aerosol microphysical properties, scattering and absorption characteristics, and in particular, the vertical distributions of these parameters over the eastern Loess Plateau, were analyzed based on aircraft measurements made in 2020 during a summertime aircraft campaign in Shanxi, China. Data from six flights were analyzed. Statistical characteristics and vertical distributions of aerosol concentration, particle size, optical properties, including aerosol scattering coefficient (Sigma sp), backscattering ratio (beta sc), Angstro spacing diaeresis m exponent (alpha), single-scattering albedo (SSA), partially-integrated aerosol optical depth (PAOD), and black carbon concentration (BCc), were obtained and discussed. Mean values of aerosol particle number concentration (Na), particle volume concentration (Va), mass concentration (Ma), surface concentration (Sa), and particle effective diameter (EDa) were 854.92 cm-3, 13.37 mu m3 cm- 3, 20.06 mu g/m3, 170.08 mu m3 cm- 3, and 0.47 mu m, respectively. Mean values of BCc, Sigma sp (450, 525, 635 nm), beta sp (525 nm), alpha(635/450), and SSA were 1791.66 ng m- 3, 82.37 Mm- 1 at 450 nm, 102.57 Mm- 1 at 525 nm, 126.60 Mm-1 at 635 nm, 0.23, 1.47, and 0.92, respectively. Compared with values obtained in 2013, Na decreased by 60% and Ma decreased by 45%, but the scattering coefficients increased in different degrees. In the vertical direction, aerosol concentrations were higher at lower altitudes, decreasing with height. Vertical profiles of Sigma sp, beta sp, alpha(635/450), and BCc measured during the six flights were examined. Two peaks in Na were identified near the top of the boundary layer and between 2000 and 2200 m. Fine particles with EDa smaller than 0.8 mu m are dominant in the boundary layer and coarse aerosols existed aloft. Aerosol scattering properties and BCc in the lowest layer of the atmosphere contributed the most to the total aerosol radiative forcing. SSA values were greater than 0.9 below 2500 m, with lower values at higher levels of the atmosphere. On lightly foggy days, SSA values were greater than 0.9, and aerosols played a cooling role in the atmosphere. On hazy days, lowerlevel SSA values were generally greater than 0.85, with aerosols likely having a warming effect on the atmosphere. 48-hour backward trajectories of air masses during the observation days showed that the majority of aerosol particles in the lower atmosphere originated from local or regional pollution emissions, contributing the most to the total aerosol loading and leading to high values of aerosol concentration and radiative forcing.

期刊论文 2022-02-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118888 ISSN: 1352-2310

The vertical distributions of BC mass concentration (m(BC)) during a winter pollution period in 2017 over Chengdu, a megacity in the Sichuan Basin, China, were measured by a micro-aethalometer equipped on a tethered balloon. This observation experienced severe air pollution with an averaged ground BC of 11.1 mu g.m(-3), which is higher than two times the annual mean in Chengdu for 2018. The available 68 BC vertical profiles are grouped in to five types: Type A (18%) is the uniform vertical distribution of BC with an unrecognizable mixing layer (ML) height; BC in Type B (26%) is also uniformly distributed in the ML while decreases rapidly above the ML; Type C (7%) is a unimodal distribution with BC peak within the ML when the suspended temperature inversion forms; BC in Type D (29%) is accumulated in the near-ground layer and quickly decreases with height; Type E (20%) is the bimodal or trimodal distribution with BC peaks around the top of ML. Types A and B dominate from noon to afternoon, and Types C-E play critical roles during the evening and night. The different vertical patterns of BC are mainly associated with the evolution of the ML and the local emissions. For all the five types, the calculated radiative forcing of BC (f(BC)) is negative at the surface but positive at the top of profile (TOP), indicating the net absorption of radiation by the atmosphere due to BC. The absolute values of f(BC) at the surface and the TOP are increased with the increase of columnar BC loading, and there is no significant difference in f(BC) at the TOP and the surface among different patterns when the same BC loading is considered. However, the vertical distribution of atmospheric heating rate contributed by BC (h(BC)) is highly related to BC's vertical profile. The uniform distributed BC can result in a positive gradient of h(BC) with altitude, and thus, enhance the stability of the atmosphere. The plateau terrain induced small-scale secondary circulation and relatively lower thermal inversion in the west of the Sichuan basin have an essential effect on the vertical distribution of aerosols and can contribute to an accumulation of aerosols at 0.8-1.4 km above ground level. This study would hopefully have a preliminary understanding of the vertical distribution of BC in the Sichuan Basin, and a vital implication for accurately estimating direct radiative forcing by BC in this region.

期刊论文 2022-01-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105896 ISSN: 0169-8095

The lack of light-absorbing aerosols vertical distributions data largely limited to revealing the formation mechanism of severe haze pollution in Chinese cities. Based on the synchronous measurements of size-resolved carbonaceous aerosols and meteorological data at near surface level and hilltop (about 620 m above the valley) in Lanzhou of northwest China, this study compared organic and elemental carbon (OC, EC) size distributions at the two altitudes and revealed the key influencing factors in a typical urban valley, China. The winter OC size distributions were typically bimodal with two comparable peaks in the accumulation and coarse modes, while those in summer were unimodal with the highest value in the size bin of 4.7-5.8 mu m. The size-resolved OC and EC at near the surface were significantly higher than those at the hilltop. The difference (concentrations and size distributions) of OC and EC between the surface and hilltop in summer was much smaller than that in winter due to stronger vertical mixing and larger summer SOC contributions at the hilltop. The winds paralleling with running urban valley were conducive to dispersing the air pollutants from near the surface to the upper air. The roles of horizontal and vertical dispersions to carbonaceous aerosols were comparable at near the surface, while horizontal dispersion was more important at the hilltop. Furthermore, the vertical dispersion was a main factor controlling size-resolved carbonaceous aerosols under highly polluted conditions in a typical urban valley. This study will provide the basis for regulation of severe haze pollution over complex terrain.

期刊论文 2020-09-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2019.09.022 ISSN: 1309-1042

This study investigates the impacts of black carbon (BC) properties (vertical concentration, shape, size, and mixing state) and atmospheric variables (cloud and aerosol loading, surface albedo, and solar zenith angle) on BC radiative effects. Observations from aircraft measurements, lidar, and the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) are used to constrain BC and aerosol properties. The library for radiative transfer (Libradtran) model is used to calculate BC radiative forcing (RF). BC optical properties are obtained from numerical modeling with aggregate or spherical structures and different size distributions. By modifying the optical properties, different BC geometries and size distributions result in uncertainties in RF and heating rate less than 30%, while the uncertainty in heating rate due to different BC mixing states is as large as similar to 80%. The vertical distribution of BC concentrations explains less than 10% of the relative differences in RF and heating rate in the atmosphere, but can induce different heating rate vertical profiles, thus different planetary boundary layer (PBL) stabilities. Due to the significant influence of cloudy and aerosol conditions on incident solar radiation, atmospheric conditions play an important role in determining the BC heating rate. Meanwhile, the effects of surface albedo and solar zenith angle on the BC heating rate are most significantly near the surface. Taking the above factors into account, we introduce an empirical approximation of the BC heating rate to estimate its influence on the atmosphere. With the simple formula, the BC heating rate for a particular atmospheric layer can be approximated when the vertical condition is known, and this can be further applied to determine whether BC promotes or suppresses PBL development. Considering the importance of the BC vertical concentration in its heating rate, we suggest that light-absorbing aerosols and their vertical distributions must be better measured and modeled to improve the understanding of their radiative effects and interaction with PBL.

期刊论文 2020-08-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104891 ISSN: 0169-8095

Black carbon (BC) is an essential climate forcer in the atmosphere. Large uncertainties remain in BC's radiative forcing estimation by models, partially due to the limited measurements of BC vertical distributions near the surface layer. We conducted time-resolved vertical profiling of BC using a 356-m meteorological tower in Shenzhen, China. Five micro-aethalometers were deployed at different heights (2, 50, 100, 200, and 350 m) to explore the temporal dynamics of BC vertical profile in the highly urbanized areas. During the observation period (December 6-15, 2017), the average equivalent BC (eBC) concentrations were 6.6 +/- 3.6, 5.4 +/- 3.3, 5.9 +/- 2.8, 5.2 +/- 1.8, and 4.9 +/- 1.4 mu g m(-3), from 2 to 350 m, respectively. eBC temporal variations at different heights were well correlated. eBC concentrations generally decreased with height. At all five heights, eBC diurnal variations exhibited a bimodal pattern, with peaks appearing at 09:00-10:00 and 19:00-21:00. The magnitudes of these diurnal peaks decreased with height, and the decrease was more pronounced for the evening peak. eBC episodes were largely initiated by low wind speeds, implying that wind speed played a key role in the observed eBC concentrations. eBC wind-rose analysis suggested that elevated eBC events at different heights originate from different directions, which suggested contributions from local primary emission plumes. Air masses from central China exhibited much higher eBC levels than the other three backward trajectory clusters found herein. The absorption angstrom ngstrom exponent (AAE(375-880)) showed clear diurnal variations at 350 m and increased slightly with height.

期刊论文 2020-05-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00704-020-03168-6 ISSN: 0177-798X

Black carbon (BC) can change the energy budget of the earth system by strongly absorbing solar radiation: both suspended in the atmosphere, incorporated into cloud droplets, or deposited onto high-albedo surfaces. BC's direct radiative forcing is highly dependent on its vertical distribution. However, due to large variabilities and the small number of vertical profile measurements, there is still large uncertainty in this forcing value. Moreover, the vertical profile of BC and its relative elevation to clouds determine BC's lifetime in the atmosphere and its transport and removal processes. Experimental measurements of BC vertical profiles over the Tibetan Plateau are very important: not only for studies of BC effects on regional climate, but also for studies of BC transport from surrounding regions with strong anthropogenic emissions. In November-December 2017, a series of tethered balloon flights was launched at the Southeast Tibet Observation and Research Station for the Alpine Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SETORS, located at 29 degrees 46'N, 94 degrees 44'E, 3300 m a.s.l.). A cylindrical balloon with a diameter of 7.9 m and maximum volume of 1100 m(3) was used. A 7-channel Aethalometer (Model AVIO-33, Magee Scientific (R), USA) was installed in the gondola attached to the balloon, together with several other instruments including a GPS for altitude, and sensors for temperature and relative humidity. The airborne Aethalometer measured BC mass concentration (ng/m(3)) on a on a 1-second timebase at 7 wavelengths ranging from 370 nm to 950 nm. Meanwhile, another Aethalometer (Model AE-33, Magee Scientific (R), USA) was used to monitor BC mass concentration near the surface, at a height of about 10 m above the ground. From the tethered balloon flights, we derived three profiles designated as F1, F3-ASC, and F3-DES. The maximum height for the F1 flight was 500 m a.g.l., namely 3800 m a.s.l.; while the maximum height for the F3 flight was 1950 m a.g.l., namely 5250 m a.s.l. Based on the potential temperature and relative humidity data, the profiles were divided into three layers: the stable boundary layer (SBL), the residual layer (RL), and the free troposphere (FT). The vertical distribution of BC shows a prominent peak within the SBL. The mean BC concentration in SBL (1000 +/- 750 ng/m(3)) was one order of magnitude higher than in RL and FT, which were 140 +/- 50 ng/m(3) and 120 +/- 50 ng/m(3), respectively. The BC concentration measured in the present study in FT over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau is comparable to measurements in Arctic regions, but lower than values in South Asia. Analysis of the wavelength dependence of the data yields an estimate of the biomass burning contribution. This showed a maximum value in SBL of 44%+/- 37%, and was 16%+/- 6% in RL and 14%+/- 5% in FT. Analysis of 24-h isentropic back trajectories showed that BC in SBL and RL was dominated by local sources, while in the FT, BC is mainly influenced by mid- to long-distant transport by the westerlies. In addition, analysis of the variations of BC concentration and biomass burning contribution on a high-resolution time scale showed that BC concentrations and the nature of their sources are largely influenced by air mass origins and transport. To our knowledge, this is the first ever in situ measurement of BC concentration over the Tibetan Plateau in the atmospheric boundary layer and free troposphere up to 5000 m a.s.l.

期刊论文 2019-01-01 DOI: 10.1360/TB-2019-0101 ISSN: 0023-074X
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