In this study, we used satellite observations to identify 10 typical dust-loading events over the Indian Himalayas. Next, the aerosol microphysical and optical properties during these identified dust storms are characterized using cotemporal in situ measurements over Mukteshwar, a representative site in Indian Himalayas. Relative to the background values, the mass of coarse particles (size range between 2.5 and 10 mu m) and the extinction coefficient were found to be enhanced by 400% (from 24 +/- 15 to 98 +/- 40 mu g/m3) and 175% (from 89 +/- 57 Mm-1 to 156 +/- 79 Mm-1), respectively, during these premonsoonal dust-loading events. Moreover, based on the air mass trajectory, these dust storms can be categorized into two categories: (a) mineral dust events (MDEs), which involve long-range transported dust plumes traversing through the lower troposphere to reach the Himalayas and (b) polluted dust events (PDEs), which involve short-range transported dust plumes originating from the arid western regions of the Indian subcontinent and traveling within the heavily polluted boundary layer of the Gangetic plains before reaching the Himalayas. Interestingly, compared to the background, the SSA and AAE decrease during PDEs but increase during MDEs. More importantly, we observe a twofold increase in black carbon concentrations and the aerosol absorption coefficient (relative to the background values) during the PDEs with negligible changes during MDEs. Consequently, the aerosol-induced snow albedo reduction (SAR) also doubles during MDEs and PDEs relative to background conditions. Thus, our findings provide robust observational evidence of substantial dust-induced snow and glacier melting over the Himalayas.
2025-01-28 Web of ScienceAtmospheric particulate matter (PM) as light-absorbing particles (LAPs) deposited to snow cover can result in early onset and rapid snow melting, challenging management of downstream water resources. We identified LAPs in 38 snow samples (water years 2013-2016) from the mountainous Upper Colorado River basin by comparing among laboratory-measured spectral reflectance, chemical, physical, and magnetic properties. Dust sample reflectance, averaged over the wavelength range of 0.35-2.50 mu m, varied by a factor of 1.9 (range, 0.2300-0.4444) and was suppressed mainly by three components: (a) carbonaceous matter measured as total organic carbon (1.6-22.5 wt. %) including inferred black carbon, natural organic matter, and carbon-based synthetic, black road-tire-wear particles, (b) dark rock and mineral particles, indicated by amounts of magnetite (0.11-0.37 wt. %) as their proxy, and (c) ferric oxide minerals identified by reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic properties. Fundamental compositional differences were associated with different iron oxide groups defined by dominant hematite, goethite, or magnetite. These differences in iron oxide mineralogy are attributed to temporally varying source-area contributions implying strong interannual changes in regional source behavior, dust-storm frequency, and (or) transport tracks. Observations of dust-storm activity in the western U.S. and particle-size averages for all samples (median, 25 mu m) indicated that regional dust from deserts dominated mineral-dust masses. Fugitive contaminants, nevertheless, contributed important amounts of LAPs from many types of anthropogenic sources.
2025-01-28 Web of ScienceLight absorbing particles (LAPs) present high absorbance and contribute to reducing the snow albedo when deposited on snow surfaces. This deposition can be caused by aerosols transported from natural or anthropogenic, either distant or nearby sources. In this study, snow was artificially contaminated with soil samples collected in the Central Andes (near El Yeso dam) to simulate the most common nearby source of Mineral Dust (MD) deposition onto snow surface. Andean soil samples previously conditioned were characterized through Single Particle Optical Sizing (SPOS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the determination of optical properties. Spectral snow albedo was measured in situ with a spectroradiometric system. To evaluate the heterogeneity of the particle distribution over the snow surface, aerial photographs were taken with a drone to apply a visual color segmentation of the surface and to determine the equivalent MD concentration. Experimental snow albedo was compared with theoretical values obtained with the OptiPar radiative transfer model. Inputs for the model were: the MD refractive index (calculated from the mineralogical composition and morphology of MD) and particle size, cloudiness, snow density, surface roughness, snow grain size, and LAPs concentration (obtained from the snow samples collected during the experiments and analyzed in the laboratory). Small black carbon concentrations were found in natural snow and considered in the simulations. Spectral albedo measurements showed high albedo reductions in the UV and VIS range (300-800 nm), being less significant in the NIR range (800-1700 nm). A nonlinear behavior was observed in broadband albedo when increasing MD concentration. For lower values of MD concentration (lower than 1500 mg center dot kg (-1) ), a significant albedo reduction rate of 0.1 units per 1000 mg center dot kg (-1) was found, while at higher concentrations (> 3500 mg center dot kg (-1) ), such reduction tends to the minimum. Simulated values with OptiPar are in agreement with measured albedo, but some differences are observed, probably due to the refractive index considered, the snow surface roughness, and the non-uniform MD concentration in snow.
2024-09-15 Web of ScienceSources and implications of black carbon (BC) and mineral dust (MD) on two glaciers on the central Tibetan Plateau were estimated based on in situ measurements and modeling. The results indicated that BC and MD accounted for 11 +/- 1% and 4 +/- 0% of the albedo reduction relative to clean snow, while the radiative forcing varied between 11 and 196 and 1-89 W m(-2), respectively. Assessment of BC and MD contributions to the glacier melt can reach up 88 to 434 and 35 to 187 mm w.e., respectively, contributing 9-23 and 4-10% of the total glacier melt. A footprint analysis indicated that BC and MD deposited on the glaciers originated mainly from the Middle East, Central Asia, North China and South Asia during the study period. Moreover, a potentially large fraction of BC may have originated from local and regional fossil fuel combustion. This study suggests that BC and MD will enhance glacier melt and provides a scientific basis for regional mitigation efforts.
2024-09Through a comprehensive investigation into the historical profiles of black carbon derived from ice cores, the spatial distributions of light-absorbing impurities in snowpit samples, and carbon isotopic compositions of black carbon in snowpit samples of the Third Pole, we have identified that due to barriers of the Himalayas and remove of wet deposition, local sources rather than those from seriously the polluted South Asia are main contributors of light-absorbing impurities in the inner part of the Third Pole. Therefore, reducing emissions from residents of the Third Pole themselves is a more effective way of protecting the glaciers of the inner Third Pole in terms of reducing concentrations of light-absorbing particles in the atmosphere and on glaciers.
2024-08-01It is increasingly recognized that light-absorbing impurities (LAI) deposited on snow and ice affect their albedo and facilitate melting processes leading to various feedback loops, such as the ice albedo feedback mechanism. Black carbon (BC) is often considered the most important LAI, but some areas can be more impacted by high dust emissions. Iceland is one of the most important high latitude sources for the Arctic due to high emissions and the volcanic nature of the dust. We studied optical properties of volcanic dust from Iceland and Chile to understand how it interacts with the Sun's radiation and affects areas of deposition as LAI. Optical properties of dust samples were measured at the laboratory of the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) using the latest setup of the FGI's goniospectrometer. We found that, depending on the particle size, the albedo of dry volcanic dust on the visible spectrum is as low as 0.03, similar to that of BC, and the albedo decreases with increasing particle size. Wet dust reduces its albedo by 66% compared to dry sample. This supports the comparability of their albedo reducing effects to BC as LAIs, and highlights their significant role in albedo reduction of snow and ice areas. The potential use of the results from our measurements is diverse, including their use as a ground truth reference for Earth Observation and remote sensing studies, estimating climate change over time, as well as measuring other ecological effects caused by changes in atmospheric composition or land cover.
2024-07-26 Web of ScienceAerosol optical properties, including absorption and scattering coefficients (B-abs, and B-scat), extinction coefficient (B-ext), single scattering albedo (SSA), and so forth, are critical metrics to estimate the radiative balance of the atmosphere. However, their ground measurements are sparsely distributed in the world, where Central Asia is void in these measurements. We had been performing the measurements of AOPs and BC with a photoacoustic extinctiometer (PAX) in Jimunai, a border town of China neighboring Kazakhstan, Central Asia, from Aug 2016 to Apr 2019. This three-year study first reported statistically significant trends of B-abs, B-scat, B-ext, SSA, and derived concentrations of BC (Mann-Kendall trend test, p-value 0.05) in the Central-Asian area. B-abs and B-scat show increasing trends and SSA was decreasing determined by the greater increasing pace of B-abs than B-scat. Seasonal and diurnal variations of the AOPs were associated with climate shift and residents' commute activity, respectively. The difference in the magnitudes and trends of AOPs between the measurements and satellites' observations advise that more care should be invested when choosing remote-sensing data to represent the AOPs at a specific site. The increasing trend of derived BC concentrations is reflected in the deposition record of BC in a snowpit of the nearby Muz Taw glacier. We suppose that the dramatically increasing BC particles emitted from Jimunai are significant factors triggering the melting of the adjacent mountain glaciers. The outflow of dust from the neighboring Gurbantiinggiit Desert could occasionally invade into Jimunai and deteriorate the local air quality, as evidenced by a probable dust event captured by the PAX on Feb 15, 2018. Finally, we outlook the future perspectives of measurements in Jimunai as a long-standing station.
2024-06Understanding the origins of Tibetan Plateau (TP) glacier dust is vital for glacier dynamics and regional climate understanding. In May 2016, snow pit samples were collected from glaciers on the TP: Qiyi (QY) in the north, Yuzhufeng (YZF) in the center, and Xiaodongkemadi (XDK) in the south. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and near-surface PM10 concentrations were extracted from a dataset of Chinese near-surface PM10. Two tracing approaches were used: direct REE tracing and an indirect approach combining potential source contribution function (PSCF) and concentration-weighted trajectory (CWT). Both methods yielded consistent results. Pre-monsoon, TP surface soils, Taklimakan Desert, and Qaidam Basin contributed to glacier dust. Notably, central and southern glaciers showed Thar Desert influence, unlike the northern ones. Taklimakan and Thar Deserts were major contributors due to their substantial contribution and high dust concentration. Taklimakan dust, influenced by terrain and westerly winds, affected central and southern glaciers more than northern ones. Westerlies carried Thar Desert dust to the TP after it was uplifted by updrafts in northwest India, significantly affecting southern glaciers. Furthermore, comparing the two tracer methods, the indirect approach combining PSCF and CWT proved more effective for short-term dust source tracing.
2024-05The optical properties of snow can be strongly modified by the presence of a variety of impurities including mineral dust and snow algae. We made use of measured concentration of snow algae and mineral dust to parameterize the BioSNICAR radiative transfer model. Surficial snow samples were gathered during a field campaign on 7th July 2020 at the Presena glacier (Rhaetian Alps). We collected 18 samples of surface snow containing different amount of snow algae and mineral dust. Through radiative transfer simulations we estimated an average broadband albedo reduction of 7.4 +/- 6.1 % and 35.3 +/- 7.4 % compared to clean snow, caused by snow algae and mineral dust presence, respectively. When we considered the combined effect of snow algae and dust, we estimated a broadband albedo reduction equal to 40.8 +/- 8.4 %. We estimated an average instantaneous radiative forcing induced by snow algae, mineral dust and both impurities equals to 42.3 (+/- 36.1) W/m(2), 203.7 (+/- 45.5) W/m(2), and 211.8 (+/- 45.9) W/m(2), respectively. Using BioSNICAR simulations, we also tested a series of narrowband spectral indices to determine the concentration of mineral dust and snow algae from multi- and hyper -spectral data. Results showed that most spectral indices used for snow algae mapping are correlated also with mineral dust concentration. We found that only an index correlates uniquely with snow algae: the scaled band integral at 680 nm. A new spectral index, namely the Green Blue Normalized Index, is therefore proposed to discriminate mineral dust from snow algae when both impurities are present. The high spectral resolution of current (e.g. PRISMA, EnMAP) and future (e.g. CHIME, SBG) hyperspectral satellite missions will be fundamental to decouple the effect of mineral dust and snow algae on the optical properties of snow. In fact, from those data it is possible to calculate all narrowband indices presented in this study.
2024-04-01 Web of ScienceAbsorbing aerosols and their impact on the Indian monsoon system is highly complex and demands more scientific understanding. Our study using a chemistry-coupled regional climate model (RegCM 4.5) with idealized experiments observed that natural and anthropogenic absorbing aerosols (i.e., dust and carbonaceous aerosols) reduce monsoon precipitation in a seasonal time scale. More than 1 mm day(-1) decline in mean summertime rainfall was observed over parts of the central Indian region and Indo-Gangetic plane for dust aerosol. A substantial reduction in the land-sea pressure gradient and lower tropospheric moisture distribution were found to control the observed modulation in rainfall. Near-surface wind circulation responded distinctly to natural (dust) and anthropogenic (carbonaceous) aerosols. The dust forcing weakened the monsoon trough by creating an anomalous anticyclonic circulation. The Northern Arabian Sea acted as a moisture source for the carbonaceous aerosol forcing. Intraseasonal rainfall over central India appeared to have a sharp reduction for dust forcing during early June, with a moderate increase for carbonaceous aerosols. Such quantification is essential for understanding the impact of aerosol forcing on regional climate change and the water cycle and has implications for emissions management and mitigation policies.
2024-02-01 Web of Science