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Background:A shallow active layer of soil above the permafrost thaws during the summer months which promotes microbial growth and releases previously confined pathogens which result in bacterial epidemics in circumpolar regions. Furthermore, these permafrost sources harbor several antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) which may disseminate and pose a challenge for pharmacologists worldwide.Aims:The authors examined the potential association between climate change-induced permafrost thawing, and the resulting release of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, as well as the potential impact this can have on global healthcare systems in the long run.Methodology:A cursory abstract screening was done to rule out any articles that did not have to do with viral pathogens caused by melting permafrost. Articles that were not available in English or that our institutions library did not have full-text access were weeded out by a secondary screen.Results:A comprehensive analysis of 13 relevant studies successfully revealed a wide variety of bacterial genera, including Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., and Achromobacter spp., along with a total of 1043 antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), with most pertaining to aminoglycosides and beta-lactams, offering resistance via diverse mechanisms such as efflux pumps and enzymatic modifications, within the permafrost isolates. Additionally, mobile genetic elements (MGEs) housing antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factor genes (VFGs), including plasmids and transposons, were also discovered.Conclusion:Permafrost thawing is an underrated healthcare challenge warranting the need for further articles to highlight it alongside concerted efforts for effective mitigation.

期刊论文 2024-12-01 DOI: 10.1097/MS9.0000000000002650 ISSN: 2049-0801

Mount Everest provides natural advantages to finding radiation-resistant extremophiles that are functionally mechanistic and possess commercial significance. (1) Background: Two bacterial strains, designated S5-59T and S8-45T, were isolated from moraine samples collected from the north slope of Mount Everest at altitudes of 5700m and 5100m above sea level. (2) Methods: The present study investigated the polyphasic features and genomic characteristics of S5-59(T) and S8-45(T). (3) Results: The major fatty acids and the predominant respiratory menaquinone of S5-59(T) and S8-45(T) were summed as feature 3 (comprising C16:1 omega 6c and/or C16:1 omega 7c) and ubiquinone-10 (Q-10). Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA sequences and average nucleotide identity values among these two strains and their reference type strains were below the species demarcation thresholds of 98.65% and 95%. Strains S5-59(T) and S8-45(T) harbored great radiation resistance. The genomic analyses showed that DNA damage repair genes, such as mutL, mutS, radA, radC, recF, recN, etc., were present in the S5-59(T) and S8-45(T) strains. Additionally, strain S5-59(T) possessed more genes related to DNA protection proteins. The pan-genome analysis and horizontal gene transfers revealed that strains of Sphingomonas had a consistently homologous genetic evolutionary radiation resistance. Moreover, enzymatic antioxidative proteins also served critical roles in converting ROS into harmless molecules that resulted in resistance to radiation. Further, pigments and carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and alkylresorcinols of the non-enzymatic antioxidative system were also predicted to protect them from radiation. (4) Conclusions: Type strains S5-59(T) (=JCM 35564T =GDMCC 1.3193T) and S8-45(T) (=JCM 34749T =GDMCC 1.2715T) represent two novel species of the genus Sphingomonas with the proposed name Sphingomonas qomolangmaensis sp. nov. and Sphingomonas glaciei sp. nov. The type strains, S5-59(T) and S8-45(T), were assessed in a deeply genomic study of their radiation-resistant mechanisms and this thus resulted in a further understanding of their greater potential application for the development of anti-radiation protective drugs.

期刊论文 2022-07-05 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10102037

Antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factor genes (VFGs) constitute a serious threat to public health, and climate change has been predicted to affect the increase in bacterial pathogens harboring ARGs and VFGs. However, studies on bacterial pathogens and their ARGs and VFGs in permafrost region have received limited attention. In this study, a metagenomic approach was applied to a comprehensive survey to detect potential ARGs, VFGs, and pathogenic antibiotic resistant bacteria (PARB) carrying both ARGs and VFGs in the active layer and permafrost. Overall, 70 unique ARGs against 18 antimicrobial drug classes and 599 VFGs classified as 38 virulence factors were detected in the Arctic permafrost region. Eight genes with mobile genetic elements (MGEs) carrying ARGs were identified; most MGEs were classified as phages. In the metagenomeassembled genomes, the presence of 15 PARB was confirmed. The soil profile showed that the transcripts per million (TPM) values of ARGs and VFGs in the sub-soil horizon were significantly lower than those in the top soil horizon. Based on the TPM value of each gene, major ARGs, VFGs, and these genes in PARB from the Arctic permafrost region were identified and their distribution was confirmed. The major host bacteria for ARGs and VFGs and PARB were identified. A comparison of the percentage identity distribution of ARGs and VFGs to reference databases indicated that ARGs and VFGs in the Arctic soils differ from previously identified genes. Our results may help understand the characteristics and distribution of ARGs, VFGs, and these genes in PARB in the Arctic permafrost region. This findings suggest that the Arctic permafrost region may serve as potential reservoirs for ARGs, VFGs, and PARB. These genes could pose a new threat to human health if they are released by permafrost thawing owing to global warming and propagate to other regions.

期刊论文 2022-02-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118634 ISSN: 0269-7491

The world is concerned about the emergence of pathogens and the occurrence and spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogens. Drug development requires time to combat these issues. Consequently, drug development from natural sources is unavoidable. Cryosphere represents a gigantic source of microbes that could be the bioprospecting source of natural products with unique scaffolds as molecules or drug templates. This review focuses on the novel source of drug discovery and cryospheric environments as a potential source for microbial metabolites having potential medicinal applications. Furthermore, the problems encountered in discovering metabolites from cold-adapted microbes and their resolutions are discussed. By adopting modern practical approaches, the discovery of bioactive compounds might fulfill the demand for new drug development.

期刊论文 2022-01-13 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00203-024-03899-4 ISSN: 0302-8933

At present, the improvement of the horizontal bearing capacity of the piles by pre-consolidation of the soft soil foundation has been well recognized by practising engineers. However, how to estimate the increment of horizontal bearing capacity of piles during the pre-engineering process is still difficult. In this article, a practical calculation method for estimating the increment of horizontal bearing capacity of piles is established based on the Bowles[1] method and by considering the impact of pre-drainage and pre-consolidation treatment of the layered soft soil foundation. This method provides an effective way to calculate the shear strength index and pre-consolidation treatment time based on the shear strength of undisturbed soft soil by laboratory test. Meanwhile, the elastoplastic solution of the horizontally loaded pile and the calculation formula of the plastic zone depth of layered soft soil foundation are analytically derived, based on the influence of elastoplastic yielding of soils surrounding the pile. In addition, the source code for computing the horizontal displacement of the pile top and the maximum bending moment of the pile body are given. Finally, the horizontal displacement, bearing capacity and the maximum bending moment of piles in the sluice pile foundation engineering case in Zhejiang Province are calculated according to the proposed method. The results of the field tests before and after the pre-consolidation treatments are compared. It is found that the estimated results are close to the test results, which may provide a good reference for similar engineering designs.

期刊论文 2021-06-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16285/j.rsm.2020.0797 ISSN: 1000-7598

Drought-related forest growth declines are observed globally in main forest types, especially with repeatedly hot droughts. Therefore, quantifying forest resilience and identifying the factors driving resilience in response to extreme drought with the consideration of atmospheric CO2 fertilization is crucial for the accurate assessment of forest dynamics under current climate change, particularly for the widespread and climate-sensitive spruce forests in the arid Tianshan Mountains, China. Here, we explored the growth response of Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana) to six extreme drought events since 1900, and investigated how tree resilience in pure stands is related to local drought intensity, cambial age (CA), and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE). Specifically, we found that spruce trees had a mean resistance (Rt) value of less than 1, with iWUE contributing less to Rt variation. The results are in agreement with the drought-induced limitations on tree growth in response to increasing CO2, in spite of rising iWUE trends. However, increased iWUE has significant and positive impacts on the recovery (17%) and resilience (15%) of trees, suggesting that increased iWUE enhances the restoration of Schrenk spruce growth after extreme drought events. The growth resilience indices of Schrenk spruce showed that juvenile and adult trees exhibit different strategies to mitigate the drought influences. This study indicated that tree age, climate conditions, and variation in iWUE should be considered simultaneously in drought resilience evaluations to assess forest dynamics objectively in relation to climate change (i.e., drought) and propose appropriate forest management strategies.

期刊论文 2020-11-02 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11738-020-03158-1 ISSN: 0137-5881

Canopy resistance (rc) is a critical parameter for estimating vegetation transpiration. The site-specific rc can be calculated using the inversed Penman-Monteith (PM) equation with the effective leaf area index (LAI), which requires meteorological and turbulent flux data. The spatial distribution of rc is difficult to characterize due to the harsh environment of the Tibetan Plateau. The Jarvis-type model for modeling rc, described as a multiplicative function of environmental variables, has been widely used. However, the differences and optimization of different Jarvis-type models for alpine meadows have not been fully addressed. Consequently, our overall objective was to determine the appropriate functions for rc estimation and improve its accuracy for the alpine meadow ecosystem. Twelve Jarvis-type models composed of different stress functions were examined and compared with the observed rc calculated using PM equation at the Arou site in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The results suggest that the proper air temperature function and vapor pressure deficit function could improve model performance obviously. There was no obvious difference between the two different stress functions of downward shortwave radiation. The best model (M10), which was composed of an asymptotical function of downward shortwave radiation, a linear function of air temperature, an exponential function of vapor pressure deficit and a piecewise function of soil water content, had best performance with coefficient of determination of 0.93, root mean square error of 60.2 s m-1 and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of 0.92. The selection of proper stress functions is important for rc modeling. Models that considered the air temperature for rc calculations produced better results than those without temperature. The sensitivity analysis of rc to environmental variables indicated that rc was most sensitive to vapor pressure deficit, followed by LAI and downward shortwave radiation, whereas rc was less sensitive to soil water content. For all optimized parameters, rc was the most sensitive to kT (a fitting parameter for temperature), followed by kD (a fitting parameter for vapor pressure deficit) and rcmin (minimum rc under the optimal physiological condition). This study addresses the selection of proper stress functions in modeling rc for the alpine meadow site, which can also provide a reference for other ecosystems.

期刊论文 2020-04-28 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128007 ISSN: 0022-1694

Strong climate warming is predicted at higher latitudes this century, with potentially major consequences for productivity and carbon sequestration. Although northern peatlands contain one-third of the world's soil organic carbon, little is known about the long-term responses to experimental climate change of vascular plant communities in these Sphagnum-dominated ecosystems. We aimed to see how long-term experimental climate manipulations, relevant to different predicted future climate scenarios, affect total vascular plant abundance and species composition when the community is dominated by mosses. During 8 years, we investigated how the vascular plant community of a Sphagnum fuscum-dominated subarctic peat bog responded to six experimental climate regimes, including factorial combinations of summer as well as spring warming and a thicker snow cover. Vascular plant species composition in our peat bog was more stable than is typically observed in (sub)arctic experiments: neither changes in total vascular plant abundance, nor in individual species abundances, Shannon's diversity or evenness were found in response to the climate manipulations. For three key species (Empetrum hermaphroditum, Betula nana and S. fuscum) we also measured whether the treatments had a sustained effect on plant length growth responses and how these responses interacted. Contrasting with the stability at the community level, both key shrubs and the peatmoss showed sustained positive growth responses at the plant level to the climate treatments. However, a higher percentage of moss-encroached E. hermaphroditum shoots and a lack of change in B. nana net shrub height indicated encroachment by S. fuscum, resulting in long-term stability of the vascular community composition: in a warmer world, vascular species of subarctic peat bogs appear to just keep pace with growing Sphagnum in their race for space. Our findings contribute to general ecological theory by demonstrating that community resistance to environmental changes does not necessarily mean inertia in vegetation response.

期刊论文 2011-06-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02377.x ISSN: 1354-1013
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